

CHAPTER I Requirements and recognition

Section 3 Associations of producer organisations

Article 18Rules on producer organisations applicable to associations of producer organisations

Articles 3, 6, 11(3), 13, 15 and 17 shall apply mutatis mutandis to associations of producer organisations. Where the association of producer organisations sells the products of its member producer organisations, Article 11(2) shall apply mutatis mutandis.

Article 19Recognition of associations of producer organisations

1.Member States may recognise associations of producer organisations under Article 156 of Regulation (EU) No 1308/2013 in respect of the activity or activities concerning the product or the group of products specified in the application for recognition where the association of producer organisations is capable of carrying out effectively those activities.

2.An association of producer organisations recognised under Article 156 of Regulation (EU) No 1308/2013 may carry out any of the activities or functions of a producer organisation, even when the marketing of the products concerned continues to be carried out by its members.

3.For a given product or group of products and activity, a producer organisation shall be a member only of one association of producer organisations that implements an operational programme.

4.Member States may adopt complementary rules on recognition of associations of producer organisations.

Article 20Members of associations of producer organisations who are not producer organisations

1.Member States may determine the conditions under which natural or legal persons other than a recognised producer organisation may be a member of an association of producer organisations.

2.Members of a recognised association of producer organisations who are not recognised producer organisations shall not:

(a)be taken into account for the recognition criteria;

(b)benefit directly from the measures financed by the Union.

Member States may permit, restrict or prohibit those members' right to vote on decisions relating to operational programmes.

Article 21Transnational association of producer organisations

1.The head office of a transnational association of producer organisations shall be located in the Member State in which the member producer organisations achieve the majority of the value of marketed production.

Alternatively, the head office may be established in the Member State where the majority of member producer organisations are located, if the Member States concerned so agree.

2.Where the transnational association of producer organisations implements an operational programme and where, at the moment of applying for a new operational programme, the majority of the value of marketed production is achieved in another Member State or where the majority of member producer organisations are located in a Member State other than that where the head office of that transnational association is located, the head office shall be maintained in the current Member State until the end of the implementation of the new operational programme.

However, if at the end of the implementation of that new operational programme, the majority of the value of marketed production is still achieved or the majority of member producer organisations are still located in a Member State other than that where the head office is currently located, the head office shall be transferred to that other Member State, unless the Member States concerned agree that the location of the head office shall not be changed.

3.The Member State in which the head office of the transnational association of producer organisations is located shall be responsible for the following:

(a)recognising the association;

(b)approving, where applicable, the transnational association's operational programme;

(c)establishing the necessary administrative cooperation with the other Member States in which the associated organisations are located with respect to compliance with the terms of recognition, the implementation of the operational programme by the member producer organisations and the system of checks and administrative penalties. Those other Member States shall give all necessary assistance to the Member State in which the head office is located; and

(d)providing, on the request of a Member State in which the members are located, all relevant documentation, including any applicable legislation available, translated into the official language or one of the official languages of that Member State.