Annex I to Regulation (EU) No 1178/2011 (Part-FCL) is amended as follows:


point FCL.010 is amended as follows:


the following definition is inserted after ‘Angular operation’:

“Assessment of competence” means the demonstration of skills, knowledge and attitude for the initial issue, revalidation or renewal of an instructor or examiner certificate.


the following definition is inserted after ‘Flight and Navigation Procedures Trainer’:

“Flown solely by reference to instruments” means that the pilots fly the aircraft without any external visual references, in simulated or actual instrument meteorological conditions (IMC).;


the following definition is inserted after ‘Linear operation’:

“Line flying under supervision” (LIFUS) means line flying after an approved zero flight time type rating training course or the line flying required by an operational suitability data (OSD) report.;


the following definition is inserted after ‘Night’:

“OSD” means the operational suitability data established in accordance with Annex I (Part-21) to Regulation (EU) No 748/2012.;


the following definition is inserted after ‘Type of aircraft’:

“Type rating and licence endorsement list” means a list published by the Agency based on the result of the OSD evaluation and containing classes of aeroplanes and types of aircraft for the purpose of flight crew licensing.;


the definition of ‘night’ is replaced by the following:

“Night” means the period between the end of evening civil twilight and the beginning of morning civil twilight or such other period between sunset and sunrise as may be prescribed by the appropriate authority.;


the definition of ‘other training devices (OTD)’ is replaced by the following:

“Other training devices” (OTD) means training aids other than FSTDs which provide means for training where a complete flight deck environment is not necessary.;


the definition of ‘proficiency check’ is replaced by the following:

“Proficiency check” means the demonstration of skill to revalidate or renew ratings or privileges, and including such oral examination as may be required.;


point FCL.025 is amended as follows:


point (a)(1) is replaced by the following:


Applicants shall take the entire set of theoretical knowledge examinations for a specific licence or rating under the responsibility of the same Member State’s competent authority.;


point (b) is replaced by the following:


Pass standards


A pass in a theoretical knowledge examination paper will be awarded to an applicant achieving at least 75 % of the marks allocated to that paper. No penalty marking shall be applied.


Unless otherwise determined in this Part, an applicant has successfully completed the required theoretical knowledge examination for the appropriate pilot licence or rating if he or she has passed all the required theoretical knowledge examination papers within a period of 18 months counted from the end of the calendar month when the applicant first attempted an examination.


If an applicant for the ATPL theoretical knowledge examination, or for the issue of a commercial pilot licence (CPL), an instrument rating (IR) or an en route instrument rating (EIR) has failed to pass one of the theoretical knowledge examination papers within four attempts, or has failed to pass all papers within either six sittings or within the period mentioned in point (b)(2), he or she shall retake the complete set of theoretical knowledge examination papers.


If applicants for the issue of a light aircraft pilot licence (LAPL), a private pilot licence (PPL), a sailplane pilot licence (SPL) or a balloon pilot licence (BPL) have failed to pass one of the theoretical knowledge examination papers within four attempts or have failed to pass all papers within the period mentioned in point (b)(2), they shall retake the complete set of theoretical knowledge examination papers.


Before retaking the theoretical knowledge examinations, applicants shall undertake further training at a DTO or an ATO. The extent and scope of the training needed shall be determined by the DTO or the ATO, based on the needs of the applicants.;


point FCL.040 is replaced by the following:

FCL.040 Exercise of the privileges of licences

The exercise of the privileges granted by a licence shall be dependent upon the validity of the ratings contained therein, if applicable, and of the medical certificate as appropriate to the privileges exercised.;


point FCL.055 is replaced by the following:

FCL.055 Language proficiency


General. Aeroplane, helicopter, powered-lift and airship pilots required to use the radio telephone shall not exercise the privileges of their licences and ratings unless they have a language proficiency endorsement on their licence in either English or the language used for radio communications involved in the flight. The endorsement shall indicate the language, the proficiency level and the validity date, and it shall be obtained in accordance with a procedure established by a competent authority. The minimum acceptable proficiency level is the operational level (Level 4) in accordance with Appendix 2 to this Annex.


The applicant for a language proficiency endorsement shall demonstrate, in accordance with Appendix 2 to this Annex, at least an operational level of language proficiency both in the use of phraseologies and plain language to an assessor certified by a competent authority or a language-testing body approved by a competent authority as applicable. To do so, the applicant shall demonstrate the ability to:


communicate effectively in voice-only and in face-to-face situations;


communicate on common and work-related topics with accuracy and clarity;


use appropriate communicative strategies to exchange messages and to recognise and resolve misunderstandings in a general or work-related context;


handle successfully the linguistic challenges presented by a complication or unexpected turn of events which occurs within the context of a routine work situation or communicative task with which they are otherwise familiar; and


use a dialect or accent which is intelligible to the aeronautical community.


Except for pilots who have demonstrated language proficiency at the expert level (level 6) in accordance with Appendix 2 to this Annex, the language proficiency endorsement shall be re-evaluated every:


4 years, if the level demonstrated is operational level (level 4); or


6 years, if the level demonstrated is extended level (level 5).


Specific requirements for holders of an instrument rating (IR) or en-route instrument rating (EIR). Without prejudice to the points above, holders of an IR or an EIR shall have demonstrated the ability to use English at the appropriate proficiency level as defined in Appendix 2 to this Annex.


The demonstration of language proficiency and the ability to use English for IR or EIR holders shall be done through a method of assessment established by any competent authority.;


point (c)(2) of point FCL.060 is replaced by the following:


If the pilot does not comply with the requirement in point (1), he or she shall complete a training flight with an instructor qualified in accordance with Subpart J to instruct for that aircraft type. The training flight shall be performed in the aircraft or an FFS of the aircraft type to be used, and shall include at least the requirements described in points (b)(1) and (2) before he or she can exercise his/her privileges.;


in point FCL.115, a new point (d) is added as follows:


For the training for the single-engine piston aeroplanes-sea class privilege, the elements of Appendix 9 to this Annex, point 7 (Class ratings – sea) of Section B (Specific requirements for the aeroplane category) shall be considered.;


point FCL.120 is replaced by the following:

FCL.120 LAPL — Theoretical knowledge examination

(a)Applicants for an LAPL(A) and an LAPL(H) shall demonstrate a level of theoretical knowledge appropriate to the privileges granted, through examinations on the following subjects:


common subjects:

  • Air law and air traffic control (ATC) procedures;

  • Human performance;

  • Meteorology;

  • Communications;

  • Navigation.


specific subjects concerning the different aircraft categories:

  • Principles of flight;

  • Operational procedures,;

  • Flight performance and planning;

  • Aircraft general knowledge.

point FCL.105.A is replaced by the following:

FCL.105.A LAPL(A) — Privileges and conditions


The privileges of the holder of an LAPL for aeroplanes are to act as PIC on single-engine piston aeroplanes-land (SEP(land)), single-engine piston aeroplanes-sea (SEP(sea)) or TMG with a maximum certificated take-off mass of 2000 kg or less, carrying a maximum of 3 passengers, such that there are always a maximum of 4 persons on board of the aircraft.

point FCL.140.A is replaced by the following:

FCL.140.A LAPL(A) — Recency requirements

(a)Holders of a LAPL(A) shall exercise the privileges of their licence only if in the last 2 years they have met any of the following conditions as pilots of aeroplanes or TMGs:


they have completed at least 12 hours of flight time as PIC or flying dual or solo under the supervision of an instructor, including:

  • 12 take-offs and landings;

  • refresher training of at least 1 hour of total flight time with an instructor;


they have passed a LAPL(A) proficiency check with an examiner. The proficiency check programme shall be based on the skill test for the LAPL(A);

point FCL.215 is replaced by the following:

FCL.215 Theoretical knowledge examination

(a)Applicants for a PPL shall demonstrate a level of theoretical knowledge appropriate to the privileges granted, through examinations in the following subjects:


common subjects:

  • Air law,

  • Human performance,

  • Meteorology, and

  • Communications; and

  • Navigation.


specific subjects concerning the different aircraft categories:

  • Principles of flight,

  • Operational procedures,

  • Flight performance and planning, and

  • Aircraft general knowledge.

point FCL.625 IR is replaced by the following:

FCL.625 IR — Validity, revalidation and renewal


An IR shall be valid for 1 year.



An IR shall be revalidated within the 3 months immediately preceding its expiry date by complying with the revalidation criteria for the relevant aircraft category.


If applicants choose to fulfil the revalidation requirements earlier than prescribed in point (1), the new validity period shall commence from the date of the proficiency check.


Applicants who fail to pass the relevant section of an IR proficiency check before the expiry date of the IR shall exercise the IR privileges only if they have passed the IR proficiency check.


If an IR has expired, in order to renew their privileges, applicants shall comply with all of the following:


complete a refresher training at an ATO, if deemed necessary by the ATO to reach the level of proficiency needed to pass the instrument element of the skill test in accordance with Appendix 9 to this Annex;


pass a proficiency check in accordance with Appendix 9 to this Annex in the relevant aircraft category;


hold the relevant class or type rating unless otherwise specified in this Annex.

(d)If the IR has not been revalidated or renewed in the preceding 7 years, applicants for the IR shall pass again the IR theoretical knowledge examination and skill test.

(e)Holders of a valid IR on a pilot licence issued by a third country in accordance with Annex 1 to the Chicago Convention shall be exempted from complying with the requirements in points (c)(1) and (d) when renewing the IR privileges contained in licences issued in accordance with this Annex.

point (a) in point FCL.625.A is replaced by the following:

point FCL.625.H is replaced by the following:

FCL.625.H IR(H) — Revalidation

(a)To revalidate an IR(H) , applicants shall:


hold the relevant type rating, unless the IR revalidation is combined with the renewal of the relevant type rating;


pass a proficiency check in accordance with Appendix 9 to this Annex for the relevant type of helicopter if the IR revalidation is combined with the revalidation of a type rating;


if the IR revalidation is not combined with the revalidation of a type rating, complete Section 5 and the relevant parts of Section 1 of the proficiency check in accordance with Appendix 9 to this Annex for the relevant type of helicopter.

(b)An FTD 2/3 or an FFS representing the relevant type of helicopter may be used for the proficiency check pursuant to point (a)(3), provided that at least each alternate proficiency check for the revalidation of an IR(H) is performed in a helicopter.

point FCL.710 is replaced by the following:

FCL.710 Class and type ratings — variants

(a)Pilots shall complete differences training or familiarisation in order to extend their privileges to another variant of aircraft within one class or type rating. In the case of variants within a class or type rating, the differences training or familiarisation shall include the relevant elements defined in the OSD, where applicable.

(b)The differences training shall be conducted at any of the following:


an ATO;


a DTO in the case of aircraft referred to in points (a)(1)(c) and (a)(2)(c) of point DTO.GEN.110 of Annex VIII;


an AOC holder having an approved differences training programme for the relevant class or type.

(c)Notwithstanding the requirement in point (b), differences training for TMG, single-engine piston (SEP), single-engine turbine (SET) and multi-engine piston (MEP) aeroplanes may be conducted by an appropriately qualified instructor unless otherwise provided in the OSD.

(d)If pilots have not flown the variant within 2 years following the training listed in point (b), a further differences training or a proficiency check in that variant shall be completed , except for types or variants within the SEP and TMG class ratings.

point FCL.740 is replaced by the following:

FCL.740 Validity and renewal of class and type ratings


The validity period of class and type ratings shall be 1 year, except for single-pilot single-engine class ratings for which the validity period shall be 2 years, unless otherwise determined in the OSD. If pilots choose to fulfil the revalidation requirements earlier than prescribed in FCL.740.A, FCL.740.H, FCL.740.PL and FCL.740.As, the new validity period shall commence from the date of the proficiency check.


For the renewal of a class or type rating the applicant shall comply with all of the following:


complete a proficiency check in accordance with Appendix 9 to this Annex


prior to the proficiency check referred to in point (1), complete a refresher training at an ATO if deemed necessary by the ATO to reach the level of proficiency to safely operate the relevant class or type of aircraft, except if it holds a valid rating for the same class or type of aircraft on a pilot licence issued by a third country in accordance with Annex 1 to the Chicago Convention and if it is entitled to exercise the privileges of that rating. The applicant may take the training:


at a DTO or at an ATO, if the expired rating concerned a non-high-performance single-engine piston class rating, a TMG class rating or a single-engine type rating for helicopters referred to in point DTO.GEN.110(a)(2)(c) of Annex VIII;


at a DTO, at an ATO or with an instructor, if the rating expired no more than three years before and the rating concerned a non-high-performance single-engine piston class rating or a TMG class rating.


Notwithstanding the points (b)(1) and (b)(2), pilots holding a flight test rating issued in accordance with point FCL.820 who were involved in the development, certification or production flight tests for an aircraft type and have completed either 50 hours of total flight time or 10 hours of flight time as PIC in test flights in that type during the year prior to the date of their application, shall be entitled to apply for the revalidation or renewal of the relevant type rating.;

in point FCL.815 point (e) is replaced by the following:

in point FCL.900 point (c) is replaced by the following:

in point FCL.935 point (a) is replaced by the following:

point FCL.905.FI is replaced by the following:

FCL.905.FI Privileges and conditions

The privileges of FIs are to conduct flight instruction for the issue, revalidation or renewal of:

In this case, FIs shall conduct their first five instructor sessions under the supervision of a TRI(A), an MCCI(A) or an SFI(A) qualified for MPL flight instruction.;

point FCL.915.FI is amended as follows:

in point FCL.930.FI, the following point (c) is added:

point FCL.940.FI is replaced by the following:

FCL.940.FI — Revalidation and renewal



To revalidate an FI certificate, holders shall fulfil at least two out of the three following requirements before the expiry date of the FI certificate:


they have completed:


in the case of an FI(A) and an FI(H), at least 50 hours of flight instruction in the appropriate aircraft category as FIs, TRIs, CRIs, IRIs, MIs or examiners. If the privileges to instruct for the IR are to be revalidated, at least 10 of those hours shall be flight instruction for an IR and shall have been completed in the period of 12 months immediately preceding the expiry date of the FI certificate;


in the case of an FI(As), at least 20 hours of flight instruction in airships as FIs, IRIs or as examiners. If the privileges to instruct for the IR are to be revalidated, 10 of those hours shall be flight instruction for an IR and shall have been completed in the period of 12 months immediately preceding the expiry date of the FI certificate;


in the case of an FI(S), at least 60 take-offs on or 30 hours of flight instruction in sailplanes, powered sailplanes or TMG as FIs or as examiners ;


in the case of an FI(B), at least 6 hours of flight instruction in balloons as FIs or as examiners;


they have completed instructor refresher training as an FI at an ATO or at the competent authority. FI(B)s and FI(S)s may complete this instructor refresher training at a DTO;


they have passed an assessment of competence in accordance with point FCL.935 in the period of 12 months immediately preceding the expiry date of the FI certificate.


For at least each alternate revalidation in the case of FI(A) or FI(H), or each third revalidation, in the case of FI(As), FI(S) and FI(B), holders of the relevant FI certificate shall pass an assessment of competence in accordance with FCL.935.

in point FCL.905.TRI, points (b) and (c) are replaced by the following:

(b)the issue of a TRI or SFI certificate, provided that the holder meets all of the following conditions:


it has at least 50 hours of instructional experience as a TRI or SFI in accordance with this Regulation or Commission Regulation (EU) No 965/2012;


it has conducted the flight instruction syllabus of the relevant part of the TRI training course according to point FCL.930.TRI(a)(3) to the satisfaction of the head of training of an ATO; and

point FCL.910.TRI is replaced by the following:

FCL.910.TRI Restricted privileges

(a)General. If the TRI training is carried out in FSTDs only, the privileges of TRIs shall be restricted to training in FSTDs. This restriction shall however include the following privileges for conducting, in the aircraft:


LIFUS, provided that the TRI training course has included the training specified in point FCL.930.TRI(a)(4)(i);


landing training, provided that the TRI training course has included the training specified in point FCL.930.TRI(a)(4)(ii); or


the training flight specified in point FCL.060(c)(2), provided that the TRI training course has included the training referred to in points (a)(1) or (a)(2).

The restriction to FSTD shall be removed if TRIs have completed an assessment of competence in the aircraft.

(b)TRIs for aeroplanes and for powered-lift aircraft — TRI(A) and TRI(PL). The privileges of TRIs are restricted to the type of aeroplane or powered-lift aircraft in which the training and the assessment of competence were conducted. Unless otherwise determined in the OSD, to extend the privileges of TRIs to further types, TRIs shall have:


completed within the 12 months preceding the application, at least 15 route sectors, including take-offs and landings on the applicable aircraft type, of which of maximum of 7 sectors may be completed in an FSTD;


completed the relevant parts of the technical training and the flight instruction parts of the applicable TRI course;


passed the relevant sections of the assessment of competence in accordance with point FCL.935 in order to demonstrate to an FIE or a TRE qualified in accordance with Subpart K to this Annex their ability to instruct a pilot to the level required for the issue of a type rating, including pre-flight, post-flight and theoretical knowledge instruction.

The privileges of TRIs shall be extended to further variants in accordance with the OSD if TRIs have completed the relevant parts of the technical training and flight instruction parts of the applicable TRI course.

(c)TRIs for helicopters — TRI(H).


The privileges of TRIs(H) are restricted to the type of helicopter in which the assessment of competence for the issue of the TRI certificate was taken. Unless otherwise determined in the OSD, the privileges of the TRIs shall be extended to further types if TRIs have:


completed the relevant parts of the technical training and flight instruction parts of the TRI course;


completed within the 12 months preceding the date of application, at least 10 hours on the applicable helicopter type, of which a maximum of 5 hours may be completed in an FFS or FTD 2/3; and


passed the relevant sections of the assessment of competence in accordance with point FCL.935 in order to demonstrate to an FIE or a TRE qualified in accordance with Subpart K of this Annex their ability to instruct a pilot to the level required for the issue of a type rating, including pre-flight, post-flight and theoretical knowledge instruction.

The privileges of TRIs shall be extended to further variants in accordance with the OSD if TRIs have competed the relevant parts of the technical training and flight instruction parts of the applicable TRI course.


Before the privileges of a TRI(H) are extended from single-pilot to multi-pilot privileges on the same type of helicopters, the holder shall have completed at least 100 hours of multi-pilot operations on this type.

in point FCL.915.TRI point (c)(1) is replaced by the following:

point FCL.930.TRI is amended as follows:

point FCL.935.TRI is replaced by the following:

FCL.935.TRI Assessment of competence

(a)The assessment of competence for a TRI for MPA and PL shall be conducted in an FFS. If no FFS is available or accessible, an aircraft shall be used.

point FCL.940.TRI is replaced by the following:

FCL.940.TRI Revalidation and renewal




To revalidate a TRI(A) certificate, applicants shall, within the 12 months immediately preceding the expiry date of the certificate fulfil at least two out of the three following requirements:


conduct one of the following parts of a complete type rating or recurrent training course: simulator session of at least 3 hours or one air exercise of at least 1 hour comprising a minimum of two take-offs and landings;


complete instructor refresher training as a TRI(A) at an ATO;


pass the assessment of competence in accordance with point FCL.935. Applicants who have complied with point FCL.910.TRI(b)(3) shall be deemed to comply with this requirement.


Helicopters and powered lift

To revalidate a TRI (H) or TRI(PL) certificate, applicants shall, within the validity period of the TRI certificate fulfil at least two out of the three following requirements:


completed at least 50 hours of flight instruction in each of the types of aircraft for which instructional privileges are held or in an FSTD representing those types, of which at least 15 hours shall be completed in the period of 12 months immediately preceding the expiry date of the TRI certificate. In the case of a TRI(PL), those hours shall be completed as a TRI or a type rating examiner (TRE), or as an SFI or a synthetic flight examiner (SFE). In the case of a TRI(H), the time flown as FIs, instrument rating instructors (IRIs), synthetic training instructors (STIs) or as any kind of examiners shall be accounted for this purpose;


complete instructor refresher training as a TRI(H) or TRI(PL), as relevant, at an ATO;


in the period of 12 months immediately preceding the expiry date of the certificate, passed an assessment of competence in accordance with points FCL.935, FCL.910.TRI(b)(3) or FCL.910.TRI(c)(3), as applicable.


For at least each alternate revalidation of a TRI certificate, holders shall pass the assessment of competence in accordance with point FCL.935.


If TRIs hold a certificate for more than one type of aircraft within the same category, the assessment of competence taken on one of those types of aircraft shall revalidate the TRI certificate for the other types held within the same category of aircraft, unless it is otherwise determined in the OSD.


Specific requirements for the revalidation of a TRI(H) certificate

TRIs(H) holding an FI(H) certificate in the relevant type shall be deemed to comply with the requirements in point (a). In that case, the TRI(H) certificate shall be valid until the expiry date of the FI(H) certificate.

point FCL.940.CRI is replaced by the following:

FCL.940.CRI Revalidation and renewal

(a)To revalidate a CRI certificate, applicants shall fulfil, within the validity period of the CRI certificate, at least two out of the following three requirements:


conduct at least 10 hours of flight instruction as a CRI. If applicants have CRI privileges on both single-engine and multi-engine aeroplanes, those hours of flight instruction shall be equally divided between single-engine and multi-engine aeroplanes;


complete a refresher training as a CRI at an ATO or at a competent authority;


pass the assessment of competence in accordance with point FCL.935 for multi-engine or single-engine aeroplanes, as relevant.

(b)For at least each alternate revalidation of a CRI certificate, holders shall have complied with the requirement in point (a)(3).

point FCL.905.SFI is replaced by the following:

FCL.905.SFI Privileges and conditions

(a)The privileges of SFIs are to carry out synthetic flight instruction, within the relevant aircraft category, for:


the revalidation and renewal of an IR, provided that they hold or have held an IR in the relevant aircraft category;


the issue of an IR, provided that they hold or have held an IR in the relevant aircraft category and have completed an IRI training course.

(b)The privileges of SFIs for single-pilot aeroplanes are to carry out synthetic flight instruction for:


the issue, revalidation and renewal of type ratings for single-pilot high performance complex aeroplanes, if applicants seek privileges to operate in single-pilot operations.

The privileges of SFIs for single-pilot aeroplanes may be extended to flight instruction for single-pilot high performance complex aeroplanes type ratings in multi-pilot operations, provided that they meet any of the following conditions:


hold or have held a TRI certificate for multi-pilot aeroplanes;


have at least 500 hours on aeroplanes in multi-pilot operations and have completed an MCCI training course in accordance with point FCL.930.MCCI;


the MCC and the MPL training courses on the basic phase, provided that the privileges of SFIs(SPA) have been extended to multi-pilot operations in accordance with point (1).

(c)The privileges of SFIs for multi-pilot aeroplanes are to carry out synthetic flight instruction for:


the issue, revalidation and renewal of type ratings for multi-pilot aeroplanes and if applicants seek privileges to operate in multi-pilot operations, for single-pilot high-performance complex aeroplanes;


the MCC training course;


the MPL course on the basic, intermediate and advanced phases, provided that, for the basic phase, they hold or have held an FI(A) or an IRI(A) certificate;

point FCL.940.SFI is replaced by the following:

FCL.940.SFI Revalidation and renewal


To revalidate an SFI certificate, applicants shall fulfil, before the expiry date of the SFI certificate, at least two out of the following three requirements:


have completed at least 50 hours as instructors or examiners in FSTDs, of which at least 15 hours in the period of 12 months immediately preceding the expiry date of the SFI certificate;


have completed instructor refresher training as an SFI at an ATO;


have passed the relevant sections of the assessment of competence in accordance with point FCL.935.

(b)Additionally, applicants shall have completed, on an FFS, the proficiency checks for the issue of the specific aircraft type ratings representing the types for which privileges are held.

(c)For at least each alternate revalidation of an SFI certificate, holders shall comply with the requirement in point (a)(3).

(d)If an SFI holds a certificate in more than one type of aircraft within the same category, the assessment of competence taken on one of those types shall revalidate the SFI certificate for the other types held within the same category of aircraft, unless otherwise is determined in the OSD.

point FCL.915.STI is replaced by the following:

FCL.915.STI Prerequisites

(a)Applicants for the issue of an STI certificate shall:


hold, or have held within the 3 years prior to the application, a pilot licence and instructional privileges appropriate to the courses on which instruction is intended;


have completed in an FSTD the relevant proficiency check for the class or type rating, in the period of 12 months immediately preceding the application.

Applicants for the issue of an STI(A) wishing to instruct on BITDs only, shall complete the exercises appropriate for a skill test for the issue of a PPL(A) only;

point FCL.940.STI is replaced by the following:

FCL.940.STI Revalidation and renewal of the STI certificate


To revalidate an STI certificate, applicants shall , within the period of 12 months immediately preceding the expiry date of the STI certificate, comply with all of the following conditions :


have conducted at least 3 hours of flight instruction in an FSTD, as part of a complete CPL, IR, PPL or class or type rating course;


have passed in the FSTD on which flight instruction is conducted, the applicable sections of the proficiency check in accordance with Appendix 9 to this Annex for the appropriate class or type of aircraft.

For STIs(A) instructing on BITDs only, the proficiency check shall include the exercises appropriate for a skill test for the issue of a PPL(A) only.

point FCL.1000 is replaced by the following:

FCL.1000 Examiner certificates


Holders of an examiner certificate shall:


hold, unless otherwise determined in this Annex, an equivalent licence, rating or certificate to the ones for which they are authorised to conduct skill tests, proficiency checks or assessments of competence and the privilege to instruct for them;


be qualified to act as PIC in the aircraft during a skill test, proficiency check or assessment of competence if conducted on the aircraft.

(b)Special conditions:


The competent authority may issue a specific certificate granting privileges for the conduct of skill tests, proficiency checks and assessments of competence if compliance with the requirements established in this Subpart is not possible because of the introduction of any of the following:


new aircraft in the Member States or in an operator’s fleet;


new training courses in this Annex.

Such a certificate shall be limited to the skill tests, proficiency checks and assessments of competence necessary for the introduction of the new type of aircraft or the new training course and its validity shall not, in any case, exceed 1 year.


Holders of a certificate issued in accordance with point (b)(1) who wish to apply for an examiner certificate shall comply with the prerequisites and revalidation requirements for that category of examiner certificate.


Where no qualified examiner is available, competent authorities may, on a case-by -case basis, authorise inspectors or examiners who do not meet the relevant instructor, type or class rating requirements as specified in (a), to perform skill tests, proficiency checks and assessments of competence.

point FCL.1025 is replaced by the following:

FCL.1025 Validity, revalidation and renewal of examiner certificates


An examiner certificate shall be valid for 3 years.


To revalidate an examiner certificate, holders shall comply with all of the following conditions:


before the expiry date of the certificate, have conducted at least six skill tests, proficiency checks or assessments of competence;


in the period of 12 months immediately preceding the expiry date of the certificate, have completed an examiner refresher course which is provided by the competent authority or which is provided by an ATO and approved by the competent authority. An examiner holding a certificate for sailplanes or balloons may have completed, in the period of 12 months immediately preceding the expiry date of the certificate, an examiner refresher course which is provided by a DTO and approved by the competent authority;


one of the skill tests, proficiency checks or assessments of competence conducted in accordance with point (1) shall take place in the period of 12 months immediately preceding the expiry date of the examiner certificate and shall:


have been assessed by an inspector from the competent authority or by a senior examiner specifically authorised to do so by the competent authority responsible for the examiner certificate; or


comply with the requirements in point FCL.1020.

If applicants for the revalidation hold privileges for more than one category of examiner, all examiner privileges may be revalidated if applicants comply with the requirements laid down in points (b)(1) and (2) and point FCL.1020 for one of the categories of examiner certificates held, in agreement with the competent authority.


If the certificate has expired, before resuming the exercise of the privileges, the applicants shall comply with the requirements in point (b)(2) and point FCL.1020 in the period of 12 months immediately preceding the application for the renewal.

in point FCL.1005.CRE, point (b) is replaced by the following:

in point FCL.1010.CRE, point (b) is replaced by the following:

point FCL.1010.IRE is replaced by the following:

FCL.1010.IRE Prerequisites


Applicants for an IRE certificate for aeroplanes shall hold an IRI(A) or an FI(A) certificate with the privilege to instruct for the IR(A) and shall have completed:


2000 hours of flight time as pilots of aeroplanes; and


450 hours of flight time under IFR, of which 250 hours shall be as an instructor.


Applicants for an IRE certificate for helicopters shall hold an IRI(H) or an FI(H) certificate with the privilege to instruct for the IR(H) and shall have completed:


2000 hours of flight time as pilots of helicopters; and


300 hours of instrument flight time in helicopters, of which 200 hours shall be as an instructor.

point FCL.1005.SFE is replaced by the following:

FCL.1005.SFE Privileges and conditions

(a)SFE for aeroplanes (SFE(A)) and SFE for powered-lift aircraft (SFE(PL))

The privileges of SFEs for aeroplanes or powered-lift aircraft are to conduct in an FFS, or for the assessments in point (5) on the applicable FSTD:


skill tests and proficiency checks for the issue, revalidation or renewal of type ratings for aeroplanes or powered-lift aircraft, as applicable;


proficiency checks for the revalidation or renewal of IRs if combined with the revalidation or renewal of a type rating, provided that they have passed a proficiency check for the aircraft type including the instrument rating within the last year;


skill tests for ATPL(A) issue;


skill tests for MPL issue, provided that they have complied with the requirements laid down in point FCL.925; and


assessments of competence for the issue, revalidation or renewal of an SFI certificate in the relevant aircraft category, provided that they have completed at least 3 years as an SFE(A) and have undergone specific training for the assessment of competence in accordance with point FCL.1015 (b).

point FCL.1010.SFE is replaced by the following:

FCL.1010.SFE Prerequisites


Applicants for an SFE(A) certificate shall comply with all of the following conditions:


in the case of multi-pilot aeroplanes:


hold or have held an ATPL(A) and a type rating for the applicable type of aeroplane;


an SFI(A) certificate for the applicable type of aeroplane; and


have at least 1500 hours of flight time as pilots of multi-pilot aeroplanes;


in the case of single-pilot high-performance complex aeroplanes:


hold or have held a CPL(A) or an ATPL(A) and a type rating for the applicable type of aeroplane;


hold an SFI(A) certificate for the applicable class or type of aeroplane;


have at least 500 hours of flight time as pilots of single-pilot aeroplanes;


for the initial issue of an SFE certificate, have completed at least 50 hours of synthetic flight instruction as a TRI(A) or an SFI(A) on the applicable type.

points 1.1. and 1.2. of Appendix 1 are replaced by the following:

1.1.For the issue of an LAPL, the holder of an LAPL in another category of aircraft shall be fully credited with theoretical knowledge on the common subjects established in point FCL.120. However, the subject “navigation” shall only be subject to such a credit in the case of an LAPL(A) holder who applies for the issue of an LAPL(H) or an LAPL(H) holder who applies for the issue of an LAPL(A).

a new point 1.2a. to Appendix 1 is inserted as follows:

in part A of Appendix 3, point (b) in point 9 is replaced by the following:

in part C of Appendix 3, point (b) in point 8 is replaced by the following:

in part D of Appendix 3, point (b) in point 8 is replaced by the following:

in part E of Appendix 3, point (a) in point 3 is replaced by the following:

in part K of Appendix 3, point (a) in point 3 is replaced by the following:

The table CONTENT of THE TEST related to the aeroplane category in Appendix 7 is replaced by the following table:



Must be performed by sole reference to instruments.


May be performed in an FFS, FTD 2/3 or FNPT II.


May be performed in either Section 4 or Section 5.


To establish or maintain PBN privileges one approach in either Section 4 or Section 5 shall be an RNP APCH. Where an RNP APCH is not practicable, it shall be performed in an appropriately equipped FSTD.;


Use of checklist, airmanship, anti-icing/de-icing procedures, etc., apply in all sections

aUse of flight manual (or equivalent) especially a/c performance calculation, mass and balance
bUse of Air Traffic Services document, weather document
cPreparation of ATC flight plan, IFR flight plan/log
dIdentification of the required navaids for departure, arrival and approach procedures
ePre-flight inspection
fWeather Minima

PBN departure (if applicable):

— Check that the correct procedure has been loaded in the navigation system; and — Cross-check between the navigation system display and the departure chart.

iPre-take-off briefing, Take-off
jaTransition to instrument flight
kaInstrument departure procedures, including PBN departures, and altimeter setting
laATC liaison — compliance, R/T procedures
aControl of the aeroplane by reference solely to instruments, including level flight at various speeds, trim
bClimbing and descending turns with sustained Rate 1 turn
cRecoveries from unusual attitudes, including sustained 45° bank turns and steep descending turns
dbRecovery from approach to stall in level flight, climbing/descending turns and in landing configuration
eLimited panel: stabilised climb or descent, level turns at Rate 1 onto given headings, recovery from unusual attitudes
aTracking, including interception, e.g. NDB, VOR, or track between waypoints
bUse of navigation system and radio aids
cLevel flight, control of heading, altitude and airspeed, power setting, trim technique
dAltimeter settings
eTiming and revision of ETAs (en-route hold, if required)
fMonitoring of flight progress, flight log, fuel usage, systems’ management
gIce protection procedures, simulated if necessary
hATC liaison - compliance, R/T procedures
aSetting and checking of navigational aids, and identification of facilities, if applicable
bArrival procedures, altimeter checks
cAltitude and speed constraints, if applicable

PBN arrival (if applicable):

— Check that the correct procedure has been loaded in the navigation system; and — Cross-check between the navigation system display and the arrival chart.

SECTION 4a— 3D Operationsc

Setting and checking of navigational aids

Check Vertical Path angle


— Check that the correct procedure has been loaded in the navigation system; and — Cross-check between the navigation system display and the approach chart.

bApproach and landing briefing, including descent/approach/landing checks, including identification of facilities
ccHolding procedure
dCompliance with published approach procedure
eApproach timing
fAltitude, speed heading control (stabilised approach)
gcGo-around action
hcMissed approach procedure/landing
iATC liaison – compliance, R/T procedures

Setting and checking of navigational aids


— Check that the correct procedure has been loaded in the navigation system; and — Cross-check between the navigation system display and the approach chart.

bApproach and landing briefing, including descent/approach/landing checks, including identification of facilities
ccHolding procedure
dCompliance with published approach procedure
eApproach timing
fAltitude/Distance to MAPT, speed, heading control (stabilised approach), Step Down Fixes (SDF(s)), if applicable
gcGo-around action
hcMissed approach procedure/landing
iATC liaison – compliance, R/T procedures
SECTION 6 — FLIGHT WITH ONE ENGINE INOPERATIVE (multi-engine aeroplanes only)a
aSimulated engine failure after take-off or on go-around
bApproach, go-around and procedural missed approach with one engine inoperative
cApproach and landing with one engine inoperative
dATC liaison – compliance, R/T procedures

Appendix 8 is replaced by the following:


Cross-crediting of the IR part of a class or type rating proficiency check


Credits shall be granted only if holders are revalidating or renewing IR privileges for single-pilot single-engine and single-pilot multi-engine aeroplanes, as appropriate.


Provided that within the preceding 12 months the applicants have flown at least three IFR departures and approaches exercising PBN privileges, including at least one RNP APCH approach on an SP class or type of aeroplane in SP operations, or, for multi-engine, other than HP complex aeroplanes, the applicants have passed Section 6 of the skill test for SP, other than HP complex aeroplanes flown solely by reference to instruments in SP operations.

If a skill test or a proficiency check including IR is performed, and holders have a valid:Credit is valid towards the IR part in a proficiency check for:

MPA type rating;

Single-pilot high-performance complex aeroplane type rating

SE class ratinga, and

SE type ratinga, and

SP ME class or type rating except for high-performance complex type ratings, only credits for Section 3B of the proficiency check in point B.5 of Appendix 9

SP ME aeroplane class or type rating except for high-performance complex aeroplane type ratings, operated as single-pilot

SE class rating, and

SE type rating, and

SP ME class or type rating except for high-performance complex aeroplane type ratings

SP ME aeroplane class or type rating except for high-performance complex aeroplane type ratings, restricted to MP operations

SE class ratinga, and

SE type ratinga, and

SP ME class or type rating except for high-performance complex aeroplane type ratingsa.

SP SE aeroplane class or type rating

SE class rating, and

SE type rating

in Appendix 9, Section B is amended as follows:

the table in point (k) of point 5 is replaced by the following:

(1) (2) (3) (4) (5)
Type of operation SP MP SP MP (initial) MP SP (initial) SP + MP
Training Testing/checking Training Testing/checking Training Testing/checking Training, testing and checking (SE aeroplanes) Training, testing and checking (ME aeroplanes) SE aeroplanes ME aeroplanes

Initial issue

SP complex







Sections 1-7





Human factors


Section 7



1.6, 4.5, 4.6, 5.2 and, if applicable, one approach from Section 3.B1.6, Section 6 and, if applicable, one approach from Section 3.B


SP complex











Sections 1-7 (training)

Section 1-6 (checking)


1.6, 4.5, 4.6, 5.2 and, if applicable, one approach from Section 3.B


Sections 1-7 (training)

Sections 1-6 (checking)


1.6, Section 6 and, if applicable, one approach from Section 3.B


SP complex









Training: FCL.740

Check: as for the revalidation

Training: FCL.740

Check: as for the revalidation

in the table following point (l) of point 5 the row for exercise 7.2.2. is replaced by the following:


The following upset exercises:

  • recovery from nose-high at various bank angles; and

  • recovery from nose-low at various bank angles.



An aeroplane shall not be used for this exercise

Annex VI (Part-ARA) to Regulation (EU) No 1178/2011 is amended as follows:


in point ARA.GEN.220, points (a)(11) and (a)(12) are replaced and a new point (a)(13) is inserted as follows:


safety information and follow-up measures;


the use of flexibility provisions in accordance with Article 71 of Regulation (EU) 2018/1139; and


the evaluation and authorisation process of aircraft laid down in points ORA.ATO.135 (a) and DTO.GEN.240 (a).;


a new point ARA.GEN.360 is inserted as follows:

ARA.GEN.360 Change of competent authority

(a)Upon receiving a licence holder’s request for a change of competent authority as specified in point FCL.015(d) of Annex I (Part-FCL), the receiving competent authority shall, without undue delay, request the competent authority of the licence holder to transfer, without undue delay, all of the following:


a verification of the licence;


copies of the licence holder’s medical records kept by that competent authority in accordance with points ARA.GEN.220 and ARA.MED.150. The medical records shall be transferred in accordance with point MED.A.015 of Annex IV (Part-MED) and shall include a summary of the relevant medical history of the applicant, verified and signed by the medical assessor.

Annex VII (Part-ORA) to Regulation (EU) No 1178/2011 is amended as follows:

Annex VIII (Part-DTO) to Regulation (EU) No 1178/2011 (Part-DTO) is amended as follows: