ANNEX VProduct information sheet

Pursuant to point 1(b) of Article 3, the supplier shall enter into the product database the information as set out in Table 6. If the refrigerating appliance contains multiple compartments of the same type, the lines for these compartments shall be repeated. If a certain compartment type is not present, the compartment parameters and values shall be ‘-’.

Table 6

Product information sheet


as determined in accordance with Commission Delegated Regulation (EU) 2019/2015d.


changes to these items shall not be considered relevant for the purposes of point 4 of Article 4 of Regulation (EU) 2017/1369.


if the product database automatically generates the definitive content of this cell the supplier shall not enter these data.


Commission Delegated Regulation (EU) 2019/2015 of 11 March 2019 supplementing Regulation (EU) 2017/1369 of the European Parliament and of the Council with regard to energy labelling of light sources and repealing Commission Delegated Regulation (EU) No 874/2012 (see page 68 of this Official Journal).


Commission Regulation (EU) 2019/2019 of 1 October 2019 laying down ecodesign requirements for refrigerating appliances pursuant to Directive 2009/125/EC of the European Parliament and of the Council and repealing Commission Regulation (EC) No 643/2009 (see page 187 of this Official Journal).

Supplier’s name or trade mark:
Supplier’s address b :
Model identifier:
Type of refrigerating appliance:
Low-noise appliance:[yes/no]Design type:[built-in/freestanding]
Wine storage appliance:[yes/no]Other refrigerating appliance:[yes/no]
General product parameters:
Overall dimensions (millimetre)HeightxTotal volume (dm3 or l)x
EEIxEnergy efficiency class[A/B/C/D/E/F/G]c
Airborne acoustical noise emissions (dB(A) re 1 pW)xAirborne acoustical noise emission class[A/B/C/D]c
Annual energy consumption (kWh/a)x,xxClimate class:[extended temperate/temperate/subtropical/tropical]
Minimum ambient temperature (°C), for which the refrigerating appliance is suitablexcMaximum ambient temperature (°C), for which the refrigerating appliance is suitablexc
Winter setting[yes/no]
Compartment Parameters:
Compartment typeCompartment parameters and values
Compartment Volume (dm3 or l)Recommended temperature setting for optimised food storage (°C)These settings shall not contradict the storage conditions set out in Annex IV, Table 3Freezing capacity (kg/24 h)Defrosting type (auto-defrost = A, manual defrost = M)
Wine storage[yes/no]x,xx[A/M]
Fresh food[yes/no]x,xx[A/M]
0-star or ice- making[yes/no]x,xx[A/M]
2-star section[yes/no]x,xx[A/M]
Variable temperature compartmentcompartment typesx,xxx,xx (for 4-star compartments) or -[A/M]
For 4-star compartments
Fast freeze facility[yes/no]
Light source parameters a b:
Type of light source[type]
Energy efficiency class[A/B/C/D/E/F/G]
Minimum duration of the guarantee offered by the manufacturer b:
Additional information:
Weblink to the manufacturer’s website, where the information in point 4(a) Annex of Commission Regulation (EU) 2019/2019e b is found: