CHAPTER IIApplication, data reporting and monitoring rules

Article 9Changes to the monitoring methodology plan


The operator shall regularly check whether the monitoring methodology plan reflects the nature and functioning of the installation and whether it can be improved. To this end, the operator shall take account of any recommendations for improvements included in the relevant verification report.


The operator shall modify the monitoring methodology plan in any of the following situations:


new emissions or activity levels occur due to new activities carried out or due to the use of new fuels or materials not yet contained in the monitoring methodology plan;


the use of new measuring instrument types, new sampling or analysis methods or new data sources, or other factors, lead to higher accuracy in the determination of reported data;


data resulting from the previously applied monitoring methodology has been found incorrect;


the monitoring methodology plan is not, or no longer, in conformity with the requirements of this Regulation;


it is necessary to implement recommendations for improvement of the monitoring methodology plan contained in a verification report.


The operator must notify the regulator of:


any significant modification (within the meaning of paragraph 5) of the monitoring methodology plan at least 14 days before making the modification or, where this is not possible, as soon as reasonably practicable; and


any other modification on or before 31 December in the year in which the modification is made.


Any significant modification of the monitoring methodology plan within the meaning of paragraph 5 shall be subject to approval by the F1regulator. Where the F1regulator considers that a modification that has been notified by the operator as significant is not significant, it shall inform the operator thereof.


The following modifications of the monitoring methodology plan of an installation shall be considered significant:


modifications resulting from changes to the installation, in particular new sub-installations, changes to the boundaries of existing sub-installations or closures of sub-installations;


a switch from a monitoring methodology laid down in sections 4.4 to 4.6 of Annex VII to another methodology laid down in those sections;


the change of a default value or estimation method laid down in the monitoring methodology plan;


changes requested by the F1regulator to ensure conformity of the monitoring methodology plan with the requirements of this Regulation.


The operator shall keep records of all modifications of the monitoring methodology plan. In each record, the following shall be specified:


a transparent description of the modification;


a justification for the modification;


the date of notification of the intended modification to the F1regulator;


the date of acknowledgement, by the F1regulator, of the receipt of the notification referred to paragraph 3, where available, and the date of the approval or provision of information referred to in paragraph 4;


the starting date of implementation of the modified monitoring methodology plan.