CHAPTER IIU.K.Application, data reporting and monitoring rules

[F1Article 5U.K.Application for free allocation by new entrants

1.The operator of an installation at which a regulated activity is carried out and for which a greenhouse gas emissions permit (including a greenhouse gas emissions permit within the meaning of GGETSR 2012) issued for the first time is in force may apply to the regulator:

(a)for free allocation in the 2021-2025 allocation period, if the permit is issued in the period beginning on 1 July 2019 and ending on 30 June [F22025];

(b)for free allocation in the 2026-2030 allocation period, if the permit is issued in the period beginning on 1 July [F22025] and ending on 30 June 2029.

2.An application may be made at any time after the end of the year in which the start of normal operation occurs.

3.But where an installation has not been operating for a full calendar year after the start of normal operation, an application may not be made unless:

(a)in the case of an application under paragraph 1(a), the start of normal operation is on or after 1 January 2021;

(b)in the case of an application under paragraph 1(b), the start of normal operation is on or after 1 January 2026.

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4.For the purposes of the application, the operator must divide the installation into sub-installations in accordance with Article 10.

5.The application must set out the start of normal operation and be accompanied by:

(a)a new entrant data report, verified in accordance with the Verification Regulation 2018, containing each parameter set out in sections 1 and 2 of Annex 4 for each sub-installation separately from the start of normal operation until the end of the year before the year in which the application is made;

(b)a monitoring methodology plan in accordance with Article 8 and Annex 6;

(c)the verification report on the new entrant data report, which must contain the confirmation relating to the monitoring methodology plan referred to in Article 27(3)(f) of the Verification Regulation 2018.

6.The regulator:

(a)must assess the new entrant data report and the verification report to ensure conformity with the requirements of this Regulation;

(b)where appropriate, may request corrections by the operator of any non-conformity or error that impacts on the determination of activity levels;

(c)must not determine historical activity levels under Article 17, activity levels for the purpose of Article 18(2) or calculate the preliminary or final annual number of allowances under Article 18 or 18a unless:

(i)the regulator considers that the date set out in the application as the start of normal operation, or such other date proposed by the operator, is accurate;

(ii)the data relating to the installation has been verified as satisfactory or, where it has not been verified as satisfactory, the regulator considers that any data gaps referred to in the verifier's opinion are due to exceptional and unforeseeable circumstances that could not have been avoided even if all due care had been exercised; and

(iii)any corrections requested under point (b) have been made.]