Table 1

Indicators and weights for calculating the total quantitative score for credit institutions

CriterionIndicator for credit institutionsWeight
SizeTotal assets25 %
Interconnected-nessIntra-financial system liabilities8,33 %
Intra-financial system assets8,33 %
Debt securities outstanding8,33 %
Scope and complexity of activitiesValue of over-the-counter (OTC) derivatives (notional)8,33 %
Cross-jurisdictional liabilities8,33 %
Cross-jurisdictional claims8,33 %
Nature of businessPrivate sector deposits from depositors in the EU8,33 %
Private sector loans to recipients in the EU8,33 %
Value of domestic payments8,33 %

For each indicator listed in Table 1, the corresponding value shall be determined using the specifications provided in Annex III.


The indicator value for each credit institution shall be divided by the aggregate amount of the corresponding indicator value for all credit institutions authorised in the Member State and, where the relevant data are available, branches established in the Member State concerned including Union branches established in that Member State.


The resulting ratios shall be multiplied by 10 000 to express the indicator scores in terms of basis points.


Each of the indicator scores (expressed in basis points) shall be multiplied by the weight assigned to each indicator as set out in Table 1.


The total quantitative score shall be the sum of all of the weighted indicator scores.