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Article 49U.K.Report

By 16 July 2026, the Commission shall submit to the European Parliament and to the Council a report assessing the application of this Regulation and its overall impact as to the attainment of its objectives, including the impact on small and medium-sized enterprises. That report shall include:


an assessment of the functioning of the internal market for fertilising products, including conformity assessment and market surveillance effectiveness and an analysis of the effects of optional harmonisation on production, market shares and trade flows of EU fertilising products and fertilising products placed on the market under national rules;


a review of the limit values for cadmium content in phosphate fertilisers, with a view to assessing the feasibility of reducing these limit values to a lower appropriate level on the basis of available technologies and scientific evidence on cadmium exposure and accumulation in the environment, taking into account environmental factors, in particular in the context of soil and climatic conditions, health factors, as well as socio-economic factors, including considerations of security of supply;


an assessment of the application of restrictions on levels of contaminants set out in Annex I and an assessment of any new relevant scientific information as regards the toxicity and carcinogenicity of contaminants that becomes available, including the risks from uranium contamination in fertilising products.

The report shall take due account of technological progress and innovation as well as standardisation processes affecting production and use of fertilising products. It shall be accompanied, if appropriate, by a legislative proposal.