- Latest available (Revised)
- Original (As adopted by EU)
Regulation (EU, Euratom) 2018/1046 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 18 July 2018 on the financial rules applicable to the general budget of the Union, amending Regulations (EU) No 1296/2013, (EU) No 1301/2013, (EU) No 1303/2013, (EU) No 1304/2013, (EU) No 1309/2013, (EU) No 1316/2013, (EU) No 223/2014, (EU) No 283/2014, and Decision No 541/2014/EU and repealing Regulation (EU, Euratom) No 966/2012
When the UK left the EU, legislation.gov.uk published EU legislation that had been published by the EU up to IP completion day (31 December 2020 11.00 p.m.). On legislation.gov.uk, these items of legislation are kept up-to-date with any amendments made by the UK since then.
Legislation.gov.uk publishes the UK version. EUR-Lex publishes the EU version. The EU Exit Web Archive holds a snapshot of EUR-Lex’s version from IP completion day (31 December 2020 11.00 p.m.).
This is the original version as it was originally adopted in the EU.
This legislation may since have been updated - see the latest available (revised) version
1.All contracts financed in whole or in part by the budget shall respect the principles of transparency, proportionality, equal treatment and non-discrimination.
2.All contracts shall be put out to competition on the broadest possible basis, except when use is made of the procedure referred to in point (d) of Article 164(1).
The estimated value of a contract shall not be determined with a view to circumventing the applicable rules, nor shall a contract be split up for that purpose.
The contracting authority shall divide a contract into lots, whenever appropriate, with due regard to broad competition.
3.Contracting authorities shall not use framework contracts improperly or in such a way that their purpose or effect is to prevent, restrict or distort competition.
4.The JRC may receive funding charged to appropriations other than research and technological development appropriations in respect of its participation in procurement procedures financed in whole or in part from the budget.
5.The rules on procurement laid down in this Regulation shall not apply to the activities of the JRC on behalf of third parties, with the exception of the principles of transparency and equal treatment.
Detailed rules on procurement are laid down in Annex I to this Regulation. To ensure that Union institutions, when awarding contracts on their own account, apply the same standards as those imposed on contracting authorities covered by Directives 2014/23/EU and 2014/24/EU, the Commission is empowered to adopt delegated acts in accordance with Article 269 of this Regulation to amend Annex I to this Regulation, in order to align that Annex to amendments to those Directives and to introduce related technical adjustments.
1.A mixed contract covering two or more types of procurement (works, supplies or services) or concessions (works or services) or both, shall be awarded in accordance with the provisions applicable to the type of procurement that characterises the main subject matter of the contract in question.
2.In the case of mixed contracts consisting of supplies and services, the main subject matter shall be determined by a comparison of the values of the respective supplies or services.
A contract covering one type of procurement (works, supplies or services) and concessions (works or services) shall be awarded in accordance with the provisions applicable to the public contract concerned.
3.This Title shall not apply to contracts for technical assistance concluded with the EIB or the EIF.
4.Any references to nomenclatures in the context of procurement shall be made using the Common Procurement Vocabulary (CPV) as set out in Regulation (EC) No 2195/2002 of the European Parliament and of the Council(1).
1.For procedures with a value equal to or greater than the thresholds referred to in Article 175(1) or Article 178, the contracting authority shall publish in the Official Journal of the European Union:
(a)a contract notice to launch a procedure, except in the case of the procedure referred to in point (d) of Article 164(1);
(b)a contract award notice on the results of the procedure.
2.Procedures with a value below the thresholds referred to in Article 175(1) or Article 178 shall be advertised by appropriate means.
3.Publication of certain information on a contract award may be withheld where its release would impede law enforcement, or otherwise be contrary to the public interest, would harm the legitimate commercial interests of economic operators or might prejudice fair competition between them.
1.Procurement procedures for awarding concession contracts or public contracts, including framework contracts shall take one of the following forms:
(a)open procedure;
(b)restricted procedure, including through a dynamic purchasing system;
(c)design contest;
(d)negotiated procedure, including without prior publication;
(e)competitive dialogue;
(f)competitive procedure with negotiation;
(g)innovation partnership;
(h)procedures involving a call for expression of interest.
2.In open procedures any interested economic operator may submit a tender.
3.In restricted procedures, competitive dialogues, competitive procedures with negotiation and innovation partnerships, any economic operator may submit a request to participate by providing the information that is requested by the contracting authority. The contracting authority shall invite all candidates, that satisfy the selection criteria and that are not in any of the situations referred to in Articles 136(1) and 141(1), to submit a tender.
Notwithstanding the first subparagraph, the contracting authority may limit the number of candidates to be invited to participate in the procedure on the basis of objective and non-discriminatory selection criteria, which shall be indicated in the contract notice or the call for expression of interest. The number of candidates invited shall be sufficient to ensure genuine competition.
4.In all procedures involving negotiation, the contracting authority shall negotiate with tenderers the initial and any subsequent tenders or parts thereof, except their final tenders, in order to improve their content. The minimum requirements and the criteria specified in the procurement documents shall not be subject to negotiation.
A contracting authority may award a contract on the basis of the initial tender without negotiation where it has indicated in the procurement documents that it reserves the possibility to do so.
5.The contracting authority may use:
(a)the open or restricted procedure for any purchase;
(b)the procedures involving a call for expression of interest for contracts with a value below the thresholds referred to in Article 175(1), to preselect candidates to be invited to submit tenders in response to future restricted invitations to tender, or to collect a list of vendors to be invited to submit requests to participate or submit tenders;
(c)the design contest to acquire a plan or design selected by a jury after being put out to competition;
(d)the innovation partnership to develop an innovative product, service or innovative works and for the subsequent purchase of the resulting supply, services or works;
(e)the competitive procedure with negotiation or the competitive dialogue for concession contracts, for the service contracts referred to in Annex XIV to Directive 2014/24/EU, in cases where only irregular or unacceptable tenders were submitted in response to an open or restricted procedure after the initial procedure has been completed, and for cases where this is justified by the specific circumstances linked, inter alia, to the nature or the complexity of the subject matter of the contract or to the specific type of contract, as further detailed in Annex I to this Regulation;
(f)the negotiated procedure for contracts with a value below the thresholds referred to in Article 175(1), or the negotiated procedure without prior publication for specific types of purchases falling outside the scope of Directive 2014/24/EU or in the clearly defined exceptional circumstances set out in Annex I to this Regulation.
6.A dynamic purchasing system shall be open throughout its duration to any economic operator who satisfies the selection criteria.
The contracting authority shall follow the rules of the restricted procedure for procurement through a dynamic purchasing system.
1.Where a contract or a framework contract is of interest to two or more Union institutions, executive agencies or Union bodies referred to in Articles 70 and 71, and whenever there is a possibility for realising efficiency gains, the contracting authorities concerned may carry out the procedure and the management of the subsequent contract or framework contract on an interinstitutional basis under the lead of one of the contracting authorities.
The bodies and persons entrusted with the implementation of specific actions in the CFSP pursuant to Title V of the TEU as well as the Office of the Secretary of the Board of Governors of the European Schools may also participate in interinstitutional procedures.
The terms of a framework contract shall only apply between those contracting authorities that are identified for that purpose in the procurement documents and those economic operators that are party to the framework contract.
2.Where a contract or framework contract is necessary for the implementation of a joint action between a Union institution and one or more contracting authorities from Member States, the procurement procedure may be carried out jointly by the Union institution and the contracting authorities.
Joint procurement may be conducted with EFTA States and Union candidate countries if that possibility has been specifically provided for in a bilateral or multilateral treaty.
The procedural provisions applicable to Union institutions shall apply to the joint procurement.
Where the share pertaining to or managed by the contracting authority of a Member State in the total estimated value of the contract is equal to or above 50 %, or in other duly justified cases, the Union institution may decide that the procedural rules applicable to the contracting authority of a Member State shall apply to the joint procurement, provided that those rules may be considered as equivalent to those of the Union institution.
The Union institution and the contracting authority from a Member State, an EFTA State or a Union candidate country concerned by the joint procurement shall agree in particular upon the detailed practical arrangements for the evaluation of the requests for participation or of the tenders, the award of the contract, the law applicable to the contract and the competent court for hearing disputes.
1.Before launching a procurement procedure, the contracting authority may conduct a preliminary market consultation with a view to preparing the procedure.
2.In the procurement documents, the contracting authority shall identify the subject matter of the procurement by providing a description of its needs and the characteristics required of the works, supplies or services to be bought, and shall specify the applicable exclusion, selection and award criteria. The contracting authority shall also indicate which elements define the minimum requirements to be met by all tenders. Minimum requirements shall include compliance with applicable environmental, social and labour law obligations established by Union law, national law, collective agreements or the applicable international social and environmental conventions listed in Annex X to Directive 2014/24/EU.
1.Contracts shall be awarded on the basis of award criteria provided that the contracting authority has verified the following:
(a)the tender complies with the minimum requirements specified in the procurement documents;
(b)the candidate or tenderer is not excluded under Article 136 or rejected under Article 141;
(c)the candidate or tenderer meets the selection criteria specified in the procurement documents and is not subject to conflicts of interest which may negatively affect the performance of the contract.
2.The contracting authority shall apply the selection criteria to evaluate the capacity of the candidate or tenderer. Selection criteria shall only relate to the legal and regulatory capacity to pursue the professional activity, the economic and financial capacity, and the technical and professional capacity. The JRC shall be presumed to meet the requirements relating to financial capacity.
3.The contracting authority shall apply the award criteria to evaluate the tender.
4.The contracting authority shall base the award of contracts on the most economically advantageous tender, which shall consist in one of three award methods: lowest price, lowest cost or best price-quality ratio.
For the lowest cost method, the contracting authority shall use a cost-effectiveness approach including life-cycle costing.
For the best price-quality ratio, the contracting authority shall take into account the price or cost and other quality criteria linked to the subject matter of the contract.
1.The contracting authority shall lay down time limits for the receipt of tenders and requests to participate in accordance with point 24 of Annex I and taking into account the complexity of the purchase, leaving an adequate period for economic operators to prepare their tenders.
2.If deemed appropriate and proportionate, the contracting authority may require tenderers to lodge a guarantee to make sure that the tenders submitted are not withdrawn before contract signature. The required guarantee shall represent 1 to 2 % of the total estimated value of the contract.
The contracting authority shall release the guarantees:
(a)in respect of tenderers or tenders rejected as referred to in point 30.2(b) or (c) of Annex I, after having provided the information on the outcome of the procedure;
(b)in respect of tenderers ranked as referred to in point 30.2(e) of Annex I, after the contract is signed.
3.The contracting authority shall open all requests to participate and tenders. However, it shall reject:
(a)requests to participate and tenders which do not comply with the time limit for receipt, without opening them;
(b)tenders already open when they are received, without examining their content.
4.The contracting authority shall evaluate all requests to participate or tenders not rejected during the opening phase as laid down in paragraph 3 on the basis of the criteria specified in the procurement documents with a view to awarding the contract or to proceeding with an electronic auction.
5.The authorising officer may waive the appointment of an evaluation committee as provided for in Article 150(2) in the following cases:
(a)the value of the contract is below the thresholds referred to in Article 175(1);
(b)on the basis of a risk analysis for the cases referred to in points (c), (e), (f)(i), (f)(iii) and (h) of the second subparagraph of point 11.1 of Annex I;
(c)on the basis of a risk analysis when reopening competition within a framework contract;
(d)for procedures in the field of external actions having a value of less than or equal to EUR 20 000.
6.Requests to participate and tenders which do not comply with all the minimum requirements set out in the procurement documents shall be rejected.
1.Before the time limit for receipt of requests to participate or tenders, the contracting authority may communicate additional information about the procurement documents if it discovers an error or omission in the text or upon request from candidates or tenderers. Information provided shall be disclosed to all candidates or tenderers.
2.After the time limit for receipt of requests to participate or tenders, in every case where contact has been made, and in the duly justified cases where contact has not been made as provided for in Article 151, a record shall be kept in the procurement file.
1.The authorising officer responsible shall decide to whom the contract is to be awarded, in compliance with the selection and award criteria specified in the procurement documents.
2.The contracting authority shall notify all candidates or tenderers, whose requests to participate or tenders are rejected, of the grounds on which the decision was taken, as well as the duration of the standstill periods referred to in Articles 175(2) and 178(1).
For the award of specific contracts under a framework contract with reopening of competition, the contracting authority shall inform the tenderers of the result of the evaluation.
3.The contracting authority shall inform each tenderer who is not in an exclusion situation referred to in Article 136(1), who is not rejected under Article 141, whose tender is compliant with the procurement documents and who makes a request in writing, of any of the following:
(a)the name of the tenderer, or tenderers in the case of a framework contract, to whom the contract is awarded and, except in the case of a specific contract under a framework contract with reopening of competition, the characteristics and relative advantages of the successful tender, the price paid or contract value, whichever is appropriate;
(b)the progress of negotiation and dialogue with tenderers.
However, the contracting authority may decide to withhold certain information where its release would impede law enforcement, would be contrary to the public interest or would prejudice the legitimate commercial interests of economic operators or might distort fair competition between them.
The contracting authority may, before the contract is signed, cancel the procurement procedure without the candidates or tenderers being entitled to claim any compensation.
The decision shall be justified and brought to the attention of the candidates or tenderers as soon as possible.
1.Performance of the contract shall not start before it is signed.
2.The contracting authority may modify a contract or framework contract without a procurement procedure only in the cases provided for in paragraph 3 and provided the modification does not alter the subject matter of the contract or framework contract.
3.A contract, a framework contract or a specific contract under a framework contract may be modified without a new procurement procedure in any of the following cases:
(a)for additional works, supplies or services by the original contractor that have become necessary and that were not included in the initial procurement, where the following conditions are fulfilled:
a change of contractor cannot be made for technical reasons linked to interchangeability or interoperability requirements with existing equipment, services or installations;
a change of contractor would cause substantial duplication of costs for the contracting authority;
any increase in price, including the net cumulative value of successive modifications, does not exceed 50 % of the initial contract value;
(b)where all of the following conditions are fulfilled:
the need for modification has been brought about by circumstances which a diligent contracting authority could not foresee;
any increase in price does not exceed 50 % of the initial contract value;
(c)where the value of the modification is below the following thresholds:
the thresholds referred to in Article 175(1), and in point 38 of Annex I in the field of external actions, applicable at the time of the modification; and
10 % of the initial contract value for public service and supply contracts and works or services concession contracts and 15 % of the initial contract value for public works contracts;
(d)where both of the following conditions are fulfilled:
the minimum requirements of the initial procurement procedure are not altered;
any ensuing modification of value complies with the conditions set out in point (c) of this subparagraph, unless such modification of value results from the strict application of the procurement documents or contractual provisions.
The initial contract value shall not take into account price revisions.
The net cumulative value of several successive modifications under point (c) of the first subparagraph shall not exceed any threshold referred to therein.
The contracting authority shall apply the ex post publicity measures set out in Article 163.
1.A performance guarantee shall amount to a maximum of 10 % of the total value of the contract.
It shall be fully released after final acceptance of the works, supplies or complex services, within a period subject to the time limits set out in Article 116(1) and to be specified in the contract. It may be released partially or fully upon provisional acceptance of the works, supplies or complex services.
2.A retention money guarantee amounting to a maximum of 10 % of the total value of the contract may be constituted by deductions from interim payments as and when they are made or by deduction from the final payment.
The contracting authority shall determine the amount of the retention money guarantee which shall be proportionate to the risks identified in relation to the performance of the contract, taking into account its subject matter and the usual commercial terms applicable in the sector concerned.
A retention money guarantee shall not be used in a contract where a performance guarantee has been requested and not released.
3.Subject to approval by the contracting authority, the contractor may request to replace the retention money guarantee by another type of guarantee referred to in Article 152.
4.The contracting authority shall release the retention money guarantee after the expiry of the contractual liability period, within a period subject to the time limits set out in Article 116(1) and to be specified in the contract.
Regulation (EC) No 2195/2002 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 5 November 2002 on the Common Procurement Vocabulary (CPV) (OJ L 340, 16.12.2002, p. 1).
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Original (As adopted by EU): The original version of the legislation as it stood when it was first adopted in the EU. No changes have been applied to the text.
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