2.The following fields of data are to be collected for each observed set:U.K.
Set start date and time (UTC format)
Set end date and time (UTC format)
Set start position (Lat/Lon, 1 minute resolution — decimal format)
Set end position (Lat/Lon, 1 minute resolution — decimal format)
Intended target species (FAO species code)
Total length of longline set (km)
Number of hooks for the set
Bottom (seabed) depth at start of set
Number of hooks actually observed (including for marine mammals, seabirds, reptiles or other species of concern caught) during the haul
Estimated catch of all species (FAO species code) retained on board, split by species, in live weight (to the nearest kg)
Were any marine mammals, seabirds, reptiles or other species of concern caught? (Yes/No/Unknown)
If yes, record the numbers by species of all marine mammals, seabirds, reptiles or other species of concern caught.
Was there any benthic material in the catch? (Yes/No/Unknown)
If yes, record sensitive benthic species in the catch, particularly vulnerable or habitat-forming species such as sponges, sea-fans or corals.
Estimate of the amount (weight or volume) of remaining marine resources not recorded under point (j), (k) or (l) discarded, split to the lowest known taxon
Record any bycatch mitigation measures employed:
Were bird scaring (tori) lines in use? (nil/equipment code – as described in Section L)
Was setting restricted to the time between nautical dusk and nautical dawn? (Yes/No)
What type of fishing gear was used? (external weighting system/internal weighting system/trot line/other)
If external weighting system, describe weighting and float regime (using the form provided in Section M)
If internal weighting system, what was the line core's weight (grams per metre)?
If trot line, were cachalotera nets used? (Yes/No)
If other, describe
What haul mitigation was used? (bird deterrent curtains/other/none)
If other, describe.
What was the bait type? (fish/squid/mixed; live/dead/mixed; frozen/thawed/mixed)
Describe discharge of any biological material during shooting and hauling (discharge not batched for two hours or more/discharge batched for two hours or more/none/unknown)
Were any other measures used to reduce the bycatch of marine mammals, seabirds, reptiles or other species of concern? (Yes/No)
If yes, describe.