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The following information shall be included in the label:


QR code;


supplier's name or trade mark;


supplier's model identifier;


scale of energy efficiency classes from A to G;


the energy efficiency class determined in accordance with point A of Annex II;


eco programme energy consumption (EPEC) in kWh per 100 cycles, rounded to the nearest integer;


rated capacity in standard place settings, for the eco programme;


eco programme water consumption (EPWC) in litres per cycle, rounded to one decimal place;


duration of the eco programme in h:min rounded to the nearest minute;


airborne acoustic noise emissions expressed in dB(A) with respect to 1 pW and rounded to the nearest integer, and airborne acoustic noise emission class, determined in accordance with point B of Annex II;


the number of this Regulation, that is ‘2019/2017’.


The design of the label shall be as in the figure below.



the label shall be at least 96 mm wide and 192 mm high. Where the label is printed in a larger format, its content shall nevertheless remain proportionate to the specifications above;


the background of the label shall be 100 % white;


the typefaces shall be Verdana and Calibri;


the dimensions and specifications of the elements constituting the label shall be as indicated in the label design for household dishwashers;


colours shall be CMYK – cyan, magenta, yellow and black, following this example: 0,70,100,0: 0 % cyan, 70 % magenta, 100 % yellow, 0 % black;


the label shall fulfil all the following requirements (numbers refer to the figure above):

the colours of the EU logo shall be as follows:

  • the background: 100,80,0,0;

  • the stars: 0,0,100,0;

the colour of the energy logo shall be: 100,80,0,0;

the QR code shall be 100 % black;

the supplier's name shall be 100 % black and in Verdana Bold, 9 pt;

the model identifier shall be 100 % black and in Verdana Regular 9 pt;

the A to G scale shall be as follows:

  • the letters of the energy efficiency scale shall be 100 % white and in Calibri Bold 19 pt; the letters shall be centred on an axis at 4,5 mm from the left side of the arrows;

  • the colours of the A to G scale arrows shall be as follows:

    • A-class: 100,0,100,0;

    • B-class: 70,0,100,0;

    • C-class: 30,0,100,0;

    • D-class: 0,0,100,0;

    • E-class: 0,30,100,0;

    • F-class: 0,70,100,0;

    • G-class: 0,100,100,0;

the internal dividers shall have a weight of 0,5 pt and the colour shall be 100 % black;

the letter of the energy efficiency class shall be 100 % white and in Calibri Bold 33 pt. The energy efficiency class arrow and the corresponding arrow in the A to G scale shall be positioned in such a way that their tips are aligned. The letter in the energy efficiency class arrow shall be positioned in the centre of the rectangular part of the arrow which shall be 100 % black;

the value of the eco programme energy consumption per 100 cycles shall be in Verdana Bold 28 pt; ‘kWh’ shall be in Verdana Regular 18 pt; the number ‘100’ in the pictogram representing 100 cycles shall be in Verdana Regular 14 pt The value and unit shall be centred and 100 % black;

the pictograms shall be as shown as in the label designs and as follows:

  • the pictograms' lines shall have a weight of 1,2 pt and they and the texts (numbers and units) shall be 100 % black;

  • the texts under the pictograms shall be in Verdana Bold 16 pt with the unit in Verdana Regular 12 pt, and they shall be centred under the pictograms;

  • the airborne acoustical noise emission pictogram: the number of decibels in the loudspeaker shall be in Verdana Bold 12 pt, with the unit ‘dB’ in Verdana Regular 9 pt; the range of noise classes (A to D) shall be centred under the pictogram, with the letter of the applicable noise class in Verdana Bold 16 pt and the other letters of the noise classes in Verdana Regular 10 pt;

the number of the regulation shall be 100 % black and in Verdana Regular 6 pt.