ANNEX V Information to be included in the annual report of Member States as referred to in Article 54(b)

All information shall relate to the year being reported on. It shall also include information on expenditure paid after the end of the year being reported on. It shall cover information on checks executed and administrative penalties applied in respect of that year including those executed or applied after that year. As regards the information that varies during the year the annual report should contain an overview of the variations of this information that occurred during the year reported on as well as the situation existing on 31 December of the year reported on.


1.Administrative information


National legislation adopted in order to implement Articles 32 to 38, 152 to 160, 164 and 165 of Regulation (EU) No 1308/2013, including the national strategy for sustainable operational programmes applicable to operational programmes implemented in the year being reported on.


Information on producer organisations and associations of producer organisations and producer groups:

  • code number;

  • name and contact details;

  • date of recognition (preliminary recognition in case of producer groups);

  • all the legal entities or clearly defined parts of legal entities involved and all subsidiaries involved;

  • number of members (broken down between producers and non-producers) as well as changes in membership during the year;

  • area under fruit and vegetable production (total and broken down into main crops), product coverage and description of the final products sold (with the indication of their value and volume according to the main sources), and the main destinations of the products, by value (with details concerning the products marketed for the fresh market, the products sold for processing and the products that were withdrawn from the market);

  • changes in structures during the year, in particular: newly recognised or formed bodies, withdrawals and suspensions of recognitions and mergers with dates of these events.


Information on interbranch organisations:

  • name of the organisation and contact details;

  • date of recognition;

  • product coverage;

  • changes during the year.

2.Information related to expenditures


Producer organisations. Financial data per beneficiary (producer organisation or association of producer organisations):

  • operational fund: total amount, financial assistance from the Union, from the Member State (national assistance), contributions from the producer organisation and the members;

  • description of the level of Union financial assistance under Article 34 of Regulation (EU) No 1308/2013;

  • financial data of the operational programme, broken down between producer organisations and associations of producer organisations;

  • value of marketed production: total and broken down into the different legal entities composing the producer organisation or association of producer organisations;

  • expenditure on the operational programme, broken down by measures and types of action selected as eligible for support;

  • information on the volume of products withdrawn broken down by products and by months and between total volumes withdrawn from the market and volumes disposed of by way of free distribution, expressed in tonnes;

  • list of the approved bodies for the purposes of Article 34(4) of Regulation (EU) No 1308/2013.


For producer groups formed pursuant to Article 125e of Regulation (EC) No 1234/2007. Financial data per beneficiary:

  • total amount, aid from the Union, from the Member State and contributions from the producer group and members;

  • aid from the Member State, showing sub-totals for producer groups in the first, second, third, fourth and fifth years of the transition period;

  • expenditure on investments required to attain recognition under Article 103a(1)(b) of Regulation (EC) No 1234/2007 with breakdown into aid from the Union and the Member State and producer group contribution;

  • value of marketed production, with sub-totals for produce groups in the first, second, third, fourth and fifth years of the transition period.


For producer organisations and producer groups referred to in Article 27 of Regulation (EU) No 1305/2013:

  • value and volume of marketed production and number of members.