Article 53Establishment of the EU DSO entity
1.The EU DSO entity shall consist of, at least, a general assembly, a board of directors, a strategic advisor group, expert groups and a secretary-general.
2.By 5 July 2020, the distribution system operators shall submit to the Commission and to ACER, the draft statutes, in accordance with Article 54, including a code of conduct, a list of registered members, the draft rules of procedure, including the rules of procedures on the consultation with the ENTSO for Electricity and other stakeholders and the financing rules, of the EU DSO entity to be established.
The draft rules of procedure of the EU DSO entity shall ensure balanced representation of all participating distribution system operators.
3.Within two months of receipt of the draft statutes, the list of members and the draft rules of procedure, ACER shall provide the Commission with its opinion, after consulting the organisations representing all stakeholders, in particular distribution system users.
4.Within three months of receipt of ACER's opinion, the Commission shall deliver an opinion on the draft statutes, the list of members and the draft rules of procedure, taking into account ACER's opinion as provided for in paragraph 3.
5.Within three months of receipt of the Commission's positive opinion, the distribution system operators shall establish the EU DSO entity and shall adopt and publish its statutes and rules of procedure.
6.The documents referred to in paragraph 2 shall be submitted to the Commission and to ACER where there are changes thereto or upon the reasoned request of either of them. The Commission and ACER shall deliver an opinion in line with the process set out in paragraphs 2, 3 and 4.
7.The costs related to the activities of the EU DSO entity shall be borne by the distribution system operators that are registered members and shall be taken into account in the calculation of tariffs. Regulatory authorities shall only approve costs that are reasonable and proportionate.