ANNEX IIIU.K. Requirements relating to production and market information notifications as referred to in point (b) of Article 12

1. Rice U.K.

Content of the notification: for each of the types of rice referred to in points 2 and 3 of Part I of Annex II to Regulation (EU) No 1308/2013:


area planted, agronomic yield, production of paddy rice in the harvest year and milling yield;


domestic use (including by the processing industry) of rice expressed in milled equivalent;


stocks of rice (expressed in milled equivalent) held by producers and by rice mills on 31 August each year, broken down by rice produced in the Union and rice imported.

Period of notification: by 15 January each year in respect of the previous year.

Member States concerned:


for paddy rice production, all rice producing Member States;


for domestic use, all Member States;


for rice stocks, all rice producing Member States and Member States with rice mills.

2. Sugar U.K.

A. Beet areas U.K.

Content of the notification: sugar beet area for the current marketing year and an estimate for the following marketing year.

Period of notification: by 31 May each year.

Member States concerned: all Member States with a planted area of more than 1 000 ha of sugar beet in the year in question.

Other: these figures shall be expressed in hectares and broken down by areas intended for production of sugar and those intended for production of bioethanol.

B. Sugar and bioethanol production and use U.K.

Content of the notification:


production: sugar and molasses production and bioethanol production by each undertaking in the previous marketing year and, for the current marketing year, an estimate of the total sugar production in each Member State and of the sugar production by each undertaking;


use: sugar sold by undertakings and refiners in the previous marketing year, split by destination.

Period of notification: by 30 November each year as regards the previous marketing year production and use, as well as the estimated total sugar production for the current marketing year; and by 31 March each year (30 June for the French departments of Guadeloupe and Martinique) as regards the current marketing year production by each undertaking.

Member States concerned: Member States where more than 10 000 tonnes of sugar is produced.



‘sugar production’ means the total quantity, expressed in tonnes of white sugar as follows, of:


white sugar, disregarding differences in quality;


raw sugar, on the basis of yield determined in accordance with point B.III of Annex III to Regulation (EU) No 1308/2013;


invert sugar, by its weight;


sucrose or invert sugar syrups which are at least 70 % pure and are produced from sugar beet, on the basis of extractable sugar content or on the basis of real yield;


sucrose or invert sugar syrups which are at least 75 % pure and are produced from sugar cane, on the basis of sugar content;


sugar production shall not include white sugar obtained from any of the products referred to in point (a) or produced under inward processing arrangements;


the sugar extracted from beet sown in a particular marketing year shall be attributed to the following marketing year. However, the sugar extracted from beet sown in the Autumn of a particular marketing year shall be attributed to the same marketing year in those Member States having decided so and notified the Commission of their decision by 1 October 2017;


the figures for sugar shall be broken down by month and, with regard to the current marketing year, shall correspond to provisional figures until the month of February and to estimates for the remaining months of the marketing year;


bioethanol production shall only include bioethanol obtained from any of the products referred to in point (a) and shall be expressed in hectolitres;


‘sugar use’ means the total quantities, expressed in tonnes of white sugar equivalent, sold by sugar undertakings and refiners to retailers and sugar users during the marketing year. Those quantities shall be split between those sold for retail sales, to the food industry and to other industries excluding bioethanol.

C. Isoglucose production U.K.

Content of the notification:


quantities of own production of isoglucose shipped by each producer during the previous marketing year;


quantities of own production of isoglucose shipped by each producer during the previous month.

Period of notification: by 30 November each year with regard to the previous marketing year and by 25th of each month with regard to the previous month.

Member States concerned: all Member States where isoglucose is produced.

Other:‘Production of isoglucose’ means the total quantity of product obtained from glucose or its polymers with content by weight in the dry state of at least 41 % fructose, expressed in tonnes of dry matter irrespective of actual fructose content in excess of the 41 % threshold. The yearly production figures shall be broken down by month.

D. Sugar and isoglucose stocks U.K.

Content of the notification:


quantities of sugar production stored at the end of each month by sugar undertakings and refiners;


quantities of isoglucose production stored by isoglucose producers at the end of the previous marketing year.

Period of notification: by the end of each month in respect of the preceding month in question with regard to sugar, and by 30 November with regard to isoglucose.

Member States concerned:


for sugar, all Member States where sugar undertakings or refiners are located and production of sugar exceeds 10 000 tonnes;


for isoglucose, all Member States where isoglucose is produced.

Other: the figures shall refer to products stored in free circulation in Union territory and to sugar production and isoglucose production as defined in points B and C.

With regard to sugar:

  • the figures shall refer to quantities owned by the undertaking or the refiner or covered by a warrant,

  • the figures shall specify, for the quantities in storage at the end of the months of July, August and September, the quantity which comes from the production of sugar under the following marketing year,

  • if storage is in a different Member State from the one notifying the Commission, the notifying Member State shall inform the Member State concerned of the quantities stored on their territory and their locations by the end of the month following that of notification to the Commission.

With regard to isoglucose, the quantities shall refer to quantities owned by the producer.

E. Agreements within the trade U.K.

Content of the notification: the contents of agreements within the trade between growers and undertakings as well of collective value sharing clauses. The relevant elements to be notified shall be established in line with the methodology published by the Commission.

Period of notification: by the end of each marketing year in respect of that marketing year.

Member States concerned: all Member States where sugar undertakings are located and production of sugar exceeds 10 000 tonnes.

3. Fibre crops U.K.

Content of the notification:


the fibre flax area for the previous marketing year and the estimate for the current marketing year, expressed in hectares;


the production of long flax fibres for the previous marketing year and an estimate for the current marketing year, expressed in tonnes;


the area planted with cotton for the previous crop year and an estimate for the current crop year, expressed in hectares;


the production of unginned cotton for the previous crop year and an estimate for the current crop year and, expressed in tonnes;


the average price of unginned cotton paid to cotton producers in respect of the previous crop year, expressed per tonne of product.

Period of notification:


for fibre flax area, by 31 July each year;


for production of long flax fibres, by 31 October each year;


for cotton, by 15 October each year.

Member States concerned:


for flax, all Member States where long flax fibres are produced from a planted area exceeding 1 000 ha of fibre flax;


for cotton, all Member States where at least 1 000 ha of cotton are sown.

4. Hops U.K.

Content of the notification: the following production information, given as a total and for information referred to in points (b), (c) and (d), broken down by bitter and aromatic hops varieties:


number of farmers growing hops;


area planted with hops, expressed in hectares;


quantity in tonnes and average farm gate price, expressed per kg of hops sold under a forward contract and without such a contract;


alpha-acid production in tonnes and average alpha-acid content (percentage).

Period of notification: by 30 April of the year following the hops harvest.

Member States concerned: Member States with a planted area of more than 200 hectares of hops in the previous year.

5. Olive oil U.K.

Content of the notification:


data on final production (including data on organic production), total domestic consumption (including by the processing industry) and ending stocks for the preceding annual period from 1 October to 30 September;


an estimate of monthly production, an estimate of monthly level of stocks held by producers and the industry and estimates of total production, total domestic consumption (including by the processing industry) and ending stocks for the current annual period from 1 October to 30 September.

Period of notification:


by 31 October each year, for data relating to the preceding annual period;


by 31 October each year and by the 15th of each month from November to June, for data relating to the current annual period.

Member States concerned: for the notification of the monthly level of stocks, Member States producing more than 20 000 tonnes of olive oil in the annual period from 1 October to 30 September. For other data, all Member States producing olive oil.

6. Tobacco U.K.

Content of the notification: for each raw tobacco variety group:


number of farmers;


area in hectares;


quantity delivered in tonnes;


the average price paid to farmers, excluding taxes and other levies, expressed per kg of product.

Period of notification: by 31 July of the year following the harvest year.

Member States concerned: Member States with a planted area of more than 3 000 hectares of tobacco for the previous harvest.

Other: the variety groups of raw tobacco are:

Group I:

Flue-cured: tobacco dried in ovens with controlled air circulation, temperature and humidity, in particular Virginia;

Group II:

Light air-cured: tobacco dried in the air under cover, not left to ferment, in particular Burley and Maryland;

Group III

Dark air-cured: tobacco dried in the air under cover, left to ferment naturally before being marketed, in particular Badischer Geudertheimer, Fermented Burley, Havana, Mocny Skroniowski, Nostrano del Brenta and Pulawski;

Group IV:

Fire-cured: tobacco dried by fire, in particular Kentucky and Salento;

Group V:

Sun-cured: tobacco dried in the sun, also called ‘Oriental varieties’, in particular Basmas, Katerini and Kaba-Koulak.

7. Wine sector products U.K.

Content of the notification:


estimates of the production of wine products (including vinified and non-vinified grape must) on the territory of the Member State during the current wine year;


the definitive result of the production declarations referred to in Article 31 of Regulation (EU) 2018/273, as well as an estimate of the production not covered by such declarations;


a summary of the stock declarations referred to in Article 32 of Regulation (EU) 2018/273, held at 31 July of the previous wine year;


the final balance sheet of the previous wine year including full information on availabilities (opening stocks, production, imports), uses (human and industrial consumption, transformation, exports and losses) and final stocks.

Period of notification:


estimates of production, by 30 September each year;


definitive result of the production declarations, by 15 March each year;


summary of stock declarations, by 31 October each year;


final balance sheet, by 15 January each year.

Member States concerned: Member States that maintain an updated vineyard register in accordance with Article 145(1) of Regulation (EU) No 1308/2013.

8. Milk U.K.

Content of the notification:

  • the total quantity of cow’s raw milk, expressed in kilograms at real fat content,

  • the total quantity of organic cow’s raw milk, expressed in kilograms at real fat content,

  • the fat content and the protein content of cow’s raw milk, as a percentage of the product weight.

Period of notification: by the 25th of each month for the preceding month.

Member States concerned: all Member States.

Other: for milk, the quantities refer to milk delivered in the preceding month to first purchasers established in the territory of the Member State. Member States shall ensure that all first purchasers established in their territory declare to the competent national authority the quantity of cow’s raw milk that has been delivered to them each month in a timely and accurate manner so as to comply with this requirement.

9. Eggs U.K.

Content of the notification:

  • the number of eggs production sites with the breakdown by farming methods referred to in Annex II to Regulation (EC) No 589/2008 and organic eggs production sites according to Council Regulation (EC) No 834/2007, including the maximum capacity of the establishment in terms of number of laying hens present at one time,

  • the volume of production of eggs in shell per farming method expressed in tonnes net weight, including organic eggs.

Period of notification:

  • number of production sites yearly by 1 April each year;

  • production volumes on a monthly basis by the 25th of the month for the preceding month.

Member States concerned: all Member States.

10. Ethyl alcohol U.K.

Content of the notification: for alcohol of agricultural origin, expressed in hectolitres of pure alcohol:


production by fermenting and distilling, broken down by the agricultural raw material from which the alcohol is produced;


the volumes transferred from alcohol producers or importers for processing or packaging, broken down by category of use (food and beverages, fuels, industrial/others).

Period of notification: by 1 March each year in respect of the previous calendar year.

Member States concerned: all Member States.