The operator shall apply the provisions of this section to the monitoring and reporting of CO2 emissions from the production of electrodes for primary aluminium smelting, including stand-alone plants for the production of such electrodes, and the consumption of electrodes during electrolysis.
The operator shall consider at least the following potential sources for CO2 emissions: fuels for the production of heat or steam, electrode production, reduction of Al2O3 during electrolysis which is related to electrode consumption, and use of soda ash or other carbonates for waste gas scrubbing.
The associated emissions of perfluorocarbons – PFCs, resulting from anode effects, including fugitive emissions, shall be monitored in accordance with section 8 of this Annex.
The operator shall determine CO2 emissions from the production or processing of primary aluminium using the mass balance methodology in accordance with Article 25. The mass balance methodology shall consider all carbon in inputs, stocks, products and other exports from the mixing, forming, baking and recycling of electrodes as well as from electrode consumption in electrolysis. Where pre-baked anodes are used, either separate mass balances for production and consumption may be applied, or one common mass balance taking into account both production and consumption of electrodes. In the case of Søderberg cells, the operator shall use one common mass balance.
For emissions from combustion processes the operator may choose to include them in the mass balance or to use the standard methodology in accordance with Article 24 and section 1 of this Annex at least for a part of the source streams, avoiding any gaps or double counting of emissions.