1. Introductory Text

  2. Article 1.Subject matter

  3. Article 2.International registration of geographical indications

  4. Article 3.Cancellation of a geographical indication that originates in a Member State and is registered in the International Register

  5. Article 4.Publication of third country geographical indications registered in the International Register

  6. Article 5.Assessment of third country geographical indications registered in the International Register

  7. Article 6.Opposition procedure for third country geographical indications registered in the International Register

  8. Article 7.Decision on protection in the Union of third country geographical indications registered in the International Register

  9. Article 8.Use of geographical indications

  10. Article 9.Invalidation of effects in the Union of a third country geographical indication registered in the International Register

  11. Article 10.Relationship with trade marks

  12. Article 11.Transitional provisions for appellations of origin originating in Member States already registered under the Lisbon Agreement

  13. Article 12.Transitional protection for appellations of origin originating in a third country registered under the Lisbon Agreement

  14. Article 13.Fees

  15. Article 14.Special financial contribution

  16. Article 15.Committee procedure

  17. Article 16.Monitoring and review

  18. Article 17.Entry into force

  19. Signature

    1. Statement by the Commission on the possible extension of EU geographical indication protection to non-agricultural products

      1. The Commission takes note of the European Parliament resolution of...

      2. The Commission launched a study in November 2018 to get...

      3. In accordance with the principles of Better Regulation and to...

    2. Statement by the Commission on the procedure set out in Article 11(3) of the Regulation

      1. The Commission notes that whilst the procedure set out in...