

SECTION 2 Calculation-based methodology

Subsection 4 Specific calculation factors

Article 37Oxidation and conversion factors

1.The operator shall use tier 1 as a minimum to determine oxidation or conversion factors. The operator shall use a value of 1 for oxidation or for a conversion factor where the emission factor includes the effect of incomplete oxidation or conversion.

However, the competent authority may require operators to always use tier 1.

2.Where several fuels are used within an installation and tier 3 is to be used for the specific oxidation factor, the operator may ask for the approval of the competent authority for one or both of the following:

(a)the determination of one aggregate oxidation factor for the whole combustion process and to apply it to all fuels;

(b)the attribution of the incomplete oxidation to one major source stream and use of a value of 1 for the oxidation factor of the other source streams.

Where biomass or mixed fuels are used, the operator shall provide evidence that application of points (a) or (b) of the first subparagraph does not lead to an under-estimation of emissions.