II. Information related to accounting of transactions under Title IIA

Information available to the public

7.The central administrator shall make publicly available the following information for each ESR compliance account and update it within 24 hours when relevant:

information on the Member State holding the account;


Annual Emission Allocations as determined pursuant to Article 4(3) and Article 10 of Regulation (EU) 2018/842;


the status of each ESR Compliance Account in accordance with Article 10;


the relevant greenhouse gas emissions data pursuant to Article 59d;


the compliance status figure pursuant to Article 59f for each ESR Compliance Account as follows:


A for compliance;


I for non-compliance;


the quantity of greenhouse gas emissions introduced pursuant to Article 59g;


the following information about each completed transaction:


account holder name and account holder ID of the transferring account;


account holder name and account holder ID of the acquiring account;


the amount of AEAs involved in the transaction, without unique unit identification code of the AEA;


transaction identification code;


date and time at which the transaction was completed (in Central European Time);


type of the transaction.