(EU) 2019/834 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 20 May 2019 amending Regulation (EU) No 648/2012 as regards the clearing obligation, the suspension of the clearing obligation, the reporting requirements, the risk-mitigation techniques for OTC derivative contracts not cleared by a central counterparty, the registration and supervision of trade repositories and the requirements for trade repositories (Text with EEA relevance)Regulation (EU) 2019/834 of the European Parliament and of the CouncilRegulation (EU) 2019/834 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 20 May 2019 amending Regulation (EU) No 648/2012 as regards the clearing obligation, the suspension of the clearing obligation, the reporting requirements, the risk-mitigation techniques for OTC derivative contracts not cleared by a central counterparty, the registration and supervision of trade repositories and the requirements for trade repositories (Text with EEA relevance)2020-12-12King's Printer of Acts of Parliament 07818845-8110-11e9-9f05-01aa75ed71a1 cellar 32019R0834 celex JOL_2019_141_R_0002 oj reg:2019:834:oj eli b11ac130-fd92-46f8-a63a-940b0663bd79 cellar 32009L0138 celex JOL_2009_335_R_0001_01 oj dir:2009:138:oj eli 2020-09-14T21:24:05.559+02:00 2020 09 14 TFEU_2012 treaty TFEU_2012 TFEU_2012 Treaty on the Functioning of the European Union (consolidated version 2012) TFEU (2012) Consolidated version of the Treaty on the Functioning of the European Union (2012) 32019R0834 c_e749c083 EUROVOC c_e749c083 payment system securities settlement system electronic funds transfer system funds transfer system FTS EFTS interbank funds transfer system payment and settlement system clearing and settlement system IFTS 1804 EUROVOC 1804 financial market international financial market securities market financial activity 100148 EUROVOC 24 24 FINANCE 100201 EUROVOC 2421 2421 free movement of capital c_a18525ab EUROVOC c_a18525ab financial derivative derivatives market derivative financial instrument LES fd_070 LES LES Freedom of establishment f66f4435-e136-11e7-9749-01aa75ed71a1 cellar JOC_2017_434_R_0010 oj 52017AE2566 celex 06202025 fd_555 06202025 06202025 Stock exchanges and other securities markets 06 fd_555 06 06 Right of establishment and freedom to provide services 062020 fd_555 062020 062020 Service activities 0620 fd_555 0620 0620 Sectoral application oj:JOL_2019_141_R_0002 2019 9999-12-31 9999 12 31 2021-06-18 2021 06 18 {MA/PART|} {V|} {ART|} 2(c) {MA|} bfdaba11-bb28-11ea-811c-01aa75ed71a1 cellar 2012R0648/20200101_0150020 consolidation 2019 d3888e0c-402f-4c03-9a52-950ed36e0aae cellar treaty:tfeu_2016:art_114:oj eli 12016E114 celex 2492 EUROVOC 2492 archives records management filing c_96124aaf EUROVOC c_96124aaf European Securities and Markets Authority ESMA dc8610d4-226b-11ea-af81-01aa75ed71a1 cellar 2012R0648/20191218_0140010 consolidation EP corporate-body EP EP European Parliament Common Assembly of the European Coal and Steel Community Common Assembly European Parliamentary Assembly EP R 9999-12-31 9999 12 31 immc:PE 73 2019 REV 1 f082e37e-180d-11e6-ba9a-01aa75ed71a1 cellar 32016Q0512(01) celex JOL_2016_123_R_0001 oj celex:32019R0834 2019-12-18 2019 12 18 560 EUROVOC 560 financial legislation transaction regulations 1630 EUROVOC 1630 free movement of capital 100148 EUROVOC 24 24 FINANCE 100201 EUROVOC 2421 2421 free movement of capital 32019R0834 164 EUROVOC 164 contract contractual commitment conclusion of a contract law of contract contract law contractual agreement 523 EUROVOC 523 civil law statutory law ordinary law 100145 EUROVOC 12 12 LAW 100179 EUROVOC 1211 1211 civil law c_dcf3f7c0 EUROVOC c_dcf3f7c0 financial risk market risk sovereign risk macroprudential risk systemic risk loan risk exchange risk credit risk foreign exchange rate risk liquidity risk interest rate risk default risk systematic risk 1804 EUROVOC 1804 financial market international financial market securities market financial activity 100148 EUROVOC 24 24 FINANCE 100201 EUROVOC 2421 2421 free movement of capital eli:reg/2019/834/oj LES fd_070 LES LES Freedom of establishment aef19eac-30ba-11e7-9412-01aa75ed71a1 cellar 2017_90 procedure 1044710 pegase 2021-06-18 2021 06 18 07a6df3b-98e5-11e9-b2f2-01aa75ed71a1 cellar 2012R0648/20190617_0110010 consolidation 1.43 2019-05-20 2019 05 20 {DATSIG|} 3 1423 EUROVOC 1423 trade information 13 EUROVOC 13 marketing marketing campaign marketing policy marketing structure 100147 EUROVOC 20 20 TRADE 100196 EUROVOC 2031 2031 marketing d3888e0c-402f-4c03-9a52-950ed36e0aae cellar treaty:tfeu_2016:art_114:oj eli 12016E114 celex 2019-12-18 2019 12 18 {MA/PART|} {V|} {ART|} 2(a) {MA|} a26cd508-810d-11e9-9f05-01aa75ed71a1 cellar JOL_2019_141_R oj 665d41b1-2085-4584-af8a-45c605d62b94 cellar 32012R0648 celex reg:2012:648:oj eli JOL_2012_201_R_0001_01 oj DAN FRA POL 2019-06-17 DEU POR explicit SPA NLD CES 0110010 FIN LAV EST HRV SWE ELL ITA SLK HUN structure ART:1 PNT:4 PNT:b MLT ART:5 PAR:2 ALN:1 LIT BUL ENG SLV RON ANX:I PNT:I PNT:h DAN ART:1 PNT:27 AND ANX:0 PNT:1 2019-06-17 implicit text 0110010 2019-06-17 ART:81 PAR:3 ALN:1 implicit 0110010 text DAN ART:1 PNT:22 PNT:a ANX:0 PNT:IV PNT:c 2019-06-17 DAN 0110010 text ART:1 PNT:27 AND ANX:0 PNT:2 implicit HUN RON ART:1 PNT:5 PNT:a POR HRV explicit SLV structure SLK ART:6 PAR:2 PNT:e ENG SPA LIT DAN SWE BUL FRA LAV FIN ITA NLD DEU EST ELL CES 2019-06-17 POL 0110010 MLT EP corporate-body EP EP European Parliament Common Assembly of the European Coal and Steel Community Common Assembly European Parliamentary Assembly EP 5235 EUROVOC 5235 technical standard 3641 EUROVOC 3641 technical regulations 100158 EUROVOC 64 64 PRODUCTION, TECHNOLOGY AND RESEARCH 100261 EUROVOC 6411 6411 technology and technical regulations 834 {P/EEE|} aef19eac-30ba-11e7-9412-01aa75ed71a1 cellar 2017_90 procedure 1044710 pegase LIE d6206116-a910-4ffa-b6cd-f14b1b503568 cellar JOL_2010_331_R_0084_01 oj 32010R1095 celex reg:2010:1095:oj eli c0429b12-dbdc-11ea-adf7-01aa75ed71a1 cellar 2012R0648/20200618_0160010 consolidation e58428b4-2e81-11e4-8c3c-01aa75ed71a1 cellar 32014R0909 celex reg:2014:909:oj eli planjo:20140723-008 immc JOL_2014_257_R_0001 oj 20140723-008 planjo c404f9ba-4b2f-403c-8517-f911d61cbbd7 cellar 12016M005 celex treaty:teu_2016:art_5:oj eli 2019-06-17 2019 06 17 {V|} {ART|} 2 {MA|} {DATPUB|} +20 {V|} {ART|} 2 {EV|} 665d41b1-2085-4584-af8a-45c605d62b94 cellar 32012R0648 celex reg:2012:648:oj eli JOL_2012_201_R_0001_01 oj {AN|} I {SCT|} I {PTA|} (j) {J|} 2019-06-17 MS {AR|} 65 {PA|} 2 {PTA|} (a) TEXT {R|} 2019-06-17 MS {AR|} 9 {PA|} 1a {J|} 2020-06-18 MS {AR|} 56 {PA|} 3 {R|} 2019-06-17 MS {AR|} 63 {PA|} 2 {R|} 2019-06-17 MS {AR|} 6 {PA|} 3 {R|} 2019-06-17 MS {AR|} 4 {PA|} 1 {PTA|} (a) PT (iv) {R|} 2019-06-17 MS {AR|} 38 {PA|} 7 {J|} 2019-12-18 MS {AR|} 65 {PA|} 2 {PTA|} (b) {R|} 2019-06-17 MS {AR|} 5 {PA|} 1 {R|} 2019-06-17 MS {AR|} 10 {PA|} 1 {R|} 2019-06-17 MS {AR|} 56 {PA|} 4 {R|} 2019-06-17 MS {AR|} 9 {PA|} 1b {J|} 2020-06-18 MS {AR|} 67 {PA|} 1 {R|} 2019-06-17 MS {AN|} I {SCT|} I {PTA|} (i) {J|} 2019-06-17 MS {AR|} 9 {PA|} 1d {J|} 2020-06-18 MS {AR|} 6 {PA|} 2 {PTA|} (e) {A|} 2019-06-17 MS {AR|} 10 {PA|} 4 {ALN|} 4 {R|} 2019-06-17 MS {AR|} 9 {PA|} 1c {J|} 2020-06-18 MS {AR|} 82 {PA|} 5 {R|} 2019-06-17 MS {AR|} 4 {PA|} 3a {R|} 2021-06-18 MS {AR|} 78 {PA|} 9 {J|} 2021-06-18 MS {AR|} 5 {PA|} 2 {PTA|} (c) {A|} 2019-06-17 MS {AR|} 10 {PA|} 2a {J|} 2019-06-17 MS {AR|} 63 {PA|} 1 {R|} 2019-06-17 MS {AR|} 64 {PA|} 8 {R|} 2019-06-17 MS {AR|} 86 {PA|} 3 {J|} 2019-06-17 MS {AR|} 62 {PA|} 5 {R|} 2019-06-17 MS {AR|} 82 {PA|} 2 {R|} 2019-06-17 MS {AR|} 4a {J|} 2019-06-17 MS {AR|} 76a {J|} 2019-06-17 MS {AR|} 82 {PA|} 4 {R|} 2019-06-17 MS {AR|} 89 {PA|} 1 {ALN|} 1 {R|} 2019-06-17 MS {AR|} 11 {PA|} 15 {ALN|} 1 PT (a) {R|} 2019-06-17 MS {AR|} 63 {PA|} 8 {R|} 2019-06-17 MS {AR|} 56 {PA|} 1 {R|} 2019-06-17 MS {AR|} 11 {PA|} 15 {ALN|} 3 {R|} 2019-06-17 MS {AR|} 78 {PA|} 10 {J|} 2021-06-18 MS {AR|} 85 {PA|} 1a {J|} 2019-06-17 MS {AR|} 9 {PA|} 6 {R|} 2019-06-17 MS {AR|} 64 {PA|} 4 {R|} 2019-06-17 MS {AN|} I {SCT|} IV {PTA|} (d) {J|} 2019-06-17 MS {AR|} 11 {PA|} 15 {ALN|} 1 PT (aa) {J|} 2019-06-17 MS {AR|} 39 {PA|} 11 {J|} 2019-12-18 MS {AR|} 72 {PA|} 2 {R|} 2019-06-17 MS {AR|} 9 {PA|} 1f {J|} 2019-06-17 MS {AN|} I {SCT|} I {PTA|} (k) {J|} 2019-06-17 MS {AR|} 65 {PA|} 2 {PTA|} (c) {J|} 2019-06-17 MS {AR|} 9 {PA|} 1e {J|} 2019-06-17 MS {AR|} 9 {PA|} 1 {R|} 2019-06-17 MS {AR|} 4 {PA|} 1 {PTA|} (b) {R|} 2019-06-17 MS {AR|} 2 {PO|} 8 {R|} 2019-06-17 MS {AR|} 85 {PA|} 1 {R|} 2019-06-17 MS {AR|} 4 {PA|} 1 {PTA|} (a) PT (iii) {R|} 2019-06-17 MS {AR|} 85 {PA|} 3a {J|} 2019-06-17 MS {AR|} 85 {PA|} 2 {R|} 2019-06-17 MS {AR|} 81 {PA|} 3 {PTA|} (g) {J|} 2019-06-17 MS {AR|} 6a {J|} 2019-06-17 MS {AR|} 80 {PA|} 5a {J|} 2019-06-17 MS {AR|} 38 {PA|} 6 {J|} 2019-12-18 MS {AR|} 82 {PA|} 6 {R|} 2019-06-17 MS {AR|} 10 {PA|} 2 {R|} 2019-06-17 MS {AR|} 82 {PA|} 3 {R|} 2019-06-17 MS {AR|} 85 {PA|} 3 {R|} 2019-06-17 MS {AR|} 4 {PA|} 1 {PTA|} (a) PT (ii) {R|} 2019-06-17 MS {AR|} 81 {PA|} 5 {R|} 2019-06-17 MS {AR|} 4 {PA|} 1 {PTA|} (a) PT (i) {R|} 2019-06-17 MS 665d41b1-2085-4584-af8a-45c605d62b94 cellar 32012R0648 celex reg:2012:648:oj eli JOL_2012_201_R_0001_01 oj FRA 2019-06-17 text EST RON ITA SLK SLV BUL LIT CES NLD FIN ART:1 PNT:22 PNT:a ENG ART:81 PAR:3 ALN:1 MLT ELL POL 0110010 HUN HRV SPA DEU POR LAV implicit SPA CES ANX:I PNT:I PNT:h FIN SLK SWE ELL FRA SLV explicit ENG 2019-06-17 BUL 0110010 ART:1 PNT:27 AND ANX:0 PNT:1 EST POL ITA NLD DAN MLT POR RON HUN LIT DEU structure HRV LAV structure DAN ELL POL ITA SPA EST ART:76 SLK HUN ENG FRA RON explicit DEU SWE 2019-06-17 BUL CES MLT LAV LIT FIN 0110010 HRV SLV POR NLD ART:1 PNT:19 SWE NLD FRA ITA EST RON 0110010 SLV ENG FIN LAV explicit POR POL MLT CES DEU BUL 2019-06-17 ART:85 PAR:1 DAN structure ART:1 PNT:24 PNT:b HRV SPA ELL SLK LIT HUN MLT SPA NLD FRA CES POL 2019-06-17 LIT DAN ELL ITA ART:1 PNT:7 PNT:b FIN structure SLV ENG SWE 0110010 explicit POR SLK HRV DEU LAV EST HUN ART:9 PAR:1 BUL RON FIN HRV 2019-06-17 BUL ITA CES structure HUN ART:10 PAR:2 DEU SWE MLT RON SPA SLV ENG ART:1 PNT:8 PNT:b ELL EST LAV POL SLK 0110010 LIT explicit NLD POR DAN FRA LAV CES EST LIT BUL ELL DEU SLV HRV MLT ITA structure FIN DAN ENG POR 2019-06-17 0110010 SWE POL RON HUN SPA explicit ART:1 PNT:16 PNT:c SLK NLD FRA ART:65 PAR:2 ALN:1 SLV BUL SWE ANX:0 PNT:IV PNT:c 2019-06-17 NLD MLT ENG HUN SLK ART:1 PNT:27 AND ANX:0 PNT:2 LIT SPA CES HRV ELL structure FIN DAN POL 0110010 POR DEU LAV EST RON FRA explicit ITA SWE ART:4 POR ENG NLD LAV HRV CES HUN SPA MLT SLV ART:1 PNT:3 FRA RON 0110010 POL SLK structure LIT ELL ITA BUL DAN DEU FIN EST 2019-06-17 explicit FRA HUN LAV SWE HRV DAN 2019-06-17 explicit EST BUL SLK SLV RON ART:1 PNT:25 ELL structure SPA POR DEU ITA NLD ART:86 PAR:2 POL 0110010 FIN LIT ENG MLT CES MLT HRV BUL ITA POL ELL ART:1 PNT:21 ART:80 PAR:5 ENG FIN structure DAN LIT SWE SLK DEU FRA CES 2019-06-17 NLD POR SPA EST HUN explicit SLV LAV RON 0110010 LIT SPA POR CES FIN DEU POL NLD DAN ART:1 PNT:22 PNT:a HUN SLK SLV LAV ENG HRV MLT 2019-06-17 ELL 0110010 explicit structure EST BUL ART:81 PAR:3 SWE FRA ITA RON CES structure ENG ART:6 SPA 0110010 RON POL LAV 2019-06-17 SWE BUL EST SLV ITA NLD HRV SLK MLT LIT DAN DEU ELL POR FRA HUN FIN explicit ART:1 PNT:6 SLV HUN structure EST MLT FRA FIN SPA RON explicit SWE ITA DAN POL ELL LIT LAV HRV CES SLK BUL POR 2019-06-17 ART:1 PNT:9 PNT:a PNT:ii ENG NLD ART:11 PAR:15 ALN:1 0110010 DEU SPA 0110010 SWE ART:1 PNT:24 PNT:d HRV explicit CES MLT ENG HUN 2019-06-17 LIT BUL EST POL FIN NLD SLK DEU SLV ART:85 PAR:3 ITA RON POR ELL FRA structure LAV DAN b73101cd-a953-11e5-b528-01aa75ed71a1 cellar 32015R2365 celex reg:2015:2365:oj eli planjo:20151123-020 immc JOL_2015_337_R_0001 oj ccd31733-df06-11e2-9165-01aa75ed71a1 cellar JOL_2013_176_R_0001_01 oj 32013R0575 celex reg:2013:575:oj eli d381ab34-dbdc-11ea-adf7-01aa75ed71a1 cellar 02012R0648-20200618 celex 2012R0648/20200618 consolidation 06202025 fd_555 06202025 06202025 Stock exchanges and other securities markets 2019-05-28 2019 05 28 CONSIL corporate-body CONSIL CONSIL Council of the European Union Council Council of the European Communities 93a80353-c9d8-11e7-8e69-01aa75ed71a1 cellar JOC_2017_385_R_0004 oj 52017AB0042 celex 5235 EUROVOC 5235 technical standard LCC fd_070 LCC LCC Free movement of capital 46d73c29-5d5a-11e7-954d-01aa75ed71a1 cellar 32017R1131 celex reg:2017:1131:oj eli JOL_2017_169_R_0002 oj 4bd6de5a-ce58-4243-a5ad-bdd19d7cd556 cellar 32010R1094 celex reg:2010:1094:oj eli JOL_2010_331_R_0048_01 oj true 2019-05-28T08:15:20.733+02:00 2019 05 28 1423 EUROVOC 1423 trade information 2020-06-18 2020 06 18 2019-05-20 2019 05 20 aef19eac-30ba-11e7-9412-01aa75ed71a1.0020 cellar 2017_90.2019-05-28_PUB_OJ procedure-event 3dbea47a-c8a2-11e6-a6db-01aa75ed71a1 cellar 32016L2341 celex JOL_2016_354_R_0006 oj dir:2016:2341:oj eli 3b729ddf-f1f7-11e3-8cd4-01aa75ed71a1 cellar planjo:20140513-018 immc 20140513-018 planjo 32014R0600 celex reg:2014:600:oj eli JOL_2014_173_R_0005 oj b12bb02d-30ba-11e7-9412-01aa75ed71a1 cellar 52017PC0208 celex COM_2017_0208_FIN comnat 2019-05-20 MS eli:reg/2019/834/oj cccf5222-feb3-4dc3-a4ca-9a5ec75e49af cellar JOL_2011_055_R_0013_01 oj reg:2011:182:oj eli 32011R0182 celex e2919cb5-226b-11ea-af81-01aa75ed71a1 cellar 2012R0648/20191218 consolidation 02012R0648-20191218 celex reg:2012:648:2019-12-18 eli 056587cf-f1f8-11e3-8cd4-01aa75ed71a1 cellar JOL_2014_173_R_0009 oj dir:2014:65:oj eli 32014L0065 celex planjo:20140513-011 immc 20140513-011 planjo 164 EUROVOC 164 contract contractual commitment conclusion of a contract law of contract contract law contractual agreement c2eecef2-5a33-4525-931e-53cf6e6f96c7 cellar JOL_2010_331_R_0012_01 oj reg:2010:1093:oj eli 32010R1093 celex 560 EUROVOC 560 financial legislation transaction regulations c_dcf3f7c0 EUROVOC c_dcf3f7c0 financial risk market risk sovereign risk macroprudential risk systemic risk loan risk exchange risk credit risk foreign exchange rate risk liquidity risk interest rate risk default risk systematic risk 32019R0834 2ff66fd7-df0b-11e2-9165-01aa75ed71a1 cellar JOL_2013_176_R_0338_01 oj 32013L0036 celex dir:2013:36:oj eli celex:32019R0834 2019-05-28 2019 05 28 2336cfbf-797f-4c59-b9f7-e859ed72817e cellar 12016E290 celex treaty:tfeu_2016:art_290:oj eli 2019-05-20 2019 05 20 CONSIL corporate-body CONSIL CONSIL Council of the European Union Council Council of the European Communities LCC fd_070 LCC LCC Free movement of capital 2019-06-17 2019 06 17 c_96124aaf EUROVOC c_96124aaf European Securities and Markets Authority ESMA 5769 EUROVOC 5769 EU office or agency specialised Community agency European Union office or agency EC specialised body European agency European Monitoring Centre EC institutional body Community service body EC satellite body EU Agencies and decentralised bodies European foundation decentralised Community body autonomous Community body 100144 EUROVOC 10 10 EUROPEAN UNION 100174 EUROVOC 1006 1006 EU institutions and European civil service 1d61288c-98e5-11e9-b2f2-01aa75ed71a1 cellar 2012R0648/20190617 consolidation 02012R0648-20190617 celex reg:2012:648:2019-06-17 eli immc:PE 73 2019 REV 1 TFEU_2012 treaty TFEU_2012 TFEU_2012 Treaty on the Functioning of the European Union (consolidated version 2012) TFEU (2012) Consolidated version of the Treaty on the Functioning of the European Union (2012) c77cb24f-e594-4165-9b28-386bc317114a cellar reg:2010:1092:oj eli JOL_2010_331_R_0001_01 oj 32010R1092 celex MAN2 2492 EUROVOC 2492 archives records management filing 4366 EUROVOC 4366 information service documentary system 100150 EUROVOC 32 32 EDUCATION AND COMMUNICATIONS 100220 EUROVOC 3221 3221 documentation 2cc6609b-3159-11ea-af81-01aa75ed71a1 cellar 02012R0648-20200101 celex reg:2012:648:2020-01-01 eli 2012R0648/20200101 consolidation oj:JOL_2019_141_R_0002 2020-06-18 2020 06 18 {MA/PART|} {V|} {ART|} 2(b) {MA|} 9a75ce7b-ec84-48e9-a4ff-91a24890a022 cellar 12016E291 celex treaty:tfeu_2016:art_291:oj eli REG resource-type REG REG Regulation Regulations 665d41b1-2085-4584-af8a-45c605d62b94 cellar 32012R0648 celex reg:2012:648:oj eli JOL_2012_201_R_0001_01 oj MLT NLD SPA DAN EST RON SLV structure explicit SWE LIT 2019-06-17 DEU FRA ART:1 PNT:18 POL POR CES HRV SLK 0110010 ART:72 PAR:2 FIN LAV ENG ELL ITA BUL HUN structure BUL SLK ITA POL CES MLT HUN ART:9 PAR:6 POR SPA DEU 2019-06-17 RON EST DAN LAV explicit 0110010 FIN ENG ART:1 PNT:7 PNT:c SLV NLD LIT FRA HRV ELL SWE CES SLV RON SWE ITA 0110010 MLT POL ELL NLD text BUL HRV FIN LAV SPA implicit FRA SLK ENG POR 2019-06-17 ANX:0 PNT:IV PNT:c ART:1 PNT:27 AND ANX:0 PNT:2 EST HUN LIT SLV SWE SLK DAN structure CES LAV SPA POR HRV MLT RON BUL ITA HUN POL 2019-06-17 0110010 ART:9 PAR:1 FIN ELL NLD ENG ART:1 PNT:7 PNT:a FRA EST LIT explicit DEU RON MLT SPA ITA CES NLD explicit EST SLV HUN ART:1 PNT:23 FIN POL BUL ENG structure DEU LIT ART:82 PAR:2 AND ART:82 PAR:3 AND ART:82 PAR:4 AND ART:82 PAR:5 AND ART:82 PAR:6 DAN 0110010 SLK SWE LAV FRA POR HRV ELL 2019-06-17 0110010 CES SWE SPA explicit POR ART:1 PNT:1 EST MLT FRA ITA NLD DAN ENG ELL DEU RON LAV BUL POL SLV structure FIN SLK 2019-06-17 LIT HUN HRV ART:2 PNT:8 POR LAV SLV NLD 0110010 BUL DEU ITA DAN SLK POL HUN EST SPA LIT MLT CES text ART:65 PAR:2 ALN:1 FRA RON ENG FIN HRV SWE ART:1 PNT:16 PNT:a 2019-06-17 explicit ELL DAN 2019-06-17 FRA HUN DEU RON ART:64 PAR:4 explicit ENG 0110010 SLK POR LAV CES FIN SWE LIT structure SLV MLT EST SPA POL HRV ART:1 PNT:15 PNT:a BUL NLD ITA ELL DEU SPA DAN POL HUN FRA MLT ENG CES FIN SLK RON ITA LIT SWE ELL NLD structure 2019-06-17 ART:1 PNT:17 ART:67 PAR:1 explicit SLV 0110010 HRV BUL LAV EST POR DEU FRA explicit ART:65 PAR:2 ALN:1 HRV BUL CES RON MLT HUN SLK SLV NLD LIT LAV ART:1 PNT:16 PNT:b 2019-06-17 structure POL EST ELL FIN ITA DAN ENG SPA POR SWE 0110010 LIT EST POL FIN ELL ART:62 PAR:5 SWE SLK NLD CES ART:1 PNT:13 DAN 2019-06-17 ITA FRA POR BUL ENG SLV HRV LAV SPA RON 0110010 DEU explicit MLT structure structure POR DAN CES NLD explicit SLV 2019-06-17 SLK LIT SWE ELL HUN SPA 0110010 LAV POL ITA FRA BUL DEU ART:85 PAR:1 HRV ENG RON FIN MLT EST ART:1 PNT:24 PNT:a BUL SWE FIN POR HUN ITA MLT explicit NLD LIT RON SPA FRA POL SLV ELL structure EST ART:56 PAR:1 HRV LAV 0110010 CES 2019-06-17 DEU ART:1 PNT:12 PNT:a DAN ENG SLK SWE HRV FRA CES POR POL DEU FIN ART:5 PAR:2 ALN:1 HUN RON SLV DAN SPA MLT 0110010 NLD text ITA EST 2019-06-17 LAV ART:1 PNT:4 PNT:b implicit SLK ENG LIT ELL BUL POR structure FRA explicit HRV BUL LAV SPA DEU 2019-06-17 RON ITA ART:10 PAR:4 ALN:4 SLK DAN EST LIT NLD POL ART:1 PNT:8 PNT:c SLV CES ELL HUN MLT SWE FIN ENG 0110010 ELL SWE SLV explicit structure EST POR FIN 0110010 MLT ART:1 PNT:14 PNT:b RON DEU ART:63 PAR:8 NLD SLK CES ENG LAV POL DAN BUL 2019-06-17 FRA HUN ITA LIT HRV SPA ENG ART:1 PNT:15 PNT:b FRA MLT SLK CES POR BUL ITA LAV POL DAN 0110010 ELL explicit NLD DEU HRV SWE ART:64 PAR:8 2019-06-17 HUN SLV SPA structure FIN RON EST LIT FRA SLV RON explicit MLT ART:1 PNT:8 PNT:a BUL NLD 2019-06-17 SPA SWE ELL ART:10 PAR:1 AND ART:10 PAR:2 CES POR ENG 0110010 SLK ITA POL FIN HRV DAN HUN EST LIT structure LAV DEU SPA EST structure FRA SLK POL 2019-06-17 ART:11 PAR:15 ALN:1 ART:1 PNT:9 PNT:a PNT:i NLD HUN MLT SLV explicit ENG LIT CES LAV POR RON SWE DEU ITA HRV ELL 0110010 FIN BUL DAN RON SPA MLT HRV ART:56 PAR:4 HUN CES LAV EST ART:1 PNT:12 PNT:c structure LIT SLV POR FIN explicit SLK 2019-06-17 SWE NLD ITA ELL ENG POL DAN BUL DEU 0110010 FRA HUN EST ENG POR SLV CES 2019-06-17 0110010 DAN BUL RON FRA ELL FIN ART:5 PAR:1 ART:1 PNT:4 PNT:a LAV SLK NLD ITA HRV DEU POL SPA MLT structure LIT SWE explicit HRV explicit POL BUL FRA ENG SLK ART:1 PNT:22 PNT:b SLV EST HUN structure DEU SPA RON ART:81 PAR:5 SWE 2019-06-17 LAV MLT LIT 0110010 ELL CES FIN DAN ITA NLD POR SLK 0110010 ITA FRA FIN SPA NLD BUL LAV MLT SLV RON POR EST ENG LIT CES ANX:I PNT:I PNT:h HUN 2019-06-17 ELL implicit ART:1 PNT:27 AND ANX:0 PNT:1 HRV text POL HRV RON SPA BUL 2019-06-17 LAV structure explicit EST SWE POL 0110010 ELL POR CES LIT MLT NLD ITA FRA HUN FIN DAN ART:11 PAR:15 ALN:3 SLV SLK ENG ART:1 PNT:9 PNT:b DEU explicit HUN EST 0110010 structure 2019-06-17 NLD POR ART:4 PAR:1 PNT:b BUL HRV DEU ENG LAV SLV FIN POL DAN CES SPA MLT RON FRA SLK LIT ART:1 PNT:2 PNT:a PNT:ii SWE ELL ITA HUN SLV explicit CES SWE FIN POL 0110010 SPA 2019-06-17 DAN FRA DEU SLK POR LIT NLD ART:4 PAR:1 PNT:a structure MLT ENG HRV ELL LAV RON EST BUL ART:1 PNT:2 PNT:a PNT:i ITA SPA DEU EST explicit CES SLV POL POR ITA ART:89 PAR:1 ALN:1 LIT structure LAV RON SLK MLT FIN ART:1 PNT:26 HUN HRV FRA ELL BUL 0110010 NLD ENG SWE DAN 2019-06-17 ENG LAV 0110010 CES HUN SWE ART:56 PAR:3 NLD FRA structure ITA ART:1 PNT:12 PNT:b RON SLV 2019-06-17 SPA LIT POR EST DEU explicit ELL DAN SLK BUL MLT FIN HRV POL implicit 0110010 ART:1 PNT:4 PNT:b ART:5 PAR:2 ALN:1 text POL 2019-06-17 HUN LIT NLD DEU ART:6 PAR:3 EST CES SLK explicit LAV ENG POR RON SPA SWE BUL structure ELL 2019-06-17 ITA MLT FRA POL DAN 0110010 SLV ART:1 PNT:5 PNT:b HRV FIN POL EST ITA POR SPA BUL FIN DEU 2019-06-17 ELL FRA 0110010 CES SLK explicit RON HRV ART:1 PNT:14 PNT:a HUN SWE ART:63 PAR:1 AND ART:63 PAR:2 structure ENG MLT LIT NLD LAV DAN SLV ART:1 PNT:13 explicit HUN text 0110010 ART:62 PAR:5 2019-06-17 LIT 2019-06-17 RON SPA FIN POR DEU SLV DAN ITA BUL explicit FRA SWE ENG 0110010 ELL NLD SLK HRV LAV MLT CES EST structure ART:85 PAR:2 AND ART:85 PAR:3 HUN ART:1 PNT:24 PNT:c POL 0834 c_a18525ab EUROVOC c_a18525ab financial derivative derivatives market derivative financial instrument 1804 EUROVOC 1804 financial market international financial market securities market financial activity 100148 EUROVOC 24 24 FINANCE 100201 EUROVOC 2421 2421 free movement of capital c_e749c083 EUROVOC c_e749c083 payment system securities settlement system electronic funds transfer system funds transfer system FTS EFTS interbank funds transfer system payment and settlement system clearing and settlement system IFTS cdm:work cdm:resource_legal cdm:legislation_secondary R 07818845-8110-11e9-9f05-01aa75ed71a1.0006 cellar 32019R0834.ENG celex OJ.L_.2019.141.01.0042.01.ENG uriserv JOL_2019_141_R_0002.ENG oj eng 2019-05-28T08:15:20.735+02:00 2019 05 28 2019-05-28T08:42:11.085+02:00 2019 05 28 Regulation (EU) 2019/834 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 20 May 2019 amending Regulation (EU) No 648/2012 as regards the clearing obligation, the suspension of the clearing obligation, the reporting requirements, the risk-mitigation techniques for OTC derivative contracts not cleared by a central counterparty, the registration and supervision of trade repositories and the requirements for trade repositories (Text with EEA relevance.) en <VALUE>PE/73/2019/REV/1</VALUE> PE/73/2019/REV/1 <VALUE>Regulation (EU) 2019/834 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 20 May 2019 amending Regulation (EU) No 648/2012 as regards the clearing obligation, the suspension of the clearing obligation, the reporting requirements, the risk-mitigation techniques for OTC derivative contracts not cleared by a central counterparty, the registration and supervision of trade repositories and the requirements for trade repositories (Text with EEA relevance.)</VALUE> <LANG>en</LANG> en ENG language ENG ENG English English Article 1Regulation (EU) No 648/2012 is amended as follows: in Article 2, point... Article 2This Regulation shall enter into force on the twentieth day... ANNEXAnnex I is amended as follows: in Section I, the following points are added: a trade... Regulation (EU) 2019/834 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 20 May 2019 amending Regulation (EU) No 648/2012 as regards the clearing obligation, the suspension of the clearing obligation, the reporting requirements, the risk-mitigation techniques for OTC derivative contracts not cleared by a central counterparty, the registration and supervision of trade repositories and the requirements for trade repositories (Text with EEA relevance)


Having regard to the Treaty on the Functioning of the European Union, and in particular Article 114 thereof,

Having regard to the proposal from the European Commission,

After transmission of the draft legislative act to the national parliaments,

Having regard to the opinion of the European Central Bank,

Having regard to the opinion of the European Economic and Social Committee,

Acting in accordance with the ordinary legislative procedure,



Regulation (EU) No 648/2012 of the European Parliament and of the Council entered into force on 16 August 2012. The requirements it contains, namely, central clearing of standardised over-the-counter (OTC) derivative contracts, margin requirements and operational risk mitigation requirements for OTC derivative contracts that are not centrally cleared, reporting obligations for derivative contracts, requirements for central counterparties (CCPs) and requirements for trade repositories, contribute to reducing the systemic risk by increasing the transparency of the OTC derivatives market and reducing the counterparty credit risk and the operational risk associated with OTC derivatives.


The simplification of certain areas covered by Regulation (EU) No 648/2012 and a more proportionate approach to those areas are in line with the Commission's Regulatory Fitness and Performance programme which emphasises the need for cost reduction and simplification so that Union policies achieve their objectives in the most efficient way, and aim, in particular, at reducing regulatory and administrative burdens. That simplification and a more proportionate approach should, however, be without prejudice to the overarching objectives of promoting financial stability and mitigating systemic risks in line with the statement by G20 leaders at the 26 September 2009 Summit in Pittsburgh.


Efficient and resilient post-trading systems and collateral markets are essential elements of a well-functioning capital markets union, that underpin the efforts to support investments, growth and jobs, in line with the political priorities of the Commission.


In 2015 and 2016, the Commission carried out two public consultations on the application of Regulation (EU) No 648/2012. The Commission also received input on the application of that Regulation from the European Supervisory Authority (European Securities and Markets Authority) (ESMA) established by Regulation (EU) No 1095/2010 of the European Parliament and of the Council, the European Systemic Risk Board (ESRB) established by Regulation (EU) No 1092/2010 of the European Parliament and of the Council and the European System of Central Banks (ESCB). It appeared from those public consultations that the objectives of Regulation (EU) No 648/2012 were supported by stakeholders and that no major overhaul of that Regulation was necessary. On 23 November 2016, the Commission adopted a general report in accordance with Regulation (EU) No 648/2012. Although not all the provisions of Regulation (EU) No 648/2012 were fully applicable and therefore a comprehensive evaluation of that Regulation was not possible, that report identified areas for which targeted action was necessary to ensure that the objectives of Regulation (EU) No 648/2012 were reached in a more proportionate, efficient and effective manner.


Regulation (EU) No 648/2012 should cover all financial counterparties that might pose an important systemic risk for the financial system. The definition of financial counterparty should therefore be amended.


Employee share purchase plans are schemes, usually established by an undertaking by which persons can directly or indirectly subscribe, purchase, receive or own shares of that undertaking or of another undertaking within the same group, provided that that plan benefits at least the employees or former employees of that undertaking or of another undertaking within the same group, or the members or former members of the board of that undertaking or of another undertaking within the same group. The Commission's communication of 8 June 2017 on the Mid-Term Review of the Capital Markets Union Action Plan identifies measures relating to employee share purchase plans as a possible measure to strengthen the capital markets union with a view to fostering retail investment. Therefore, and in accordance with the principle of proportionality, an undertaking for collective investment in transferable securities (UCITS) or an alternative investment fund (AIF) that is set up exclusively for the purpose of serving one or more employee share purchase plans, should not be qualified as a financial counterparty.


Certain financial counterparties have a volume of activity in OTC derivatives markets that is too low to pose an important systemic risk for the financial system and is too low for central clearing to be economically viable. Those counterparties, commonly referred to as small financial counterparties, should be exempted from the clearing obligation, but they should remain subject to the requirement to exchange collateral to mitigate any systemic risk. However, where the position taken by the financial counterparty exceeds the clearing threshold for at least one class of OTC derivatives, calculated at the group level, the clearing obligation should apply to all classes of OTC derivatives, given the interconnectedness of financial counterparties and the possible systemic risk to the financial system that might arise if those OTC derivative contracts were not centrally cleared. The financial counterparty should have the possibility to demonstrate at any time that its positions no longer exceed the clearing threshold for any class of OTC derivatives, in which case the clearing obligation should cease to apply.


Non-financial counterparties are less interconnected than financial counterparties. Also, they are often predominantly active in only one class of OTC derivatives. Their activity therefore poses less of a systemic risk to the financial system than the activity of financial counterparties. The scope of the clearing obligation for non-financial counterparties that choose to calculate their positions every 12 months against the clearing thresholds should therefore be narrowed. Those non-financial counterparties should be subject to the clearing obligation only with regard to the classes of OTC derivatives that exceed the clearing threshold. Non-financial counterparties should nonetheless remain subject to the requirement to exchange collateral where any of the clearing thresholds is exceeded. Non-financial counterparties that choose not to calculate their positions against the clearing thresholds, should be subject to the clearing obligation for all classes of OTC derivatives. The non-financial counterparty should have the possibility to demonstrate at any time that its positions no longer exceed the clearing threshold for a class of OTC derivatives in which case the clearing obligation for that class of OTC derivatives should cease to apply.


In order to take account of any development in financial markets, ESMA should periodically review the clearing thresholds and update them where necessary. That periodic review should be accompanied by a report.


The requirement to clear certain OTC derivative contracts concluded before the clearing obligation takes effect creates legal uncertainty and operational complications, while providing limited benefits. In particular, that requirement creates additional costs and burdens for the counterparties to those contracts, and might also affect the smooth functioning of the market without significantly improving the uniform and coherent application of Regulation (EU) No 648/2012 or establishing a level playing field for market participants. That requirement should therefore be removed.


Counterparties that have a limited volume of activity in the OTC derivatives market face difficulties in accessing central clearing, whether as a client of a clearing member or through indirect clearing arrangements. Clearing members and clients of clearing members that provide clearing services, either directly to other counterparties or indirectly by allowing their own clients to provide those services to other counterparties, should therefore be required to do so under fair, reasonable, non-discriminatory and transparent commercial terms. While this requirement should not result in price regulation or an obligation to contract, clearing members and clients should be permitted to control the risks related to the clearing services offered, such as counterparty risks.


Information on the financial instruments covered by the authorisations of CCPs might not specify all classes of OTC derivatives which a CCP is authorised to clear. To ensure that ESMA can carry out its tasks and duties in relation to the clearing obligation, competent authorities should notify ESMA without delay of any information received from a CCP regarding the CCP's intention to start clearing a class of OTC derivatives that is covered by its existing authorisation.


It should be possible to temporarily suspend the clearing obligation in certain exceptional situations. Such a suspension should be possible where the criteria on the basis of which specific classes of OTC derivatives have been made subject to the clearing obligation are no longer met. That could be the case where particular classes of OTC derivatives become unsuitable for mandatory central clearing or where there has been a material change to one of those criteria in respect of particular classes of OTC derivatives. A suspension of the clearing obligation should also be possible where a CCP ceases to offer a clearing service for specific classes of OTC derivatives or for a specific type of counterparty and other CCPs cannot step in fast enough to take over those clearing services. The suspension of the clearing obligation should also be possible where it is considered necessary to avoid a serious threat to financial stability in the Union. In order to ensure financial stability and to avoid market disruption, ESMA should, while keeping in mind the G20 objectives, ensure that, where the abolition of the clearing obligation is appropriate, that abolition is instigated during the suspension of the clearing obligation and in sufficient time to enable the amendment of the relevant regulatory technical standards.


The obligation laid down in Regulation (EU) No 600/2014 of the European Parliament and of the Council for counterparties to trade derivatives that are subject to the clearing obligation on trading venues is, in accordance with the trading obligation procedure detailed in that Regulation, triggered when a class of derivatives is declared to be subject to the clearing obligation. The suspension of the clearing obligation might prevent counterparties from being able to comply with the trading obligation. As a consequence, where the suspension of the clearing obligation has been requested, and where it is considered to be a material change in the criteria for the trading obligation to take effect, it should be possible for ESMA to propose the concurrent suspension of the trading obligation on the basis of Regulation (EU) No 648/2012 instead of Regulation (EU) No 600/2014.


The reporting of historic contracts has proven to be difficult because certain details which are now required to be reported were not required to be reported before the entry into force of Regulation (EU) No 648/2012. This has resulted in a high reporting failure rate and the poor quality of reported data, while the burden of reporting those contracts remains significant. There is therefore a high likelihood that those historic data will remain unused. Moreover, by the time the deadline for reporting historic contracts becomes effective, a number of those contracts will have already expired and, with them, the corresponding exposures and risks. For that reason, the requirement to report historic contracts should be removed.


Intragroup transactions involving non-financial counterparties represent a relatively small fraction of all OTC derivative contracts and are used primarily for internal hedging within groups. Those transactions therefore do not significantly contribute to systemic risk and interconnectedness, yet the obligation to report such transactions imposes significant costs and burdens on non-financial counterparties. Transactions between counterparties within a group, where at least one of the counterparties is a non-financial counterparty, should therefore be exempted from the reporting obligation, regardless of the place of establishment of the non-financial counterparty.


In 2017, the Commission launched a fitness check on public reporting by companies. The purpose of that check is to gather evidence on the consistency, coherence, effectiveness and efficiency of the Union reporting framework. Against that background, the possibility of avoiding unnecessary duplication of reporting and the possibility of reducing or simplifying the reporting of non-OTC derivative contracts should be further analysed, taking into account the need for timely reporting and the measures adopted pursuant to Regulations (EU) No 648/2012 and (EU) No 600/2014. In particular, that analysis should consider the details reported, the accessibility of the data by relevant authorities, as well as measures to further simplify reporting chains for non-OTC derivative contracts without undue loss of information, in particular with respect to non-financial counterparties that are not subject to the clearing obligation. A more general assessment of the effectiveness and efficiency of the measures that were introduced in Regulation (EU) No 648/2012 to improve the functioning and reduce the burden of reporting OTC derivative contracts should be considered, when sufficient experience and data on the application of that Regulation is available, in particular regarding the quality and accessibility of data reported to trade repositories and regarding the take-up and implementation of delegated reporting.


To reduce the burden of reporting OTC derivative contracts for non-financial counterparties that are not subject to the clearing obligation, the financial counterparty should, as a rule, be solely responsible, and legally liable, for reporting on behalf of both itself and non-financial counterparties that are not subject to the clearing obligation with regard to OTC derivative contracts entered into by those counterparties, as well as for ensuring the correctness of the details reported. To ensure that the financial counterparty has the data it needs to fulfil its reporting obligation, the non-financial counterparty should provide the details relating to the OTC derivative contracts that the financial counterparty cannot be reasonably expected to possess. However, it should be possible for non-financial counterparties to choose to report their OTC derivative contracts. In such cases, the non-financial counterparty should inform the financial counterparty accordingly and should be responsible, and legally liable, for reporting that data and for ensuring their correctness.


The responsibility for reporting OTC derivative contracts where one or both of the counterparties are UCITSs or AIFs should also be determined. It should therefore be specified that the management company of an UCITS is responsible and legally liable for reporting on behalf of that UCITS with regard to OTC derivative contracts entered into by that UCITS, as well as for ensuring the correctness of the details reported. Similarly, an AIF manager should be responsible and legally liable for reporting on behalf of that AIF with regard to OTC derivative contracts entered into by that AIF, as well as for ensuring the correctness of the details reported.


To avoid inconsistencies across the Union in the application of the risk-mitigation techniques, due to the complexity of the risk-management procedures requiring the timely, accurate and appropriately segregated exchange of collateral of counterparties which involve the use of internal models, competent authorities should validate those risk-management procedures or any significant change to those procedures, before they are applied.


The need for international regulatory convergence and the need for non-financial counterparties and small financial counterparties to reduce the risks associated with their currency risk exposures make it necessary to set out special risk-management procedures for physically settled foreign exchange forwards and physically settled foreign exchange swaps. In view of their specific risk profile, it is appropriate to restrict the mandatory exchange of variation margins on physically settled foreign exchange forwards and physically settled foreign exchange swaps to transactions between the most systemic counterparties in order to limit the build-up of systemic risk and to avoid international regulatory divergence. International regulatory convergence should also be ensured with regard to risk-management procedures for other classes of derivatives.


Post-trade risk reduction services include services such as portfolio compression. Portfolio compression is excluded from the scope of the trading obligation established in Regulation (EU) No 600/2014. In order to align Regulation (EU) No 648/2012 with Regulation (EU) No 600/2014, where necessary and appropriate, while taking into account the differences between those two Regulations, the potential to circumvent the clearing obligation and the extent to which post-trade risk reduction services mitigate or reduce risks, the Commission, in cooperation with ESMA and the ESRB, should assess which trades resulting from post-trade risk reduction services, if any, should be granted an exemption from the clearing obligation.


To increase transparency and predictability of the initial margins and to restrain CCPs from modifying their initial margin models in ways that could appear procyclical, CCPs should provide their clearing members with tools to simulate their initial margin requirements and should provide them with a detailed overview of the initial margin models they use. This is consistent with the international standards published by the Committee on Payments and Market Infrastructures and the Board of the International Organisation of Securities Commissions, in particular with the disclosure framework published in December 2012 and the public quantitative disclosure standards for CCPs published in 2015, which are relevant for fostering an accurate understanding of the risks and costs involved in any participation in a CCP by clearing members and enhancing transparency of CCPs towards market participants.


Member States' national insolvency laws should not prevent CCPs from being able to perform with sufficient legal certainty the transfer of client positions or to pay the proceeds of a liquidation directly to clients in case of insolvency of a clearing member with regard to assets held in omnibus and individual segregated client accounts. To provide incentives for clearing and to improve access to it, Member States' national insolvency laws should not prevent CCPs from following the default procedures in accordance with Regulation (EU) No 648/2012 with regard to assets and positions held in omnibus and individual segregated client accounts held at the clearing member and at the CCP. Where indirect clearing arrangements are established, indirect clients should continue nevertheless to benefit from protection which is equivalent to that provided for under the segregation and portability rules and default procedures laid down in Regulation (EU) No 648/2012.


The fines imposed by ESMA on trade repositories under its direct supervision should be effective, proportionate and dissuasive enough to ensure the effectiveness of ESMA's supervisory powers and to increase the transparency of derivative positions and exposures. The amounts of fines initially provided for in Regulation (EU) No 648/2012 have proven insufficiently dissuasive in view of the current turnover of the trade repositories, which could potentially limit the effectiveness of ESMA's supervisory powers under that Regulation in relation to trade repositories. The upper limit of the basic amounts of fines should therefore be increased.


Third-country authorities should have access to data reported to Union trade repositories where certain conditions guaranteeing the treatment of those data are met by the third country and where that third country provides for a legally binding and enforceable obligation granting Union authorities direct access to data reported to trade repositories in that third country.


Regulation (EU) 2015/2365 of the European Parliament and of the Council allows for a simplified registration procedure for trade repositories that are already registered in accordance with Regulation (EU) No 648/2012 and that wish to extend that registration to provide their services in respect of securities financing transactions. A similar simplified registration procedure should be put in place for the registration of trade repositories that are already registered in accordance with Regulation (EU) 2015/2365 and wish to extend that registration to provide their services in respect of derivative contracts.


The insufficient quality and transparency of data made available by trade repositories makes it difficult for entities that have been granted access to those data to use them to monitor derivatives markets and prevents regulators and supervisors from identifying financial stability risks in due time. To improve data quality and transparency, and to align the reporting requirements of Regulation (EU) No 648/2012 with those of Regulations (EU) 2015/2365 and (EU) No 600/2014, further harmonisation of the reporting rules and requirements is necessary, in particular, further harmonisation of data standards, formats, methods, and arrangements for reporting, as well as further harmonisation of the procedures to be applied by trade repositories for the validation of data reported as to their completeness and correctness and of the procedures for the reconciliation of data with other trade repositories. Moreover, trade repositories should grant non-reporting counterparties access to all data reported on their behalf on reasonable commercial terms upon request.


In terms of the services provided by trade repositories, Regulation (EU) No 648/2012 has established a competitive environment. Counterparties should therefore be able to choose the trade repository to which they wish to report and should be able to switch trade repositories if they so choose. To facilitate such switching and to ensure the continued availability of data without duplication, trade repositories should establish appropriate policies to ensure the orderly transfer of data reported to other trade repositories where requested by a counterparty that is subject to the reporting obligation.


Regulation (EU) No 648/2012 establishes that the clearing obligation is not to apply to pension scheme arrangements until an appropriate technical solution is developed by CCPs for the transfer of non-cash collateral as variation margins. As no viable solution facilitating the participation of pension scheme arrangements in central clearing has been developed so far, that transitional period should be extended to apply for at least a further two years. Central clearing should however remain the ultimate aim, considering that current regulatory and market developments enable market participants to develop appropriate technical solutions within that period. With the assistance of ESMA, the European Supervisory Authority (European Banking Authority) (EBA) established by Regulation (EU) No 1093/2010 of the European Parliament and of the Council, the European Supervisory Authority (European Insurance and Occupational Pensions Authority) (EIOPA) established by Regulation (EU) No 1094/2010 of the European Parliament and of the Council and the ESRB, the Commission should monitor the progress made by CCPs, clearing members and pension scheme arrangements towards viable solutions facilitating the participation of pension scheme arrangements in central clearing and prepare a report on that progress. That report should also cover the solutions and the related costs for pension scheme arrangements, thereby taking into account regulatory and market developments such as changes to the type of financial counterparty that is subject to the clearing obligation. In order to cater for developments that were not foreseen at the time of adoption of this Regulation, the Commission should be empowered to extend that transitional period twice for a period of one year, after having carefully assessed the need for such an extension.


The transitional period during which pension scheme arrangements were exempted from the clearing obligation expired on 16 August 2018. For reasons of legal certainty, and to avoid any discontinuity, it is necessary to retroactively apply the extension of that transitional period to OTC derivative contracts entered into by pension scheme arrangements from 17 August 2018 until 16 June 2019.


In order to simplify the regulatory framework, consideration should be given to the extent to which it is necessary and appropriate to align the trading obligation under Regulation (EU) No 600/2014 with changes made under this Regulation to the clearing obligation for derivatives, in particular, to the scope of the entities that are subject to the clearing obligation. A more general assessment of the effects of this Regulation on the level of clearing by different types of counterparty and on the distribution of clearing within each type of counterparty, as well as of the accessibility of clearing services, including the efficiency of the changes made under this Regulation with regard to the provision of clearing services under fair, reasonable, non-discriminatory and transparent commercial terms in facilitating access to clearing, should be undertaken when sufficient experience and data on the application of this Regulation are available.


To ensure the consistent harmonisation of when commercial terms relating to the provision of clearing services are considered to be fair, reasonable, non-discriminatory and transparent, and in order to allow additional time for market participants to develop clearing solutions for pension scheme arrangements under certain conditions, the power to adopt acts in accordance with Article 290 of the Treaty on the Functioning of the European Union (TFEU) should be delegated to the Commission in respect of specifying the conditions under which commercial terms relating to the provision of clearing services are considered to be fair, reasonable, non-discriminatory and transparent, and in respect of extending the transitional period during which the clearing obligation should not apply to OTC derivative contracts entered into by pension scheme arrangements. It is of particular importance that the Commission carry out appropriate consultations during its preparatory work, including at expert level, and that those consultations be conducted in accordance with the principles laid down in the Interinstitutional Agreement of 13 April 2016 on Better Law-Making. In particular, to ensure equal participation in the preparation of delegated acts, the European Parliament and the Council receive all documents at the same time as Member States' experts, and their experts systematically have access to meetings of Commission expert groups dealing with the preparation of delegated acts.


To ensure uniform conditions for the implementation of this Regulation, and in particular with regard to the suspension of the clearing obligation and of the trading obligation and with regard to direct access by the relevant authorities of third countries to information contained in trade repositories established in the Union, implementing powers should be conferred on the Commission. Those powers should be exercised in accordance with Regulation (EU) No 182/2011 of the European Parliament and of the Council. The Commission should adopt immediately applicable implementing acts to suspend the clearing obligation and the trading obligation for specific classes of OTC derivatives because it is necessary to have a swift decision ensuring legal certainty about the outcome of the suspension procedure and therefore there are duly justified imperative grounds of urgency.


To ensure consistent harmonisation of rules on risk-mitigation techniques, registration of trade repositories and reporting requirements, the Commission should be empowered to adopt regulatory technical standards developed by EBA or ESMA with regard to the following: supervisory procedures to ensure initial and ongoing validation of the risk-management procedures that require the timely, accurate and appropriately segregated exchange of collateral; the details of the simplified application for an extension of the registration of a trade repository that is already registered under Regulation (EU) 2015/2365; the procedures for the reconciliation of data between trade repositories, the procedures to be applied by the trade repository to verify the compliance with the reporting requirements by the reporting counterparty or submitting entity and to verify the completeness and correctness of the data reported; the terms and conditions, the arrangements and the required documentation under which certain entities are granted access to trade repositories. The Commission should adopt those regulatory technical standards by means of delegated acts pursuant to Article 290 TFEU and in accordance with Articles 10 to 14 of Regulations (EU) No 1093/2010 and (EU) No 1095/2010.


The Commission should also be empowered to adopt implementing technical standards developed by ESMA with regard to the data standards for the information to be reported for different classes of derivatives and with regard to the methods and arrangements for reporting and the format of the application for an extension of the registration of a trade repository that is already registered under Regulation (EU) 2015/2365. The Commission should adopt those implementing technical standards by means of implementing acts pursuant to Article 291 TFEU and in accordance with Article 15 of Regulation (EU) No 1095/2010.


Since the objectives of this Regulation, namely, to ensure that the rules are proportionate, do not lead to unnecessary administrative burdens or compliance costs, do not put financial stability at risk, and increase the transparency of OTC derivative positions and exposures, cannot be sufficiently achieved by the Member States but can rather, by reason of their scale and effects, be better achieved at Union level, the Union may adopt measures, in accordance with the principle of subsidiarity as set out in Article 5 of the Treaty on European Union. In accordance with the principle of proportionality, as set out in that Article, this Regulation does not go beyond what is necessary in order to achieve those objectives.


The application of certain provisions of this Regulation should be deferred to establish all essential implementing measures and to allow market participants to take the necessary steps for compliance purposes.


Regulation (EU) No 648/2012 should therefore be amended accordingly,


OJ C 385, 15.11.2017, p. 10. OJ C 434, 15.12.2017, p. 63. Position of the European Parliament of 18 April 2019 (not yet published in the Official Journal) and decision of the Council of 14 May 2019. Regulation (EU) No 648/2012 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 4 July 2012 on OTC derivatives, central counterparties and trade repositories (OJ L 201, 27.7.2012, p. 1). Regulation (EU) No 1095/2010 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 24 November 2010 establishing a European Supervisory Authority (European Securities and Markets Authority), amending Decision No 716/2009/EC and repealing Commission Decision 2009/77/EC (OJ L 331, 15.12.2010, p. 84). Regulation (EU) No 1092/2010 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 24 November 2010 on European Union macro-prudential oversight of the financial system and establishing a European Systemic Risk Board (OJ L 331, 15.12.2010, p. 1). Regulation (EU) No 600/2014 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 15 May 2014 on markets in financial instruments and amending Regulation (EU) No 648/2012 (OJ L 173, 12.6.2014, p. 84). Regulation (EU) 2015/2365 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 25 November 2015 on transparency of securities financing transactions and of reuse and amending Regulation (EU) No 648/2012 (OJ L 337, 23.12.2015, p. 1). Regulation (EU) No 1093/2010 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 24 November 2010 establishing a European Supervisory Authority (European Banking Authority), amending Decision No 716/2009/EC and repealing Commission Decision 2009/78/EC (OJ L 331, 15.12.2010, p. 12). Regulation (EU) No 1094/2010 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 24 November 2010 establishing a European Supervisory Authority (European Insurance and Occupational Pensions Authority), amending Decision No 716/2009/EC and repealing Commission Decision 2009/79/EC (OJ L 331, 15.12.2010, p. 48). OJ L 123, 12.5.2016, p. 1. Regulation (EU) No 182/2011 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 16 February 2011 laying down the rules and general principles concerning mechanisms for control by Member States of the Commission's exercise of implementing powers (OJ L 55, 28.2.2011, p. 13).
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<dc:title>Regulation (EU) 2019/834 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 20 May 2019 amending Regulation (EU) No 648/2012 as regards the clearing obligation, the suspension of the clearing obligation, the reporting requirements, the risk-mitigation techniques for OTC derivative contracts not cleared by a central counterparty, the registration and supervision of trade repositories and the requirements for trade repositories (Text with EEA relevance)</dc:title>
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<dc:description>Regulation (EU) 2019/834 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 20 May 2019 amending Regulation (EU) No 648/2012 as regards the clearing obligation, the suspension of the clearing obligation, the reporting requirements, the risk-mitigation techniques for OTC derivative contracts not cleared by a central counterparty, the registration and supervision of trade repositories and the requirements for trade repositories (Text with EEA relevance)</dc:description>
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<PREFLABEL>financial market</PREFLABEL>
<ALTLABEL>international financial market</ALTLABEL>
<ALTLABEL>securities market</ALTLABEL>
<ALTLABEL>financial activity</ALTLABEL>
<PREFLABEL>2421 free movement of capital</PREFLABEL>
<IS_ABOUT type="concept">
<PREFLABEL>payment system</PREFLABEL>
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<ALTLABEL>electronic funds transfer system</ALTLABEL>
<ALTLABEL>funds transfer system</ALTLABEL>
<ALTLABEL>interbank funds transfer system</ALTLABEL>
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<ALTLABEL>clearing and settlement system</ALTLABEL>
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<VALUE>Regulation (EU) 2019/834 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 20 May 2019 amending Regulation (EU) No 648/2012 as regards the clearing obligation, the suspension of the clearing obligation, the reporting requirements, the risk-mitigation techniques for OTC derivative contracts not cleared by a central counterparty, the registration and supervision of trade repositories and the requirements for trade repositories (Text with EEA relevance.)</VALUE>
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<TITLE type="data">
<VALUE>Regulation (EU) 2019/834 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 20 May 2019 amending Regulation (EU) No 648/2012 as regards the clearing obligation, the suspension of the clearing obligation, the reporting requirements, the risk-mitigation techniques for OTC derivative contracts not cleared by a central counterparty, the registration and supervision of trade repositories and the requirements for trade repositories (Text with EEA relevance.)</VALUE>
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<ContentsItem ContentRef="article-1" IdURI="" RestrictStartDate="2019-05-20" RestrictExtent="E+W+S+N.I." DocumentURI="">
<ContentsNumber>Article 1</ContentsNumber>
<ContentsTitle Generated="true">Regulation (EU) No 648/2012 is amended as follows: in Article 2, point...</ContentsTitle>
<ContentsItem ContentRef="article-2" IdURI="" RestrictStartDate="2019-05-20" RestrictExtent="E+W+S+N.I." DocumentURI="">
<ContentsNumber>Article 2</ContentsNumber>
<ContentsTitle Generated="true">This Regulation shall enter into force on the twentieth day...</ContentsTitle>
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<ContentsItem ContentRef="annex-paragraph-1" IdURI="" RestrictStartDate="2019-05-20" RestrictExtent="E+W+S+N.I." DocumentURI="">
<ContentsTitle Generated="true">Annex I is amended as follows: </ContentsTitle>
<ContentsItem ContentRef="annex-paragraph-2" IdURI="" RestrictStartDate="2019-05-20" RestrictExtent="E+W+S+N.I." DocumentURI="">
<ContentsTitle Generated="true">in Section I, the following points are added: a trade...</ContentsTitle>
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(EU) 2019/834
<Uppercase>of the European Parliament and of the Council</Uppercase>
<Text>of 20 May 2019</Text>
<Text>amending Regulation (EU) No 648/2012 as regards the clearing obligation, the suspension of the clearing obligation, the reporting requirements, the risk-mitigation techniques for OTC derivative contracts not cleared by a central counterparty, the registration and supervision of trade repositories and the requirements for trade repositories</Text>
<Text>(Text with EEA relevance)</Text>
<Text>Having regard to the Treaty on the Functioning of the European Union, and in particular Article 114 thereof,</Text>
<Text>Having regard to the proposal from the European Commission,</Text>
<Text>After transmission of the draft legislative act to the national parliaments,</Text>
Having regard to the opinion of the European Central Bank
<FootnoteRef Ref="f00001"/>
Having regard to the opinion of the European Economic and Social Committee
<FootnoteRef Ref="f00002"/>
Acting in accordance with the ordinary legislative procedure
<FootnoteRef Ref="f00003"/>
Regulation (EU) No 648/2012 of the European Parliament and of the Council
<FootnoteRef Ref="f00004"/>
entered into force on 16 August 2012. The requirements it contains, namely, central clearing of standardised over-the-counter (OTC) derivative contracts, margin requirements and operational risk mitigation requirements for OTC derivative contracts that are not centrally cleared, reporting obligations for derivative contracts, requirements for central counterparties (CCPs) and requirements for trade repositories, contribute to reducing the systemic risk by increasing the transparency of the OTC derivatives market and reducing the counterparty credit risk and the operational risk associated with OTC derivatives.
<Text>The simplification of certain areas covered by Regulation (EU) No 648/2012 and a more proportionate approach to those areas are in line with the Commission's Regulatory Fitness and Performance programme which emphasises the need for cost reduction and simplification so that Union policies achieve their objectives in the most efficient way, and aim, in particular, at reducing regulatory and administrative burdens. That simplification and a more proportionate approach should, however, be without prejudice to the overarching objectives of promoting financial stability and mitigating systemic risks in line with the statement by G20 leaders at the 26 September 2009 Summit in Pittsburgh.</Text>
<Text>Efficient and resilient post-trading systems and collateral markets are essential elements of a well-functioning capital markets union, that underpin the efforts to support investments, growth and jobs, in line with the political priorities of the Commission.</Text>
In 2015 and 2016, the Commission carried out two public consultations on the application of Regulation (EU) No 648/2012. The Commission also received input on the application of that Regulation from the European Supervisory Authority (European Securities and Markets Authority) (ESMA) established by Regulation (EU) No 1095/2010 of the European Parliament and of the Council
<FootnoteRef Ref="f00005"/>
, the European Systemic Risk Board (ESRB) established by Regulation (EU) No 1092/2010 of the European Parliament and of the Council
<FootnoteRef Ref="f00006"/>
and the European System of Central Banks (ESCB). It appeared from those public consultations that the objectives of Regulation (EU) No 648/2012 were supported by stakeholders and that no major overhaul of that Regulation was necessary. On 23 November 2016, the Commission adopted a general report in accordance with Regulation (EU) No 648/2012. Although not all the provisions of Regulation (EU) No 648/2012 were fully applicable and therefore a comprehensive evaluation of that Regulation was not possible, that report identified areas for which targeted action was necessary to ensure that the objectives of Regulation (EU) No 648/2012 were reached in a more proportionate, efficient and effective manner.
<Text>Regulation (EU) No 648/2012 should cover all financial counterparties that might pose an important systemic risk for the financial system. The definition of financial counterparty should therefore be amended.</Text>
<Text>Employee share purchase plans are schemes, usually established by an undertaking by which persons can directly or indirectly subscribe, purchase, receive or own shares of that undertaking or of another undertaking within the same group, provided that that plan benefits at least the employees or former employees of that undertaking or of another undertaking within the same group, or the members or former members of the board of that undertaking or of another undertaking within the same group. The Commission's communication of 8 June 2017 on the Mid-Term Review of the Capital Markets Union Action Plan identifies measures relating to employee share purchase plans as a possible measure to strengthen the capital markets union with a view to fostering retail investment. Therefore, and in accordance with the principle of proportionality, an undertaking for collective investment in transferable securities (UCITS) or an alternative investment fund (AIF) that is set up exclusively for the purpose of serving one or more employee share purchase plans, should not be qualified as a financial counterparty.</Text>
<Text>Certain financial counterparties have a volume of activity in OTC derivatives markets that is too low to pose an important systemic risk for the financial system and is too low for central clearing to be economically viable. Those counterparties, commonly referred to as small financial counterparties, should be exempted from the clearing obligation, but they should remain subject to the requirement to exchange collateral to mitigate any systemic risk. However, where the position taken by the financial counterparty exceeds the clearing threshold for at least one class of OTC derivatives, calculated at the group level, the clearing obligation should apply to all classes of OTC derivatives, given the interconnectedness of financial counterparties and the possible systemic risk to the financial system that might arise if those OTC derivative contracts were not centrally cleared. The financial counterparty should have the possibility to demonstrate at any time that its positions no longer exceed the clearing threshold for any class of OTC derivatives, in which case the clearing obligation should cease to apply.</Text>
<Text>Non-financial counterparties are less interconnected than financial counterparties. Also, they are often predominantly active in only one class of OTC derivatives. Their activity therefore poses less of a systemic risk to the financial system than the activity of financial counterparties. The scope of the clearing obligation for non-financial counterparties that choose to calculate their positions every 12 months against the clearing thresholds should therefore be narrowed. Those non-financial counterparties should be subject to the clearing obligation only with regard to the classes of OTC derivatives that exceed the clearing threshold. Non-financial counterparties should nonetheless remain subject to the requirement to exchange collateral where any of the clearing thresholds is exceeded. Non-financial counterparties that choose not to calculate their positions against the clearing thresholds, should be subject to the clearing obligation for all classes of OTC derivatives. The non-financial counterparty should have the possibility to demonstrate at any time that its positions no longer exceed the clearing threshold for a class of OTC derivatives in which case the clearing obligation for that class of OTC derivatives should cease to apply.</Text>
<Text>In order to take account of any development in financial markets, ESMA should periodically review the clearing thresholds and update them where necessary. That periodic review should be accompanied by a report.</Text>
<Text>The requirement to clear certain OTC derivative contracts concluded before the clearing obligation takes effect creates legal uncertainty and operational complications, while providing limited benefits. In particular, that requirement creates additional costs and burdens for the counterparties to those contracts, and might also affect the smooth functioning of the market without significantly improving the uniform and coherent application of Regulation (EU) No 648/2012 or establishing a level playing field for market participants. That requirement should therefore be removed.</Text>
<Text>Counterparties that have a limited volume of activity in the OTC derivatives market face difficulties in accessing central clearing, whether as a client of a clearing member or through indirect clearing arrangements. Clearing members and clients of clearing members that provide clearing services, either directly to other counterparties or indirectly by allowing their own clients to provide those services to other counterparties, should therefore be required to do so under fair, reasonable, non-discriminatory and transparent commercial terms. While this requirement should not result in price regulation or an obligation to contract, clearing members and clients should be permitted to control the risks related to the clearing services offered, such as counterparty risks.</Text>
<Text>Information on the financial instruments covered by the authorisations of CCPs might not specify all classes of OTC derivatives which a CCP is authorised to clear. To ensure that ESMA can carry out its tasks and duties in relation to the clearing obligation, competent authorities should notify ESMA without delay of any information received from a CCP regarding the CCP's intention to start clearing a class of OTC derivatives that is covered by its existing authorisation.</Text>
<Text>It should be possible to temporarily suspend the clearing obligation in certain exceptional situations. Such a suspension should be possible where the criteria on the basis of which specific classes of OTC derivatives have been made subject to the clearing obligation are no longer met. That could be the case where particular classes of OTC derivatives become unsuitable for mandatory central clearing or where there has been a material change to one of those criteria in respect of particular classes of OTC derivatives. A suspension of the clearing obligation should also be possible where a CCP ceases to offer a clearing service for specific classes of OTC derivatives or for a specific type of counterparty and other CCPs cannot step in fast enough to take over those clearing services. The suspension of the clearing obligation should also be possible where it is considered necessary to avoid a serious threat to financial stability in the Union. In order to ensure financial stability and to avoid market disruption, ESMA should, while keeping in mind the G20 objectives, ensure that, where the abolition of the clearing obligation is appropriate, that abolition is instigated during the suspension of the clearing obligation and in sufficient time to enable the amendment of the relevant regulatory technical standards.</Text>
The obligation laid down in Regulation (EU) No 600/2014 of the European Parliament and of the Council
<FootnoteRef Ref="f00007"/>
for counterparties to trade derivatives that are subject to the clearing obligation on trading venues is, in accordance with the trading obligation procedure detailed in that Regulation, triggered when a class of derivatives is declared to be subject to the clearing obligation. The suspension of the clearing obligation might prevent counterparties from being able to comply with the trading obligation. As a consequence, where the suspension of the clearing obligation has been requested, and where it is considered to be a material change in the criteria for the trading obligation to take effect, it should be possible for ESMA to propose the concurrent suspension of the trading obligation on the basis of Regulation (EU) No 648/2012 instead of Regulation (EU) No 600/2014.
<Text>The reporting of historic contracts has proven to be difficult because certain details which are now required to be reported were not required to be reported before the entry into force of Regulation (EU) No 648/2012. This has resulted in a high reporting failure rate and the poor quality of reported data, while the burden of reporting those contracts remains significant. There is therefore a high likelihood that those historic data will remain unused. Moreover, by the time the deadline for reporting historic contracts becomes effective, a number of those contracts will have already expired and, with them, the corresponding exposures and risks. For that reason, the requirement to report historic contracts should be removed.</Text>
<Text>Intragroup transactions involving non-financial counterparties represent a relatively small fraction of all OTC derivative contracts and are used primarily for internal hedging within groups. Those transactions therefore do not significantly contribute to systemic risk and interconnectedness, yet the obligation to report such transactions imposes significant costs and burdens on non-financial counterparties. Transactions between counterparties within a group, where at least one of the counterparties is a non-financial counterparty, should therefore be exempted from the reporting obligation, regardless of the place of establishment of the non-financial counterparty.</Text>
<Text>In 2017, the Commission launched a fitness check on public reporting by companies. The purpose of that check is to gather evidence on the consistency, coherence, effectiveness and efficiency of the Union reporting framework. Against that background, the possibility of avoiding unnecessary duplication of reporting and the possibility of reducing or simplifying the reporting of non-OTC derivative contracts should be further analysed, taking into account the need for timely reporting and the measures adopted pursuant to Regulations (EU) No 648/2012 and (EU) No 600/2014. In particular, that analysis should consider the details reported, the accessibility of the data by relevant authorities, as well as measures to further simplify reporting chains for non-OTC derivative contracts without undue loss of information, in particular with respect to non-financial counterparties that are not subject to the clearing obligation. A more general assessment of the effectiveness and efficiency of the measures that were introduced in Regulation (EU) No 648/2012 to improve the functioning and reduce the burden of reporting OTC derivative contracts should be considered, when sufficient experience and data on the application of that Regulation is available, in particular regarding the quality and accessibility of data reported to trade repositories and regarding the take-up and implementation of delegated reporting.</Text>
<Text>To reduce the burden of reporting OTC derivative contracts for non-financial counterparties that are not subject to the clearing obligation, the financial counterparty should, as a rule, be solely responsible, and legally liable, for reporting on behalf of both itself and non-financial counterparties that are not subject to the clearing obligation with regard to OTC derivative contracts entered into by those counterparties, as well as for ensuring the correctness of the details reported. To ensure that the financial counterparty has the data it needs to fulfil its reporting obligation, the non-financial counterparty should provide the details relating to the OTC derivative contracts that the financial counterparty cannot be reasonably expected to possess. However, it should be possible for non-financial counterparties to choose to report their OTC derivative contracts. In such cases, the non-financial counterparty should inform the financial counterparty accordingly and should be responsible, and legally liable, for reporting that data and for ensuring their correctness.</Text>
<Text>The responsibility for reporting OTC derivative contracts where one or both of the counterparties are UCITSs or AIFs should also be determined. It should therefore be specified that the management company of an UCITS is responsible and legally liable for reporting on behalf of that UCITS with regard to OTC derivative contracts entered into by that UCITS, as well as for ensuring the correctness of the details reported. Similarly, an AIF manager should be responsible and legally liable for reporting on behalf of that AIF with regard to OTC derivative contracts entered into by that AIF, as well as for ensuring the correctness of the details reported.</Text>
<Text>To avoid inconsistencies across the Union in the application of the risk-mitigation techniques, due to the complexity of the risk-management procedures requiring the timely, accurate and appropriately segregated exchange of collateral of counterparties which involve the use of internal models, competent authorities should validate those risk-management procedures or any significant change to those procedures, before they are applied.</Text>
<Text>The need for international regulatory convergence and the need for non-financial counterparties and small financial counterparties to reduce the risks associated with their currency risk exposures make it necessary to set out special risk-management procedures for physically settled foreign exchange forwards and physically settled foreign exchange swaps. In view of their specific risk profile, it is appropriate to restrict the mandatory exchange of variation margins on physically settled foreign exchange forwards and physically settled foreign exchange swaps to transactions between the most systemic counterparties in order to limit the build-up of systemic risk and to avoid international regulatory divergence. International regulatory convergence should also be ensured with regard to risk-management procedures for other classes of derivatives.</Text>
<Text>Post-trade risk reduction services include services such as portfolio compression. Portfolio compression is excluded from the scope of the trading obligation established in Regulation (EU) No 600/2014. In order to align Regulation (EU) No 648/2012 with Regulation (EU) No 600/2014, where necessary and appropriate, while taking into account the differences between those two Regulations, the potential to circumvent the clearing obligation and the extent to which post-trade risk reduction services mitigate or reduce risks, the Commission, in cooperation with ESMA and the ESRB, should assess which trades resulting from post-trade risk reduction services, if any, should be granted an exemption from the clearing obligation.</Text>
<Text>To increase transparency and predictability of the initial margins and to restrain CCPs from modifying their initial margin models in ways that could appear procyclical, CCPs should provide their clearing members with tools to simulate their initial margin requirements and should provide them with a detailed overview of the initial margin models they use. This is consistent with the international standards published by the Committee on Payments and Market Infrastructures and the Board of the International Organisation of Securities Commissions, in particular with the disclosure framework published in December 2012 and the public quantitative disclosure standards for CCPs published in 2015, which are relevant for fostering an accurate understanding of the risks and costs involved in any participation in a CCP by clearing members and enhancing transparency of CCPs towards market participants.</Text>
<Text>Member States' national insolvency laws should not prevent CCPs from being able to perform with sufficient legal certainty the transfer of client positions or to pay the proceeds of a liquidation directly to clients in case of insolvency of a clearing member with regard to assets held in omnibus and individual segregated client accounts. To provide incentives for clearing and to improve access to it, Member States' national insolvency laws should not prevent CCPs from following the default procedures in accordance with Regulation (EU) No 648/2012 with regard to assets and positions held in omnibus and individual segregated client accounts held at the clearing member and at the CCP. Where indirect clearing arrangements are established, indirect clients should continue nevertheless to benefit from protection which is equivalent to that provided for under the segregation and portability rules and default procedures laid down in Regulation (EU) No 648/2012.</Text>
<Text>The fines imposed by ESMA on trade repositories under its direct supervision should be effective, proportionate and dissuasive enough to ensure the effectiveness of ESMA's supervisory powers and to increase the transparency of derivative positions and exposures. The amounts of fines initially provided for in Regulation (EU) No 648/2012 have proven insufficiently dissuasive in view of the current turnover of the trade repositories, which could potentially limit the effectiveness of ESMA's supervisory powers under that Regulation in relation to trade repositories. The upper limit of the basic amounts of fines should therefore be increased.</Text>
<Text>Third-country authorities should have access to data reported to Union trade repositories where certain conditions guaranteeing the treatment of those data are met by the third country and where that third country provides for a legally binding and enforceable obligation granting Union authorities direct access to data reported to trade repositories in that third country.</Text>
Regulation (EU) 2015/2365 of the European Parliament and of the Council
<FootnoteRef Ref="f00008"/>
allows for a simplified registration procedure for trade repositories that are already registered in accordance with Regulation (EU) No 648/2012 and that wish to extend that registration to provide their services in respect of securities financing transactions. A similar simplified registration procedure should be put in place for the registration of trade repositories that are already registered in accordance with Regulation (EU) 2015/2365 and wish to extend that registration to provide their services in respect of derivative contracts.
<Text>The insufficient quality and transparency of data made available by trade repositories makes it difficult for entities that have been granted access to those data to use them to monitor derivatives markets and prevents regulators and supervisors from identifying financial stability risks in due time. To improve data quality and transparency, and to align the reporting requirements of Regulation (EU) No 648/2012 with those of Regulations (EU) 2015/2365 and (EU) No 600/2014, further harmonisation of the reporting rules and requirements is necessary, in particular, further harmonisation of data standards, formats, methods, and arrangements for reporting, as well as further harmonisation of the procedures to be applied by trade repositories for the validation of data reported as to their completeness and correctness and of the procedures for the reconciliation of data with other trade repositories. Moreover, trade repositories should grant non-reporting counterparties access to all data reported on their behalf on reasonable commercial terms upon request.</Text>
<Text>In terms of the services provided by trade repositories, Regulation (EU) No 648/2012 has established a competitive environment. Counterparties should therefore be able to choose the trade repository to which they wish to report and should be able to switch trade repositories if they so choose. To facilitate such switching and to ensure the continued availability of data without duplication, trade repositories should establish appropriate policies to ensure the orderly transfer of data reported to other trade repositories where requested by a counterparty that is subject to the reporting obligation.</Text>
Regulation (EU) No 648/2012 establishes that the clearing obligation is not to apply to pension scheme arrangements until an appropriate technical solution is developed by CCPs for the transfer of non-cash collateral as variation margins. As no viable solution facilitating the participation of pension scheme arrangements in central clearing has been developed so far, that transitional period should be extended to apply for at least a further two years. Central clearing should however remain the ultimate aim, considering that current regulatory and market developments enable market participants to develop appropriate technical solutions within that period. With the assistance of ESMA, the European Supervisory Authority (European Banking Authority) (EBA) established by Regulation (EU) No 1093/2010 of the European Parliament and of the Council
<FootnoteRef Ref="f00009"/>
, the European Supervisory Authority (European Insurance and Occupational Pensions Authority) (EIOPA) established by Regulation (EU) No 1094/2010 of the European Parliament and of the Council
<FootnoteRef Ref="f00010"/>
and the ESRB, the Commission should monitor the progress made by CCPs, clearing members and pension scheme arrangements towards viable solutions facilitating the participation of pension scheme arrangements in central clearing and prepare a report on that progress. That report should also cover the solutions and the related costs for pension scheme arrangements, thereby taking into account regulatory and market developments such as changes to the type of financial counterparty that is subject to the clearing obligation. In order to cater for developments that were not foreseen at the time of adoption of this Regulation, the Commission should be empowered to extend that transitional period twice for a period of one year, after having carefully assessed the need for such an extension.
<Text>The transitional period during which pension scheme arrangements were exempted from the clearing obligation expired on 16 August 2018. For reasons of legal certainty, and to avoid any discontinuity, it is necessary to retroactively apply the extension of that transitional period to OTC derivative contracts entered into by pension scheme arrangements from 17 August 2018 until 16 June 2019.</Text>
<Text>In order to simplify the regulatory framework, consideration should be given to the extent to which it is necessary and appropriate to align the trading obligation under Regulation (EU) No 600/2014 with changes made under this Regulation to the clearing obligation for derivatives, in particular, to the scope of the entities that are subject to the clearing obligation. A more general assessment of the effects of this Regulation on the level of clearing by different types of counterparty and on the distribution of clearing within each type of counterparty, as well as of the accessibility of clearing services, including the efficiency of the changes made under this Regulation with regard to the provision of clearing services under fair, reasonable, non-discriminatory and transparent commercial terms in facilitating access to clearing, should be undertaken when sufficient experience and data on the application of this Regulation are available.</Text>
To ensure the consistent harmonisation of when commercial terms relating to the provision of clearing services are considered to be fair, reasonable, non-discriminatory and transparent, and in order to allow additional time for market participants to develop clearing solutions for pension scheme arrangements under certain conditions, the power to adopt acts in accordance with Article 290 of the Treaty on the Functioning of the European Union (TFEU) should be delegated to the Commission in respect of specifying the conditions under which commercial terms relating to the provision of clearing services are considered to be fair, reasonable, non-discriminatory and transparent, and in respect of extending the transitional period during which the clearing obligation should not apply to OTC derivative contracts entered into by pension scheme arrangements. It is of particular importance that the Commission carry out appropriate consultations during its preparatory work, including at expert level, and that those consultations be conducted in accordance with the principles laid down in the Interinstitutional Agreement of 13 April 2016 on Better Law-Making
<FootnoteRef Ref="f00011"/>
. In particular, to ensure equal participation in the preparation of delegated acts, the European Parliament and the Council receive all documents at the same time as Member States' experts, and their experts systematically have access to meetings of Commission expert groups dealing with the preparation of delegated acts.
To ensure uniform conditions for the implementation of this Regulation, and in particular with regard to the suspension of the clearing obligation and of the trading obligation and with regard to direct access by the relevant authorities of third countries to information contained in trade repositories established in the Union, implementing powers should be conferred on the Commission. Those powers should be exercised in accordance with Regulation (EU) No 182/2011 of the European Parliament and of the Council
<FootnoteRef Ref="f00012"/>
. The Commission should adopt immediately applicable implementing acts to suspend the clearing obligation and the trading obligation for specific classes of OTC derivatives because it is necessary to have a swift decision ensuring legal certainty about the outcome of the suspension procedure and therefore there are duly justified imperative grounds of urgency.
<Text>To ensure consistent harmonisation of rules on risk-mitigation techniques, registration of trade repositories and reporting requirements, the Commission should be empowered to adopt regulatory technical standards developed by EBA or ESMA with regard to the following: supervisory procedures to ensure initial and ongoing validation of the risk-management procedures that require the timely, accurate and appropriately segregated exchange of collateral; the details of the simplified application for an extension of the registration of a trade repository that is already registered under Regulation (EU) 2015/2365; the procedures for the reconciliation of data between trade repositories, the procedures to be applied by the trade repository to verify the compliance with the reporting requirements by the reporting counterparty or submitting entity and to verify the completeness and correctness of the data reported; the terms and conditions, the arrangements and the required documentation under which certain entities are granted access to trade repositories. The Commission should adopt those regulatory technical standards by means of delegated acts pursuant to Article 290 TFEU and in accordance with Articles 10 to 14 of Regulations (EU) No 1093/2010 and (EU) No 1095/2010.</Text>
<Text>The Commission should also be empowered to adopt implementing technical standards developed by ESMA with regard to the data standards for the information to be reported for different classes of derivatives and with regard to the methods and arrangements for reporting and the format of the application for an extension of the registration of a trade repository that is already registered under Regulation (EU) 2015/2365. The Commission should adopt those implementing technical standards by means of implementing acts pursuant to Article 291 TFEU and in accordance with Article 15 of Regulation (EU) No 1095/2010.</Text>
<Text>Since the objectives of this Regulation, namely, to ensure that the rules are proportionate, do not lead to unnecessary administrative burdens or compliance costs, do not put financial stability at risk, and increase the transparency of OTC derivative positions and exposures, cannot be sufficiently achieved by the Member States but can rather, by reason of their scale and effects, be better achieved at Union level, the Union may adopt measures, in accordance with the principle of subsidiarity as set out in Article 5 of the Treaty on European Union. In accordance with the principle of proportionality, as set out in that Article, this Regulation does not go beyond what is necessary in order to achieve those objectives.</Text>
<Text>The application of certain provisions of this Regulation should be deferred to establish all essential implementing measures and to allow market participants to take the necessary steps for compliance purposes.</Text>
<Text>Regulation (EU) No 648/2012 should therefore be amended accordingly,</Text>
<Footnote id="f00001">
<Citation id="c00001" Class="EuropeanUnionOfficialJournal" Year="2017" URI="" Date="2017-11-15">OJ C 385, 15.11.2017, p. 10</Citation>
<Footnote id="f00002">
<Citation id="c00002" Class="EuropeanUnionOfficialJournal" Year="2017" URI="" Date="2017-12-15">OJ C 434, 15.12.2017, p. 63</Citation>
<Footnote id="f00003">
<Text>Position of the European Parliament of 18 April 2019 (not yet published in the Official Journal) and decision of the Council of 14 May 2019.</Text>
<Footnote id="f00004">
Regulation (EU) No 648/2012 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 4 July 2012 on OTC derivatives, central counterparties and trade repositories (
<Citation id="c00003" Class="EuropeanUnionOfficialJournal" Year="2012" URI="" Date="2012-07-27">OJ L 201, 27.7.2012, p. 1</Citation>
<Footnote id="f00005">
Regulation (EU) No 1095/2010 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 24 November 2010 establishing a European Supervisory Authority (European Securities and Markets Authority), amending Decision No 716/2009/EC and repealing Commission Decision 2009/77/EC (
<Citation id="c00004" Class="EuropeanUnionOfficialJournal" Year="2010" URI="" Date="2010-12-15">OJ L 331, 15.12.2010, p. 84</Citation>
<Footnote id="f00006">
Regulation (EU) No 1092/2010 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 24 November 2010 on European Union macro-prudential oversight of the financial system and establishing a European Systemic Risk Board (
<Citation id="c00005" Class="EuropeanUnionOfficialJournal" Year="2010" URI="" Date="2010-12-15">OJ L 331, 15.12.2010, p. 1</Citation>
<Footnote id="f00007">
Regulation (EU) No 600/2014 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 15 May 2014 on markets in financial instruments and amending Regulation (EU) No 648/2012 (
<Citation id="c00006" Class="EuropeanUnionOfficialJournal" Year="2014" URI="" Date="2014-06-12">OJ L 173, 12.6.2014, p. 84</Citation>
<Footnote id="f00008">
Regulation (EU) 2015/2365 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 25 November 2015 on transparency of securities financing transactions and of reuse and amending Regulation (EU) No 648/2012 (
<Citation id="c00007" Class="EuropeanUnionOfficialJournal" Year="2015" URI="" Date="2015-12-23">OJ L 337, 23.12.2015, p. 1</Citation>
<Footnote id="f00009">
Regulation (EU) No 1093/2010 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 24 November 2010 establishing a European Supervisory Authority (European Banking Authority), amending Decision No 716/2009/EC and repealing Commission Decision 2009/78/EC (
<Citation id="c00008" Class="EuropeanUnionOfficialJournal" Year="2010" URI="" Date="2010-12-15">OJ L 331, 15.12.2010, p. 12</Citation>
<Footnote id="f00010">
Regulation (EU) No 1094/2010 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 24 November 2010 establishing a European Supervisory Authority (European Insurance and Occupational Pensions Authority), amending Decision No 716/2009/EC and repealing Commission Decision 2009/79/EC (
<Citation id="c00009" Class="EuropeanUnionOfficialJournal" Year="2010" URI="" Date="2010-12-15">OJ L 331, 15.12.2010, p. 48</Citation>
<Footnote id="f00011">
<Citation id="c00010" Class="EuropeanUnionOfficialJournal" Year="2016" URI="" Date="2016-05-12">OJ L 123, 12.5.2016, p. 1</Citation>
<Footnote id="f00012">
Regulation (EU) No 182/2011 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 16 February 2011 laying down the rules and general principles concerning mechanisms for control by Member States of the Commission's exercise of implementing powers (
<Citation id="c00011" Class="EuropeanUnionOfficialJournal" Year="2011" URI="" Date="2011-02-28">OJ L 55, 28.2.2011, p. 13</Citation>