

CHAPTER VI Extension of rules

Article 70Notification of extension of rules and economic areas

1.When a Member State notifies rules it has made binding for a given product and economic area pursuant to Article 164(6) of Regulation (EU) No 1308/2013, it shall immediately inform the Commission of:

(a)the economic area in which those rules will apply;

(b)the producer organisation, association of producer organisations or interbranch organisation which requested the extension of the rules and the data showing the compliance with Article 164(3) of Regulation (EU) No 1308/2013;

(c)where the extension of rules is requested by a producer organisation or association of producer organisations, the number of producers who belong to that organisation or association and the total number of producers in the economic area concerned; such information shall be given in respect of the situation at the time when the request for extension is made;

(d)where the extension of rules is requested by a producer organisation or association of producer organisations, the total production of the economic area and the production marketed by that organisation or association during the last year for which figures are available;

(e)the date from which the rules to be extended have applied to the producer organisation, association of producer organisations or interbranch organisation concerned; and

(f)the date from which the extension is to take effect and its duration.

2.Where a Member State has laid down national rules regarding representativeness in case of extension of rules of interbranch organisations pursuant to the second subparagraph of Article 164(3) of Regulation (EU) No 1308/2013, it shall notify those rules to the Commission and their justification together with the notification of the extension of rules itself.

3.Before making the extended rules publicly available, the Commission shall inform Member States of those rules by any means it considers appropriate.