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CHAPTER 3 U.K. Identification document

Article 65U.K.Single lifetime identification document of kept equine animals

1.The single lifetime identification document shall contain at least the following information:

(a)the identification code of the animal displayed by the injectable transponder or ear tag;

(b)the unique code assigned to the animal for its lifetime which encodes


the computer database in which the competent authority or issuing body recorded the information necessary to issue the first single lifetime identification document referred to in Article 58(1)(b), and where necessary a replacement single lifetime identification document referred to in Article 69(2)(b);


the numerical identification code of the individual equine animal in that database;

(c)the species of the animal;

(d)the sex of the animal, with the possibility to enter the date of gelding;

(e)the date and country of birth as declared by the operator of the kept equine animal;

(f)the name and address of the issuing competent authority, or the issuing body to which the task was assigned;

(g)the date of issue of the single lifetime identification document;

(h)where applicable, information on the replacement of the physical means of identification and the identification code of the animal displayed by that replaced physical means of identification;

(i)where applicable,


the validation mark issued and included in the single lifetime identification document by the competent authority, or by the body to which this activity was delegated, for a period not exceeding 4 years, which documents that the animal is habitually resident in an establishment recognised by the competent authority as an establishment with a low health risk due to frequent animal health visits, additional identity checks and health testing and the absence of natural breeding on the establishment, except in dedicated and separated premises, with the possibility of renewal of the validity period of issued valditation mark;



the licence issued and included in the single lifetime identification document for a period not exceeding 4 years for participation in equestrian competitions by the national federation of the Federation Equestre Internationale or for participation in races by the competent racing authority and which documents at least two visits per year by a veterinarian, including those necessary to carry out regular equine influenza vaccination and examinations required for movements to other Member States or third countries, with the possibility of renewal of the validity period of issued licence.

2.Single lifetime identification documents for registered equine animals and for equidae identified in accordance with Article 62 shall, in addition to the information referred to in paragraph 1 of this Article, contain at least the following information:

(a)a pictorial and a verbal description of the animal, including the possibility to update this information;

(b)where applicable, detailed information on alternative methods of identification;

(c)where applicable, information on the breed in accordance with Annex of Delegated Regulation (EU) 2017/1940;

(d)where applicable, information necessary for the use of the single lifetime identification document for sporting purposes in accordance with the requirements of the relevant organisations managing horses for competition or races, including information on tests for and vaccinations against listed or not-listed diseases as required for access to competitions and races and to obtain the licence referred to in paragraph 1(i)(ii).

Article 66U.K.Obligations on operators of kept equine animals as regards the single lifetime identification documents

1.Operators of kept equine animals shall ensure that those animals are at all times accompanied by their single lifetime identification document.

2.By way of derogation from paragraph 1, operators shall not be required to ensure that kept equine animals are accompanied by their single lifetime identification document when those animals are:

(a)stabled or on pasture, and the single lifetime identification document can be presented without delay by the operator of the kept equine animal or the operator of the establishment on which the animal is kept;

(b)temporarily ridden, driven, led or taken either:


in the vicinity of the establishment on which the animal is kept within a Member State;



during transhumance of animals to and from registered summer grazing grounds provided that the single lifetime identification documents can be presented at the establishment of departure;

(c)unweaned equine animals and accompanying their dam or foster mare;

(d)participating in a training or test of an equestrian competition, race or event which requires them to leave temporarily the establishement on which the training, competition, race or event takes place;

(e)moved or transported in an emergency situation relating to the animals themselves or to the establishment where they are kept.

3.Operators of kept equine animals shall not move an equine animal accompanied by the temporary document referred to in Article 61(2) to the slaughterhouse.

4.Operators of kept equine animals shall return the single lifetime identification document to the issuing competent authority, or the issuing body to which the task was delegated, as decoded from the unique code after the death or loss of the equine animal.

Article 67U.K.Obligations on the competent authority as regards the issue of duplicate and replacement single lifetime identification documents

1.On application by the operator, the competent authority, or the issuing body to which the task was assigned shall issue a duplicate single lifetime identification document where the identity of the kept equine animal can be established and the operator either


declared the loss of the single lifetime identification document issued in respect of the animal;



failed to identify the animal within the time periods provided for in Article 58(2)(a).

2.On application by the operator or on its own initiative, the competent authority shall issue a replacement single identification document where the identity of the animal cannot be established and the operator either


declared the loss of the single lifetime identification document issued in respect of the animal;



failed to comply with the identification requirements of Article 58(2)(b).

Article 68U.K.Obligations on the competent authority as regards the issue of new single lifetime documents for registered equine animal

Where an identified equine animal becomes a registered equine animal and the single lifetime identification document issued in respect of that animal cannot be adapted to meet the requirements laid down in Article 65(2), the competent authority, or the issuing body to which the task was assigned, on application of the operator of the equine animal, shall issue a new single lifetime identification document to replace the former one containing the information required in accordance with Article 65(1) and (2).

Article 69U.K.Obligations on the competent authority as regards the concerning duplicate, replacement and new identification documents

1.The competent authority, or the issuing body to which the task was assigned shall enter information concerning the issuing of a duplicate or replacement identification document in accordance with Article 67 or the issuing of a new identification document in accordance with Article 68 in the computer database referred to in Article 64.

2.The competent authority, or the issuing body to which the task was assigned shall enter


in the duplicate single lifetime identification document and in the new single lifetime identification document, the unique code assigned to the animal in accordance with Article 65(1)(b) on the occasion of the issue of the first single lifetime identification document;



in the replacement single lifetime identification document, the unique code assigned to the equine animal on the occasion of its issue.