CHAPTER 1 U.K. Means and methods of identification

Article 38U.K.Obligations on operators keeping bovine animals as regards the means and methods of identification of kept bovine animals, their application and use

1.Operators keeping bovine animals shall ensure that bovine animals are individually identified by means of a conventional ear tag as referred to in point (a) of Annex III which must:

(a)be attached to each ear flap of the animal with a visible, legible and indelible display of the identification code of the animal on the means of identification;

(b)be applied to bovine animals on the establishment of birth;

(c)not be removed, modified or replaced without the permission of the competent authority of the Member State where the bovine animals are kept.

2.Operators keeping bovine animals may replace:

(a)one of a conventional ear tag referred to in paragraph 1 by an electronic identifier approved by the competent authority of the Member State where the bovine animals are kept;

(b)both conventional ear tags referred to in paragraph 1 by an electronic identifier approved by the competent authority of the Member State where the bovine animals are kept in accordance with the exemptions provided for in Article 39(1).

Article 39U.K.Exemptions granted by the competent authority for operators of confined establishments and for operators to identify bovine animals kept for cultural, historical, recreational, scientific or sporting purposes

1.The competent authority may exempt operators of confined establishments and operators keeping bovine animals for cultural, historical, recreational, scientific or sporting purposes from the identification requirements for bovine animals provided for in Article 38(1)(a).

2.When granting exemptions as provided in paragraph 1, the competent authority shall ensure that at least one of the means of identification listed in points (d) and (e) of Annex III is approved by the competent authority for the application of the means of identification of bovine animals kept by operators exempted in accordance with paragraph 1 of this Article.

The competent authority shall establish procedures for application by operators when requesting such an exemption as provided in paragraph 1 of this Article.

Article 40U.K.Special provisions for the identification of bovine animals of breeds reared specifically for traditional cultural and sporting events

The competent authority may authorise operators keeping bovine animals of breeds reared specifically for traditional cultural and sporting events to identify those animals individually by an alternative means of identification authorised by the competent authority after the removal of conventional ear tag referred to in Article 38(1)(a) provided that an unequivocal link between the identified animal and its identification code is maintained.

Article 41U.K.Replacement of the conventional ear tag for kept bovine animals as referred to in Article 38(1)

1.Member States may authorise one of the conventional ear tags referred to in Article 38(1)(a) to be replaced by one of the means of identification listed in points (c), (d) and (e) of Annex III for all or specific categories of bovine animals kept in their territory.

2.Member States shall ensure that the means of identification listed in points (a), (c), (d) and (e) of Annex III comply with the following requirements:

(a)they display the identification code of the animal;

(b)they are approved by the competent authority of the Member State where the bovine animals are kept.

3.Member States shall establish procedures for the following:

(a)application by manufacturers for approval of means of identification for bovine animals kept in their territory;

(b)application by operators keeping bovine animals for the means of identification to be allocated to their establishment.

4.Member State shall establish and make available to the public of the list of breeds of bovine animals reared specifically for traditional cultural and sporting events kept in its territory.

CHAPTER 2 U.K. Computer database

Article 42U.K.Rules for information in computer database of kept bovine animals

The competent authority shall store the information referred to in Article 109(1)(a) of Regulation (EU) 2016/429 for each kept bovine animal in a computer database in accordance with the following rules:


the identification code of the animal must be recorded;


the type of electronic identifier, if applied to the bovine animal, must be recorded as listed in points (c), (d) and (e) of Annex III;


the following information must be recorded for establishments keeping bovine animals:


the unique registration number assigned to it;


the name and address of the operator of establishment;


the following information must be recorded for each movement of bovine animal into and from the establishment:


the unique registration number of the establishments of origin and destination;


the date of arrival;


the date of departure;


the date of natural death, loss or slaughter of bovine animal on the establishment must be recorded.

Article 43U.K.Rules on the exchange of electronic data between computer databases of Member States in respect of bovine animals

1.Member States shall ensure that their computer databases in respect of bovine animals complies with the following requirements:

(a)they are secured in accordance with applicable national law;

(b)they contain at least the up-to-date information provided for in Article 42.

2.Member States shall ensure that their computer databases is managed by an information system capable of applying and managing qualified electronic signatures for data exchange messages to guarantee non-repudiation concerning:

(a)the authenticity of exchanged messages so that guarantees are provided on the origin of the message;

(b)the integrity of exchanged messages so that guarantees are provided that the message has not been altered or corrupted;

(c)the temporal information of exchanged messages so that guarantee are provided that they were sent at a specific time.

3.Member State shall, without any undue delay but in any event within a period of 24 hours of becoming aware of it, notify the Member State with whom electronic data exchange has been established, of any breach of security or loss of integrity that has a significant impact on the data validity or on the personal data maintained therein.

CHAPTER 3 U.K. Identification document

Article 44U.K.Identification document of kept bovine animals

Identification document of kept bovine animals provided for in Article 112(b) of Regulation (EU) 2016/429 shall contain the following information:


the information provided for in Article 42(a) to (d);


the date of birth of each animal;


the name of issuing competent authority, or the issuing body to which the task was assigned;


the date of issuance.


CHAPTER 1 U.K. Means and methods of identification

Article 45U.K.Obligations on operators of kept ovine and caprine animals as regards the means and methods of identification of those animals, their application and use

1.Operators keeping ovine and caprine animals intended to be moved directly to a slaughterhouse before the age of 12 months shall ensure that each such animal is identified by at least a conventional ear tag attached to an ear flap of the animal or a conventional pastern band as listed in point (a) or (b) of Annex III with a visible, legible and indelible display of, either:


the unique registration number of the establishment of birth of animal;



the identification code of the animal.

2.Operators keeping ovine and caprine animals not intended to be moved directly to slaughterhouse before the age of 12 months shall ensure that each such animal is individually identified as follows:


by a conventional ear tag as listed in point (a) of Annex III with a visible, legible and indelible display of the identification code of the animal;



by one of the means of identification listed in points (c) to (f) of Annex III approved by the competent authority of the Member State where the ovine and caprine animals are kept with legible and indelible display of the identification code of the animal.

3.Operators keeping ovine and caprine animals shall ensure that:

(a)the means of identification are applied to ovine and caprine animals on the establishment of birth;

(b)no means of identification are removed, modified or replaced without the permission of the competent authority.

4.Operators keeping ovine and caprine animals may replace:

(a)one of the approved means of identification referred to in paragraph 2 in accordance with the derogations provided for in Article 46(1), (2), (3) and (4);

(b)both means of identification referred to in paragraph 2 of this Article by an electronic identifier approved by the competent authority of the Member State where the ovine and caprine animals are kept in accordance with the exemptions provided for in Article 47(1).

Article 46U.K.Derogations from the requirements laid down in Article 45 as regards the means and methods of identification of kept ovine and caprine animals, their application and use

1.By way of derogation from the requirement laid down in Article 45(2)(a), operators keeping ovine and caprine animals belonging to a population of animals that are born with ears that are too small to attach a conventional ear tag as listed in point (a) of Annex III, shall ensure that such animals are individually identified by a conventional pastern band as listed in point (b) of that Annex with a visible, legible and indelible display of the identification code of the animal.

2.By way of derogation from the requirement laid down in Article 45(2)(a), operators keeping ovine and caprine animals not intended to be moved to another Member State may replace the a conventional ear tag as listed in point (a) of Annex III by a tattoo listed in point (g) of that Annex with a visible, legible and indelible display of the identification code of the animal provided that the competent authority has authorised the use of a ruminal bolus as listed in point (d) of that Annex.

3.By way of derogation from Article 45(2)(b), operators keeping ovine and caprine animals not intended to be moved to another Member State and the operators keeping ovine or caprine animals exempted from the application of an electronic identifier in accordance with Article 48, may replace the electronic identifier by a tattoo as listed in point (g) of Annex III with visible, legible and indelible display of the identification code of the animal.

4.By way of derogation from Article 45(2), operators keeping ovine and caprine animals intended to be transported to the slaughterhouse either after undergoing an assembly operation or after undergoing a fattening operation in another establishment may identify each animal at least by an electronic ear tag as listed in point (c) of Annex III attached to an ear flap of the animal with visible, legible and indelible display of the unique registration number of the establishment of birth of animal and with legible and indelible display of the identification code of that animal provided that those animals:


are not intended to be moved to another Member State;



are slaughtered before the age of 12 months.

Article 47U.K.Exemptions from the requirements of Article 45(2) for operators of confined establishments and those keeping animals for cultural, recreational or scientific purposes

1.The competent authority may exempt operators of confined establishments and operators keeping ovine and caprine animals for cultural, recreational or scientific purposes from identification requirements of Article 45(2) subject the conditions laid down in paragraph 2 of this Article.

2.The competent authority shall ensure that either a ruminal bolus as listed in points (d) of Annex III, or an injectable transponder as listed in point (e) of that Annex III, has been authorised by it for the identification of the ovine and caprine animals referred to in paragraph 1, and that such authorised means of identification complies with the requirements laid down in Article 48(3).

The competent authority shall establish procedures for application by operators when requesting such an exemption as provided in paragraph 1 of this Article.

Article 48U.K.Derogation by the Member States from the requirements of Article 45(2) and obligations of the Member States regarding the means of identification

1.By way of derogation from Article 45(2)(b), Member States may authorise operators keeping ovine or caprine animals to replace the means of identification listed in points (c) to (f) of Annex III, by a conventional ear tag or a conventional pastern band as listed in points (a) or (b) of that Annex subject to compliance with the following conditions:


the total number of ovine and caprine animals kept within its territory does not exceed 600 000 as recorded in a computer database;



the kept ovine and caprine animals are not intended to be moved to another Member State.

2.By way of derogation from Article 45(2)(b), Member States may authorise operators keeping caprine animals to replace the means of identification listed in points (c) to (f) of Annex III, by a conventional ear tag or a conventional pastern band as listed in in points (a) or (b) of that Annex subject to compliance with the following conditions:


the total number of caprine animals kept within its territory does not exceed 160 000 as recorded in a computer database;



the kept caprine animals are not intended to be moved to another Member State.

3.Member State shall ensure that the means of identification listed in points (a) to (f) of Annex III comply with the following requirements:

(a)they display the identification code of the animal;

(b)they are approved by the competent authority of the Member State where the ovine or caprine animals are kept.

4.Member States shall establish procedures for application by:

(a)manufacturers for approval of means of identification for ovine and caprine animals kept in their territory;

(b)operators for the means of identification for ovine and caprine animals to be allocated to their establishment.

CHAPTER 2 U.K. Computer database

Article 49U.K.Rules for information in computer database of kept ovine and caprine animals

The competent authority shall store the information referred to in Article 109(1)(b) of Regulation (EU) 2016/429 in respect of kept ovine and caprine animals in a computer database in accordance with the following rules:


the following information must be recorded for establishments keeping those animals:


the unique registration number assigned to it;


the name and address of the operator of establishment;


the following information must be recorded for each movement of those animals into and from the establishment:


the total number of animals;


the unique registration number of their establishments of origin and destination;


the date of arrival;


the date of departure.

CHAPTER 3 U.K. Movement document

Article 50U.K.Movement document of kept ovine and caprine animals to be moved within the territory of a Member State

Movement document, as provided for in Article 113(1)(b) of Regulation (EU) 2016/429, for kept ovine and caprine animals to be moved within the territory of single Member State shall contain the following information:


the individual identification code of the animal or the unique registration number of the establishment of birth of the animal as displayed by the means of identification;


the type of electronic identifier, listed out in points (c) to (f) of Annex III, and its location, if applied to the animal;


the information provided for in Article 49(a)(i) and Article 49(b)(i), (ii) and (iv);


the unique registration number of the transporter;


the licence plate number or registration number of the means of transport.

Article 51U.K.Derogation from certain requirements of Article 50 for movement document of kept ovine and caprine animals intended to be assembled within the territory of a Member State

The competent authority may grant derogations from the requirements in Article 50(a) for operators of establishments from which kept ovine and caprine animals are to be moved to an establishment where they are intended to be assembled, provided the following conditions are fulfilled:


the operators must not transport the kept ovine and caprine animals in the same means of transport as animals from other establishments, unless the batches of those animals are kept physically separated from each other in the means of transport;


the operators of establishments where the animals are to be assembled shall, subject to a permission by the competent authority, record the individual identification code of each animal as referred to in Article 50(a) on behalf of the operator of establishment from where ovine and caprine animals are received and such records are kept by that operator;


the competent authority must have granted access to the computer database referred to in Article 49 to the operators of establishments where assembly operations are to be conducted for the ovine and caprine animals;


the operators of establishments where the animals are to be assembled must have in place procedures to ensure that the information referred to in point (b) is recorded in the computer database referred to in Article 49.


CHAPTER 1 U.K. Means and methods of identification

Article 52U.K.Obligations on operators keeping porcine animals as regards the means and methods of identification of kept porcine animals, their application and use

1.Operators of establishments keeping porcine animals shall ensure that each porcine animal is identified by the following means of identification:


a conventional ear tag as listed in point (a) of Annex III or an electronic ear tag as listed in point (c) of Annex III, attached to an ear flap of the animal with a visible, legible and indelible display of the unique registration number of


the establishment of birth of animal;



the last establishment of the supply chain referred to in Article 53 when those animals are moved to an establishment outside of that supply chain;



a tattoo as listed in point (g) of Annex III applied to an animal with indelible display of the unique registration number of


the establishment of birth of animal;



the last establishment of the supply chain referred to in Article 53 when those animals are moved to an establishment outside of that supply chain.

2.Operators of establishments keeping porcine animals shall ensure that:

(a)the means of identifications are applied to porcine animals on:


the establishment of birth;



the last establishment of the supply chain referred to in Article 53 when those animals are moved to an establishment outside of that supply chain;

(b)no means of identification are removed, modified or replaced without the permission of the competent authority.

3.Operators of establishments keeping porcine animals may replace the means of identification referred to in paragraph 1 of this Article by an electronic identifier approved by the competent authority of the Member State where the porcine animals are kept in accordance with the exemptions provided for in Article 54(1).

Article 53U.K.Derogations from the requirements of Article 52 as regards the means and methods of identification of kept porcine animals of the supply chain

By way of derogation from Article 52, the competent authority may allow the operators of establishments of the supply chain to derogate from the obligation to identify porcine animals when those animals are intended to be moved within that supply chain within its Member State territory provided that the practical application of traceability measures in that Member State ensures the full traceability of those animals.

Article 54U.K.Exemptions granted by the competent authority for operators of confined establishments and for operators to identify porcine animals kept for cultural, recreational or scientific purposes

1.The competent authority may exempt operators of confined establishments and operators keeping porcine animals for cultural, recreational or scientific purposes from the identification requirements for porcine animals provided for in Article 52(1).

2.When granting exemptions as provided for in paragraph 1 of this Article, the competent authority shall ensure that an injectable transponder as listed in point (e) of Annex III, has been authorised by it for the identifications of porcine animals referred to in paragraph 1 of this Article, and that such authorised means of identification complies with the requirements of Article 55(1).

3.The competent authority shall establish procedures for application by operators when requesting such an exemption as provided in paragraph 1 of this Article.

Article 55U.K.Member States obligations as regards the means and methods of identification of kept porcine animals, their application and use

1.Member States shall ensure that the means of identification listed in points (a), (c), (e) and (g) of Annex III comply with the following requirements:


they display either:


the unique registration number of the establishment of birth of the animal;



in the case of animals that are to be moved from the establishment of a supply chain referred to in Article 53 to another establishment outside of that supply chain, the unique registration number of the last establishment of a supply chain;


they are approved by the competent authority of the Member State where porcine animals are kept.

2.Member States shall establish procedures for application by:

(a)manufacturers for approval of the means of identification for porcine animals kept in their territory;

(b)operators for the means of identification for porcine animals to be allocated to their establishment.

3.Member States shall establish and make available to the public of the list of establishments of the supply chain referred to in Article 53 in their territory.

CHAPTER 2 U.K. Computer database

Article 56U.K.Rules for information in computer database of kept porcine animals

The competent authority shall store the information referred to in Article 109(1)(c) of Regulation (EU) 2016/429 in respect of kept porcine animals in a computer database in accordance with the following rules:


the following information must be recorded for establishments keeping those animals:


the unique registration number assigned it;


the name and address of the operator of establishment;


the following information must be recorded for each movement of those animals into and from the establishment:


the total number of animals;


the unique registration number of their establishments of origin and destination;


the date of arrival;


the date of departure.

CHAPTER 3 U.K. Movement document

Article 57U.K.Movement documents of kept porcine animals to be moved within its Member State territory

Movement documents as provided for in Article 115(b) of Regulation (EU) 2016/429 for kept animals of the porcine species to be moved within the territory of a single Member State shall contain the following information:


the information to be kept in the computer database as referred to in Article 56(a)(i) and Article 56(b)(i), (ii) and (iv);


the unique registration number of the transporter;


the licence plate number or registration number of the means of transport.


CHAPTER 1 U.K. Means and methods of identification

Article 58U.K.Obligations on operators keeping equine animals as regards the means and methods of identification of those animals, their application and use

1.Operators of kept equine animals shall ensure that each animal is individually identified by the following means of identification:

(a)an injectable transponder as listed in point (e) of Annex III;

(b)a single lifetime identification document.

2.Operators of kept equine animals shall ensure that:

(a)equine animals are identified within the time periods provided for in Article 12(1) and (2) of Regulation (EU) 2015/262;

(b)no means of identification referred to in paragraph 1 are removed, modified or replaced without the permission of the competent authority of the establishment where those animals are habitually kept.

3.Operators of kept equine animals, and if such operators are not the owner of the animals, acting on behalf of and in agreement with the owner of the animal, shall submit an application for the issuing of a single lifetime identification document, referred to in Article 65 or 66, to the competent authority of the establishment where the animals are habitually kept, and shall provide the competent authority with the necessary information to complete that identification document and the records in the database referred to in Article 64.

Article 59U.K.Member States obligations for means and methods of identification of kept equine animals, their application and use

1.Member States may authorise the injectable transponder referred to in Article 58(1)(a) to be replaced by:

(a)a single conventional ear tag as listed in point (a) of Annex III applied to equine animals kept for meat production, provided that those animals were either born in that Member State or imported into that Member State without bearing a physical means of identification prior to entry into the Union;

(b)an alternative method authorised by the competent authority in accordance with Article 62, which establishes an unequivocal link between the equine animal and the single lifetime identification document referred to in Article 58(1)(b).

2.Member States shall ensure that the means of identification referred to in Article 58(1)(a) and in paragraph 1(a) of this Article comply with the following requirements:

(a)they display the identification code of the animal;

(b)they are approved by the competent authority of the Member State where the equine animals are identified in accordance with Article 58(2)(a).

3.Member States shall:

(a)establish procedures for application by manufacturers for approval of means of identification for kept equine animals identified in their territory;

(b)establish deadlines for submission of the applications for the issuing of identification document provided for in Article 58(1)(b).

Article 60U.K.Derogations for the identification of kept equine animals living under semi-wild conditions

1.By way of derogation from Article 58(2)(a), Member States may specify populations of kept equine animals living under semi-wild conditions in certain areas of their territory, which shall only be required to be identified in accordance with Article 58(1) when they are:


removed from such populations, excluding their transfer under official supervision from one specified population to another;



brought into captivity for domestic use.

2.Prior to making use of the derogation provided for in paragraph 1, Member States shall notify the Commission of the populations of equine animals and the areas where those animals live under semi-wild conditions.

3.By way of derogation from Article 58(1), Member States may authorise the application of an injectable transponder as listed in point (e) of Annex III more than 12 months prior to the issuing of an identification document in accordance with paragraph 1 of this Article, provided that the identification code of the animal displayed on the injectable transponder is recorded by the operator at the time of implantation of the injectable transponder and transmitted to the competent authority.

Article 61U.K.Derogations for the identification of kept equine animals moved to a slaughterhouse or accompanied by a temporary identification document

[X11. By way of derogation from Article 58(1), the competent authority may authorise the use of a simplified method of identification of equine animals intended to be moved to the slaughterhouse for which no single lifetime identification document was issued in accordance with point (a) of Article 110(1) of Regulation (EU) 2016/429, provided that:]

(a)the equine animals are less than 12 months old;

(b)there is an uninterrupted line of traceability of the animals from the establishment of birth to the slaughterhouse situated in the same Member State.

The equine animals must be transported directly to the slaughterhouse and during that transport they must be individually identified by injectable transponder, conventional or electronic ear tag, or conventional or electronic pastern band as listed in points (a), (b), (c), (e) or (f) of Annex III respectively.

[X12. By way of derogation from Article 58(1)(b), the competent authority shall, on request by the operator of the equine animal, issue a temporary identification document for the period of time when the identification document issued in accordance with Article 110(1)(a) of Regulation (EU) 2016/429, or Article 67 or Article 68 of this Regulation is surrendered to that competent authority in order to update identification details in that document.]

Article 62U.K.Authorisation of alternative methods of identification of kept equine animals

1.Member States may authorise suitable alternative methods of identification of kept equine animals, including the recording of marks, which ensure an unequivocal link between the equine animal and the single lifetime identification document and show that the equine animal has undergone the process of identification.

2.Member States authorising alternative methods of identification as provided for in paragraph 1shall ensure that:

(a)the alternative methods of identification are only used in exceptional cases for the identification of equine animals entered in specific breeding books or are used for specific purposes, or in case of equine animals which cannot be identified by an injectable transponder for medical or animal welfare reasons;

(b)any authorised alternative method of identification or any combination of those methods provide at least the same guarantees as the injectable transponder;

(c)the format of the information on the alternative method of identification applied to an equine animal must be suitable for entry in a searchable database.

Article 63U.K.Obligation on operators using the alternative methods of identification

1.Operators making use of an authorised alternative method of identification, as provided for in Article 62(1), shall provide to the competent authority and where necessary to other operators the means of accessing that identification information or have the onus of verifying the identity of the equine animal by those authorities or operators.

2.Where alternative methods of identification are based on characteristics of the equine animal which may change over time, the operator shall provide the necessary information to the competent authority for them to update the identification document referred to in Article 62 and the database referred to in Article 64.

3.Breed societies and international associations or organisations which manage horses for competition or races may require that equine animals which were identified by use of an alternative method of identification provided for in Article 62 are to be identified by implantation of an injectable transponder for the purpose of the entry or registration of purebred breeding animals of the equine species in breeding books or the registration of horses for competition or race purposes.

CHAPTER 2 U.K. Computer database

Article 64U.K.Rules for information in computer database of kept equine animals

The competent authority shall store the information referred to in Article 109(1)(d) of Regulation (EU) 2016/429 in respect of kept equine animals in a computer database in accordance with the following rules:


for the establishment where those equine animals are habitually kept must be recorded:


the unique registration number assigned to it;


the name and address of the operator of establishment;


for each equine animal habitually kept on the establishment must be recorded:


the unique code;


where available, the identification code of the animal displayed by a physical means of identification;


where the injected transponder has not been approved by the competent authority of the Member State where the equine animal was identified in accordance with Article 58(2), the reading system of that injected transponder;


any information concerning new, duplicate or replacement identification documents issued for the animal;


the species of the animal;


the sex of the animals, with a possibility to enter the date of gelding;


the date and country of birth as declared by the operator of the kept equine animal;


the date of natural death on the establishment or loss as declared by the operator of the kept equine animal, or the date of slaughter of that animal;


the name and address of the competent authority, or the issuing body to which the task was assigned, which has issued the identification document;


the date of issuance of the identification document.


for each equine animal kept on the establishment for a period exceeding 30 days, the unique code shall be recorded; however, except in the following cases:


for equine animals participating in competitions, races, shows, training and hauling for a period not exceeding 90 days;


for male equine animals for breeding kept during the breeding season;


for female equine animals for breeding kept for a period not exceeding 90 days.

CHAPTER 3 U.K. Identification document

Article 65U.K.Single lifetime identification document of kept equine animals

1.The single lifetime identification document shall contain at least the following information:

(a)the identification code of the animal displayed by the injectable transponder or ear tag;

(b)the unique code assigned to the animal for its lifetime which encodes


the computer database in which the competent authority or issuing body recorded the information necessary to issue the first single lifetime identification document referred to in Article 58(1)(b), and where necessary a replacement single lifetime identification document referred to in Article 69(2)(b);


the numerical identification code of the individual equine animal in that database;

(c)the species of the animal;

(d)the sex of the animal, with the possibility to enter the date of gelding;

(e)the date and country of birth as declared by the operator of the kept equine animal;

(f)the name and address of the issuing competent authority, or the issuing body to which the task was assigned;

(g)the date of issue of the single lifetime identification document;

(h)where applicable, information on the replacement of the physical means of identification and the identification code of the animal displayed by that replaced physical means of identification;

(i)where applicable,


the validation mark issued and included in the single lifetime identification document by the competent authority, or by the body to which this activity was delegated, for a period not exceeding 4 years, which documents that the animal is habitually resident in an establishment recognised by the competent authority as an establishment with a low health risk due to frequent animal health visits, additional identity checks and health testing and the absence of natural breeding on the establishment, except in dedicated and separated premises, with the possibility of renewal of the validity period of issued valditation mark;



the licence issued and included in the single lifetime identification document for a period not exceeding 4 years for participation in equestrian competitions by the national federation of the Federation Equestre Internationale or for participation in races by the competent racing authority and which documents at least two visits per year by a veterinarian, including those necessary to carry out regular equine influenza vaccination and examinations required for movements to other Member States or third countries, with the possibility of renewal of the validity period of issued licence.

2.Single lifetime identification documents for registered equine animals and for equidae identified in accordance with Article 62 shall, in addition to the information referred to in paragraph 1 of this Article, contain at least the following information:

(a)a pictorial and a verbal description of the animal, including the possibility to update this information;

(b)where applicable, detailed information on alternative methods of identification;

(c)where applicable, information on the breed in accordance with Annex of Delegated Regulation (EU) 2017/1940;

(d)where applicable, information necessary for the use of the single lifetime identification document for sporting purposes in accordance with the requirements of the relevant organisations managing horses for competition or races, including information on tests for and vaccinations against listed or not-listed diseases as required for access to competitions and races and to obtain the licence referred to in paragraph 1(i)(ii).

Article 66U.K.Obligations on operators of kept equine animals as regards the single lifetime identification documents

1.Operators of kept equine animals shall ensure that those animals are at all times accompanied by their single lifetime identification document.

2.By way of derogation from paragraph 1, operators shall not be required to ensure that kept equine animals are accompanied by their single lifetime identification document when those animals are:

(a)stabled or on pasture, and the single lifetime identification document can be presented without delay by the operator of the kept equine animal or the operator of the establishment on which the animal is kept;

(b)temporarily ridden, driven, led or taken either:


in the vicinity of the establishment on which the animal is kept within a Member State;



during transhumance of animals to and from registered summer grazing grounds provided that the single lifetime identification documents can be presented at the establishment of departure;

(c)unweaned equine animals and accompanying their dam or foster mare;

(d)participating in a training or test of an equestrian competition, race or event which requires them to leave temporarily the establishement on which the training, competition, race or event takes place;

(e)moved or transported in an emergency situation relating to the animals themselves or to the establishment where they are kept.

3.Operators of kept equine animals shall not move an equine animal accompanied by the temporary document referred to in Article 61(2) to the slaughterhouse.

4.Operators of kept equine animals shall return the single lifetime identification document to the issuing competent authority, or the issuing body to which the task was delegated, as decoded from the unique code after the death or loss of the equine animal.

Article 67U.K.Obligations on the competent authority as regards the issue of duplicate and replacement single lifetime identification documents

1.On application by the operator, the competent authority, or the issuing body to which the task was assigned shall issue a duplicate single lifetime identification document where the identity of the kept equine animal can be established and the operator either


declared the loss of the single lifetime identification document issued in respect of the animal;



failed to identify the animal within the time periods provided for in Article 58(2)(a).

2.On application by the operator or on its own initiative, the competent authority shall issue a replacement single identification document where the identity of the animal cannot be established and the operator either


declared the loss of the single lifetime identification document issued in respect of the animal;



failed to comply with the identification requirements of Article 58(2)(b).

Article 68U.K.Obligations on the competent authority as regards the issue of new single lifetime documents for registered equine animal

Where an identified equine animal becomes a registered equine animal and the single lifetime identification document issued in respect of that animal cannot be adapted to meet the requirements laid down in Article 65(2), the competent authority, or the issuing body to which the task was assigned, on application of the operator of the equine animal, shall issue a new single lifetime identification document to replace the former one containing the information required in accordance with Article 65(1) and (2).

Article 69U.K.Obligations on the competent authority as regards the concerning duplicate, replacement and new identification documents

1.The competent authority, or the issuing body to which the task was assigned shall enter information concerning the issuing of a duplicate or replacement identification document in accordance with Article 67 or the issuing of a new identification document in accordance with Article 68 in the computer database referred to in Article 64.

2.The competent authority, or the issuing body to which the task was assigned shall enter


in the duplicate single lifetime identification document and in the new single lifetime identification document, the unique code assigned to the animal in accordance with Article 65(1)(b) on the occasion of the issue of the first single lifetime identification document;



in the replacement single lifetime identification document, the unique code assigned to the equine animal on the occasion of its issue.


CHAPTER 1 U.K. Traceability of kept dogs, cats and ferrets

Section 1 U.K. Means of identification

Article 70U.K.Obligations on operators keeping dogs, cats and ferrets as regards the means and methods of identification of those animals, their application and use

Operators keeping dogs, cats and ferrets shall ensure that:


those animals are individually identified by an injectable transponder as listed in point (e) of Annex III when they are moved to another Member State;


the injectable transponder intended for implantation in the animal is approved by the competent authority;


they provide to the competent authority and where necessary to other operators the reading device which enables at any time the verification of the individual identification of the animal where the implanted injectable transponder has not been approved by the competent authority.

Section 2 U.K. Identification document

Article 71U.K.Identification document of kept dog, cats and ferrets

Operators keeping dogs, cats and ferrets shall ensure that each of those animals where it is moved to another Member State is accompanied by an identification document referred to in Article 6(d) of Regulation (EU) No 576/2013, duly completed and issued in accordance with Article 22 of that Regulation.

Section 3 U.K. Traceability of pet animals

Article 72U.K.Traceability requirements for other than non-commercial movements of pet animals

Operators shall ensure that pet animals moved to another Member State for purposes other than non-commercial movement comply with the rules laid down in Articles 70 and 71.

CHAPTER 2 U.K. Traceability of kept camelid and cervid animals

Article 73U.K.Obligations on operators keeping camelid and cervid animals as regards the means and methods of identification of those animals, their application and use

1.Operators keeping camelid animals shall ensure that those animals are individually identified by either:


a conventional ear tag as listed in point (a) of Annex III attached to each ear flap of the animals with visible, legible and indelible display of the identification code of the animal;



an injectable transponder as listed in point (e) of Annex III with legible and indelible display of the identification code of the animal.

2.Operators keeping cervid animals shall ensure that those animals are individually identified by one of the following means of identification:


a conventional ear tag as listed in point (a) of Annex III attached to each ear flap of the animals with visible, legible and indelible display of the identification code of the animal;



an injectable transponder as listed in point (e) of Annex III with legible and indelible display of the identification code of the animal;



a tattoo as listed in point (g) of Annex III applied to an animal with indelible display of the identification code of the animal.

3.Operators of establishments keeping camelid and cervid animals shall ensure that:

(a)the means of identification are applied to those animals on the establishment of birth;

(b)no means of identification are removed, modified or replaced without the permission of the competent authority;

(c)they provide to the competent authority and where necessary to other operators the reading device which enables at any time the verification of the individual identification of the animal where the implanted injectable transponder has not been approved by the competent authority.

Article 74U.K.Exemption for operators keeping reindeer

By way of exemption from the requirements of Article 73(2), operators keeping reindeer shall ensure that those animals kept on their establishments are each identified by an alternative method authorised by the competent authority of Member State.

Article 75U.K.Member States’ obligations for the means of identification of kept camelid and cervid animals

1.Member States shall ensure that the means of identification listed in points (a), (e) and (g) of Annex III comply with the following requirements:

(a)they display the identification code of the animal;

(b)they are approved by the competent authority of the Member State where the camelid and cervid animals are kept.

2.Member States shall establish procedures for the following:

(a)application for approval by manufacturers of means of identification for camelid and cervid animals kept in their territory;

(b)application by operators keeping camelid and cervid animals for the means of identification to be allocated to their establishment.

CHAPTER 3 U.K. Traceability of captive birds

Article 76U.K.Obligations on operators keeping psittacidae as regards the means and methods of identification of those animals, their application and use

1.Operators keeping psittacidae shall ensure that those animals are individually identified where they are moved to another Member State by one of the following means of identification:


a leg ring as listed in point (h) of Annex III attached at least to one leg of the animal with a visible, legible and indelible display of the identification code of the animal;



an injectable transponder as listed in point (e) of Annex III with legible and indelible display of the identification code of the animal;



a tattoo as listed in point (g) of Annex III applied to an animal with a visible and indelible display of the identification code of the animal.

2.Operators keeping psittacidae shall:

(a)ensure that the means of identification referred to in paragraph 1(b) is approved by the competent authority;

(b)provide to the competent authority and where necessary to other operators the reading device which enables at any time the verification of the individual identification of the animal in case the means of identification referred to in paragraph 1(b) has not been approved by the competent authority.

CHAPTER 4 U.K. Traceability of kept terrestrial animals in travelling circuses and animal acts

Section 1 U.K. Movement and identification documents of kept terrestrial animals in travelling circuses and animal acts

Article 77U.K.Obligations on competent authority as regards the movement document of kept terrestrial animals in travelling circuses and animal acts

1.The competent authority shall issue a movement document as provided for in Article 117(b) of Regulation (EU) 2016/429 for all kept terrestrial animals in travelling circuses or animal acts intended to be moved to another Member State, except lagomorphs, rodents, honeybees and bumble bees.

2.The competent authority shall ensure that the movement document provided for in paragraph 1 contains at least the following information:

(a)the commercial name of the travelling circus or animal act;

(b)the unique registration number of the travelling circus or animal act assigned by the competent authority;

(c)the name and address of the operator of the travelling circus or animal act;

(d)the species and quantity;

(e)for each animal for which the operator of the travelling circus or animal act is not responsible, the name and address of the operator responsible for the animal or pet owner;

(f)the identification code of the animal displayed by the means of identification provided for in Articles 38, 39, 45, 47, 52, 54, 58, 70, 73, 74 and 76;

(g)the type of electronic identifier and its location, if applied to the animal as referred to in point (f);

(h)the identification mark, means of identification and its location if applicable, for animals other than those referred to in point (f) applied by the operator;

(i)the date of movement of each animal into and from the travelling circus or animal act;

(j)the name, address and signature of the official veterinarian issuing the identification document;

(k)the date of issue of the movement document.

Article 78U.K.Obligations on the competent authority as regards the identification document of kept terrestrial animals in travelling circuses and animal acts

1.The competent authority shall issue an identification document as provided for in Article 117(b) of Regulation (EU) 2016/429 for each kept terrestrial animal in travelling circuses or animal acts intended to be moved to another Member State, except for animals of the equine species, birds, dogs, cats and ferrets, lagomorphs and rodents.

2.The competent authority shall ensure that the identification document provided for in paragraph 1 contains the following information:

(a)the name, address and contact information of the operator responsible for the animal;

(b)species, sex, colour, and any notable or discernible features or characteristics of the animal;

(c)the identification code of the animal identified by the means of identification provided for in Articles 38, 39, 45, 47, 52, 54, 58, 70, 73, 74 and 76;

(d)the type of electronic identifier and its location, if applied to the animal referred to in point (c);

(e)the identification mark, means of identification and its location if applicable, for other animals than those referred to in point (c) applied by the operator;

(f)details of the vaccination of the animal, if applicable;

(g)details of the treatments of the animal, if applicable;

(h)details of diagnostic tests;

(i)the name and address of the competent authority issuing the identification document;

(j)the date of issue of the identification document.

Article 79U.K.Obligations on the competent authority as regards the identification document of kept birds in travelling circuses and animal acts

1.The competent authority shall issue an identification document as provided for in Article 117(b) of Regulation (EU) 2016/429 for group of kept birds in travelling circuses or animal acts intended to be moved to another Member State.

2.The competent authority shall ensure that the identification document provided for in paragraph 1 contains the following information:

(a)the name, address and contact information of the operator responsible for the birds;

(b)the species of the birds;

(c)the identification code, the means of identification and its location if applied to the birds;

(d)details of the vaccination of the birds, if applicable;

(e)details of the treatments of the birds, if applicable;

(f)details of diagnostic tests;

(g)the name and address of the competent authority issuing the identification document;

(h)the date of issue of the identification document.


Article 80U.K.Obligation on operators as regards the traceability of hatching eggs

Operators of establishments keeping poultry and operators of hatcheries shall ensure that each hatching egg is marked with the unique approval number of the establishment of origin of the hatching eggs.


Article 81U.K.Obligations on operators as regards the means and methods of identification of kept bovine, ovine, caprine, porcine, cervid or camelid animals after their entry into the Union

1.In case the means of identification have been applied to kept bovine, ovine, caprine, porcine, cervid or camelid animals in third countries or territories, after their entry into the Union and where they remain in the Union, operators of the establishments of the first arrival of those animals shall ensure that the animals are identified by the means of identification provided for in Articles 38, 39, 45, 47, 52, 54, 73 and 74, as appropriate.

2.In case of kept bovine, ovine, caprine, porcine, cervid or camelid animals originating from Member States and identified in accordance with the Union rules, after their entry from third countries or territories into the Union and where they remain in the Union, operators of the establishments of the first arrival of those animals shall ensure that animals are identified by the means of identification provided for in 38, 39, 45, 47, 52, 54, 73 and 74, as appropriate.

3.Operators shall not apply the rules referred to in paragraphs 1 and 2 to kept bovine, ovine, caprine, porcine, cervid or camelid animals intended to move to a slaughterhouse situated in a Member State, provided the animals are slaughtered within 5 days after their entry into Union.

Article 82U.K.Member States’ obligations as regards the means and methods of identification of kept bovine, ovine, caprine, porcine, cervid or camelid animals after their entry into Union

Member States shall establish procedures for operators of establishments keeping animals referred to in Article 81(2) to follow when requesting the means of identification to be allocated to their establishment.

Article 83U.K.Obligations on operators as regards the means and methods of identification of kept animals of the equine species after their entry into Union

Operators of kept animals of the equine species shall ensure that after the entry of equine animals into the Union and where they remain in the Union, they are identified in accordance with Article 58 after the date of completion of the customs procedure, as defined in Article 5(16)(a) of Regulation (EU) No 952/2013.