Commission Delegated Regulation (EU) 2018/1145Show full title

Commission Delegated Regulation (EU) 2018/1145 of 7 June 2018 amending Delegated Regulation (EU) 2017/891 as regards producer organisations in the fruit and vegetables sector


Annex II is amended as follows:


point 20 is replaced as follows:

20.Measures outsourced by the producer organisation or their associations outside the Union, except where a promotion is implemented outside the Union according to Article 14 of Implementing Regulation (EU) 2017/892.;


the following new point 21 is added:

21.Export credit linked to actions and activities aimed at diversification and consolidation on the fruit and vegetable markets, whether for prevention or during a crisis period.;


in Annex III, the following new points 12, 13 and 14 are added:


Costs related to coaching as part of the crisis prevention and management measures of the operational programme.

Eligible costs under this measure shall be:


costs of organising and delivering coaching; and


costs of travel, accommodation and per diem expenses of coaching provider.


Costs related to the negotiation and to implementation and management of third country phytosanitary protocols in the territory of the Union if borne by the producer organisation or association of producer organisations as a part of crisis prevention and management measures referred to in Article 33(3)(a) and (c) of Regulation (EU) No 1308/2013, except for reimbursement of third country expenses.


Costs related to promotion and communication measures referred to in Article 14 of Implementing Regulation (EU) 2017/892. Eligible costs under these measures shall be costs related to the organisation and participation in promotion and information events, including public relations work, promotion and information campaigns and may take the form of participation in events, fairs and exhibitions of national, European and international importance. Costs related to technical advisory services are eligible if they are necessary for the organisation or participation of these events or for promotion and information campaigns.;


Annex V is replaced by the following:

ANNEX V Information to be included in the annual report of Member States as referred to in Article 54(b)

All information shall relate to the calendar year being reported on. It shall cover information on checks executed and administrative penalties applied in respect of that. As regards the information that varies during the year the annual report should reflect the state of play on 31 December of the year reported on.


1.Administrative information:


changes to national legislation adopted in order to implement Section 3 of Chapter II of Title I and Sections 1, 2 and 3 of Chapter III of Title II of Regulation (EU) No 1308/2013;


changes relating to the national strategy for sustainable operational programmes applicable to operational programmes.

2.Information related to producer organisations, associations of producer organisations, transnational associations of producer organisations, and producer groups:


total number of recognised/suspended producer organisations, associations of producer organisations, transnational associations of producer organisations, and producer groups. In addition:


for associations of producer organisations: number of producer organisations members;


for transnational associations of producer organisations: number of producer organisations members and the Member States where these members have their head office;


total number of producer organisations, associations of producer organisations, transnational associations of producer organisations, and producer groups for which recognition was withdrawn. In addition for transnational associations of producer organisations: number of organisations members and the Member States where these members have their head office;


total number of mergers between organisations (broken down between total, number of new organisation(s) and new ID number(s));


number of members (total and broken down between legal entities, natural persons and fruit and vegetables producers);


total number of organisations/groups with an operational programme/recognition plan (broken down between recognised, suspended and subject to a merger);


part of the production of products intended for the fresh market (with the indication of their value and volume);


part of the production of products intended for processing (with the indication of their value and volume);


area under fruit and vegetable production.

3.Information related to expenditures:


expenditures related to producer organisations, associations of producer organisations and transnational associations of producer organisations (broken down between operational fund, final operational fund and national financial assistance);


total actual expenditures of operational programmes for producer organisations, associations of producer organisations and transnational associations of producer organisations (broken down between actions and measures linked to their objectives);


total actual expenditures for producer groups;


withdrawals broken down between categories of products (volume, total expenditure, amount of EU financial assistance and destinations (free distribution, composting, processing industry and others)).

4.Information relating to monitoring of operational programmes and recognition plans:


indicators as regards producer organisations, associations of producer organisations and transnational associations of producer organisations (broken down between actions and measures linked to their objectives);


indicators as regards producer groups.


Information on checks and administrative penalties:


checks carried out by the Member State: details of bodies visited and dates of visiting;


checking rates;


results of checks;


administrative penalties applied.