PART AMinimum conservation reference sizes


Geographical Areas

Minimum Conservation Reference Size

Cod (Gadus morhua)

Sub-divisions 22-32


Plaice (Pleuronectes platessa)

Sub-divisions 22-32

25 cm

Salmon (Salmo salar)

Sub-divisions 22-30 and 32

60 cm

Sub-division 31

50 cm

Flounder (Platichthys flesus)

Sub-divisions 22-25

23 cm

Sub-divisions 26, 27 and 28

21 cm

Sub-divisions 29-32, south of 59°

18 cm

Turbot (Psetta maxima)

Sub-divisions 22-32

30 cm

Brill (Scophthalmus rhombus)

Sub-divisions 22-32

30 cm

Eel (Anguilla anguilla)

Sub-divisions 22-32

35 cm

Sea trout (Salmo trutta)

Sub-divisions 22-25 and 29-32

40 cm

Sub-divisions 26, 27 and 28

50 cm

PART BMesh sizes

1.Baseline mesh sizes for towed gear


Without prejudice to the landing obligation, vessels shall use a mesh size of at least 120 mm constructed from T90 or at least 105 mm fitted with a Bacoma exit window of 120 mm.

1.2.Without prejudice to the landing obligation and notwithstanding point 1.1, vessels may use smaller mesh sizes as listed in the following table for the Baltic Sea provided that:

  1. (i)

    the associated conditions set out in that table are complied with, and by-catches of cod do not exceed 10 % of the total catch in live weight of all marine biological resources landed after each fishing trip; or

  2. (ii)

    other selectivity modifications are used which have been assessed by STECF upon request of one or more Member States and approved by the Commission. Those selectivity modifications shall result in the same or better selectivity characteristics for cod as that of 120 mm T90, or of 105 mm fitted with a 120 mm Bacoma exit window, respectively.

Mesh Size

Geographical Areas


At least 90 mm

In sub-divisions 22 and 23

Directed fishing for flatfish70

Directed fishing for whiting

At least 32 mm

In sub-divisions 22-27

Directed fishing for herring, mackerel, horse mackerel and blue whiting

At least 16 mm

In sub-divisions 22-27

Directed fishing for sprat71

At least 16 mm

Whole area

Directed fishing for species other than flatfish and which are not subject to catch limits and not covered elsewhere in the table

At least 16 mm

In sub-divisions 28-32

Directed fishing for small pelagic species which are not covered elsewhere in the table

Less than 16 mm

Whole area

Directed fishing for sandeel

The use of beam trawl shall not be authorised.

The catch may consist of up to 45 % of herring by live weight

2.Baseline mesh sizes for static nets


Without prejudice to the landing obligation, vessels shall use a mesh size of at least 110 mm, or 157 mm when fishing for salmon.


Without prejudice to the landing obligation and notwithstanding point 2.1, vessels may use smaller mesh sizes as listed in the following table for the Baltic Sea provided that the associated conditions set out in that table are complied with, and by-catches of cod do not exceed 10 % of the total catch live weight of all marine biological resources landed after each fishing trip or 5 specimens of salmon.

Mesh Size

Geographical Areas


At least 90 mm

Whole area

Directed fishing for flatfish species

Less than 90 mm

Whole area

Directed fishing for small pelagic species

At least 16 mm

Whole area

Directed fishing for species which are not subject to catch limits and not covered elsewhere in the table

The use of gillnets, entangling nets or trammel nets of more than 9 km for vessels with an overall length of less than 12 m and 21 km for vessels with an overall length of more than 12 m shall be prohibited. The maximum immersion time for such gear shall be 48 hours, except when fishing under ice cover.

PART CClosed or restricted areas

1.Restrictions on fishing with towed gear

It shall be prohibited throughout the year, to fish with any towed gear in the geographical area enclosed by sequentially joining with rhumb lines the following positions, which shall be measured according to the WGS84 coordinate system:

  • 54°23′ N, 14°35′ E

  • 54°21′ N, 14°40′ E

  • 54°17′ N, 14°33′ E

  • 54°07′ N, 14°25′ E

  • 54°10′ N, 14°21′ E

  • 54°14′ N, 14°25′ E

  • 54°17′ N, 14°17′ E

  • 54°24′ N, 14°11′ E

  • 54°27′ N, 14°25′ E

  • 54°23′ N, 14°35′ E.

2.Restrictions on fishing for salmon and sea trout

2.1.Directed fishing for salmon (Salmo salar) or sea trout (Salmo trutta) shall be prohibited:

  1. (a)

    from 1 June to 15 September each year in waters of subdivisions 22-31;

  2. (b)

    from 15 June to 30 September each year in waters of subdivision 32.


The area of prohibition during the closed season shall be beyond four nautical miles measured from the baselines.


The retention on board of salmon (Salmo salar) or sea trout (Salmo trutta) caught with trap-nets shall be permitted.

3.Specific measures for the Gulf of Riga


In order to fish in sub-division 28-1, vessels shall hold a fishing authorisation issued in accordance with Article 7 of Regulation (EC) No 1224/2009.


Member States shall ensure that vessels, to which the fishing authorisation referred to in point 3.1 has been issued, are included in a list, containing their name and internal registration number, made publicly available via an internet website, the address of which shall be provided to the Commission and Member States by each Member State.

3.3.Vessels included in the list shall satisfy the following conditions:

  1. (a)

    the total engine power (kW) of the vessels within the lists must not exceed that observed for each Member State in the years 2000-2001 in subdivision 28-1; and

  2. (b)

    the engine power of a vessel must not exceed 221 kW at any time.

3.4.Any individual vessel on the list referred to in point 3.2 may be replaced by another vessel or vessels, provided that:

  1. (a)

    such replacement does not lead to an increase in the total engine power as indicated in point 3.3(a) for the Member State concerned; and

  2. (b)

    the engine power of any replacement vessel does not exceed 221 kW at any time.

3.5.An engine of any individual vessel included in the list referred to in point 3.2 may be replaced, provided that:

  1. (a)

    the replacement of an engine does not lead to the vessel’s engine power exceeding 221 kW at any time; and

  2. (b)

    the power of the replacement engine is not such that replacement leads to an increase in the total engine power as indicated in point 3.3(a) for the Member State concerned.


In sub-division 28-1, fishing with trawls shall be prohibited in waters of less than 20 m in depth.

4.Area restrictions on fishing

4.1.It shall be prohibited to conduct any fishing activity from 1 May to 31 October each year within the areas enclosed by sequentially joining with rhumb lines the following positions, which shall be measured according to the WGS84 coordinate system:

  1. (a)

    Area 1:

    • 55°45′ N, 15°30′ E

    • 55°45′ N, 16°30′ E

    • 55°00′ N, 16°30′ E

    • 55°00′ N, 16°00′ E

    • 55°15′ N, 16°00′ E

    • 55°15′ N, 15°30′ E

    • 55°45′ N, 15°30′ E

  2. (b)

    Area 2:

    • 55°00′ N, 19°14′ E

    • 54°48′ N, 19°20′ E

    • 54°45′ N, 19°19′ E

    • 54°45′ N, 18°55′ E

    • 55°00′ N, 19°14′ E

  3. (c)

    Area 3:

    • 56°13′ N, 18°27′ E

    • 56°13′ N, 19°31′ E

    • 55°59′ N, 19°13′ E

    • 56°03′ N, 19°06′ E

    • 56°00′ N, 18°51′ E

    • 55°47′ N, 18°57′ E

    • 55°30′ N, 18°34′ E

    • 56°13′ N, 18°27′ E.


Directed fishing for salmon with gillnets, entangling nets and trammel nets of a mesh size equal to or larger than 157 mm or with drifting lines shall be permitted. No other gear shall be kept on board.


Directed fishing for cod with the gear specified in point 5.2 shall be prohibited.

5.Restrictions on fishing for flounder and turbot

5.1.The retention on board of the following species of fish shall be prohibited where they are caught within the geographical areas and during the periods mentioned below:


Geographical Areas



Sub-divisions 26-29 south of 59° 30′ N

15 February to 15 May

Subdivision 32

15 February to 31 May


Sub-divisions 25, 26 and 28 south of 56° 50′ N

1 June to 31 July


Directed fishing with trawls, Danish seines or similar gear with a codend mesh size equal to or greater than 90 mm or with gillnets, entangling nets or trammel nets with a mesh size equal to or greater than 90 mm shall be prohibited. By-catches of flounder and turbot may be retained on board and landed within a limit of 10 % by live weight of the total catch retained on board during the periods referred to in point 6.1.

6.Restrictions on fishing for eel

The retention on board of eel caught with any active gear shall be prohibited. When accidentally caught, eel shall not be harmed and shall be promptly released.