ANNEX VIU.K. Fisheries Operation Plan for exploratory fisheries

The Fisheries Operation Plan shall include the following information, to the extent it is available:


a description of the exploratory fishery, including area, target species, proposed methods of fishing, proposed maximum catch limits and any apportionment of that catch limit among areas or species;


specification and full description of the types of fishing gear to be used, including any modifications made to gear intended to mitigate the effects of the proposed fishing on non-target and associated or dependent species or the marine ecosystem in which the fishery occurs;


the time period covered by the Fisheries Operation Plan (up to a maximum period of three years);


any biological information on the target species from comprehensive research or survey cruises, such as distribution, abundance, demographic data and information on stock identity;


details of non-target and associated or dependent species and the marine ecosystem in which the fishery occurs, the extent to which these would likely be affected by the proposed fishing activity and any measures that will be taken to mitigate these effects;


the anticipated cumulative impact of all fishing activity in the area of the exploratory fishery if applicable;


information from other fisheries in the region or similar fisheries elsewhere that may assist in the evaluation of the relevant exploratory fishery's potential yield, to the extent the Member State is able to provide that information;


if the proposed fishing activity is bottom fishing, the assessment of the impact of bottom fishing activities of vessels flying the flag of the Member State in question, in line with Articles 12 and 13;


where the target species is also managed by an adjacent RFMO to the SPRFMO or similar organisation, a description of that neighbouring fishery sufficient to allow the SPRFMO Scientific Committee to formulate its advice.