ANNEX VIU.K. Minimum content of the monitoring methodology plan
The monitoring methodology plan shall contain at least the following information:
General information on the installation:
Information for identifying the installation and the operator, including the Installation identifier used in the Union Registry;
Information identifying the version of the monitoring methodology plan, the date of approval by the competent authority and the date from which it is applicable;
A description of the installation, including in particular a description of the main processes carried out, a list of emissions sources, a flow diagram and a plan of the installation which allow an understanding of the main material and energy flows;
A diagram which contains at least the following information:
The technical elements of the installation, identifying emissions sources as well as heat producing and consuming units;
All energy and material flows, in particular the source streams, measurable and non-measurable heat, electricity where relevant, and waste gases;
The points of measurement and metering devices;
Boundaries of the sub-installations, including the split between sub-installation serving sectors deemed to be exposed to a significant risk of carbon leakage and sub-installations serving other sectors, based on NACE rev. 2 or PRODCOM;
A list and description of connections to other EU ETS installations or non-ETS entities for the transfer of measurable heat, intermediate products, waste gases or CO2 for use in that installation or permanent geological storage, including the name and address and a contact person of the connected installation or entity, and its unique identifier in the Union Registry, if applicable;
A reference to the procedure for managing the assignment of responsibilities for monitoring and reporting within the installation, and for managing the competences of responsible personnel;
A reference to the procedure for regular evaluation of the monitoring methodology plan's appropriateness in accordance with Article 9(1); this procedure shall in particular ensure that monitoring methods are in place for all data items listed in Annex IV which are relevant at the installation, and that most accurate available data sources in accordance with section 4 of Annex VII are used;
A reference to the written procedures of the data flow activities and of control activities pursuant to Article 11(2), including diagrams where appropriate for clarification.
Information on sub-installations:
For each sub-installation, a reference to the procedure for keeping track of the products produced and their PRODCOM codes;
System boundaries of each sub-installation, describing clearly which technical units are included, a description of the processes carried out and which input materials and fuels, which products and outputs are attributed to which sub-installation; in case of complex sub-installations, a separate detailed flow diagram shall be included for those sub-installations;
A description of parts of installations which serve more than one sub-installation, including heat supply systems, jointly used boilers and CHP units;
For each sub-installation, where relevant, the description of methods to assign parts of installations which serve more than one sub-installation and their emissions to the respective sub-installations.
Monitoring methods at installation level:
A description of the methods used to quantify the installation-wide balance of heat import, production, consumption and export;
The method used for ensuring that data gaps and double counting are avoided.
Monitoring methods at sub-installation level:
A description of the methods used to quantify its direct emissions including, where applicable, the method for quantifying the absolute amount or percentage of source streams or emissions monitored by measurement-based methodologies in accordance with Regulation (EU) No 601/2012 attributed to the sub-installation, where applicable;
A description of the methods used to attribute and to quantify the amounts and emission factors of energy input from fuels, of export of energy contained in fuels, where applicable;
A description of the methods used to attribute and to quantify the amounts and, if available, emission factors of measureable heat import, export, consumption and production, where applicable;
A description of the methods used to quantify the amounts of electricity consumption and production, and the exchangeable part of consumption, where applicable;
A description of the methods used to attribute and to quantify the amounts, energy contents and emission factors of waste gas import, export, consumption and production, where applicable;
A description of the methods used to attribute and to quantify the amounts of transferred CO2 imported or exported, where applicable;
For each product benchmark sub-installation, a description of the methods used to quantify the annual production of the product as specified in Annex I including, if applicable, additional parameters required as provided for in Articles 19 and 20 and Annexes II and III;
The descriptions of the methods used to quantify parameters to be monitored and reported shall include, where relevant, calculation steps, data sources, calculation formulae, relevant calculation factors including unit of measurement, horizontal and vertical checks for corroborating data, procedures underpinning sampling plans, measurement equipment used with reference to the relevant diagram and a description how they are installed and maintained and list of laboratories engaged in carrying out relevant analytical procedures. Where relevant, the description shall include the result of the simplified uncertainty assessment referred to in Article 7(2)(c). For each relevant calculation formula, the plan shall contain one example using real data.