


The following information shall be included in the label:

  1. I.

    QR code;

  2. II.

    supplier's name or trade mark;

  3. III.

    supplier's model identifier;

  4. IV.

    scale of energy efficiency classes from A to G;

  5. V.

    the energy efficiency class determined in accordance with point A of Annex II;

  6. VI.

    eco programme energy consumption (EPEC) in kWh per 100 cycles, rounded to the nearest integer;

  7. VII.

    rated capacity in standard place settings, for the eco programme;

  8. VIII.

    eco programme water consumption (EPWC) in litres per cycle, rounded to one decimal place;

  9. IX.

    duration of the eco programme in h:min rounded to the nearest minute;

  10. X.

    airborne acoustic noise emissions expressed in dB(A) with respect to 1 pW and rounded to the nearest integer, and airborne acoustic noise emission class, determined in accordance with point B of Annex II;

  11. XI.

    the number of this Regulation, that is ‘2019/2017’.