1.Annex IA to Regulation (EU) 2019/124 is amended as follows:U.K.


The fishing opportunities table for anchovy in ICES subareas 9 and 10 and Union waters of CECAF 34.1.1 is replaced by the following:


The quota may only be fished from 1 July 2019 to 30 September 2019.’

Species:AnchovyEngraulis encrasicolus Zone:9 and 10; Union waters of CECAF 34.1.1(ANE/9/3411)
Spain2 344a
Portugal2 558a
Union4 902a
TAC4 902aPrecautionary TAC

the fishing opportunities table for cod in ICES subarea 4 and Union waters of division 2a and that part of 3a not covered by the Skagerrak and Kattegat is replaced by the following:


Special condition: of which up to 5 % may be fished in: 7d (COD/*07D.).


May be taken in Union waters. Catches taken within this quota are to be deducted from Norway's share of the TAC.

Special condition:

within the limits of the abovementioned quotas, no more than the quantities given below may be taken in the following zone:

Norwegian waters of 4 (COD/*04N-)
Union21 236’
Species:CodGadus morhua Zone:4; Union waters of 2a; that part of 3a not covered by the Skagerrak and Kattegat(COD/2A3AX4)
Denmark4 998a
Germany3 169a
France1 075a
The Netherlands2 824a
United Kingdom11 464a
Union24 433a
Norway5 004b
TAC29 437Analytical TAC

the fishing opportunities table for whiting ICES subarea 4 and Union waters of ICES division 2a is replaced by the following:


May be taken in Union waters. Catches taken within this quota are to be deducted from Norway's share of the TAC.

Special condition:

within the limits of the abovementioned quotas, no more than the quantities given below may be taken in the following zones:

Norwegian waters of 4 (WHG/*04N-)
Union10 881’
Species:WhitingMerlangius merlangus Zone:4; Union waters of 2a(WHG/2AC4.)
Denmark1 385
France2 082
The Netherlands801
United Kingdom10 012
Union14 963
Norway1 219a
TAC17 191

Analytical TAC

Article 7(2) of this Regulation applies


the fishing opportunities table for whiting in ICES division 7a is replaced by the following:


Exclusively for by-catches of whiting in fisheries for other species. No directed fisheries for whiting are permitted under this quota.’

Species:WhitingMerlangius merlangus Zone:7a(WHG/07A.)
The Netherlands1a
United Kingdom482a
Union1 246a
TAC1 246a

Analytical TAC

Article 8 of this Regulation applies


the fishing opportunities table for Norway lobster in ICES division 8c is replaced by the following:


Exclusively for catches taken as part of a sentinel fishery to collect catch per unit effort (CPUE) data with vessels carrying observers on board:

  • 2 tonnes in functional unit 25 during five trips per month in August and September;

  • 0,7 tonnes in functional unit 31 during 7 days in July.’

Species:Norway lobsterNephrops norvegicus Zone:8c(NEP/08C.)
TAC2,7aPrecautionary TAC

the fishing opportunities table for Northern prawn in ICES division 3a is replaced by the following:

Species:Northern prawnPandalus borealis Zone:3a(PRA/03A.)
Denmark1 497
Union2 304
TAC4 314Analytical TAC

the fishing opportunities table for saithe in ICES division 3a and subarea 4 and Union waters of division 2a is replaced by the following:


May only be taken in Union waters of 4 and in 3a (POK/*3A4-C). Catches taken within this quota are to be deducted from Norway's share of the TAC.’

Species:SaithePollachius virens Zone:3a and 4; Union waters of 2a(POK/2C3A4)
Denmark3 865
Germany9 759
France22 967
The Netherlands98
United Kingdom7 482
Union44 735
Norway48 879a
TAC93 614

Analytical TAC

Article 7(2) of this Regulation applies


the fishing opportunities table for saithe in ICES subarea 6 and Union and international waters of 5b, 12 and 14 is replaced by the following:


To be fished north of 56°30′ N (POK/*5614N).’

Species:SaithePollachius virens Zone:6; Union and international waters of 5b, 12 and 14(POK/56-14)
France4 650
United Kingdom3 237
Union8 773
TAC9 713

Analytical TAC

Article 7(2) of this Regulation applies


the fishing opportunities table for sprat and associated by-catches in Union waters of 3a is replaced by the following:


Up to 5 % of the quota may consist of by-catches of whiting and haddock (OTH/*03A.). By-catches of whiting and haddock counted against the quota pursuant to this provision and by-catches of species counted against the quota pursuant to Article 15(8) of Regulation (EU) No 1380/2013 shall, together, not exceed 9 % of the quota.


Transfers of this quota may be effected to Union waters of 2a and 4. However, such transfers shall be notified in advance to the Commission.’

Species:Sprat and associated by-catchesSprattus sprattus Zone:3a(SPR/03A.)
Denmark17 840a b
Germany37a b
Sweden6 750a b
Union24 627a
TAC26 624Precautionary TAC

the fishing opportunities table for sprat and associated by-catches in Union waters of 2a and 4 is replaced by the following:


The quota may only be fished from 1 July 2019 to 30 June 2020.


Up to 2 % of the quota may consist of by-catches of whiting (OTH/ *2AC4C). By-catches of whiting counted against the quota pursuant to this provision and by-catches of species counted against the quota pursuant to Article 15(8) of Regulation (EU) No 1380/2013 shall, together, not exceed 9 % of the quota.


Including sandeel.


May contain up to 4 % of by-catch of herring.’

Species:Sprat and associated by-catchesSprattus sprattus Zone:Union waters of 2a and 4(SPR/2AC4-C)
Belgium1 154a b
Denmark91 347a b
Germany1 154a b
France1 154a b
The Netherlands1 154a b
Sweden1 330a b c
United Kingdom3 809a b
Union101 102a b
Norway10 000a
Faroe Islands1 000a d
TAC112 102aAnalytical TAC

2.Annex IV to Regulation (EU) 2019/124 is amended as follows:U.K.


paragraph 4 is replaced by the following:

Maximum number of fishing vessels of each Member State that may be authorised to fish for, retain on board, tranship, transport, or land bluefin tuna in the eastern Atlantic and Mediterranean.


in paragraph 4, table B is deleted;


in paragraph 6, table B is replaced by the following:

Table B a


The total farming capacity of Portugal of 500 tonnes (corresponding to 350 tonnes of input farming capacity) is covered by the unused capacity of the Union set out in table A..

Maximum input of wild caught bluefin tuna (in tonnes)
Spain6 300
Italy3 764
Cyprus2 195
Croatia2 947
Malta8 786