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CHAPTER I U.K. Requirements and recognition

Section 1 U.K. Definitions

Article 2U.K.Definitions

For the purposes of this Title the following definitions shall apply:


‘producer’ means a farmer within the meaning of Article 4(1)(a) of Regulation (EU) No 1307/2013 of the European Parliament and of the Council(1) producing fruit and vegetables as referred to in Article 1(2)(i) of Regulation (EU) No 1308/2013 and such products intended solely for processing;


‘producer member’ means a producer or legal entity constituted by producers that is a member of a producer organisation or association of producer organisations;


‘subsidiary’ means a company in which one or more producer organisations or associations of producer organisations have taken shares or constituted capital and which contributes to the objectives of those organisations or associations;


‘transnational producer organisation’ means any organisation in which at least one of the producers' holdings is located in a Member State other than where the organisation has its head office;


[F1 transnational association of producer organisations means any association of producer organisations in which at least one of the associated organisations or associations is located in a Member State other than where the association has its head office;]


‘measure’ means one of the following:


actions aimed at the planning of production, including investments in physical assets;


actions aimed at improving or maintaining product quality, whether in a fresh or processed form, including investments in physical assets;


actions aimed at boosting the commercial value of products and improving marketing, including investments in physical assets, as well as promotion of the products, whether in a fresh or processed form, and communication activities other than promotion and communication activities falling under point (vi);


research and experimental production actions, including investments in physical assets;


training and exchange of best practices actions, other than training falling under point (vi), and actions aimed at promoting access to advisory services and technical assistance;


any of the crisis prevention and management actions listed in the first subparagraph of Article 33(3) of Regulation (EU) No 1308/2013;


environmental actions as referred to in Article 33(5) of Regulation (EU) No 1308/2013, including investments in physical assets;


other actions, including investments in physical assets, other than those falling under points (i) to (vii) which fulfil one or more of the objectives referred to or set out in Article 33(1) of Regulation (EU) No 1308/2013;


‘action’ means a specific activity or instrument aimed at contributing to one or more of the objectives referred to or set out in Article 33(1) of Regulation (EU) No 1308/2013;


‘investment in physical assets’ means the acquisition of tangible assets aimed at contributing to one or more of the objectives referred to or set out in Article 33(1) of Regulation (EU) No 1308/2013;


‘by-product’ means a product which results from preparation of a fruit or vegetable product which has a positive economic value but is not the main intended product;


‘preparation’ means preparatory activities such as cleaning, cutting, peeling, trimming and drying of fruit and vegetables, without transforming them into processed fruit and vegetables;


‘interbranch basis’ as referred to in Article 34(3)(b) of Regulation (EU) No 1308/2013 means activities pursuing one or more of the objectives listed in Article 157(1)(c) of that Regulation approved by the Member State and managed jointly by a producer organisation or an association of producer organisations and at least one other actor in the food processing or distribution chain;


‘baseline indicator’ means any indicator reflecting a state or trend existing at the start of a programming period which may provide information useful:


in the analysis of the initial situation, in order to establish a national strategy for sustainable operational programmes or an operational programme;


as a reference against which the results and impact of a national strategy or an operational programme may be assessed; or


in interpreting the results and impact of a national strategy or an operational programme;


‘specific costs’ means the additional costs, calculated as the difference between the conventional costs and the costs actually incurred, and income foregone resulting from an action, excluding additional income and costs savings.

Section 2 U.K. Recognition criteria and other requirements

Article 3U.K.Legal status of producer organisations

Member States shall define the legal entities which may apply for recognition pursuant to Article 154 of Regulation (EU) No 1308/2013 in the light of their national legal and administrative structures. Where applicable, they shall also lay down provisions on clearly defined parts of legal entities which may apply for recognition pursuant to that Article. Member States may adopt complementary rules on recognition of producer organisations and on legal entities which may apply for recognition as producer organisations.

Article 4U.K.Product coverage

1.Member States shall recognise producer organisations in respect of the product or the group of products specified in the application for recognition.

2.Member States shall recognise producer organisations in respect of the product or the group of products solely intended for processing where the producer organisations are able to ensure that such products are delivered for processing, whether through a system of supply contracts or otherwise.

Article 5U.K.Minimum number of members

For the purposes of Article 154(1)(b) of Regulation (EU) No 1308/2013, Member States shall lay down a minimum number of members.

When laying down the minimum number of members of a producer organisation, Member States may provide that where an applicant for recognition is wholly or partly made up of members which are themselves legal entities or clearly defined parts of legal entities made up of producers, the minimum number of producers may be calculated on the basis of the number of producers associated with each of the legal entities or clearly defined parts of legal entities.

Article 6U.K.Minimum length of membership

1.The minimum membership period of a producer shall not be less than one year.

2.Resignation from membership shall be notified to the producer organisation in writing. Member States shall lay down the notice period, which shall not exceed six months, and the date on which resignation shall take effect.

Article 7U.K.Structures and activities of producer organisations

Member States shall verify that producer organisations have at their disposal the staff, infrastructure and equipment necessary to fulfil the requirements laid down in Articles 152, 154 and 160 of Regulation (EU) No 1308/2013 and to ensure their essential functioning, in particular as regards:


the knowledge of their members' production;


the technical means for collecting, sorting, storing and packaging the production of their members;


marketing the production of their members;


commercial and budgetary management; and


centralised cost-based accounting and a system of invoicing according to national law.

Article 8U.K.Value or volume of marketable production

1.For the purposes of Article 154(1)(b) of Regulation (EU) No 1308/2013, the value or volume of marketable production shall be calculated on the same basis as the value of marketed production set out in Articles 22 and 23 of this Regulation.

2.In circumstances when the historical data on marketed production of a member for the application of paragraph 1 is not sufficient, the value of the marketable production shall be equal to the actual value of marketed production during a period of 12 consecutive months. Those 12 months shall fall within the three years preceding the year in which the application for recognition is submitted.

Article 9U.K.Minimum value of marketed production

For the purposes of Article 154(1)(b) of Regulation (EU) No 1308/2013, Member States shall, in addition to a minimum number of members, lay down a minimum value of marketed production for producer organisations implementing an operational programme.

Article 10U.K.Provision of technical means

For the purposes of Article 154(1)(c) of Regulation (EU) No 1308/2013 and Article 7(b) of this Regulation, a producer organisation which is recognised for a product for which the provision of technical means is necessary, shall be considered to fulfil its obligation in that regard, where it provides an adequate level of technical means itself or through its members, or through subsidiaries, or through an association of producer organisations of which it is a member or by outsourcing.

Article 11U.K.Producer organisations' main activities

1.The main activity of a producer organisation shall relate to the concentration of supply and the placing on the market of the products of its members for which it is recognised.

The placing on the market referred to in the first subparagraph shall be carried out by the producer organisation, or under the control of the producer organisation in the case of outsourcing as set out in Article 13. Placing on the market shall include among others the decision on the product to be sold, the way of selling and unless the sale is by means of auction, the negotiation of its quantity and price.

Producer organisations shall keep records, including accounting documents, for at least five years, which demonstrate that the producer organisation concentrated supply and placed on the market members' products for which it is recognised.

2.A producer organisation may sell products from producers that are not a member of a producer organisation or of an association of producer organisations, where it is recognised in respect of those products and provided that the economic value of that activity is below the value of its marketed production calculated in accordance with Article 22.

3.The marketing of fruit and vegetables that are bought directly from another producer organisation and of products for which the producer organisation is not recognised shall not be considered as forming part of the producer organisation's activities.

4.Where Article 22(8) applies, paragraph 2 of this Article shall apply mutatis mutandis to the subsidiaries concerned.

[F1Article 12 U.K. Marketing of the production outside the producer organisation

1. Where the producer organisation so authorises in its statutes and where this is in compliance with the terms and conditions laid down by the Member State and the producer organisation, the producer members may:

(a) sell products directly or outside their holdings to consumers for their personal needs;

(b) market by themselves or through another producer organisation designated by their own producer organisation, quantities of products which, in terms of volume or value, are marginal compared to the volume or value of marketable production of their organisation of the products concerned;

(c) market by themselves or through another producer organisation designated by their own producer organisation, products which because of their characteristics or because of the limited production in volume or in value of the producer members, are normally not covered by the commercial activities of the producer organisation.

2. The percentage of the production that the producer members market outside the producer organisation, as referred to in paragraph 1 shall not exceed 25 % in volume or in value of the marketable production of each producer member.

However, Member States may set a lower percentage of the production that the producer members may market outside the producer organisation than the one set out in the first subparagraph. Member States may increase that percentage up to 40 % in case of products covered by Council Regulation (EC) No 834/2007 (2) or where producer members market their production through another producer organisation designated by their own producer organisation.]

Article 13U.K.Outsourcing

1.The activities that a Member State may permit to be outsourced in accordance with Article 155 of Regulation (EU) No 1308/2013 shall relate to the objectives as set out in Article 152(1)(c) of that Regulation and may include, among others, collecting, storing, packaging and marketing the product of the members of the producer organisation.

2.A producer organisation outsourcing an activity shall enter into a written commercial arrangement by way of a contract, agreement or protocol with another entity, including one or several of its members or a subsidiary, for the purpose of carrying out of the activity concerned. The producer organisation shall remain responsible for ensuring the carrying out of the outsourced activity and overall management control and supervision of the commercial arrangement for the carrying out of the activity.

However, the activity shall be considered as carried out by the producer organisation if it is carried out by an association of producer organisations or a cooperative whose members are themselves cooperatives where the producer organisation is a member thereof or by a subsidiary complying with the 90 % requirement referred to in Article 22(8).

3.The overall management control and supervision referred to in the first subparagraph of paragraph 2 shall be effective and require that the outsourcing contract, agreement or protocol:

(a)enables the producer organisation to issue binding instructions and includes provisions enabling the producer organisation to terminate the contract, agreement or protocol if the service provider does not meet the terms and conditions of the outsourcing contract;

(b)lays down detailed terms and conditions, including regular reporting obligations and deadlines which enable the producer organisation to exercise effective control over the outsourced activities.

Outsourcing contracts, agreements or protocols as well as the reports referred to in point (b) of the first subparagraph shall be kept by the producer organisation for at least 5 years for the purpose of ex-post checks and be accessible to all members on request.

Article 14U.K.Transnational producer organisations

1.The head office of a transnational producer organisation shall be located in the Member State in which the organisation achieves the majority of the value of marketed production calculated in accordance with Articles 22 and 23.

Alternatively, the head office may be established in the Member State where the majority of producer members are located, if the Member States concerned so agree.

2.Where the transnational producer organisation implements an operational programme and where, at the moment of applying for a new operational programme, the majority of the value of marketed production is achieved in another Member State or where the majority of the producer members are located in a Member State other than that where the head office of that transnational producer organisation is located, the head office shall be maintained in the current Member State until the end of the implementation of the new operational programme.

However, if at the end of the implementation of that new operational programme, the majority of the value of marketed production is still achieved or the majority of the organisation's members are still located in a Member State other than that where the head office is currently located, the head office shall be transferred to that other Member State, unless the Member States concerned agree that the location of the head office shall not be changed.

3.The Member State in which the head office of the transnational producer organisation is located shall be responsible for the following:

(a)recognising the transnational producer organisation;

(b)approving the transnational producer organisation's operational programme;

(c)establishing the necessary administrative cooperation with the other Member States in which the members are located with respect to compliance with the terms of recognition and the system of checks and administrative penalties. Those other Member States shall give all necessary assistance to the Member State in which the head office is located in due time; and

(d)providing, on the request of a Member State in which the members are located, all relevant documentation, including any applicable legislation available, translated into the official language or one of the official languages of that Member State.

Article 15U.K.Mergers of producer organisations

1.Where producer organisations merge, the producer organisation resulting from the merger shall assume the rights and obligations of the individual producer organisations that merged. The Member State shall ensure that the new producer organisation complies with all recognition criteria and shall assign to it a new number for the purposes of the unique identification system as referred to in Article 22 of Implementing Regulation (EU) 2017/892.

The producer organisation resulting from the merger may either operate the programmes in parallel and separately until 1 January of the year following the merger, or merge the operational programmes from the moment of the merger.

Article 34 of this Regulation shall apply to operational programmes that are merged.

2.By way of derogation from the second subparagraph of paragraph 1, Member States may authorise on the basis of a duly substantiated request, operational programmes to continue to be implemented in parallel until they reach their natural conclusion.

Article 16U.K.Non-producer members

1.Member States may determine the conditions under which any natural or legal person who is not a producer may be accepted as a member of a producer organisation.

2.When setting the conditions referred to in paragraph 1, Member States shall ensure, in particular, compliance with Article 153(2)(c) and Article 159(a)(i) of Regulation (EU) No 1308/2013.

3.The natural or legal persons referred to in paragraph 1 shall not:

(a)be taken into account for the recognition criteria;

(b)benefit directly from the measures financed by the Union.

Member States may restrict or prohibit the natural or legal persons' right to vote on decisions relating to operational funds, in line with the conditions referred to in paragraph 1.

Article 17U.K.Democratic accountability of producer organisations

1.Where a producer organisation has a legal structure requiring democratic accountability under the applicable national legislation, it shall be considered to fulfill this requirement for the purposes of this Regulation unless the Member State decides otherwise.

2.For producer organisations other than the one referred to in paragraph 1, Member States shall set a maximum percentage of voting rights and shares or capital which any natural or legal person may hold in a producer organisation. The maximum percentage of voting rights and shares or capital shall be below 50 % of the total voting rights and below 50 % of the shares or capital.

In duly justified cases, Member States may set a higher maximum percentage of shares or capital that a legal person may hold in a producer organisation provided that measures are adopted to ensure that an abuse of power by such legal person is in any case avoided.

By way of derogation from the first subparagraph, in the case of producer organisations implementing an operational programme on 17 May 2014, the maximum percentage of shares or capital set by the Member State pursuant to the first subparagraph shall only apply after the end of that operational programme.

3.Member States' authorities shall carry out checks, based on a risk analysis, on voting rights and shareholdings. Where the members of the producer organisation are legal persons themselves, these checks shall include the identities of the natural or legal persons that hold shares or capital of the members.

4.Where a producer organisation is a clearly defined part of a legal entity, Member States shall adopt measures to restrict or prohibit the powers of that legal entity to modify, approve or reject decisions of the producer organisation.

Section 3 U.K. Associations of producer organisations

Article 18U.K.Rules on producer organisations applicable to associations of producer organisations

Articles 3, 6, 11(3), 13, 15 and 17 shall apply mutatis mutandis to associations of producer organisations. Where the association of producer organisations sells the products of its member producer organisations, Article 11(2) shall apply mutatis mutandis.

Article 19U.K.Recognition of associations of producer organisations

1.Member States may recognise associations of producer organisations under Article 156 of Regulation (EU) No 1308/2013 in respect of the activity or activities concerning the product or the group of products specified in the application for recognition where the association of producer organisations is capable of carrying out effectively those activities.

2.An association of producer organisations recognised under Article 156 of Regulation (EU) No 1308/2013 may carry out any of the activities or functions of a producer organisation, even when the marketing of the products concerned continues to be carried out by its members.

3.For a given product or group of products and activity, a producer organisation shall be a member only of one association of producer organisations that implements an operational programme.

4.Member States may adopt complementary rules on recognition of associations of producer organisations.

Article 20U.K.Members of associations of producer organisations who are not producer organisations

1.Member States may determine the conditions under which natural or legal persons other than a recognised producer organisation may be a member of an association of producer organisations.

2.Members of a recognised association of producer organisations who are not recognised producer organisations shall not:

(a)be taken into account for the recognition criteria;

(b)benefit directly from the measures financed by the Union.

Member States may permit, restrict or prohibit those members' right to vote on decisions relating to operational programmes.

Article 21U.K.Transnational association of producer organisations

1.The head office of a transnational association of producer organisations shall be located in the Member State in which the member producer organisations achieve the majority of the value of marketed production.

Alternatively, the head office may be established in the Member State where the majority of member producer organisations are located, if the Member States concerned so agree.

2.Where the transnational association of producer organisations implements an operational programme and where, at the moment of applying for a new operational programme, the majority of the value of marketed production is achieved in another Member State or where the majority of member producer organisations are located in a Member State other than that where the head office of that transnational association is located, the head office shall be maintained in the current Member State until the end of the implementation of the new operational programme.

However, if at the end of the implementation of that new operational programme, the majority of the value of marketed production is still achieved or the majority of member producer organisations are still located in a Member State other than that where the head office is currently located, the head office shall be transferred to that other Member State, unless the Member States concerned agree that the location of the head office shall not be changed.

3.The Member State in which the head office of the transnational association of producer organisations is located shall be responsible for the following:

(a)recognising the association;

(b)approving, where applicable, the transnational association's operational programme;

(c)establishing the necessary administrative cooperation with the other Member States in which the associated organisations are located with respect to compliance with the terms of recognition, the implementation of the operational programme by the member producer organisations and the system of checks and administrative penalties. Those other Member States shall give all necessary assistance to the Member State in which the head office is located; and

(d)providing, on the request of a Member State in which the members are located, all relevant documentation, including any applicable legislation available, translated into the official language or one of the official languages of that Member State.