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The achievement of the objectives referred to in Article 4 and Article 5(1) shall be measured on the basis of the following indicators:


the number and type of national authorities, administration services and other public entities such as national ministries or regulatory authorities, by beneficiary Member State to which support under the Programme was provided;


the number and type of support providers such as government bodies, public law bodies and bodies governed by private law with a public service mission, international organisations, by specific objective, policy area and beneficiary Member State;


the number and type of eligible actions under Article 6 performed, such as the provision of experts, training actions or seminars, etc., split by:


country-specific recommendations or relevant actions related to the implementation of Union law, economic adjustment programmes and the Member State's own-initiative reforms;


specific objective, policy area and beneficiary Member State;


support providers such as government bodies, public law bodies and bodies governed by private law with a public service mission, or international organisations;


support recipients from the beneficiary Member State, such as national authorities;


the number and type of policy and legal arrangements, such as political memoranda of understanding or letters of intent, agreements, contracts, entered into between the Commission, reform partners, as the case may be, and support providers for activities under the Programme by specific objective, policy area and beneficiary Member State;


the number of policy initiatives (e.g. action plans, roadmaps, guidelines, recommendations and legislation recommended) adopted by specific objective, policy area and beneficiary Member State following relevant activities supported by the Programme;


the number of measures implemented by policy area and beneficiary Member State as a result of support actions provided under the Programme split by country-specific recommendation or relevant actions related to the implementation of Union law, economic adjustment programmes and the Member State's own-initiative reforms;


the feedback from national authorities, administration services and other public entities having received support under the Programme as well as, if available, other stakeholders or participants on the results or impact of the actions under the Programme by specific objective, policy area and beneficiary Member State, supported where available by quantitative or empirical data;


the feedback from support providers on the results or impact of the support that they have provided under the Programme in the specific objective and policy area in which they have been active, by beneficiary Member State, supported where available by quantitative or empirical data;


the evolution of the views of relevant stakeholders regarding the contribution of the Programme to the achievement of the reforms by specific objective, policy area, and beneficiary Member State, supported where available, by appropriate quantitative or empirical data; and


the number of objectives in the cooperation and support plan that have been reached, by beneficiary Member State, due, inter alia, to the support received from the Programme.

Those indicators shall be used in accordance with data and information available, including appropriate quantitative or empirical data.

Furthermore, a qualitative analysis shall be undertaken by the Commission to establish the links between the support from the Programme, measured through the information from those indicators, and the institutional, administrative and structural reforms of the beneficiary Member State with a view to enhancing competitiveness, productivity, growth, jobs, cohesion and investment.