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ANNEX XIIU.K. Port inspection summary results

Inspection details:

Inspection report numberPrincipal inspector's name
Port stateInspecting authority
Port of inspectionPurpose of call
Inspection start dateInspection start time
Inspection end dateInspection end time
Prior notification received?Prior notification details consistent with inspection?

Vessel details:

Vessel nameVessel flag
Vessel typeIRCS
External identificationIMO number
Vessel owner
Vessel operator

Vessel master

(and nationality)

Vessel agent
VMS present?VMS type

Relevant fishing authorisations:


If the authorisation is for transhipment then enter ‘tranship’ as the gear.

Authorisation identifierIssued by
ValidityFishing areas
Is the vessel in the SPRFMO record of vessels?Currently authorised?

SPRFMO managed species off loaded (during this port call):

SpeciesFAO area of captureProduct stateDeclared quantity off loadedQuantity off loaded

SPRFMO managed species retained onboard:

SpeciesFAO area of captureProduct stateDeclared quantity held on-boardQuantity held on-board

SPRFMO managed species received from transhipment (during this port call):

SpeciesFAO area of captureProduct stateDeclared quantity receivedQuantity received

Examinations and findings:

Examination of logbooks and other documentation
Type of gear onboard
Findings by inspectors
Apparent infringements (include reference to relevant legal instruments)
Vessel master's comments
Actions taken
Vessel master's signature
Inspector's signature