Article 11Forum for Exchange of Information on Enforcement

1.The Commission shall establish, chair and manage a Forum for Exchange of Information on Enforcement (‘the Forum’).

The Forum shall be composed of representatives appointed by each Member State representing their approval authorities and market surveillance authorities.

Whenever appropriate, technical services, recognised third parties that meet the requirements laid down by the implementing acts referred to in Article 13(10), representatives of the European Parliament, of the industry and of the relevant economic operators, as well as of stakeholders involved in safety and environment matters, may be invited as observers to the Forum in accordance with the rules of procedures referred to in paragraph 7 of this Article.

The advisory tasks of the Forum shall have as their objective the promotion of best practices in order to facilitate the uniform interpretation and implementation of this Regulation, the exchange of information on enforcement problems, cooperation, in particular regarding the assessment, designation and monitoring of technical services, the development of working methods and tools, the development of an electronic information exchange procedure, and the evaluation of harmonised enforcement projects and penalties.

2.The Forum shall consider:

(a)matters related to the uniform interpretation of the requirements laid down in this Regulation and in the regulatory acts listed in Annex II during implementation of those requirements;

(b)the results of the activities relating to type-approval and market surveillance that were carried out by Member States in accordance with Article 6(8) and (9);

(c)the results of tests and inspections carried out by the Commission in accordance with Article 9;

(d)the assessments carried out by the Commission in accordance with Article 10;

(e)test reports regarding possible non-compliance presented by recognised third parties that meet the requirements laid down by the implementing acts referred to in Article 13(10);

(f)the results of the conformity of production activities carried out by approval authorities in accordance with Article 31;

(g)the information submitted by Member States under Article 67(6) on their procedures for the assessment, designation and notification of technical services and for the monitoring of technical services;

(h)matters of general relevance with regard to the implementation of the requirements laid down in this Regulation in relation to the assessment, designation and monitoring of technical services in accordance with Articles 67(10) and 78(4);

(i)infringements by economic operators;

(j)implementation of the corrective or restrictive measures laid down in Chapter XI;

(k)the planning, coordination and results of market surveillance activities;

(l)matters regarding access to vehicle OBD information and vehicle repair and maintenance information set out in Chapter XIV and, in particular, matters regarding the implementation of the procedures established under Article 65.

3.On the basis of the reports submitted by Member States in accordance with Article 8(7), the Commission shall make a summary report on market surveillance activities publicly available on a two-yearly basis.

4.Each year the Commission shall present a summary of the activities of the Forum to the European Parliament.

5.As part of its advisory task and taking into account the outcome of the considerations under paragraph 2, the Forum may express an opinion or issue a recommendation.

When expressing an opinion or issuing recommendations the Forum shall endeavour to reach a consensus. If no such consensus can be reached, the Forum shall express its opinion or issue its recommendations by a simple majority of the Member States. Each Member State shall have one vote. Member States with diverging positions may request that their positions and the grounds on which they are based be recorded in the Forum's opinion or recommendations.

6.When adopting implementing acts, the Commission shall duly take into account the opinions expressed by the Forum in accordance with paragraph 5.

7.The Forum shall establish its rules of procedure.