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CHAPTER VIII U.K. Responsibilities

Article 55U.K.Responsibilities of eu-LISA following the entry into operations

1.Following the entry into operations of each interoperability component, eu-LISA shall be responsible for the technical management of the central infrastructure of the interoperability components, including their maintenance and technological developments. In cooperation with the Member States, it shall ensure that the best available technology is used, subject to a cost-benefit analysis. eu-LISA shall also be responsible for the technical management of the communication infrastructure referred to in Articles 6, 12, 17, 25 and 39.

Technical management of the interoperability components shall consist of all the tasks and technical solutions necessary to keep the interoperability components functioning and providing uninterrupted services to the Member States and to the Union agencies 24 hours a day, 7 days a week in accordance with this Regulation. It shall include the maintenance work and technical developments necessary to ensure that the components function at a satisfactory level of technical quality, in particular as regards the response time for interrogation of the central infrastructures in accordance with the technical specifications.

All interoperability components shall be developed and managed in such a way as to ensure fast, seamless, efficient and controlled access, full, uninterrupted availability of the components and of the data stored in the MID, the shared BMS and the CIR, and a response time in line with the operational needs of the Member States' authorities and Union agencies.

2.Without prejudice to Article 17 of the Staff Regulations of Officials of the European Union, eu-LISA shall apply appropriate rules of professional secrecy or other equivalent duties of confidentiality to its staff required to work with data stored in the interoperability components. This obligation shall also apply after such staff leave office or employment or after the termination of their activities.

Without prejudice to Article 62, eu-LISA shall not have access to any of the personal data processed through the ESP, the shared BMS, the CIR and the MID. shall develop and maintain a mechanism and procedures for carrying out quality checks on the data stored in the shared BMS and the CIR in accordance with Article 37. shall also perform tasks related to providing training on the technical use of the interoperability components.