Annexes II and III to Regulation (EC) No 396/2005 are amended as follows:
In Annex II, the column for mercury compounds is deleted.
Annex III is amended as follows:
In Part A, the column for mercury compounds is added:
‘Pesticide residues and maximum residue levels (mg/kg)
a Limit of analytical determination | ||
b For the complete list of products of plant and animal origin to which MRLs apply, reference should be made to Annex I. | ||
(F) = Fat soluble | ||
Mercury compounds (sum of mercury compounds expressed as mercury) | ||
(+) Monitoring data show that residues occur due to environmental contamination. When re-viewing the MRL, the Commission will take into account the information available within 10 years from the date of publication. 0120000 Tree nuts 0256000 herbs and edible flowers 0280010 Cultivated fungi | ||
(+) The following MRL applies to ceps: 0,9 mg/kg. Monitoring data show that residues occur due to environmental contamination. When re-viewing the MRL, the Commission will take into account the information available within 10 years from the date of publication. 0280020 Wild fungi | ||
(+) Monitoring data show that residues occur due to environmental contamination. When re-viewing the MRL, the Commission will take into account the information available within 10 years from the date of publication. 0401000 Oilseeds 0610000 Teas 0620000 Coffee beans 0630000 Herbal infusions from 0640000 Cocoa beans 0800000 SPICES | ||
(+) The applicable maximum residue level for horseradish (Armoracia rusticana) in the spice group (code 0840040) is the one set for horseradish (Armoracia rusticana) in the Vegetables category, root and tuber vegetables group (code 0213040) taking into account changes in the levels by processing (drying) according to Art. 20 (1) of Regulation (EC) No 396/2005. 0840040 Horseradish | ||
(+) Monitoring data show that residues occur due to environmental contamination. When re-viewing the MRL, the Commission will take into account the information available within 10 years from the date of publication. 1011000 Tissues from swine 1012000 Tissues from bovine 1013000 Tissues from sheep 1014000 Tissues from goat 1015000 Tissues from equine | ||
(+) The following MRL applies to duck meat: 0,04 mg/kg. Monitoring data show that residues occur due to environmental contamination. When re-viewing the MRL, the Commission will take into account the information available within 10 years from the date of publication. 1016010 Muscle (poultry) | ||
(+) Monitoring data show that residues occur due to environmental contamination. When re-viewing the MRL, the Commission will take into account the information available within 10 years from the date of publication. 1016020 Fat tissue (poultry) 1016030 Liver (poultry) 1016040 Kidney (poultry) 1016050 Edible offals (poultry) 1017000 Tissues from other farmed terrestrial animals 1020000 Milk 1040000 Honey and other apiculture products | ||
(+) The following MRL applies to offal of wild boar: 0,1 mg/kg. Monitoring data show that residues occur due to environmental contamination. When re-viewing the MRL, the Commission will take into account the information available within 10 years from the date of publication. 1070000 Wild terrestrial vertebrate animals’ | ||
Code number | Groups and examples of individual products to which the MRLs applyb | Mercury compounds (sum of mercury compounds expressed as mercury) |
(1) | (2) | (3) |
0110000 | Citrus fruits | 0,01a |
0110010 | Grapefruits | |
0110020 | Oranges | |
0110030 | Lemons | |
0110040 | Limes | |
0110050 | Mandarins | |
0110990 | Others | |
0120000 | Tree nuts | 0,02 (+) |
0120010 | Almonds | |
0120020 | Brazil nuts | |
0120030 | Cashew nuts | |
0120040 | Chestnuts | |
0120050 | Coconuts | |
0120060 | Hazelnuts/cobnuts | |
0120070 | Macadamias | |
0120080 | Pecans | |
0120090 | Pine nut kernels | |
0120100 | Pistachios | |
0120110 | Walnuts | |
0120990 | Others | |
0130000 | Pome fruits | 0,01a |
0130010 | Apples | |
0130020 | Pears | |
0130030 | Quinces | |
0130040 | Medlars | |
0130050 | Loquats/Japanese medlars | |
0130990 | Others | |
0140000 | Stone fruits | 0,01a |
0140010 | Apricots | |
0140020 | Cherries (sweet) | |
0140030 | Peaches | |
0140040 | Plums | |
0140990 | Others | |
0150000 | Berries and small fruits | 0,01a |
0151000 | (a) grapes | |
0151010 | Table grapes | |
0151020 | Wine grapes | |
0152000 | (b) strawberries | |
0153000 | (c) cane fruits | |
0153010 | Blackberries | |
0153020 | Dewberries | |
0153030 | Raspberries (red and yellow) | |
0153990 | Others | |
0154000 | (d) other small fruits and berries | |
0154010 | Blueberries | |
0154020 | Cranberries | |
0154030 | Currants (black, red and white) | |
0154040 | Gooseberries (green, red and yellow) | |
0154050 | Rose hips | |
0154060 | Mulberries (black and white) | |
0154070 | Azaroles/Mediterranean medlars | |
0154080 | Elderberries | |
0154990 | Others | |
0160000 | Miscellaneous fruits with | 0,01a |
0161000 | (a) edible peel | |
0161010 | Dates | |
0161020 | Figs | |
0161030 | Table olives | |
0161040 | Kumquats | |
0161050 | Carambolas | |
0161060 | Kaki/Japanese persimmons | |
0161070 | Jambuls/jambolans | |
0161990 | Others | |
0162000 | (b) inedible peel, small | |
0162010 | Kiwi fruits (green, red, yellow) | |
0162020 | Litchis/lychees | |
0162030 | Passionfruits/maracujas | |
0162040 | Prickly pears/cactus fruits | |
0162050 | Star apples/cainitos | |
0162060 | American persimmons/Virginia kaki | |
0162990 | Others | |
0163000 | (c) inedible peel, large | |
0163010 | Avocados | |
0163020 | Bananas | |
0163030 | Mangoes | |
0163040 | Papayas | |
0163050 | Granate apples/pomegranates | |
0163060 | Cherimoyas | |
0163070 | Guavas | |
0163080 | Pineapples | |
0163090 | Breadfruits | |
0163100 | Durians | |
0163110 | Soursops/guanabanas | |
0163990 | Others | |
0210000 | Root and tuber vegetables | 0,01a |
0211000 | (a) potatoes | |
0212000 | (b) tropical root and tuber vegetables | |
0212010 | Cassava roots/manioc | |
0212020 | Sweet potatoes | |
0212030 | Yams | |
0212040 | Arrowroots | |
0212990 | Others | |
0213000 | (c) other root and tuber vegetables except sugar beets | |
0213010 | Beetroots | |
0213020 | Carrots | |
0213030 | Celeriacs/turnip rooted celeries | |
0213040 | Horseradishes | |
0213050 | Jerusalem artichokes | |
0213060 | Parsnips | |
0213070 | Parsley roots/Hamburg roots parsley | |
0213080 | Radishes | |
0213090 | Salsifies | |
0213100 | Swedes/rutabagas | |
0213110 | Turnips | |
0213990 | Others | |
0220000 | Bulb vegetables | 0,01a |
0220010 | Garlic | |
0220020 | Onions | |
0220030 | Shallots | |
0220040 | Spring onions/green onions and Welsh onions | |
0220990 | Others | |
0230000 | Fruiting vegetables | 0,01a |
0231000 | (a) solanacea | |
0231010 | Tomatoes | |
0231020 | Sweet peppers/bell peppers | |
0231030 | Aubergines/eggplants | |
0231040 | Okra/lady's fingers | |
0231990 | Others | |
0232000 | (b) cucurbits with edible peel | |
0232010 | Cucumbers | |
0232020 | Gherkins | |
0232030 | Courgettes | |
0232990 | Others | |
0233000 | (c) cucurbits with inedible peel | |
0233010 | Melons | |
0233020 | Pumpkins | |
0233030 | Watermelons | |
0233990 | Others | |
0234000 | (d) sweet corn | |
0239000 | (e) other fruiting vegetables | |
0240000 | Brassica vegetables (excluding brassica roots and brassica baby leaf crops) | 0,01a |
0241000 | (a) flowering brassica | |
0241010 | Broccoli | |
0241020 | Cauliflowers | |
0241990 | Others | |
0242000 | (b) head brassica | |
0242010 | Brussels sprouts | |
0242020 | Head cabbages | |
0242990 | Others | |
0243000 | (c) leafy brassica | |
0243010 | Chinese cabbages/pe-tsai | |
0243020 | Kales | |
0243990 | Others | |
0244000 | (d) kohlrabies | |
0250000 | Leaf vegetables, herbs and edible flowers | |
0251000 | (a) lettuces and salad plants | 0,01a |
0251010 | Lamb's lettuces/corn salads | |
0251020 | Lettuces | |
0251030 | Escaroles/broad-leaved endives | |
0251040 | Cresses and other sprouts and shoots | |
0251050 | Land cresses | |
0251060 | Roman rocket/rucola | |
0251070 | Red mustards | |
0251080 | Baby leaf crops (including brassica species) | |
0251990 | Others | |
0252000 | (b) spinaches and similar leaves | 0,01a |
0252010 | Spinaches | |
0252020 | Purslanes | |
0252030 | Chards/beet leaves | |
0252990 | Others | |
0253000 | (c) grape leaves and similar species | 0,01a |
0254000 | (d) watercresses | 0,01a |
0255000 | (e) witloofs/Belgian endives | 0,01a |
0256000 | (f) herbs and edible flowers | 0,03 (+) |
0256010 | Chervil | |
0256020 | Chives | |
0256030 | Celery leaves | |
0256040 | Parsley | |
0256050 | Sage | |
0256060 | Rosemary | |
0256070 | Thyme | |
0256080 | Basil and edible flowers | |
0256090 | Laurel/bay leave | |
0256100 | Tarragon | |
0256990 | Others | |
0260000 | Legume vegetables | 0,01a |
0260010 | Beans (with pods) | |
0260020 | Beans (without pods) | |
0260030 | Peas (with pods) | |
0260040 | Peas (without pods) | |
0260050 | Lentils | |
0260990 | Others | |
0270000 | Stem vegetables | 0,01a |
0270010 | Asparagus | |
0270020 | Cardoons | |
0270030 | Celeries | |
0270040 | Florence fennels | |
0270050 | Globe artichokes | |
0270060 | Leeks | |
0270070 | Rhubarbs | |
0270080 | Bamboo shoots | |
0270090 | Palm hearts | |
0270990 | Others | |
0280000 | Fungi, mosses and lichens | |
0280010 | Cultivated fungi | 0,05 (+) |
0280020 | Wild fungi | 0,5 (+) |
0280990 | Mosses and lichens | 0,01a |
0290000 | Algae and prokaryotes organisms | 0,01a |
0300000 | PULSES | 0,01a |
0300010 | Beans | |
0300020 | Lentils | |
0300030 | Peas | |
0300040 | Lupins/lupini beans | |
0300990 | Others | |
0401000 | Oilseeds | 0,02 (+) |
0401010 | Linseeds | |
0401020 | Peanuts/groundnuts | |
0401030 | Poppy seeds | |
0401040 | Sesame seeds | |
0401050 | Sunflower seeds | |
0401060 | Rapeseeds/canola seeds | |
0401070 | Soyabeans | |
0401080 | Mustard seeds | |
0401090 | Cotton seeds | |
0401100 | Pumpkin seeds | |
0401110 | Safflower seeds | |
0401120 | Borage seeds | |
0401130 | Gold of pleasure seeds | |
0401140 | Hemp seeds | |
0401150 | Castor beans | |
0401990 | Others | |
0402000 | Oil fruits | |
0402010 | Olives for oil production | 0,01a |
0402020 | Oil palms kernels | 0,02a |
0402030 | Oil palms fruits | 0,02a |
0402040 | Kapok | 0,02a |
0402990 | Others | 0,02a |
0500000 | CEREALS | 0,01a |
0500010 | Barley | |
0500020 | Buckwheat and other pseudo-cereals | |
0500030 | Maize/corn | |
0500040 | Common millet/proso millet | |
0500050 | Oat | |
0500060 | Rice | |
0500070 | Rye | |
0500080 | Sorghum | |
0500090 | Wheat | |
0500990 | Others | |
0610000 | Teas | 0,02 (+) |
0620000 | Coffee beans | 0,02 (+) |
0630000 | Herbal infusions from | 0,02 (+) |
0631000 | (a) flowers | |
0631010 | Chamomile | |
0631020 | Hibiscus/roselle | |
0631030 | Rose | |
0631040 | Jasmine | |
0631050 | Lime/linden | |
0631990 | Others | |
0632000 | (b) leaves and herbs | |
0632010 | Strawberry | |
0632020 | Rooibos | |
0632030 | Mate/maté | |
0632990 | Others | |
0633000 | (c) roots | |
0633010 | Valerian | |
0633020 | Ginseng | |
0633990 | Others | |
0639000 | (d) any other parts of the plant | |
0640000 | Cocoa beans | 0,02 (+) |
0650000 | Carobs/Saint John's breads | 0,02a |
0700000 | HOPS | 0,02a |
0800000 | SPICES | (+) |
0810000 | Seed spices | |
0810010 | Anise/aniseed | 0,02 |
0810020 | Black caraway/black cumin | 0,02 |
0810030 | Celery | 0,02 |
0810040 | Coriander | 0,02 |
0810050 | Cumin | 0,02 |
0810060 | Dill | 0,02 |
0810070 | Fennel | 0,02 |
0810080 | Fenugreek | 0,02 |
0810090 | Nutmeg | 0,05 |
0810990 | Others | 0,02 |
0820000 | Fruit spices | 0,02 |
0820010 | Allspice/pimento | |
0820020 | Sichuan pepper | |
0820030 | Caraway | |
0820040 | Cardamom | |
0820050 | Juniper berry | |
0820060 | Peppercorn (black, green and white) | |
0820070 | Vanilla | |
0820080 | Tamarind | |
0820990 | Others | |
0830000 | Bark spices | 0,02 |
0830010 | Cinnamon | |
0830990 | Others | |
0840000 | Root and rhizome spices | |
0840010 | Liquorice | 0,02 |
0840020 | Ginger | 0,05 |
0840030 | Turmeric/curcuma | 0,05 |
0840040 | Horseradish | |
0840990 | Others | 0,02 |
0850000 | Bud spices | 0,02 |
0850010 | Cloves | |
0850020 | Capers | |
0850990 | Others | |
0860000 | Flower pistil spices | 0,02 |
0860010 | Saffron | |
0860990 | Others | |
0870000 | Aril spices | |
0870010 | Mace | 0,05 |
0870990 | Others | 0,02 |
0900000 | SUGAR PLANTS | 0,01a |
0900010 | Sugar beet roots | |
0900020 | Sugar canes | |
0900030 | Chicory roots | |
0900990 | Others | |
1010000 | Tissues from | |
1011000 | (a) swine | (+) |
1011010 | Muscle | 0,01 |
1011020 | Fat tissue | 0,01 |
1011030 | Liver | 0,02 |
1011040 | Kidney | 0,02 |
1011050 | Edible offals (other than liver and kidney) | 0,02 |
1011990 | Others | 0,01 a |
1012000 | (b) bovine | (+) |
1012010 | Muscle | 0,01 |
1012020 | Fat tissue | 0,01 |
1012030 | Liver | 0,02 |
1012040 | Kidney | 0,02 |
1012050 | Edible offals (other than liver and kidney) | 0,02 |
1012990 | Others | 0,01 a |
1013000 | (c) sheep | (+) |
1013010 | Muscle | 0,01 |
1013020 | Fat tissue | 0,01 |
1013030 | Liver | 0,02 |
1013040 | Kidney | 0,02 |
1013050 | Edible offals (other than liver and kidney) | 0,02 |
1013990 | Others | 0,01 a |
1014000 | (d) goat | (+) |
1014010 | Muscle | 0,01 |
1014020 | Fat tissue | 0,01 |
1014030 | Liver | 0,02 |
1014040 | Kidney | 0,02 |
1014050 | Edible offals (other than liver and kidney) | 0,02 |
1014990 | Others | 0,01 a |
1015000 | (e) equine | (+) |
1015010 | Muscle | 0,01 |
1015020 | Fat tissue | 0,01 |
1015030 | Liver | 0,02 |
1015040 | Kidney | 0,02 |
1015050 | Edible offals (other than liver and kidney) | 0,02 |
1015990 | Others | 0,01 a |
1016000 | (f) poultry | |
1016010 | Muscle | 0,01 (+) |
1016020 | Fat tissue | 0,01 (+) |
1016030 | Liver | 0,02 (+) |
1016040 | Kidney | 0,02 (+) |
1016050 | Edible offals (other than liver and kidney) | 0,02 (+) |
1016990 | Others | 0,01a |
1017000 | (g) other farmed terrestrial animals | (+) |
1017010 | Muscle | 0,01 |
1017020 | Fat tissue | 0,01 |
1017030 | Liver | 0,02 |
1017040 | Kidney | 0,02 |
1017050 | Edible offals (other than liver and kidney) | 0,02 |
1017990 | Others | 0,01 a |
1020000 | Milk | 0,01 (+) |
1020010 | Cattle | |
1020020 | Sheep | |
1020030 | Goat | |
1020040 | Horse | |
1020990 | Others | |
1030000 | Birds eggs | 0,01a |
1030010 | Chicken | |
1030020 | Duck | |
1030030 | Geese | |
1030040 | Quail | |
1030990 | Others | |
1040000 | Honey and other apiculture products | 0,01 (+) |
1050000 | Amphibians and Reptiles | 0,01 a |
1060000 | Terrestrial invertebrate animals | 0,01 a |
1070000 | Wild terrestrial vertebrate animals | 0,04 (+) |
In Part B, the column for mercury compounds is deleted.