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CHAPTER 3 U.K. Components, networks and contact points


Article 22U.K.Follow-up notifications

1.Where an alert and cooperation network member has additional information relating to an original notification, the contact point(s) concerned shall immediately transmit a follow-up notification to that network.

2.Where a contact point referred to in paragraph 1 has requested follow-up information relating to an original notification, the alert and cooperation network shall be provided with such information to the extent possible and without undue delay.

3.Where a RASFF network member takes action on receipt of an original notification in accordance with Article 50(5) of Regulation (EC) No 178/2002, its contact point shall immediately transmit a detailed follow-up notification to the alert and cooperation network.

4.Where the action referred to in paragraph 3 consists of detaining a product and returning to a dispatcher in the country of another RASFF network member:

(a)the network member taking the action shall provide relevant information about the returned product in a follow-up notification, unless that information was already included in full in the original notification;

(b)the other network member shall provide information in a follow-up notification on the action taken on the returned product.

5.By way of derogation from paragraph 1, where a follow-up notification changes the classification of an original notification to an alert or an information notification, the alert and cooperation network member shall submit it to the Commission contact point for verification and transmission to the alert and cooperation network contact points within the delays laid down in Article 17 or Article 18.