Commission Delegated Regulation (EU) 2017/79Show full title

Commission Delegated Regulation (EU) 2017/79 of 12 September 2016 establishing detailed technical requirements and test procedures for the EC type-approval of motor vehicles with respect to their 112-based eCall in-vehicles systems, of 112-based eCall in-vehicle separate technical units and components and supplementing and amending Regulation (EU) 2015/758 of the European Parliament and of the Council with regard to the exemptions and applicable standards (Text with EEA relevance)

2.1.Test conditionsU.K.

2.1.1.The test object is the eCall, which includes a GNSS receiver and a GNSS antenna, specifying navigation characteristics and features of the tested system.U.K.
2.1.2.The number of the eCall test samples shall be at least 3 pieces and can be tested in parallel.U.K.
2.1.3.The eCall is provided for the test with the installed SIM-card, operation manual and the software (provided on electronic media).U.K.
2.1.4.The attached documents shall contain the following data:U.K.
  • device serial number;

  • hardware version;

  • software version;

  • device provider identification number;

  • relevant technical documentation to perform the tests.

2.1.5.Tests are carried out in normal climatic conditions in accordance with standard ISO 16750-1:2006:U.K.
  • air temperature 23 (± 5) °C;

  • relative air humidity of 25 % to 75 %.

2.1.6.Tests of the eCall in respect of its GNSS receiver shall be performed with the test and auxiliary equipment specified in Table 1.U.K.
Table 1

Recommended list of measurement instruments, test and auxiliary equipment

Note: it is allowed to apply other similar types of equipment providing determination of characteristics with the required accuracy.

Equipment nameRequired technical characteristics of test equipment
Scale rangeScale accuracy
Global navigation satellite system simulator of Galileo and GPS signalsNumber of simulated signals: at least 12

Mean square deviation of random accuracy component of pseudo-range to Galileo and GPS satellites not more than:

  • stadiometric code phase: 0,1 metres;

  • communication carrier phase: 0,001 metres;

  • pseudovelocity: 0,005 metres/second.

Digital stopwatchMaximum count volume: 9 hours 59 minutes 59,99 seconds

Daily variation at 25 (± 5) °С not more than 1,0 seconds.

Time discreteness 0,01 seconds.

Vector network analyser

Frequency range: 300 kHz .. 4 000 kHz

Dynamic range:

(minus 85 .. 40) dB

Accuracy F = ± 1·10– 6 kHz

Accuracy D = (0,1 .. 0,5) dB

Low-noise amplifier

Frequency range: 1 200 .. 1 700 MHz

Noise coefficient: not more 2,0 dB

Amplifier gain coefficient: 24 dB

Attenuator 1Dynamic range: (0 .. 11) dBAccuracy ± 0,5 dB
Attenuator 2Dynamic range: (0 .. 110) dBAccuracy ± 0,5 dB
Power sourceRange of direct current voltage setting: from 0,1 to 30 voltsAccuracy V = ± 3 %
Current intensity of output voltage: at least 3 amperesAccuracy A = ± 1 %
2.1.7.Unless otherwise specified, GNSS signal simulation shall follow ‘Open sky’ pattern as shown in Figure 1.U.K.

Figure 1

Open sky definition

ZoneElevation range (degrees)Azimuth range (degrees)
A0 – 50 – 360
BackgroundArea out of Zone A
2.1.8.Open Sky plot — Attenuation:U.K.
0 dB
A– 100 dB or signal is switched off