ANNEX IU.K.Scope of accreditation for verifiers

The scope of accreditation of verifiers shall be indicated in the accreditation certificate using [F1aviation activities or in relation to the activities other than aviation using] the following groups of activities pursuant to Annex I to Directive 2003/87/EC F2....

Activity Group No.Scopes of Accreditation
1aCombustion of fuels in installations, where only commercial standard fuels as defined in Commission Implementing Regulation (EU) 2018/2066 are used, or where natural gas is used in category A or B installations.
1bCombustion of fuels in installations, without restrictions
2Refining of mineral oil
  • Production of coke

  • Metal ore (including sulphide ore) roasting or sintering, including pelletisation

  • Production of pig iron or steel (primary or secondary fusion) including continuous casting

  • Production or processing of ferrous metals (including ferro-alloys)

  • Production of secondary aluminium

  • Production or processing of non-ferrous metals, including production of alloys

5Production of primary aluminium (CO2 and PFC emissions)
  • Production of cement clinker

  • Production of lime or calcination of dolomite or magnesite

  • Manufacture of glass including glass fibre

  • Manufacture of ceramic products by firing

  • Manufacture of mineral wool insulation material

  • Drying or calcination of gypsum or production of plaster boards and other gypsum products

  • Production of pulp from timber or other fibrous materials

  • Production of paper or cardboard

  • Production of carbon black

  • Production of ammonia

  • Production of bulk organic chemicals by cracking, reforming, partial or full oxidation or by similar processes

  • Production of hydrogen (H2) and synthesis gas by reforming or partial oxidation

  • Production of soda ash (Na2CO3) and sodium bicarbonate (NaHCO3)

  • Production of nitric acid (CO2 and N2O emissions)

  • Production of adipic acid (CO2 and N2O emissions)

  • Production of glyoxal and glyoxylic acid (CO2 and N2O emissions)

  • Capture of greenhouse gases from installations covered by [F3the 2012 Regulations] for the purpose of transport and geological storage in a storage site permitted under [F4the CCS licensing regime]

  • Transport of greenhouse gases by pipelines for geological storage in a storage site permitted under [F4the CCS licensing regime]

11Geological storage of greenhouse gases in a storage site permitted under [F5the CCS licensing regime]
12Aviation activities (emissions and tonne-kilometre data)
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ANNEX IIU.K.Requirements on verifiers

With respect to the requirements on verifiers, [F7EN ISO 14065:2013] concerning requirements for greenhouse gas validation and verification bodies for use in accreditation or other forms of recognition, shall apply. In addition, the following procedures, processes and arrangements referred to in Article 41(1), shall apply:


a process and policy for communication with the operator or aircraft operator and other relevant parties;


adequate arrangements to safeguard the confidentiality of information obtained;


a process for dealing with appeals;


a process for dealing with complaints (including indicative timescale);


a process for issuing a revised verification report where an error in the verification report or operator's or aircraft operator's report has been identified after the verifier has submitted the verification report to the operator or aircraft operator for onwards submission to the competent authority;


a procedure or process for outsourcing verification activities to other organisations.