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a Except Guadeloupe, Martinique, the Collectivity of Saint Martin and Réunion’. | ||
Abbreviation of region r | Region r | Flood risk factor Q ( flood , r ) |
AT | Republic of Austria | 0,13 % |
BE | Kingdom of Belgium | 0,10 % |
BG | Republic of Bulgaria | 0,15 % |
CZ | Czech Republic | 0,30 % |
CH | Swiss Confederation; Principality of Lichtenstein | 0,30 % |
FR | French Republica; Principality of Monaco; Principality of Andorra | 0,12 % |
DE | Federal Republic of Germany | 0,20 % |
HU | Republic of Hungary | 0,25 % |
IT | Italian Republic; Republic of San Marino; Vatican City State | 0,15 % |
PL | Republic of Poland | 0,16 % |
RO | Romania | 0,30 % |
SK | Slovak Republic | 0,35 % |
SI | Republic of Slovenia | 0,30 % |
UK | United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland | 0,12 % |