

Article 28National coordinators

1.Each Member State shall appoint a national coordinator. In addition to their obligations in accordance with Articles 7, 17, 19, 20, 23 and 25, the national coordinators shall:

(a)act as a contact point for their respective administrations for all matters relating to the gateway;

(b)promote the uniform application of Articles 9 to 16 by their respective competent authorities;

(c)ensure that the recommendations referred to in point (c) of Article 17(2) are properly implemented.

2.Each Member State may, in accordance with its internal administrative structure, appoint one or more coordinators in order to carry out any of the tasks listed in paragraph 1. One national coordinator for each Member State shall be responsible for contacts with the Commission in respect of all matters relating to the gateway.

3.Each Member State shall inform the other Member States and the Commission of the name and contact details of its national coordinator.

Article 29Coordination group

A coordination group is hereby established (‘the gateway coordination group’). It shall be composed of one national coordinator from each Member State and shall be chaired by a representative of the Commission. It shall adopt its rules of procedure. The Commission shall provide the secretariat.

Article 30Tasks of the gateway coordination group

1.The gateway coordination group shall support the implementation of this Regulation. In particular it shall:

(a)facilitate the exchange and regular updating of best practices;

(b)encourage the uptake of fully online procedures beyond those included in Annex II to this Regulation, and of online means of authentication, identification and signatures, in particular those provided for in Regulation (EU) No 910/2014;

(c)discuss improvements to the user-friendly presentation of information within the areas listed in Annex I, in particular on the basis of the data collected in accordance with Articles 24 and 25;

(d)assist the Commission in developing the common ICT solutions supporting the gateway;

(e)discuss the draft annual work programme;

(f)assist the Commission in monitoring the execution of the annual work programme;

(g)discuss additional information provided in accordance with Article 5 with a view to encouraging other Member States to provide similar information, where relevant to the users;

(h)assist the Commission in monitoring compliance with the requirements set out in Articles 8 to 16, in accordance with Article 17;

(i)inform about the implementation of Article 6(1);

(j)discuss and recommend actions to the competent authorities and the Commission with a view to avoiding or eliminating unnecessary duplication of the services available through the gateway;

(k)provide opinions on procedures or measures to address efficiently any problems with the quality of the services raised by users or suggestions for its improvement;

(l)discuss the application of the principles of security by design and privacy by design in the context of this Regulation;

(m)discuss issues related to the collection of the user feedback and statistics referred to in Articles 24 and 25, so that the services offered at Union and national level are continuously improved;

(n)discuss issues related to the quality requirements of the services offered through the gateway;

(o)exchange best practices and assist the Commission in the organisation, structuring and presentation of services referred to in Article 2(2), to enable the proper functioning of the common user interface;

(p)facilitate the development and implementation of the coordinated promotion;

(q)cooperate with the governance bodies or networks of information services, and of assistance or problem-solving services;

(r)provide guidance on the additional official language, or languages, of the Union to be used by competent authorities in accordance with Articles 9(2), 10(4) and 11(2), and point (a) of Article 13(2).

2.The Commission may consult the gateway coordination group on any matter relating to the application of this Regulation.

Article 31Annual work programme

1.The Commission shall adopt the annual work programme which shall specify, in particular:

(a)actions to improve the presentation of specific information within the areas listed in Annex I and actions to facilitate the timely implementation, by competent authorities at all levels, including municipal level, of the requirement to provide information;

(b)actions to facilitate compliance with Articles 6 and 13;

(c)actions required to ensure the consistent compliance with the requirements set out in Articles 9 to 12;

(d)activities related to the promotion of the gateway in accordance with Article 23.

2.When preparing the draft annual work programme, the Commission shall take account of the user statistics and feedback collected in accordance with Articles 24 and 25 and of any suggestions made by Member States. Prior to adoption, the Commission shall submit the draft annual work programme to the gateway coordination group for discussion.