TITLE IRequirements for veterinary medicinal products other than immunological veterinary medicinal products

PART 2Pharmaceutical (physico-chemical, biological or microbiological information (quality))


1.Active substances(s)

A retest period and storage conditions for the active substance shall be specified except in the case where the active substance is the subject of a monograph in the European Pharmacopoeia and the manufacturer of the finished product fully retests the active substance immediately before its use in the manufacture of the finished product.

Stability data shall be presented to support the defined retest period and storage conditions. The type of stability studies conducted, protocols used, the analytical procedures used and their validation together with the detailed results shall be presented. The stability commitment with a summary of the protocol shall be provided.

However, where a Certificate of Suitability for the active substance from the proposed source is available and specifies a retest period and storage conditions, stability data for the active substance from that source are not required.

2.Finished product

A description shall be given of the investigations by which the shelf life, the recommended storage conditions and the specifications at the end of the shelf life proposed by the applicant have been determined.

The type of stability studies conducted, protocols used, the analytical procedures used and their validation together with the detailed results shall be presented.

Where a finished product requires reconstitution or dilution prior to administration, details of the proposed shelf life and specification for the reconstituted/diluted product are required, supported by relevant stability data.

In the case of multi-dose containers, where relevant, stability data shall be presented to justify a shelf life for the product after it has been broached for the first time and an in-use specification shall be defined.

Where a finished product is liable to give rise to degradation products, the applicant shall declare these and indicate the identification methods and test procedures.

The conclusions shall contain the results of analyses, justifying the proposed shelf life and if appropriate, the in-use shelf life, under the recommended storage conditions and the specifications of the finished product at the end of the shelf life, and in-use shelf life if appropriate, of the finished product under these recommended storage conditions.

The maximum acceptable level of individual and total degradation products at the end of shelf life shall be indicated.

A study of the interaction between product and container shall be submitted wherever the risk of such interaction is regarded as possible, especially where injectable preparations are concerned.

The stability commitment with a summary of the protocol shall be provided.