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Part 2 U.K.List of parameters and variables to be reported in Section B of National Plans(1) (2) (3) (4)

2.Energy balances and indicatorsU.K.

2.1.Energy supplyU.K.


Indigenous Production by fuel type (all energy products that are produced in significant quantities) [ktoe]


Net imports by fuel type (including electricity and split into intra- and extra EU net imports) [ktoe]


Import dependency from third countries [%]


Main import sources (countries) for main energy carriers (including gas and electricity)


Gross Inland Consumption by fuel type source (including solids, all energy products: coal, crude oil and petroleum products, natural gas, nuclear energy, electricity, derived heat, renewables, waste) [ktoe]

2.2.Electricity and heatU.K.


Gross electricity generation [GWh]


Gross electricity generation by fuel (all energy products) [GWh]


Share of combined heat and power generation in total electricity and heat generation [%]


Capacity electricity generation by source, including retirements and new investment [MW]


Heat generation from thermal power generation


Heat generation from combined heat and power plants, including industrial waste heat


Cross-border interconnection capacities for gas and electricity [Definition for electricity in line with outcome of ongoing discussions on basis for 15 % interconnection target] and their projected usage rates

2.3.Transformation sectorU.K.


Fuel inputs to thermal power generation (including solids, oil, gas) [ktoe]


Fuel inputs to other conversion processes [ktoe]

2.4.Energy consumptionU.K.


Primary and final energy consumption [ktoe]


Final energy consumption by sector (including industry, residential, tertiary, agriculture and transport (including split between passenger and freight transport, when available)) [ktoe]


Final energy consumption by fuel (all energy products) [ktoe]


Final non-energy consumption [ktoe]


Primary energy intensity of the overall economy (primary energy consumption per GDP [toe/euro]


Final energy intensity by sector (including industry, residential, tertiary and transport (including split between passenger and freight transport, when available))



Electricity prices by type of using sector (residential, industry, tertiary)


National retail fuel prices (including taxes, per source and sector) [euro/ktoe]


Investment costs in energy transformation, supply, transmission and distribution sectors



Gross final consumption of energy from renewable sources and share of renewable energy in gross final energy consumption and by sector (electricity, heating and cooling, transport) and by technology


Electricity and heat generation from renewable energy in buildings; this shall include, where available, disaggregated data on energy produced, consumed and injected into the grid by solar photovoltaic systems, solar thermal systems, biomass, heat pumps, geothermal systems, as well as all other decentralised renewables systems


Where applicable, other national trajectories, including those that are long-term or sectoral the share of food-based and advanced biofuels, the share of renewable energy in district heating, as well as the renewable energy produced by cities and renewable energy communities.


For the plan covering the period from 2021 to 2030: For each parameter/variable in the list, trends over the years 2005-2040 (2005-2050 where appropriate) including for the year 2030 in five-year intervals shall be reported both in Section 4 and 5. Parameter based on exogenous assumptions v modelling output shall be indicated.


As far as possible, reported data and projections shall build on and be consistent with Eurostat data and methodology used for reporting European statistics in the relevant sectoral law, as European statistics are the primary source of statistical data used for reporting and monitoring, in accordance with Regulation (EC) No 223/2009 on European statistics.


Note: all projections are to be performed on the basis of constant prices (2016 prices used as base year)


The Commission will provide recommendations for key parameters for projections, at least covering oil, gas, and coal import prices as well as EU ETS carbon prices.