

SECTION 2 KPIs for target setting at local level and indicators for monitoring at local level


1.1. Key performance indicator

The level of the effectiveness of safety management in accordance with point 1.1 of Section 1.

For the purposes of this indicator, ‘local’ means at the level of air navigation service providers.

1.2. Indicators for monitoring

The rate of runway incursions at airports located in a Member State, calculated as the total number of runway incursions with a safety impact that occurred at those airports divided by the total number of IFR and VFR movements at those airports.


The rate of separation minima infringements within the airspace of all controlling air traffic services units in a Member State, calculated as the total number of separation minima infringements with a safety impact that occurred in that airspace divided by the total number of controlled flight hours within that airspace.


The rate of runway incursions at an airport calculated as the total number of runway incursions with any contribution from air traffic services or CNS services with a safety impact that occurred at that airport divided by the total number of IFR and VFR movements at that airport.


The rate of separation minima infringements within the airspace where the air navigation service provider provides air traffic services, calculated as the total number of separation minima infringements with any contribution from air traffic services, or CNS services with a safety impact divided by the total number of controlled flight hours within that airspace.


Where automated safety data recording systems are implemented, the use of these systems by the air navigation service providers, as a component of their safety risk management framework, for the purposes of gathering, storing and near-real time analyses of data related to, as a minimum, separation minima infringements and runway incursions.

The indicators for monitoring referred to in this point shall be calculated for the whole calendar year and for each year of the reference period.

For the purposes of the indicators set out in points (a) and (c), ‘local’ means at airport level. For the purposes of the indicator set out in point (b), ‘local’ means at national level. For the purposes of the indicator set out in point (d), ‘local’ means the level of air navigation service providers.


2.1. Key performance indicator

The average horizontal en route flight efficiency of the actual trajectory, calculated as follows:


this indicator is the comparison between the length of the en route part of the actual trajectory derived from surveillance data and the achieved distance, summed over IFR flights within or traversing the local airspace;


en route part’ refers to the distance flown outside a circle of 40NM around the origin and destination airports;


where a flight departs from or arrives at an airport outside the local airspace, the entry or exit points of the local airspace are used for the calculation of this indicator;


where a flight departs from and arrives at an airport inside the local airspace and crosses a non-local airspace, only the part inside the local airspace is used for the calculation of this indicator;


‘achieved distance’ is a function of the position of the entry and exit points of the flight into and out of the local airspace. Achieved distance represents the contribution that those points make to the great circle distance between origin and destination of the flight;


for the purposes of this indicator, ‘local’ means at national level or at the level of functional airspace blocks, depending on the level at which the performance plan is established;


the indicator is calculated for the whole calendar year and for each year of the reference period, as an average. When calculating this average, the ten highest daily values and the ten lowest daily values are excluded from the calculation.

2.2. Indicators for monitoring

The average horizontal en route flight efficiency of the last filed flight plan trajectory, calculated at local level as follows:


the difference between the length of the en route part of the last filed flight plan trajectory and the corresponding portion of the great circle distance, summed over all IFR flights within or traversing the local airspace;


en route part’ refers to the distance flown outside a circle of 40 NM around the airports;


where a flight departs from or arrives at an airport outside the local airspace, the entry or exit points of the local airspace are used for the calculation of this indicator;


where a flight departs from and arrives at an airport inside the local airspace and crosses a non-local airspace, only the part inside the local airspace is used for the calculation of this indicator;


the indicator is calculated for the whole calendar year and for each year of the reference period, as an average. When calculating this average, the ten highest daily values and the ten lowest daily values are excluded from the calculation.


The average horizontal en route flight efficiency of the shortest constrained trajectory, calculated at local level as follows.


the indicator is the difference between the length of the en route part of the shortest constrained route available for flight planning, as calculated by the path finding algorithms and flight plan validation systems of the Network Manager, and the achieved distance summed over all IFR flights within or traversing the local airspace;


this indicator considers the airspace restrictions published in the Route Availability Document issued by the Network Manager and the actual status of conditional routes at the time of the last filed flight plan;


en route part’ refers to the part outside a circle of 40NM around the origin and destination airports;


where a flight departs from or arrives at an airport outside the local airspace, the entry or exit points of the local airspace are used for the calculation of this indicator;


where a flight departs from and arrives at an airport inside the local airspace and crosses a non-local airspace, only the part inside the local airspace is used for the calculation of this indicator;


‘achieved distance’ is a function of the position of the entry and exit points of the flight into and out of the local airspace. Achieved distance represents the contribution that those points make to the great circle distance between origin and destination of the flight.


the indicator is calculated for the whole calendar year and for each year of the reference period, as an average. When calculating this average, the ten highest daily values and the ten lowest daily values are excluded from the calculation.


The additional time in the taxi-out phase, calculated at local level as follows:


this indicator is the difference between the actual taxi-out time and the unimpeded taxi-out time;


the unimpeded taxi-out time is the taxi-out time in non-congested periods of low traffic at an airport;


this indicator is expressed in minutes per departure, calculated for the whole calendar year and for each year of the reference period.


The additional time in terminal airspace, calculated at local level as follows:


this indicator is the difference between the Arrival Sequencing and Metering Area (ASMA) transit time and the unimpeded time based on ASMA transit times;


the unimpeded time based on ASMA transit times is determined for each group of flights with the same parameters, which are aircraft class, ASMA entry sector and arrival runway, and represents the transit time in non-congested periods of low traffic;


this indicator is expressed in minutes per arrival calculated for the whole calendar year and for each year of the reference period;


the ASMA is defined as a cylinder with a radius of 40 NM around the arrival airport.


The share of arrivals applying Continuous Descent Operation (CDO), calculated at local level as follows:


this indicator is the ratio between the total number of arrivals performing a CDO from a reference point at a height above ground, defined by the national supervisory authority, and the total number of arrival operations;


this indicator is expressed as a percentage, calculated for the whole calendar year and for each year of the reference period.


The effective use of reserved or segregated local airspace, calculated in accordance with point 2.2(c) of Section 1.


The rate of planning via available local airspace structures, calculated in accordance with point 2.2(d) of Section 1.


The rate of using available local airspace structures, calculated in accordance with point 2.2(e) of Section 1.


For the purposes of the indicators set out in points (a) and (b), ‘local’ means at national level or at the level of functional airspace blocks depending on the level at which the performance plan is established, including cases of delegation of the responsibility for the provision of air traffic services as a result of collaborative cross-border arrangements. For the purposes of the indicators set out in points (c) and (d), ‘local’ means at airport level with a minimum of 80 000 IFR air transport movements per year. For the purposes of the indicator set out in point (e), ‘local’ means at airport level. For the purposes of the indicators set out in points (f) to (h), ‘local’ means at national level with a breakdown at the level of area control centres' area of responsibility, including cases of delegation of the responsibility for the provision of air traffic services as a result of collaborative cross-border arrangements.


3.1. Key performance indicators

The average minutes of en route ATFM delay per flight attributable to air navigation services, calculated as follows:


the en route ATFM delay, calculated in accordance with point 3.1(a) of Section 1;


this indicator covers all IFR flights traversing the local airspace and all ATFM delay causes, excluding exceptional events; it also covers IFR flights traversing other airspaces, when delay corrections are applied as a result of the post-operations delay adjustment process coordinated by the Network Manager through which operational stakeholders notify the Network Manager of issues that relate to ATFM delay measurement, classification and assignment;


this indicator is calculated for the whole calendar year and for each year of the reference period;


for the purposes of this indicator, ‘local’ means at national level or at the level of functional airspace blocks depending on the level at which the performance plan is established;


for monitoring, the values calculated for this indicator are broken down at national level in case the performance plan is established at functional airspace block level, including cases of delegation of the responsibility for the provision of air traffic services as a result of collaborative cross-border arrangements.


The average time, expressed in minutes, of arrival ATFM delay per flight attributable to terminal and airport air navigation services, calculated at local level as follows:


this indicator is the average arrival delay at the destination airport caused by ATFM regulations per inbound IFR flight;


this indicator covers all IFR flights landing at the destination airport and all ATFM delay causes, excluding exceptional events;


this indicator is calculated for the whole calendar year and for each year of the reference period.


for the purposes of this indicator, ‘local’ means at national level.


for monitoring, the values calculated for this indicator are broken down at airport level.

3.2. Indicators for monitoring

The percentage of IFR flights adhering to their ATFM departure slots at local level calculated for the whole calendar year and for each year of the reference period.


The average minutes of air traffic control pre-departure delay per flight caused by take-off restrictions at the departure airport, calculated at local level as follows:


this indicator is the average air traffic control pre-departure delay per outbound IFR flight;


this indicator includes all IFR flights taking off at the departure airport and covers delays in start-up caused by air traffic control constraints when the aircraft is ready to leave the departure stand;


this indicator is calculated for the whole calendar year and for each year of the reference period.


The average time, expressed in minutes, of departure delay from all causes per flight, calculated at local level in accordance with point 3.2(c) of Section 1.


For the purpose of the indicator set out in point (a), ‘local’ means at national level with a breakdown at airport level. For the purposes of the indicator set out in points (b) and (c), ‘local’ means at airport level for airports with 80 000 IFR air transport movements or more per year.


4.1. Key performance indicators

The DUC for en route air navigation services, calculated as follows:


this indicator is the ratio between the en route determined costs and the forecast traffic in the charging zone, expressed in en route service units, expected during each year of the reference period at local level, contained in the performance plans;


this indicator is expressed in real terms and in national currency;


this indicator is provided calculated for the whole calendar year and for each year of the reference period.


The DUC for terminal air navigation services, calculated as follows:


this indicator is the ratio between the determined costs and the forecast traffic, expressed in terminal service units, expected during each year of the reference period at local level, contained in the performance plans;


this indicator is expressed in real terms and in national currency;


this indicator is calculated for the whole calendar year and for each year of the reference period.


For the purposes of the indicators set out in points (a) and (b), ‘local’ means at charging zone level.

4.2. Indicator for monitoring

The actual unit cost incurred by users separately for en route and terminal air navigation services, calculated as follows:


this indicator is calculated for the whole calendar year and for each year of the reference period as the sum of the DUC for air navigation services and of the adjustments in accordance with Article 25(2) stemming from that year;


this indicator is expressed in nominal terms and in national currency.