Council Regulation (EU) 2020/123Show full title

Council Regulation (EU) 2020/123 of 27 January 2020 fixing for 2020 the fishing opportunities for certain fish stocks and groups of fish stocks, applicable in Union waters and, for Union fishing vessels, in certain non-Union waters


ANNEX I:TACs applicable to Union fishing vessels in areas where TACs exist by species and by area
ANNEX IA:Skagerrak, Kattegat, ICES subareas 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 12 and 14, Union waters of CECAF, French Guiana waters
ANNEX IB:North East Atlantic and Greenland, ICES subareas 1, 2, 5, 12 and 14 and Greenland waters of NAFO 1
ANNEX IC:North West Atlantic – NAFO Convention Area
ANNEX ID:ICCAT Convention Area
ANNEX IE:South-East Atlantic Ocean – SEAFO Convention Area
ANNEX IF:Southern bluefin tuna – areas of distribution
ANNEX IG:WCPFC Convention Area
ANNEX IH:SPRFMO Convention Area
ANNEX IJ:IOTC Area of Competence
ANNEX IK:SIOFA Agreement Area
ANNEX IL:IATTC Convention Area
ANNEX II:Fishing effort for vessels in the context of the management of Western Channel sole stocks in ICES division 7e
ANNEX III:Management areas for sandeel in ICES divisions 2a, 3a and ICES subarea 4
ANNEX IV:Seasonal closures to protect spawning cod
ANNEX V:Fishing authorisations
ANNEX VI:ICCAT Convention Area
ANNEX VII:CCAMLR Convention Area
ANNEX VIII:IOTC Area of Competence
ANNEX IX:WCPFC Convention Area


The tables in this Annex set out the TACs and quotas (in tonnes live weight, except where otherwise specified) by stock, and, where appropriate, the conditions functionally linked thereto.

All fishing opportunities set out in this Annex shall be subject to the rules set out in Regulation (EC) No 1224/2009, and in particular Articles 33 and 34 of that Regulation.

The references to fishing zones are references to ICES zones, unless otherwise specified. Within each area, fish stocks are referred to according to the alphabetical order of the Latin names of the species. Only Latin names identify species for regulatory purposes; vernacular names are provided for ease of reference.

For the purposes of this Regulation, the following comparative table of Latin names and common names is provided:

Scientific nameAlpha-3 codeCommon name
Amblyraja radiataRJRStarry ray
Ammodytes spp.SANSandeels
Argentina silusARUGreater silver smelt
Beryx spp.ALFAlfonsinos
Brosme brosmeUSKTusk
Centrophorus squamosusGUQLeafscale gulper shark
Centroscymnus coelolepisCYOPortuguese dogfish
Chaceon spp.GERDeep sea red crab
Chaenocephalus aceratusSSIBlackfin icefish
Champsocephalus gunnariANIMackerel icefish
Channichthys rhinoceratusLICUnicorn icefish
Chionoecetes spp.PCRSnow crab
Clupea harengusHERHerring
Coryphaenoides rupestrisRNGRoundnose grenadier
Dalatias lichaSCKKitefin shark
Deania calceaDCABirdbeak dogfish
Dicentrarchus labraxBSSEuropean seabass
Dipturus batis (Dipturus cf. flossada and Dipturus cf. intermedia)RJBCommon skate complex
Dissostichus eleginoidesTOPPatagonian toothfish
Dissostichus mawsoniTOAAntarctic toothfish
Dissostichus spp.TOTToothfish
Engraulis encrasicolusANEAnchovy
Etmopterus princepsETRGreat lanternshark
Etmopterus pusillusETPSmooth lanternshark
Euphausia superbaKRIKrill
Gadus morhuaCODCod
Galeorhinus galeusGAGTope shark
Glyptocephalus cynoglossusWITWitch flounder
Hippoglossoides platessoidesPLAAmerican plaice
Hoplostethus atlanticusORYOrange roughy
Illex illecebrosusSQIShortfin squid
Lamna nasusPORPorbeagle
Lepidorhombus spp.LEZMegrims
Leucoraja naevusRJNCuckoo ray
Limanda ferrugineaYELYellowtail flounder
Macrourus spp.GRVGrenadiers
Makaira nigricansBUMBlue marlin
Mallotus villosusCAPCapelin
Manta birostrisRMBGiant manta ray
Martialia hyadesiSQSSquid
Melanogrammus aeglefinusHADHaddock
Merlangius merlangusWHGWhiting
Merluccius merlucciusHKEHake
Micromesistius poutassouWHBBlue whiting
Microstomus kittLEMLemon sole
Molva dypterygiaBLIBlue ling
Molva molvaLINLing
Nephrops norvegicusNEPNorway lobster
Notothenia gibberifronsNOGHumped rockcod
Notothenia rossiiNORMarbled rockcod
Notothenia squamifronsNOSGrey rockcod
Pandalus borealisPRANorthern prawn
Paralomis spp.PAICrabs
Penaeus spp.PEN‘Penaeus’ shrimps
Pleuronectes platessaPLEPlaice
Pollachius pollachiusPOLPollack
Pollachius virensPOKSaithe
Psetta maximaTURTurbot
Pseudochaenichthys georgianusSGISouth Georgia icefish
Pseudopentaceros spp.EDWPelagic armourhead
Raja albaRJAWhite skate
Raja brachyuraRJHBlonde ray
Raja circularisRJISandy ray
Raja clavataRJCThornback ray
Raja fullonicaRJFShagreen ray
Raja (Dipturus) nidarosiensisJADNorwegian skate
Raja microocellataRJESmall-eyed ray
Raja montaguiRJMSpotted ray
Raja undulataRJUUndulate ray
RajiformesSRXSkates and rays
Reinhardtius hippoglossoidesGHLGreenland halibut
Sardina pilchardusPILSardine
Scomber scombrusMACMackerel
Scophthalmus rhombusBLLBrill
Sebastes spp.REDRedfish
Solea soleaSOLCommon sole
Solea spp.SOOSole
Sprattus sprattusSPRSprat
Squalus acanthiasDGSPicked dogfish
Tetrapturus albidusWHMWhite marlin
Thunnus maccoyiiSBFSouthern bluefin tuna
Thunnus obesusBETBigeye tuna
Thunnus thynnusBFTBluefin tuna
Trachurus murphyiCJMJack mackerel
Trachurus spp.JAXHorse mackerel
Trisopterus esmarkiiNOPNorway pout
Urophycis tenuisHKWWhite hake
Xiphias gladiusSWOSwordfish

The following comparative table of common names and Latin names is provided exclusively for explanatory purposes:

Common nameAlpha-3 codeScientific name
AlfonsinosALF Beryx spp.
American plaicePLA Hippoglossoides platessoides
AnchovyANE Engraulis encrasicolus
AnglerfishANF Lophiidae
Antarctic toothfishTOA Dissostichus mawsoni
Bigeye tunaBET Thunnus obesus
Birdbeak dogfishDCA Deania calcea
Blackfin icefishSSI Chaenocephalus aceratus
Blonde rayRJH Raja brachyura
Blue lingBLI Molva dypterygia
Blue marlinBUM Makaira nigricans
Blue whitingWHB Micromesistius poutassou
Bluefin tunaBFT Thunnus thynnus
BoarfishBOR Caproidae
BrillBLL Scophthalmus rhombus
CapelinCAP Mallotus villosus
CodCOD Gadus morhua
Common skate complexRJB Dipturus batis (Dipturus cf. flossada and Dipturus cf. intermedia)
Common soleSOL Solea solea
CrabsPAI Paralomis spp.
Cuckoo rayRJN Leucoraja naevus
Deep sea red crabGER Chaceon spp.
European seabassBSS Dicentrarchus labrax
FlatfishFLX Pleuronectiformes
Giant manta rayRMB Manta birostris
Great lanternsharkETR Etmopterus princeps
Greater silver smeltARU Argentina silus
Greenland halibutGHL Reinhardtius hippoglossoides
GrenadiersGRV Macrourus spp.
Grey rockcodNOS Notothenia squamifrons
HaddockHAD Melanogrammus aeglefinus
HakeHKE Merluccius merluccius
HerringHER Clupea harengus
Horse mackerelJAX Trachurus spp.
Humped rockcodNOG Notothenia gibberifrons
Jack mackerelCJM Trachurus murphyi
Kitefin sharkSCK Dalatias licha
KrillKRI Euphausia superba
Leafscale gulper sharkGUQ Centrophorus squamosus
Lemon soleLEM Microstomus kitt
LingLIN Molva molva
MackerelMAC Scomber scombrus
Mackerel icefishANI Champsocephalus gunnari
Marbled rockcodNOR Notothenia rossii
MegrimsLEZ Lepidorhombus spp.
Northern prawnPRA Pandalus borealis
Norway lobsterNEP Nephrops norvegicus
Norway poutNOP Trisopterus esmarkii
Norwegian skateJAD Raja (Dipturus) nidarosiensis
Orange roughyORY Hoplostethus atlanticus
Patagonian toothfishTOP Dissostichus eleginoides
Pelagic armourheadEDW Pseudopentaceros spp.
‘Penaeus’ shrimpsPEN Penaeus spp.
Picked dogfishDGS Squalus acanthias
PlaicePLE Pleuronectes platessa
PollackPOL Pollachius pollachius
PorbeaglePOR Lamna nasus
Portuguese dogfishCYO Centroscymnus coelolepis
RedfishRED Sebastes spp.
Roundnose grenadierRNG Coryphaenoides rupestris
SaithePOK Pollachius virens
SandeelsSAN Ammodytes spp.
Sandy rayRJI Raja circularis
SardinePIL Sardina pilchardus
Shagreen rayRJF Raja fullonica
Shortfin squidSQI Illex illecebrosus
Skates and raysSRX Rajiformes
Small-eyed rayRJE Raja microocellata
Smooth lanternsharkETP Etmopterus pusillus
Snow crabPCR Chionoecetes spp.
SoleSOO Solea spp.
South Georgia icefishSGI Pseudochaenichthys georgianus
Southern bluefin tunaSBF Thunnus maccoyii
Spotted rayRJM Raja montagui
SpratSPR Sprattus sprattus
SquidSQS Martialia hyadesi
Starry rayRJR Amblyraja radiata
SwordfishSWO Xiphias gladius
Thornback rayRJC Raja clavata
ToothfishTOT Dissostichus spp.
Tope sharkGAG Galeorhinus galeus
TurbotTUR Psetta maxima
TuskUSK Brosme brosme
Undulate rayRJU Raja undulata
Unicorn icefishLIC Channichthys rhinoceratus
White hakeHKW Urophycis tenuis
White marlinWHM Tetrapturus albidus
White skateRJA Raja alba
WhitingWHG Merlangius merlangus
Witch flounderWIT Glyptocephalus cynoglossus
Yellowtail flounderYEL Limanda ferruginea



Excluding waters within six nautical miles of the UK baselines at Shetland, Fair Isle and Foula.


Up to 2 % of the quota may consist of by-catches of whiting and mackerel (OT1/*2A3A4). By-catches of whiting and mackerel counted against the quota pursuant to this provision and by-catches of species counted against the quota pursuant to Article 15(8) of Regulation (EU) No 1380/2013 shall, together, not exceed 9 % of the quota.

Special condition: within the limits of the abovementioned quotas, no more than the quantities given below may be taken in the following sandeel management areas, as defined in Annex III:


In management areas 2r and 4 the TAC may only be fished as a monitoring TAC with an associated sampling protocol for the fishery.

Zone: Union waters of sandeel management areas
United Kingdom0000000
Species:Sandeel and associated by-catchesAmmodytes spp. Zone:Union waters of 2a, 3a and 4a
Denmark0 b

Analytical TAC

Article 3 of Regulation (EC) No 847/96 shall not apply

Article 4 of Regulation (EC) No 847/96 shall not apply

United Kingdom0 b
Germany0 b
Sweden0 b
Species:Greater silver smeltArgentina silus Zone:Union and international waters of 1 and 2(ARU/1/2.)
Germany24Precautionary TAC
The Netherlands19
United Kingdom39
Species:Greater silver smeltArgentina silus Zone:Union waters of 3a and 4(ARU/3A4-C)
Denmark1 093Precautionary TAC
The Netherlands51
United Kingdom20
Union1 234
TAC1 234
Species:Greater silver smeltArgentina silus Zone:Union and international waters of 5, 6 and 7(ARU/567.)
Germany284Precautionary TAC
The Netherlands2 968
United Kingdom208
Union3 729
TAC3 729

Exclusively for by-catches. No directed fisheries are permitted under this quota.

Species:TuskBrosme brosme Zone:Union and international waters of 1, 2 and 14(USK/1214EI)
Germany6 aPrecautionary TAC
France6 aArticle 7(2) of this Regulation applies
United Kingdom6 a
Others3 a
Union21 a
Species:TuskBrosme brosme Zone:3a(USK/03A.)
Denmark15Precautionary TAC
Sweden8Article 7(2) of this Regulation applies

Exclusively for by-catches. No directed fisheries are permitted under this quota.

Species:TuskBrosme brosme Zone:Union waters of 4(USK/04-C.)
Denmark68Precautionary TAC
Germany20Article 7(2) of this Regulation applies
United Kingdom102
Others7 a

Exclusively for by-catches. No directed fisheries are permitted under this quota.


To be fished in Union waters of 2a, 4, 5b, 6 and 7 (USK/*24X7C).


Special condition: of which an incidental catch of other species of 25 % per vessel, at any moment, is authorised in 5b, 6 and 7. However, this percentage may be exceeded in the first 24 hours following the beginning of the fishing on a specific ground. The total incidental catch of other species in 5b, 6 and 7 shall not exceed the amount below in tonnes (OTH/*5B67-). By-catch of cod under this provision in area 6a may not be more than 5 %.

3 000


Including ling. The following quotas for Norway shall only be fished with long-lines in 5b, 6 and 7:

Ling (LIN/*5B67-)

8 000

Tusk (USK/*5B67-)

2 923


The tusk and ling quotas for Norway are interchangeable up to the following amount, in tonnes:

2 000

Species:TuskBrosme brosme Zone:Union and international waters of 5, 6 and 7(USK/567EI.)
Germany17Precautionary TAC
Spain60Article 7(2) of this Regulation applies
United Kingdom340
Others17 a
Union1 207
Norway2 923 b c d e
TAC4 130
Species:TuskBrosme brosme Zone:Norwegian waters of 4(USK/04-N.)
Belgium0Precautionary TAC
Denmark165Article 3 of Regulation (EC) No 847/96 shall not apply
Germany1Article 4 of Regulation (EC) No 847/96 shall not apply
The Netherlands0
United Kingdom4
TACNot relevant
Species:BoarfishCaproidae Zone:Union and international waters of 6, 7 and 8(BOR/678-)
Denmark4 700Precautionary TAC
Ireland13 235
United Kingdom1 217
Union19 152
TAC19 152

Catches of herring taken in fisheries using nets with mesh sizes equal to or larger than 32 mm.


Special condition: up to 50 % of this amount may be fished in Union waters of 4 (HER/*04-C.).

Species:Herringa Clupea harengus Zone:3a(HER/03A.)
Denmark10 309 bAnalytical TAC
Germany165 bArticle 7(2) of this Regulation applies
Sweden10 783 b
Union21 257 b
Norway3 271
TAC24 528

Catches of herring taken in fisheries using nets with mesh sizes equal to or larger than 32 mm.


Catches taken within this quota are to be deducted from Norway's share of the TAC. Within the limit of this quota, no more than the quantity given below may be taken in Union waters of 4a and 4b (HER/*4AB-C).

50 000

Special condition: within the limits of the abovementioned quotas, no more than the quantities given below may be taken in the following zone:


Catches of herring taken in fisheries using nets with mesh sizes equal to or larger than 32 mm.

Norwegian waters south of 62° N (HER/*04N-)a
Union50 000
Species:Herringa Clupea harengus Zone:Union and Norwegian waters of 4 north of 53° 30' N(HER/4AB.)
Denmark59 468Analytical TAC
Germany39 404Article 7(2) of this Regulation applies
France20 670
The Netherlands51 717
Sweden3 913
United Kingdom55 583
Union230 755
Faroe Islands250
Norway111 652 b
TAC385 008

By-catches of cod, haddock, pollack and whiting and saithe are to be counted against the quota for those species.

Species:HerringClupea harengus Zone:Norwegian waters south of 62° N(HER/04-N.)
Sweden948 aAnalytical TAC
Union948Article 3 of Regulation (EC) No 847/96 shall not apply
TAC385 008Article 4 of Regulation (EC) No 847/96 shall not apply

Exclusively for catches of herring taken as by-catch in fisheries using nets with mesh sizes smaller than 32 mm.

Species:Herringa Clupea harengus Zone:3a(HER/03A-BC)
Denmark5 692Analytical TAC
Germany51Article 7(2) of this Regulation applies
Union6 659
TAC6 659

Exclusively for catches of herring taken as by-catch in fisheries using nets with mesh sizes smaller than 32 mm.

Species:Herringa Clupea harengus Zone:4, 7d and Union waters of 2a(HER/2A47DX)
Belgium44Analytical TAC
Denmark8 573Article 7(2) of this Regulation applies
The Netherlands44
United Kingdom163
Union8 954
TAC8 954

Exclusively for catches of herring taken in fisheries using nets with mesh sizes equal to or larger than 32 mm.


Except Blackwater stock: reference is to the herring stock in the maritime region of the Thames estuary within a zone delimited by a rhumb line running due south from Landguard Point (51° 56' N, 1° 19.1' E) to latitude 51° 33' N and hence due west to a point on the coast of the United Kingdom.


Special condition: up to 50 % of this quota may be taken in 4b (HER/*04B.).

Species:Herringa Clupea harengus Zone:4c, 7db(HER/4CXB7D)
Belgium8 632 cAnalytical TAC
Denmark800 cArticle 7(2) of this Regulation applies
Germany530 c
France10 277 c
The Netherlands18 162 c
United Kingdom3 950 c
Union42 351 c
TAC385 008

Reference is to the herring stock in the part of ICES zone 6a which lies east of the meridian of longitude 7° W and north of the parallel of latitude 55° N, or west of the meridian of longitude 7° W and north of the parallel of latitude 56° N, excluding the Clyde.


It shall be prohibited to target any herring in the part of the ICES zones subject to this TAC that lies between 56° N and 57° 30' N, with the exception of a six nautical mile belt measured from the baseline of the United Kingdom's territorial sea.

Species:HerringClupea harengus Zone:Union and international waters of 5b, 6b and 6aNa(HER/5B6ANB)
Germany389 bPrecautionary TAC
France74 bArticle 3 of Regulation (EC) No 847/96 shall not apply
Ireland526 bArticle 4 of Regulation (EC) No 847/96 shall not apply
The Netherlands389 b
United Kingdom2 102 b
Union3 480 b
TAC3 480

Reference is to the herring stock in 6a south of 56° 00' N and west of 07° 00' W.

Species:HerringClupea harengus Zone:6aSa, 7b, 7c(HER/6AS7BC)
Ireland1 236Precautionary TAC
The Netherlands124Article 3 of Regulation (EC) No 847/96 shall not apply
Union1 360Article 4 of Regulation (EC) No 847/96 shall not apply
TAC1 360

Clyde stock: reference is to the herring stock in the maritime area situated to the north-east of a line drawn between:

  • the Mull of Kintyre (55° 17.9' N, 05° 47.8' W);

  • a point at position 55° 04' N, 05° 23' W, and;

  • Corsewall Point (55° 00.5' N, 05° 09.4' W).


Fixed at the same quantity as the quota of the United Kingdom.

Species:HerringClupea harengus Zone:6 Clydea(HER/06ACL.)
United KingdomTo be establishedPrecautionary TAC
UnionTo be established bArticle 6 of this Regulation applies.
TACTo be established b

This zone is reduced by the area bounded:

  • to the north by latitude 52° 30' N,

  • to the south by latitude 52° 00' N,

  • to the west by the coast of Ireland,

  • to the east by the coast of the United Kingdom.

Species:HerringClupea harengus Zone:7aa(HER/07A/MM)
Ireland2 099Analytical TAC
United Kingdom5 965Article 7(2) of this Regulation applies
Union8 064
TAC8 064
Species:HerringClupea harengus Zone:7e and 7f(HER/7EF.)
France465Precautionary TAC
United Kingdom465

This zone is increased by the area bounded:

  • to the north by latitude 52° 30' N,

  • to the south by latitude 52° 00' N,

  • to the west by the coast of Ireland,

  • to the east by the coast of the United Kingdom.


This quota may only be allocated to vessels participating in the sentinel fishery to allow fisheries-based data collection for this stock as assessed by ICES. The Member States concerned shall communicate the name(s) of the vessel(s) to the Commission before allowing any catches.

Species:HerringClupea harengus Zone:7ga, 7ha, 7ja and 7ka(HER/7G-K.)
Germany10 bAnalytical TAC
France54 b
Ireland750 b
The Netherlands54 b
United Kingdom1 b
Union869 b
TAC869 b
Species:AnchovyEngraulis encrasicolus Zone:8(ANE/08.)
Spain28 703Analytical TAC
France3 189
Union31 892
TAC31 892

The quota may only be fished from 1 July 2020 to 30 June 2021. The TAC and the Member States quotas will be amended after the scientific advice is issued for this stock. The TAC and the quota for the period 1 July 2019 to 30 June 2020 has been established in the Council Regulation (EU) 2019/1601 of 26 September 2019 amending Regulations (EU) 2018/2025 and (EU) 2019/124 as regards certain fishing opportunities (OJ L 250, 30.9.2019, p. 1).

Species:AnchovyEngraulis encrasicolus Zone:9 and 10; Union waters of CECAF 34.1.1(ANE/9/3411)
Spain0 aPrecautionary TAC
Portugal0 a
Union0 a
TAC0 a
Species:CodGadus morhua Zone:Skagerrak(COD/03AN.)
Belgium5Analytical TAC
Denmark1 683
The Netherlands11
Union2 035
TAC2 103

Exclusively for by-catches. No directed fisheries are permitted under this quota.

Species:CodGadus morhua Zone:Kattegat(COD/03AS.)
Denmark80 aPrecautionary TAC
Germany2 aArticle 3 of Regulation (EC) No 847/96 shall not apply
Sweden48 aArticle 4 of Regulation (EC) No 847/96 shall not apply
Union130 a
TAC130 a

Special condition: of which up to 5 % may be fished in: 7d (COD/*07D.).


May be taken in Union waters. Catches taken within this quota are to be deducted from Norway's share of the TAC.

Special condition: within the limits of the abovementioned quotas, no more than the quantities given below may be taken in the following zone:

Norwegian waters of 4 (COD/*04N-)
Union10 618
Species:CodGadus morhua Zone:4; Union waters of 2a; that part of 3a not covered by the Skagerrak and Kattegat(COD/2A3AX4)
Belgium435 aAnalytical TAC
Denmark2 499
Germany1 584
France537 a
The Netherlands1 412 a
United Kingdom5 732 a
Union12 216
Norway2 502 b
TAC14 718

By-catches of haddock, pollack and whiting and saithe are to be counted against the quota for these species.

Species:CodGadus morhua Zone:Norwegian waters south of 62° N(COD/04-N.)
Sweden382 aAnalytical TAC
Union382Article 3 of Regulation (EC) No 847/96 shall not apply
TACNot relevantArticle 4 of Regulation (EC) No 847/96 shall not apply
Species:CodGadus morhua Zone:6b; Union and international waters of 5b west of 12°00' W and of 12 and 14(COD/5W6-14)
Belgium0Precautionary TAC
United Kingdom45

Exclusively for by-catches of cod in fisheries for other species. No directed fisheries for cod are permitted under this quota.

Species:CodGadus morhua Zone:6a; Union and international waters of 5b east of 12°00' W(COD/5BE6A)
Belgium2 aAnalytical TAC
Germany19 aArticle 8 of this Regulation applies
France203 aArticle 3 of Regulation (EC) No 847/96 shall not apply
Ireland284 aArticle 4 of Regulation (EC) No 847/96 shall not apply
United Kingdom771 a
Union1 279 a
TAC1 279 a

Exclusively for by-catches. No directed fisheries are permitted under this quota.

Species:CodGadus morhua Zone:7a(COD/07A.)
Belgium3 aPrecautionary TAC
France9 a
Ireland170 a
The Netherlands1 a
United Kingdom74 a
Union257 a
TAC257 a

Exclusively for by-catches of cod in fisheries for other species. No directed fisheries for cod are permitted under this quota.

Species:CodGadus morhua Zone:7b, 7c, 7e-k, 8, 9 and 10; Union waters of CECAF 34.1.1(COD/7XAD34)
Belgium18 aAnalytical TAC
France294 aArticle 8 of this Regulation applies
Ireland461 aArticle 3 of Regulation (EC) No 847/96 shall not apply
The Netherlands0 aArticle 4 of Regulation (EC) No 847/96 shall not apply
United Kingdom32 a
Union805 a
TAC805 a

Special condition: of which up to 5 % may be fished in: 4; Union waters of 2a; that part of 3a not covered by the Skagerrak and Kattegat (COD/*2A3X4).

Species:CodGadus morhua Zone:7d(COD/07D.)
Belgium37 aAnalytical TAC
France721 a
The Netherlands21 a
United Kingdom79 a
Union858 a
Species:MegrimsLepidorhombus spp. Zone:Union waters of 2a and 4(LEZ/2AC4-C)
Belgium9Analytical TAC
Denmark8Article 7(2) of this Regulation applies
The Netherlands38
United Kingdom2 811
Union2 922
TAC2 922

Special condition: of which up to 5 % may be fished in: Union waters of 2a and 4 (LEZ/*2AC4C).

Species:MegrimsLepidorhombus spp. Zone:Union and international waters of 5b; 6; international waters of 12 and 14(LEZ/56-14)
Spain671Analytical TAC
France2 615 aArticle 7(2) of this Regulation applies
United Kingdom1 851 a
Union5 901
TAC5 901

10 % of this quota may be used in 8a, 8b, 8d and 8e (LEZ/*8ABDE) for by-catches in directed fisheries for sole.


35 % of this quota may be fished in 8a, 8b, 8d and 8e (LEZ/*8ABDE).

Species:MegrimsLepidorhombus spp. Zone:7(LEZ/07.)
Belgium506 aAnalytical TAC
Spain5 620 bArticle 7(2) of this Regulation applies
France6 820 b
Ireland3 101 b
United Kingdom2 685 b
Union18 732
TAC18 732
Species:MegrimsLepidorhombus spp. Zone:8a, 8b, 8d and 8e(LEZ/8ABDE.)
Spain993Analytical TAC
France801Article 7(2) of this Regulation applies
Union1 794
TAC1 794
Species:MegrimsLepidorhombus spp. Zone:8c, 9 and 10; Union waters of CECAF 34.1.1(LEZ/8C3411)
Spain2 144Analytical TAC
France107Article 7(2) of this Regulation applies
Union2 322
TAC2 322

Special condition: of which up to 10 % may be fished in: 6; Union and international waters of 5b; international waters of 12 and 14 (ANF/*56-14).

Species:AnglerfishLophiidae Zone:Union waters of 2a and 4(ANF/2AC4-C)
Belgium498 aPrecautionary TAC
Denmark1 098 a
Germany536 a
France102 a
The Netherlands377 a
Sweden13 a
United Kingdom11 461 a
Union14 085 a
TAC14 085
Species:AnglerfishLophiidae Zone:Norwegian waters of 4(ANF/04-N.)
Belgium51Precautionary TAC
Denmark1 305Article 3 of Regulation (EC) No 847/96 shall not apply
Germany21Article 4 of Regulation (EC) No 847/96 shall not apply
The Netherlands18
United Kingdom305
Union1 700
TACNot relevant

Special condition: of which up to 5 % may be fished in: Union waters of 2a and 4 (ANF/*2AC4C).

Species:AnglerfishLophiidae Zone:6; Union and international waters of 5b; international waters of 12 and 14(ANF/56-14)
Belgium286 aPrecautionary TAC
Germany327 a
France3 525 a
The Netherlands276 a
United Kingdom2 453 a
Union7 971
TAC7 971

Special condition: of which up to 10 % may be fished in 8a, 8b, 8d and 8e (ANF/*8ABDE).

Species:AnglerfishLophiidae Zone:7(ANF/07.)
Belgium3 262 aAnalytical TAC
Germany364 aArticle 7(2) of this Regulation applies
Spain1 296 a
France20 932 a
Ireland2 675 a
The Netherlands422 a
United Kingdom6 348 a
Union35 299 a
TAC35 299
Species:AnglerfishLophiidae Zone:8a, 8b, 8d and 8e(ANF/8ABDE.)
Spain1 372Analytical TAC
France7 636Article 7(2) of this Regulation applies
Union9 008
TAC9 008
Species:AnglerfishLophiidae Zone:8c, 9 and 10; Union waters of CECAF 34.1.1(ANF/8C3411)
Spain3 353Analytical TAC
France3Article 7(2) of this Regulation applies
Union4 023
TAC4 023
Species:HaddockMelanogrammus aeglefinus Zone:3a(HAD/03A.)
Belgium10Analytical TAC
Denmark1 768Article 7(2) of this Regulation applies
The Netherlands2
Union2 101
TAC2 193

Special condition: within the limits of the abovementioned quotas, no more than the quantities given below may be taken in the following zones:

Norwegian waters of 4 (HAD/*04N-)
Union20 644
Species:HaddockMelanogrammus aeglefinus Zone:4; Union waters of 2a(HAD/2AC4.)
Belgium206Analytical TAC
Denmark1 416Article 7(2) of this Regulation applies
France1 571
The Netherlands155
United Kingdom23 361
Union27 753
Norway7 900
TAC35 653

By-catches of cod, pollack, whiting and saithe are to be counted against the quota for these species.

Species:HaddockMelanogrammus aeglefinus Zone:Norwegian waters south of 62° N(HAD/04-N.)
Sweden707 aAnalytical TAC
Union707Article 3 of Regulation (EC) No 847/96 shall not apply
TACNot relevantArticle 4 of Regulation (EC) No 847/96 shall not apply
Species:HaddockMelanogrammus aeglefinus Zone:Union and international waters of 6b, 12 and 14(HAD/6B1214)
Belgium23Analytical TAC
Germany28Article 7(2) of this Regulation applies
France1 155
United Kingdom8 442
Union10 472
TAC10 472

Not more than 10 % of this quota may be fished in 4; Union waters of 2a (HAD/*2AC4.).

Species:HaddockMelanogrammus aeglefinus Zone:Union and international waters of 5b and 6a(HAD/5BC6A.)
Belgium4 aAnalytical TAC
Germany5 aArticle 7(2) of this Regulation applies
France219 a
Ireland651 a
United Kingdom3 094 a
Union3 973
TAC3 973
Species:HaddockMelanogrammus aeglefinus Zone:7b-k, 8, 9 and 10; Union waters of CECAF 34.1.1(HAD/7X7A34)
Belgium121Analytical TAC
France7 239Article 7(2) of this Regulation applies
Ireland2 413
United Kingdom1 086
Union10 859
TAC10 859
Species:HaddockMelanogrammus aeglefinus Zone:7a(HAD/07A.)
Belgium50Analytical TAC
France228Article 7(2) of this Regulation applies
Ireland1 366
United Kingdom1 512
Union3 156
TAC3 156
Species:WhitingMerlangius merlangus Zone:3a(WHG/03A.)
Denmark1 166Precautionary TAC
The Netherlands4
Union1 295
TAC1 660

May be taken in Union waters. Catches taken within this quota are to be deducted from Norway's share of the TAC.

Special condition: within the limits of the abovementioned quotas, no more than the quantities given below may be taken in the following zones:

Norwegian waters of 4 (WHG/*04N-)
Union10 801
Species:WhitingMerlangius merlangus Zone:4; Union waters of 2a(WHG/2AC4.)
Belgium329Analytical TAC
Denmark1 424Article 7(2) of this Regulation applies
France2 140
The Netherlands823
United Kingdom10 293
Union15 382
Norway1 216 a
TAC17 158

Exclusively for by-catches of whiting in fisheries for other species. No directed fisheries for whiting are permitted under this quota.

Species:WhitingMerlangius merlangus Zone:6; Union and international waters of 5b; international waters of 12 and 14(WHG/56-14)
Germany3 aAnalytical TAC
France57 aArticle 8 of this Regulation applies
Ireland273 aArticle 3 of Regulation (EC) No 847/96 shall not apply
United Kingdom604 aArticle 4 of Regulation (EC) No 847/96 shall not apply
Union937 a
TAC937 a

Exclusively for by-catches of whiting in fisheries for other species. No directed fisheries for whiting are permitted under this quota.

Species:WhitingMerlangius merlangus Zone:7a(WHG/07A.)
Belgium2 aAnalytical TAC
France25 aArticle 8 of this Regulation applies
Ireland415 aArticle 3 of Regulation (EC) No 847/96 shall not apply
The Netherlands0 aArticle 4 of Regulation (EC) No 847/96 shall not apply
United Kingdom279 a
Union721 a
TAC721 a
Species:WhitingMerlangius merlangus Zone:7b, 7c, 7d, 7e, 7f, 7g, 7h, 7j and 7k(WHG/7X7A-C)
Belgium92Analytical TAC
France5 644
Ireland4 072
The Netherlands46
United Kingdom1 009
Union10 863
TAC10 863
Species:WhitingMerlangius merlangus Zone:8(WHG/08.)
Spain1 016Precautionary TAC
France1 524
Union2 540
TAC2 540

By-catches of cod, haddock and saithe are to be counted against the quota for these species.

Species:Whiting and pollackMerlangius merlangus andPollachius pollachius Zone:Norwegian waters south of 62° N(W/P/04-N.)
Sweden190 aPrecautionary TAC
TACNot relevant

Transfers of this quota may be effected to Union waters of 2a and 4. However, such transfers shall be notified in advance to the Commission.

Species:HakeMerluccius merluccius Zone:3a(HKE/03A.)
Denmark3 136 aAnalytical TAC
Sweden267 aArticle 7(2) of this Regulation applies
Union3 403
TAC3 403

Not more than 10 % of this quota may be used for by-catch in 3a (HKE/*03A.).

Species:HakeMerluccius merluccius Zone:Union waters of 2a and 4(HKE/2AC4-C)
Belgium56 aAnalytical TAC
Denmark2 278 aArticle 7(2) of this Regulation applies
Germany261 a
France504 a
The Netherlands131 a
United Kingdom710 a
Union3 940 a
TAC3 940

Transfers of this quota may be effected to Union waters of 2a and 4. However, such transfers shall be notified in advance to the Commission.

Special condition: within the limits of the abovementioned quotas, no more than the quantities given below may be taken in the following zones:

8a, 8b, 8d and 8e (HKE/*8ABDE)
Spain3 012
France3 012
The Netherlands38
United Kingdom1 694
Union8 206
Species:HakeMerluccius merluccius Zone:6 and 7; Union and international waters of 5b; international waters of 12 and 14(HKE/571214)
Belgium582 aAnalytical TAC
Spain18 667Article 7(2) of this Regulation applies
France28 827 a
Ireland3 493
The Netherlands376 a
United Kingdom11 380 a
Union63 325
TAC63 325

Transfers of this quota may be effected to Union waters of 2a and 4. However, such transfers shall be notified in advance to the Commission.

Special condition: within the limits of the abovementioned quotas, no more than the quantities given below may be taken in the following zones:

6 and 7; Union and international waters of 5b; international waters of 12 and 14 (HKE/*57-14)
Spain3 764
France6 776
The Netherlands11
Union10 555
Species:HakeMerluccius merluccius Zone:8a, 8b, 8d and 8e(HKE/8ABDE.)
Belgium19 aAnalytical TAC
Spain12 995Article 7(2) of this Regulation applies
France29 183
The Netherlands38 a
Union42 235
TAC42 235
Species:HakeMerluccius merluccius Zone:8c, 9 and 10; Union waters of CECAF 34.1.1(HKE/8C3411)
Spain5 600Analytical TAC
France538Article 7(2) of this Regulation applies
Portugal2 614
Union8 752
TAC8 752
Species:Blue whitingMicromesistius poutassou Zone:Norwegian waters of 2 and 4(WHB/24-N.)
Denmark0Analytical TAC
United Kingdom0
TACNot relevant

Special condition: within a total access quantity of 37 500 tonnes for the Union, Member States may fish up to the following percentage of their quotas in Faroese waters (WHB/*05-F.): 7 %.


Transfers of this quota may be effected to 8c, 9 and 10; Union waters of CECAF 34.1.1. However, such transfers shall be notified in advance to the Commission.


Special condition: from the EU quotas in Union and international waters of 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8a, 8b, 8d, 8e, 12 and 14 (WHB/*NZJM1) and in 8c, 9 and 10; Union waters of CECAF 34.1.1 (WHB/*NZJM2), the following quantity may be fished in the Norwegian Economic Zone or in the fishery zone around Jan Mayen:

190 809

Species:Blue whitingMicromesistius poutassou Zone:Union and international waters of 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8a, 8b, 8d, 8e, 12 and 14(WHB/1X14)
Denmark49 845 aAnalytical TAC
Germany19 380 aArticle 7(2) of this Regulation applies
Spain42 258 a b
France34 688 a
Ireland38 599 a
The Netherlands60 780 a
Portugal3 926 a b
Sweden12 330 a
United Kingdom64 678 a
Union326 484 a c
Norway99 900
Faroe Islands10 000
TACNot relevant

Special condition: from the EU quotas in Union and international waters of 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8a, 8b, 8d, 8e, 12 and 14 (WHB/*NZJM1) and in 8c, 9 and 10; Union waters of CECAF 34.1.1 (WHB/*NZJM2), the following quantity may be fished in the Norwegian Economic Zone or in the fishery zone around Jan Mayen:

190 809

Species:Blue whitingMicromesistius poutassou Zone:8c, 9 and 10; Union waters of CECAF 34.1.1(WHB/8C3411)
Spain35 806Analytical TAC
Portugal8 951Article 7(2) of this Regulation applies
Union44 757 a
TACNot relevant

To be counted against Norway's catch limits established under the Coastal States arrangement.


Special condition: the catch in 4a shall be no more than the following amount (WHB/*04A-C):

40 000

This catch limit in 4a amounts to the following percentage of Norway's access quota:

18 %


To be counted against the catch limits of the Faroe Islands.


Special conditions: may also be fished in 6b (WHB/*06B-C). The catch in 4a shall be no more than the following amount (WHB/*04A-C):

9 375

Species:Blue whitingMicromesistius poutassou Zone:Union waters of 2, 4a, 5, 6 north of 56° 30' N and 7 west of 12° W(WHB/24A567)
Norway190 809 a bAnalytical TAC
Faroe Islands37 500 c dArticle 7(2) of this Regulation applies
TACNot relevant
Species:Lemon sole and witch flounderMicrostomus kitt andGlyptocephalus cynoglossus Zone:Union waters of 2a and 4(L/W/2AC4-C)
Belgium368Precautionary TAC
Denmark1 012
The Netherlands842
United Kingdom4 145
Union6 785
TAC6 785

Exclusively for by-catches. No directed fisheries are permitted under this quota.


To be fished in Union waters of 2a, 4, 5b, 6 and 7 (BLI/*24X7C).


By-catches of roundnose grenadier and black scabbardfish to be counted against this quota. To be fished in Union waters of 6a north of 56° 30′N and 6b. This provision shall not apply for catches subject to the landing obligation.

Species:Blue lingMolva dypterygia Zone:Union and international waters of 5b, 6 and 7(BLI/5B67-)
Germany113Analytical TAC
Estonia17Article 7(2) of this Regulation applies
France8 126
United Kingdom2 066
Others31 a
Union10 750
Norway250 b
Faroe Islands150 c
TAC11 150

Exclusively for by-catches. No directed fisheries are permitted under this quota.

Species:Blue lingMolva dypterygia Zone:International waters of 12(BLI/12INT-)
Estonia0 aPrecautionary TAC
Spain132 a
France3 a
Lithuania1 a
United Kingdom1 a
Others0 a
Union137 a
TAC137 a

Exclusively for by-catches. No directed fisheries are permitted under this quota.

Species:Blue lingMolva dypterygia Zone:Union and international waters of 2 and 4(BLI/24-)
Denmark2Precautionary TAC
United Kingdom9
Others2 a
Species:Blue lingMolva dypterygia Zone:Union and international waters of 3a(BLI/03A-)
Denmark2Precautionary TAC

Exclusively for by-catches. No directed fisheries are permitted under this quota.

Species:LingMolva molva Zone:Union and international waters of 1 and 2(LIN/1/2.)
Denmark26Precautionary TAC
United Kingdom26
Others13 a
Species:LingMolva molva Zone:Union waters of 3a(LIN/03A-C.)
Belgium13Precautionary TAC
United Kingdom13

Special condition: of which up to 25 % but no more than 75t may be fished in: Union waters of 3a (LIN/*03A-C).

Species:LingMolva molva Zone:Union waters of 4(LIN/04-C.)
Belgium27 aPrecautionary TAC
Denmark424 a
Germany262 a
The Netherlands9
Sweden18 a
United Kingdom3 261 a
Union4 237
TAC4 237
Species:LingMolva molva Zone:Union and international waters of 5(LIN/05EI.)
Belgium9Precautionary TAC
United Kingdom6

Special condition: of which up to 35 % may be fished in: Union waters of 4 (LIN/*04-C.).


Special condition: of which an incidental catch of other species of 25 % per vessel, at any moment, is authorised in 5b, 6 and 7. However, this percentage may be exceeded in the first 24 hours following the beginning of the fishing on a specific ground. The total incidental catch of other species in 5b, 6 and 7 shall not exceed the amount below in tonnes (OTH/*6X14.). By-catch of cod under this provision in area 6a may not be more than 5 %.

3 000


Including tusk. The quotas for Norway shall only be fished with long-lines in 5b, 6 and 7, and they amount to:

Ling (LIN/*5B67-)

8 000

Tusk (USK/*5B67-)

2 923


The ling and tusk quotas for Norway are interchangeable up to the following amount, in tonnes:

2 000


Including tusk. To be fished in 6b and 6a north of 56°30' N (LIN/*6BAN.).


Special condition: of which an incidental catch of other species of 20 % per vessel, at any moment, is authorised in 6a and 6b. However, this percentage may be exceeded in the first 24 hours following the beginning of the fishing on a specific ground. The total incidental catch of other species in 6a and 6b shall not exceed the following amount in tonnes (OTH/*6AB.):


Species:LingMolva molva Zone:Union and international waters of 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 12 and 14(LIN/6X14.)
Belgium46 aPrecautionary TAC
Denmark8 a
Germany166 a
Spain3 361
France3 583 a
United Kingdom4 126 a
Union12 196
Norway8 000 b c d
Faroe Islands200 e f
TAC20 396
Species:LingMolva molva Zone:Norwegian waters of 4(LIN/04-N.)
Belgium9Precautionary TAC
Denmark1 187Article 3 of Regulation (EC) No 847/96 shall not apply
Germany33Article 4 of Regulation (EC) No 847/96 shall not apply
The Netherlands2
United Kingdom106
Union1 350
TACNot relevant
Species:Norway lobsterNephrops norvegicus Zone:3a(NEP/03A.)
Denmark10 093Analytical TAC
Sweden3 611
Union13 733
TAC13 733
Species:Norway lobsterNephrops norvegicus Zone:Union waters of 2a and 4(NEP/2AC4-C)
Belgium1 203Analytical TAC
Denmark1 203Article 7(2) of this Regulation applies
The Netherlands619
United Kingdom19 924
Union23 002
TAC23 002
Species:Norway lobsterNephrops norvegicus Zone:Norwegian waters of 4(NEP/04-N.)
Denmark568Analytical TAC
Germany0Article 3 of Regulation (EC) No 847/96 shall not apply
United Kingdom32Article 4 of Regulation (EC) No 847/96 shall not apply
TACNot relevant
Species:Norway lobsterNephrops norvegicus Zone:6; Union and international waters of 5b(NEP/5BC6.)
Spain32Analytical TAC
United Kingdom15 523
Union15 899
TAC15 899

Special condition: within the limits of the abovementioned quotas, no more than the quantities given below may be taken in the following zone:

Functional Unit 16 of ICES Subarea 7 (NEP/*07U16):
United Kingdom387
Union2 637
Species:Norway lobsterNephrops norvegicus Zone:7(NEP/07.)
Spain1 009 aAnalytical TAC
France4 089 a
Ireland6 201 a
United Kingdom5 516 a
Union16 815 a
TAC16 815 a
Species:Norway lobsterNephrops norvegicus Zone:8a, 8b, 8d and 8e(NEP/8ABDE.)
Spain233Analytical TAC
France3 653
Union3 886
TAC3 886

Exclusively for catches taken as part of a sentinel fishery to collect catch per unit effort (CPUE) data with vessels carrying observers on board:

  • 2 tonnes in functional unit 25 during five trips per month in August and September;

  • 0,7 tonnes in functional unit 31 during 7 days in July.

Species:Norway lobsterNephrops norvegicus Zone:8c(NEP/08C.)
Spain2,7 aPrecautionary TAC
France0,0 a
Union2,7 a
TAC2,7 a

Of which no more than 6 % may be taken in Functional Units 26 and 27 of ICES division 9a (NEP/*9U267).


Within the limits of the abovementioned TAC, no more than the following amount may be taken in Functional Unit 30 of ICES division 9a (NEP/*9U30):


Species:Norway lobsterNephrops norvegicus Zone:9 and 10; Union waters of CECAF 34.1.1(NEP/9/3411)
Spain97 aPrecautionary TAC
Portugal289 a
Union386 a b
TAC386 a b
Species:Northern prawnPandalus borealis Zone:3a(PRA/03A.)
Denmark1 537Analytical TAC
Union2 365
TAC4 430
Species:Northern prawnPandalus borealis Zone:Union waters of 2a and 4(PRA/2AC4-C)
Denmark892Precautionary TAC
The Netherlands8
United Kingdom264
Union1 200
TAC1 200

By-catches of cod, haddock, pollack, whiting and saithe are to be counted against the quotas for these species.

Species:Northern prawnPandalus borealis Zone:Norwegian waters south of 62° N(PRA/04-N.)
Denmark200Analytical TAC
Sweden123 aArticle 3 of Regulation (EC) No 847/96 shall not apply
Union323Article 4 of Regulation (EC) No 847/96 shall not apply
TACNot relevant

Fishing for shrimps Penaeus subtilis and Penaeus brasiliensis is prohibited in waters less than 30 metres deep.


Fixed at the same quantity as the quota of France.

Species:‘Penaeus’ shrimpsPenaeus spp. Zone:French Guiana waters(PEN/FGU.)
Franceto be established aPrecautionary TAC
Unionto be established a bArticle 6 of this Regulation applies
TACto be established a b
Species:PlaicePleuronectes platessa Zone:Skagerrak(PLE/03AN.)
Belgium102Analytical TAC
Denmark13 231Article 7(2) of this Regulation applies
The Netherlands2 545
Union16 655
TAC19 647
Species:PlaicePleuronectes platessa Zone:Kattegat(PLE/03AS.)
Denmark1 016Analytical TAC
Germany11Article 7(2) of this Regulation applies
Union1 141
TAC1 141

Of which no more than 300 tonnes may be fished in the Skagerrak (PLE/*03AN.).

Special condition: within the limits of the abovementioned quotas, no more than the quantities given below may be taken in the following zone:

Norwegian waters of 4 (PLE/*04N-)
Union56 041
Species:PlaicePleuronectes platessa Zone:4; Union waters of 2a; that part of 3a not covered by the Skagerrak and the Kattegat(PLE/2A3AX4)
Belgium5 522Analytical TAC
Denmark17 946Article 7(2) of this Regulation applies
Germany5 177
France1 035
The Netherlands34 510
United Kingdom25 538
Union89 728
Norway10 280 a
TAC146 852
Species:PlaicePleuronectes platessa Zone:6; Union and international waters of 5b; international waters of 12 and 14(PLE/56-14)
France9Precautionary TAC
United Kingdom388
Species:PlaicePleuronectes platessa Zone:7a(PLE/07A.)
Belgium115Analytical TAC
France50Article 7(2) of this Regulation applies
Ireland1 442
The Netherlands35
United Kingdom1 148
Union2 790
TAC2 790
Species:PlaicePleuronectes platessa Zone:7b and 7c(PLE/7BC.)
France11Precautionary TAC
Species:PlaicePleuronectes platessa Zone:7d and 7e(PLE/7DE.)
Belgium1 498Analytical TAC
France4 993Article 7(2) of this Regulation applies
United Kingdom2 663
Union9 154
TAC9 154
Species:PlaicePleuronectes platessa Zone:7f and 7g(PLE/7FG.)
Belgium466Precautionary TAC
France842Article 7(2) of this Regulation applies
United Kingdom440
Union2 003
TAC2 003

Exclusively for by-catches of plaice in fisheries for other species. No directed fisheries for plaice are permitted under this quota.

Species:PlaicePleuronectes platessa Zone:7h, 7j and 7k(PLE/7HJK.)
Belgium4 aPrecautionary TAC
France8 aArticle 8 of this Regulation applies
Ireland30 aArticle 3 of Regulation (EC) No 847/96 shall not apply
The Netherlands17 aArticle 4 of Regulation (EC) No 847/96 shall not apply
United Kingdom8 a
Union67 a
TAC67 a
Species:PlaicePleuronectes platessa Zone:8, 9 and 10; Union waters of CECAF 34.1.1(PLE/8/3411)
Spain59Precautionary TAC
Species:PollackPollachius pollachius Zone:6; Union and international waters of 5b; international waters of 12 and 14(POL/56-14)
Spain3Precautionary TAC
United Kingdom87

Special condition: of which up to 2 % may be fished in: 8a, 8b, 8d and 8e (POL/*8ABDE).

Species:PollackPollachius pollachius Zone:7(POL/07.)
Belgium378 aPrecautionary TAC
Spain23 a
France8 712 a
Ireland929 a
United Kingdom2 121 a
Union12 163 a
TAC12 163
Species:PollackPollachius pollachius Zone:8a, 8b, 8d and 8e(POL/8ABDE.)
Spain252Precautionary TAC
France1 230
Union1 482
TAC1 482
Species:PollackPollachius pollachius Zone:8c(POL/08C.)
Spain187Precautionary TAC

Special condition: of which up to 5 % may be fished in Union waters of 8c (POL/*08C.).


In addition to this TAC, Portugal may fish quantities of pollack not exceeding 98 tonnes (POL/93411P).

Species:PollackPollachius pollachius Zone:9 and 10; Union waters of CECAF 34.1.1(POL/9/3411)
Spain246 aPrecautionary TAC
Portugal8 a b
Union254 a
TAC254 a

May only be taken in Union waters of 4 and in 3a (POK/*3A4-C). Catches taken within this quota are to be deducted from Norway's share of the TAC.

Species:SaithePollachius virens Zone:3a and 4; Union waters of 2a(POK/2C3A4)
Belgium28Analytical TAC
Denmark3 292Article 7(2) of this Regulation applies
Germany8 314
France19 567
The Netherlands83
United Kingdom6 374
Union38 110
Norway41 703 a
TAC79 813

To be fished north of 56°30' N (POK/*5614N).

Species:SaithePollachius virens Zone:6; Union and international waters of 5b, 12 and 14(POK/56-14)
Germany350Analytical TAC
France3 479Article 7(2) of this Regulation applies
United Kingdom3 110
Union7 340
Norway940 a
TAC8 280

By-catches of cod, haddock, pollack and whiting are to be counted against the quota for these species.

Species:SaithePollachius virens Zone:Norwegian waters south of 62° N(POK/04-N.)
Sweden880 aAnalytical TAC
Union880Article 3 of Regulation (EC) No 847/96 shall not apply
TACNot relevant
Species:SaithePollachius virens Zone:7, 8, 9 and 10; Union waters of CECAF 34.1.1(POK/7/3411)
Belgium6Precautionary TAC
France1 245
Ireland1 491
United Kingdom434
Union3 176
TAC3 176
Species:Turbot and brillPsetta maxima andScophthalmus rhombus Zone:Union waters of 2a and 4(T/B/2AC4-C)
Belgium477Precautionary TAC
Denmark1 018Article 7(2) of this Regulation applies
The Netherlands3 609
United Kingdom1 004
Union6 498
TAC6 498

Catches of blonde ray (Raja brachyura) in Union waters of 4 (RJH/04-C.), cuckoo ray (Leucoraja naevus) (RJN/2AC4-C), thornback ray (Raja clavata) (RJC/2AC4-C) and spotted ray (Raja montagui) (RJM/2AC4-C) shall be reported separately.


By-catch quota. These species shall not comprise more than 25 % by live weight of the catch retained on board per fishing trip. This condition applies only to vessels over 15 metres' length overall. This provision shall not apply for catches subject to the landing obligation as set out in Article 15(1) of Regulation (EU) No 1380/2013.


Shall not apply to blonde ray (Raja brachyura) in Union waters of 2a and small-eyed ray (Raja microocellata) in Union waters of 2a and 4. When accidentally caught, these species shall not be harmed. Specimens shall be promptly released. Fishermen shall be encouraged to develop and use techniques and equipment to facilitate the rapid and safe release of the species.


Special condition: of which up to 10 % may be fished in Union waters of 7d (SRX/*07D2.), without prejudice to the prohibitions set out in Articles 16 and 52 for the areas specified therein. Catches of blonde ray (Raja brachyura) (RJH/*07D2.), cuckoo ray (Leucoraja naevus) (RJN/*07D2.), thornback ray (Raja clavata) (RJC/*07D2.) and spotted ray (Raja montagui) (RJM/*07D2.) shall be reported separately. This special condition shall not apply to small-eyed ray (Raja microocellata) and undulate ray (Raja undulata).

Species:Skates and raysRajiformes Zone:Union waters of 2a and 4(SRX/2AC4-C)
Belgium292 a b c dPrecautionary TAC
Denmark11 a b c
Germany14 a b c
France46 a b c d
The Netherlands249 a b c d
United Kingdom1 125 a b c d
Union1 737 a c
TAC1 737 c

Catches of cuckoo ray (Leucoraja naevus) (RJN/03A-C.), blonde ray (Raja brachyura) (RJH/03A-C.) and spotted ray (Raja montagui) (RJM/03A-C.) shall be reported separately.

Species:Skates and raysRajiformes Zone:Union waters of 3a(SRX/03A-C.)
Denmark37 aPrecautionary TAC
Sweden10 a
Union47 a

Catches of cuckoo ray (Leucoraja naevus) (RJN/67AKXD), thornback ray (Raja clavata) (RJC/67AKXD), blonde ray (Raja brachyura) (RJH/67AKXD), spotted ray (Raja montagui) (RJM/67AKXD), sandy ray (Raja circularis) (RJI/67AKXD) and shagreen ray (Raja fullonica) (RJF/67AKXD) shall be reported separately.


Special condition: of which up to 5 % may be fished in Union waters of 7d (SRX/*07D.), without prejudice to the prohibitions set out in Articles 16 and 52 for the areas specified therein. Catches of cuckoo ray (Leucoraja naevus) (RJN/*07D.), thornback ray (Raja clavata) (RJC/*07D.), blonde ray (Raja brachyura) (RJH/*07D.), spotted ray (Raja montagui) (RJM/*07D.), sandy ray (Raja circularis) (RJI/*07D.) and shagreen ray (Raja fullonica) (RJF/*07D.) shall be reported separately. This special condition shall not apply to small-eyed ray (Raja microocellata) and undulate ray (Raja undulata).


Shall not apply to small-eyed ray (Raja microocellata), except in Union waters of 7f and 7g. When accidentally caught, this species shall not be harmed. Specimens shall be promptly released. Fishermen shall be encouraged to develop and use techniques and equipment to facilitate the rapid and safe release of the species. Within the limits of the abovementioned quotas, no more than the quantities of small-eyed ray in Union waters of 7f and 7g (RJE/7FG.) provided below may be taken:

Special condition: of which up to 5 % may be fished in Union waters of 7d and reported under the following code: (RJE/*07D.). This special condition is without prejudice to the prohibitions set out in Articles 16 and 52 for the areas specified therein.

Species:Small-eyed rayRaja microocellata Zone:Union waters of 7f and 7g(RJE/7FG.)
Belgium17Precautionary TAC
The Netherlands0
United Kingdom50

Shall not apply to undulate ray (Raja undulata).

Species:Skates and raysRajiformes Zone:Union waters of 6a, 6b, 7a-c and 7e-k(SRX/67AKXD)
Belgium920 a b c dPrecautionary TAC
Estonia5 a b c d
France4 127 a b c d
Germany12 a b c d
Ireland1 329 a b c d
Lithuania21 a b c d
The Netherlands4 a b c d
Portugal23 a b c d
Spain1 111 a b c d
United Kingdom2 632 a b c d
Union10 184 a b c d
TAC10 184 c d

Catches of cuckoo ray (Leucoraja naevus) (RJN/07D.), thornback ray (Raja clavata) (RJC/07D.), blonde ray (Raja brachyura) (RJH/07D.), spotted ray (Raja montagui) (RJM/07D.) and small-eyed ray (Raja microocellata) (RJE/07D.) shall be reported separately.


Special condition: of which up to 5 % may be fished in Union waters of 6a, 6b, 7a-c and 7e-k (SRX/*67AKD). Catches of cuckoo ray (Leucoraja naevus) (RJN/*67AKD), thornback ray (Raja clavata) (RJC/*67AKD), blonde ray (Raja brachyura) (RJH/*67AKD) and spotted ray (Raja montagui) (RJM/*67AKD) shall be reported separately. This special condition shall not apply to small-eyed ray (Raja microocellata) and to undulate ray (Raja undulata).


Special condition: of which up to 10 % may be fished in Union waters of 2a and 4 (SRX/*2AC4C). Catches of blonde ray (Raja brachyura) in Union waters of 4 (RJH/*04-C.), cuckoo ray (Leucoraja naevus) (RJN/*2AC4C), thornback ray (Raja clavata) (RJC/*2AC4C) and spotted ray (Raja montagui) (RJM/*2AC4C) shall be reported separately. This special condition shall not apply to small-eyed ray (Raja microocellata).


Shall not apply to undulate ray (Raja undulata).

Species:Skates and raysRajiformes Zone:Union waters of 7d(SRX/07D.)
Belgium133 a b c dPrecautionary TAC
France1 112 a b c d
The Netherlands7 a b c d
United Kingdom222 a b c d
Union1 474 a b c d
TAC1 474 d

This species shall not be targeted in the areas covered by this TAC. This species may only be landed whole or gutted. This provision is without prejudice to the prohibitions set out in Articles 16 and 52 for the areas specified therein.

Species:Undulate rayRaja undulata Zone:Union waters of 7d and 7e(RJU/7DE.)
Belgium21 aPrecautionary TAC
Estonia0 a
France105 a
Germany0 a
Ireland27 a
Lithuania0 a
The Netherlands0 a
Portugal0 a
Spain23 a
United Kingdom58 a
Union234 a
TAC234 a

Catches of cuckoo ray (Leucoraja naevus) (RJN/89-C.), blonde ray (Raja brachyura) (RJH/89-C.) and thornback ray (Raja clavata) (RJC/89-C.) shall be reported separately.


Shall not apply to undulate ray (Raja undulata). This species shall not be targeted in the areas covered by this TAC. In cases where it is not subject to the landing obligation, by-catch of undulate ray in subareas 8 and 9 may only be landed whole or gutted. The catches shall remain under the quotas shown in the table below. The above provisions are without prejudice to the prohibitions set out in Articles 16 and 52 for the areas specified therein. By-catches of undulate ray shall be reported separately under the codes indicated in the tables below. Within the limits of the abovementioned quotas, no more than the quantities of undulate ray given below may be taken:

Species:Undulate rayRaja undulata Zone:Union waters of 8(RJU/8-C.)
Belgium0Precautionary TAC
United Kingdom0
Species:Undulate rayRaja undulata Zone:Union waters of 9(RJU/9-C.)
Belgium0Precautionary TAC
United Kingdom0
Species:Skates and raysRajiformes Zone:Union waters of 8 and 9(SRX/89-C.)
Belgium10 a bPrecautionary TAC
France1 805 a b
Portugal1 463 a b
Spain1 471 a b
United Kingdom10 a b
Union4 759 a b
TAC4 759 b

To be taken in Union waters of 2a and 6. In 6 this quantity may only be fished with long-lines (GHL/*2A6-C).

Species:Greenland halibutReinhardtius hippoglossoides Zone:Union waters of 2a and 4; Union and international waters of 5b and 6(GHL/2A-C46)
Denmark14Analytical TAC
United Kingdom910
Union1 250
Norway1 250 a
TAC2 500

Within the limits of the abovementioned quotas, no more than the quantities given below may also be taken in the two following zones:

Norwegian waters of 2a (MAC/*02AN-)Faroese waters (MAC/*FRO1)
Denmark2 6952 756
The Netherlands248254
United Kingdom230235
Union4 3164 414

May also be taken in Norwegian waters of 4a (MAC/*4AN.).


Special condition: including the following tonnage to be taken in Norwegian waters of 2a and 4a (MAC/*2A4AN):


When fishing under this special condition, by-catches of cod, haddock, pollack and whiting and saithe are to be counted against the quotas for those species.


To be deducted from Norway's share of the TAC (access quota). This amount includes the following Norwegian share in the North Sea TAC:

55 397

This quota may be fished in 4a only (MAC/*04A.), except for the following amount, in tonnes, which may be fished in 3a (MAC/*03A.):

3 000

Special condition: within the limits of the abovementioned quotas, no more than the quantities given below may be taken in the following zones:

3a3a and 4bc4b4c6, international waters of 2a, from 1 January to 15 February and from 1 September to 31 December
Denmark04 1300011 999
The Netherlands0490000
Sweden00390103 113
United Kingdom0490000
Norway3 0000000
Species:MackerelScomber scombrus Zone:3a and 4; Union waters of 2a, 3b, 3c and Subdivisions 22-32(MAC/2A34.)
Belgium581 a bAnalytical TAC
Denmark19 998 a bArticle 7(2) of this Regulation applies
Germany606 a b
France1 830 a b
The Netherlands1 842 a b
Sweden5 459 a b c
United Kingdom1 706 a b
Union32 022 a b
Norway191 059 d
TAC922 064

Special condition: of which up to 25 % can be made available for exchanges to be fished by Spain, France and Portugal in 8c, 9 and 10 and Union waters of CECAF 34.1.1 (MAC/*8C910).


May be fished in 2a, 6a north of 56° 30' N, 4a, 7d, 7e, 7f and 7h (MAC/*AX7H).


The following additional amount of access quota, in tonnes, may be fished by Norway North of 56°30' N and counted against its catch limit (MAC/*N5630):

38 212


This amount shall be deducted from the Faroe Islands' catch limit (access quota). It may be fished only in 6a north of 56° 30' N (MAC/*6AN56). However, from 1 January to 15 February and from 1 October to 31 December this quota may also be fished in 2a, 4a north of 59° (EU zone) (MAC/*24N59).

Special condition: within the limits of the abovementioned quotas, no more than the quantities given below may be taken in the following zones and periods:

Union waters of 2a; Union and Norwegian waters of 4a. During the periods from 1 January to 15 February and from 1 September to 31 DecemberNorwegian waters of 2aFaroese waters
Germany14 1321 9041 948
France9 4221 2681 299
Ireland47 1076 3496 494
The Netherlands20 6092 7762 841
United Kingdom129 54917 46317 860
Union220 81929 76030 442
Species:MackerelScomber scombrus Zone:6, 7, 8a, 8b, 8d and 8e; Union and international waters of 5b; international waters of 2a, 12 and 14(MAC/2CX14-)
Germany23 416 aAnalytical TAC
Spain25 aArticle 7(2) of this Regulation applies
Estonia195 a
France15 612 a
Ireland78 052 a
Latvia144 a
Lithuania144 a
The Netherlands34 147 a
Poland1 649 a
United Kingdom214 647 a
Union368 031 a
Norway16 492 b c
Faroe Islands34 856 d
TAC922 064

Special condition: quantities subject to exchanges with other Member States may be taken in 8a, 8b and 8d (MAC/*8ABD.). However, the quantities provided by Spain, Portugal or France for exchange purposes and to be taken in 8a, 8b and 8d shall not exceed 25 % of the quotas of the donor Member State.

Special condition: within the limits of the abovementioned quotas, no more than the quantities given below may be taken in the following zone:

8b (MAC/*08B.)
Spain2 915
Species:MackerelScomber scombrus Zone:8c, 9 and 10; Union waters of CECAF 34.1.1(MAC/8C3411)
Spain34 708 aAnalytical TAC
France230 aArticle 7(2) of this Regulation applies
Portugal7 174 a
Union42 112
TAC922 064
Species:MackerelScomber scombrus Zone:Norwegian waters of 2a and 4a(MAC/2A4A-N)
Denmark14 453Analytical TAC
Union14 453
TACNot relevant

Quota may be fished in Union waters of 3a, Subdivisions 22-24 only.

Species:Common soleSolea solea Zone:3a; Union waters of Subdivisions 22-24(SOL/3ABC24)
Denmark447Analytical TAC
Germany26 aArticle 7(2) of this Regulation applies
The Netherlands43 a

May be fished only in Union waters of 4 (SOL/*04-C.).

Species:Common soleSolea solea Zone:Union waters of 2a and 4(SOL/24-C.)
Belgium1 461Analytical TAC
Denmark668Article 7(2) of this Regulation applies
Germany1 169
The Netherlands13 194
United Kingdom751
Union17 535
Norway10 a
TAC17 545
Species:Common soleSolea solea Zone:6; Union and international waters of 5b; international waters of 12 and 14(SOL/56-14)
Ireland46Precautionary TAC
United Kingdom11
Species:Common soleSolea solea Zone:7a(SOL/07A.)
Belgium213Analytical TAC
France3Article 3 of Regulation (EC) No 847/96 shall not apply
Ireland77Article 4 of Regulation (EC) No 847/96 shall not apply
The Netherlands68
United Kingdom96
Species:Common soleSolea solea Zone:7b and 7c(SOL/7BC.)
France6Precautionary TAC
Species:Common soleSolea solea Zone:7d(SOL/07D.)
Belgium753Precautionary TAC
France1 506Article 7(2) of this Regulation applies
United Kingdom538
Union2 797
TAC2 797
Species:Common soleSolea solea Zone:7e(SOL/07E.)
Belgium52Analytical TAC
France556Article 7(2) of this Regulation applies
United Kingdom870
Union1 478
TAC1 478
Species:Common soleSolea solea Zone:7f and 7g(SOL/7FG.)
Belgium1 032Analytical TAC
France103Article 7(2) of this Regulation applies
United Kingdom465
Union1 652
TAC1 652
Species:Common soleSolea solea Zone:7h, 7j and 7k(SOL/7HJK.)
Belgium27Precautionary TAC
France55Article 7(2) of this Regulation applies
The Netherlands44
United Kingdom55
Species:Common soleSolea solea Zone:8a and 8b(SOL/8AB.)
Belgium45Analytical TAC
Spain8Article 7(2) of this Regulation applies
France3 361
The Netherlands252
Union3 666
TAC3 666
Species:SoleSolea spp. Zone:8c, 8d, 8e, 9 and 10; Union waters of CECAF 34.1.1(SOO/8CDE34)
Spain323Precautionary TAC

Up to 5 % of the quota may consist of by-catches of whiting and haddock (OTH/*03A.). By-catches of whiting and haddock counted against the quota pursuant to this provision and by-catches of species counted against the quota pursuant to Article 15(8) of Regulation (EU) No 1380/2013 shall, together, not exceed 9 % of the quota.


This quota may only be fished from 1 January 2020 to 30 June 2020. Transfers of this quota may be effected to Union waters of 2a and 4. However, such transfers shall be notified in advance to the Commission.

Species:Sprat and associated by-catchesSprattus sprattus Zone:3a(SPR/03A.)
Denmark8 920 a bAnalytical TAC
Germany19 a b
Sweden3 375 a b
Union12 314 a b
TAC13 312 b

The quota may only be fished from 1 July 2020 to 30 June 2021.


Up to 2 % of the quota may consist of by-catches of whiting (OTH/*2AC4C). By-catches of whiting counted against the quota pursuant to this provision and by-catches of species counted against the quota pursuant to Article 15(8) of Regulation (EU) No 1380/2013 shall, together, not exceed 9 % of the quota.


Including sandeel.


May contain up to 4 % of by-catch of herring.

Species:Sprat and associated by-catchesSprattus sprattus Zone:Union waters of 2a and 4(SPR/2AC4-C)
Belgium0 a bAnalytical TAC
Denmark0 a b
Germany0 a b
France0 a b
The Netherlands0 a b
Sweden0 a b c
United Kingdom0 a b
Union0 a b
Norway0 a
Faroe Islands0 a d
TAC0 a
Species:SpratSprattus sprattus Zone:7d and 7e(SPR/7DE.)
Belgium8Precautionary TAC
The Netherlands105
United Kingdom791
Union1 506
TAC1 506

Picked dogfish shall not be targeted in the areas covered by this TAC. When accidentally caught in fisheries where picked dogfish is not subject to the landing obligation, specimens shall not be harmed and shall be released immediately, as required by Articles 16 and 52. By way of derogation from Article 16, a vessel engaged in the by-catch avoidance programme that has been positively assessed by the STECF may land not more than 2 tonnes per month of picked dogfish that is dead at the moment when the fishing gear is hauled on board. Member States participating in the by-catch avoidance programme shall ensure that the total annual landing of picked dogfish on the basis of this derogation does not exceed the above amounts. They shall communicate the list of participating vessels to the Commission before allowing any landings. Member States shall exchange information about avoidance areas.

Species:Picked dogfishSqualus acanthias Zone:Union and international waters of 1, 5, 6, 7, 8, 12 and 14(DGS/15X14)
Belgium20 a

Precautionary TAC

Article 3 of Regulation (EC) No 847/96 shall not apply

Article 4 of Regulation (EC) No 847/96 shall not apply

Germany4 a
Spain10 a
France83 a
Ireland53 a
The Netherlands0 a
Portugal0 a
United Kingdom100 a
Union270 a
TAC270 a

Up to 5 % of the quota may consist of by-catches of boarfish, haddock, whiting and mackerel (OTH/*4BC7D). By-catches of boarfish, haddock, whiting and mackerel counted against the quota pursuant to this provision and by-catches of species counted against the quota pursuant to Article 15(8) of Regulation (EU) No 1380/2013 shall, together, not exceed 9 % of the quota.


Special condition: up to 5 % of this quota fished in division 7d may be accounted for as fished under the quota concerning the following zone: Union waters of 2a, 4a, 6, 7a-c,7e-k, 8a, 8b, 8d and 8e; Union and international waters of 5b; international waters of 12 and 14 (JAX/*2A-14).


May be fished in Union waters of 4a but may not be fished in Union waters of 7d (JAX/*04-C.).

Species:Horse mackerel and associated by-catchesTrachurus spp. Zone:Union waters of 4b, 4c and 7d(JAX/4BC7D)
Belgium12 aPrecautionary TAC
Denmark5 311 a
Germany469 a b
Spain99 a
France441 a b
Ireland334 a
The Netherlands3 197 a b
Portugal11 a
Sweden75 a
United Kingdom1 264 a b
Union11 213
Norway2 550 c
TAC13 763

Special condition: up to 5 % of this quota fished in Union waters of 2a or 4a before 30 June may be accounted for as fished under the quota concerning the zone of Union waters of 4b, 4c and 7d (JAX/*4BC7D).


Special condition: up to 5 % of this quota may be fished in 7d (JAX/*07D.). Under this special condition, and in accordance with footnote (3), by-catches of boarfish and whiting shall be reported separately under the following code: (OTH/*07D.).


Up to 5 % of the quota may consist of by-catches of boarfish, haddock, whiting and mackerel (OTH/*2A-14). By-catches of boarfish, haddock, whiting and mackerel counted against the quota pursuant to this provision and by-catches of species counted against the quota pursuant to Article 15(8) of Regulation (EU) No 1380/2013 shall, together, not exceed 9 % of the quota.


Limited to 4a, 6a (north of 56° 30' N only), 7e, 7f, 7h.


Special condition: up to 80 % of this quota may be fished in 8c (JAX/*08C2). Under this special condition, and in accordance with footnote (3), by-catches of boarfish and whiting shall be reported separately under the following code: (OTH/*08C2).

Species:Horse mackerel and associated by-catchesTrachurus spp. Zone:Union waters of 2a, 4a; 6, 7a-c,7e-k, 8a, 8b, 8d and 8e; Union and international waters of 5b; international waters of 12 and 14(JAX/2A-14)
Denmark6 821 a cAnalytical TAC
Germany5 322 a b c
Spain7 260 c e
France2 739 a b c e
Ireland17 726 a c
The Netherlands21 356 a b c
Portugal699 c e
Sweden675 a c
United Kingdom6 419 a b c
Union69 017 c
Faroe Islands1 600 d
TAC70 617

Special condition: up to 10 % of this quota may be fished in 9 (JAX/*09.).

Species:Horse mackerelTrachurus spp. Zone:8c(JAX/08C.)
Spain10 015 aAnalytical TAC
Portugal990 a
Union11 179
TAC11 179

Special condition: up to 10 % of this quota may be fished in 8c (JAX/*08C.).

Species:Horse mackerelTrachurus spp. Zone:9(JAX/09.)
Spain30 237 aAnalytical TAC
Portugal86 634 aArticle 7(2) of this Regulation applies
Union116 871
TAC116 871

Waters adjacent to the Azores.


Fixed at the same quantity as the quota of Portugal.

Species:Horse mackerelTrachurus spp. Zone:10; Union waters of CECAFa(JAX/X34PRT)
PortugalTo be establishedPrecautionary TAC
UnionTo be established bArticle 6 of this Regulation applies
TACTo be established b

Waters adjacent to Madeira.


Fixed at the same quantity as the quota of Portugal.

Species:Horse mackerelTrachurus spp. Zone:Union waters of CECAFa(JAX/341PRT)
PortugalTo be establishedPrecautionary TAC
UnionTo be established bArticle 6 of this Regulation applies
TACTo be established b

Waters adjacent to the Canary Islands.


Fixed at the same quantity as the quota of Spain.

Species:Horse mackerelTrachurus spp. Zone:Union waters of CECAFa(JAX/341SPN)
SpainTo be establishedPrecautionary TAC
UnionTo be established bArticle 6 of this Regulation applies
TACTo be established b

Up to 5 % of the quota may consist of by-catches of haddock and whiting (OT2/*2A3A4). By-catches of haddock and whiting counted against the quota pursuant to this provision and by-catches of species counted against the quota pursuant to Article 15(8) of Regulation (EU) No 1380/2013 shall, together, not exceed 9 % of the quota.


Quota may be fished in Union waters of ICES zones 2a, 3a and 4 only.


Union quota may only be fished from 1 November 2018 to 31 October 2019.


A sorting grid shall be used.


A sorting grid shall be used. Includes a maximum of 15 % of unavoidable by-catches (NOP/*2A3A4), to be counted against this quota.


Union quota may only be fished from 1 November 2019 to 31 October 2020.

Species:Norway pout and associated by-catchesTrisopterus esmarkii Zone:3a; Union waters of 2a and 4(NOP/2A3A4.)
Denmark54 949 a c64 940 a fAnalytical TAC
Germany11 a b c12 a b fArticle 3 of Regulation (EC) No 847/96 shall not apply
The Netherlands40 a b c48 a b fArticle 4 of Regulation (EC) No 847/96 shall not apply
Union55 000 a c65 000 a f
Norway14 500 d14 500 d
Faroe Islands5 000 e5 000 e
TACNot relevantNot relevant

By-catches of cod, haddock, pollack, whiting and saithe to be counted against the quotas for these species.


Special condition: of which no more than the following amount of horse mackerel (JAX/*04-N.):


Species:Industrial fish Zone:Norwegian waters of 4(I/F/04-N.)
Sweden800 a bPrecautionary TAC
TACNot relevant

Taken with long-lines only.

Species:Other species Zone:Union waters of 5b, 6 and 7(OTH/5B67-C)
UnionNot relevantPrecautionary TAC
Norway280 a
TACNot relevant

Quota allocated by Norway to Sweden of ‘other species’ at a traditional level.


Including fisheries not specifically mentioned. Exceptions may be introduced after consultations, as appropriate.

Species:Other species Zone:Norwegian waters of 4(OTH/04-N.)
Belgium60Precautionary TAC
Denmark5 500
The Netherlands440
SwedenNot relevant a
United Kingdom4 125
Union11 000 b
TACNot relevant

Limited to 2a and 4 (OTH/*2A4-C).


Including fisheries not specifically mentioned. Exceptions may be introduced after consultations, as appropriate.


To be fished in 4 and 6a north of 56°30' N (OTH/*46AN).

Species:Other species Zone:Union waters of 2a, 4 and 6a north of 56° 30' N(OTH/2A46AN)
UnionNot relevantPrecautionary TAC
Norway6 750 a b
Faroe Islands150 c
TACNot relevant


The TACs referred to in Article 8(4) are the following:

For Belgium: common sole in 7a; common sole in 7f and 7g; common sole in 7e; common sole in 8a and 8b; megrims in 7, haddock in 7b-k, 8, 9 and 10; Union waters of CECAF 34.1.1; Norway lobster in 7; cod in 7a; plaice in 7f and 7g; plaice in 7h, 7j and 7k; Skates and Rays in 6a, 6b, 7a-c and 7e-k.

For France: mackerel in 3a and 4; Union waters of 2a, 3b, 3c and Subdivisions 22-32; herring in 4, 7d and Union waters of 2a; horse mackerel in Union waters of 4b, 4c and 7d; whiting in 7b-k; haddock in 7b-k, 8, 9 and 10; Union waters of CECAF 34.1.1; common sole in 7f and 7g; whiting in 8; red seabream in Union and international waters of 6, 7 and 8; boarfish in Union and international waters of 6, 7 and 8; mackerel in 6, 7, 8a, 8b, 8d and 8e; Union and international waters of 5b; international waters of 2a, 12 and 14; skates and rays in Union waters of 6a, 6b, 7a-c and 7e-k, skates and rays in Union waters of 7d, skates and rays in Union waters of 8 and 9; undulate ray in Union waters of 7d and 7e.

For Ireland: anglerfish in 6; Union and international waters of 5b; international waters of 12 and 14; anglerfish in 7; Norway lobster in Functional Unit 16 of ICES Subarea 7.

For the United Kingdom: in exchange for the West of Scotland cod and whiting: cod in 6b; Union and international waters of 5b west of 12° 00′ W and of 12 and 14; whiting in 6; Union and international waters of 5b; international waters of 12 and 14; and in exchange for the Celtic Sea cod, Irish Sea whiting and plaice in 7h, 7j and 7k: cod in 7b, 7c, 7e-k, 8, 9 and 10; Union waters; haddock in 7b-k, 8, 9 and 10; Union waters of CECAF 34.1.1; sole in 7h, 7j and 7k; sole in 7e; plaice in 7h, 7j and 7k.



When reporting catches to the Commission, the quantities fished in each of the following areas shall also be reported: NEAFC Regulatory Area and Union waters.


May be fished in Union waters north of 62° N.


To be counted against the catch limits of the Faroe Islands.


To be counted against the catch limits of Norway.

Special condition: within the limits of the abovementioned quotas, no more than the quantities given below may be taken in the following zones:

Norwegian waters north of 62° N and the fishery zone around Jan Mayen (HER/*2AJMN)
30 794
2, 5b north of 62° N (Faroese waters) (HER/*25B-F)
Denmark2 400
The Netherlands858
United Kingdom1 533
Species:HerringClupea harengus Zone:Union, Faroese, Norwegian and international waters of 1 and 2(HER/1/2-)
Belgium12 aAnalytical TAC
Denmark11 724 a
Germany2 053 a
Spain39 a
France506 a
Ireland3 035 a
The Netherlands4 195 a
Poland593 a
Portugal39 a
Finland181 a
Sweden4 344 a
United Kingdom7 495 a
Union34 216 a
Faroe Islands7 000 b c
Norway30 794 b d
TAC525 594
Species:CodGadus morhua Zone:Norwegian waters of 1 and 2(COD/1N2AB.)
Germany2 600

Analytical TAC

Article 3 of Regulation (EC) No 847/96 shall not apply

Article 4 of Regulation (EC) No 847/96 shall not apply

Spain2 900
France2 387
Portugal2 900
United Kingdom10 087
Union21 518
TACNot relevant

Except for by-catches, the following conditions shall apply to these quotas:


They may not be fished between 1 April and 31 May.


EU vessels may choose to fish in either or both of the following areas:

Reporting codeGeographical limits
COD/GRL1The part of the Greenlandic fishing zone that lies within NAFO subarea 1F West of 44° 00' W and South of 60° 45' N, the portion of NAFO subarea 1 that lies south of the parallel of 60° 45' north latitude (Cape Desolation) and the part of the Greenlandic fishing zone within ICES division 14b that lies East of 44° 00' W and South of 62° 30' N.
COD/GRL2The part of the Greenlandic fishing area that lies within ICES division 14b North of 62° 30' N.
Species:CodGadus morhua Zone:Greenland waters of NAFO 1F and Greenland waters of 5, 12 and 14(COD/N1GL14)
Germany1 595 aAnalytical TAC
United Kingdom355 aArticle 3 of Regulation (EC) No 847/96 shall not apply
Union1 950 aArticle 4 of Regulation (EC) No 847/96 shall not apply
TACNot relevant

Except Germany, Spain, France, Poland, Portugal and the United Kingdom.


The allocation of the share of the cod stock available to the Union in the zone Spitzbergen and Bear Island and the associated by-catches of haddock are without prejudice to the rights and obligations deriving from the Treaty of Paris of 1920.


By-catches of haddock may represent up to 14 % per haul. The by-catch quantities of haddock are in addition to the quota for cod.

Species:CodGadus morhua Zone:1 and 2b(COD/1/2B.)
Germany5 038 cAnalytical TAC
Spain11 688 cArticle 3 of Regulation (EC) No 847/96 shall not apply
France2 255 cArticle 4 of Regulation (EC) No 847/96 shall not apply
Poland2 244 c
Portugal2 418 c
United Kingdom3 286 c
Other Member States366 a c
Union27 295 b c
TACNot relevant
Species:Cod and haddockGadus morhua and Melanogrammus aeglefinus Zone:Faroese waters of 5b(C/H/05B-F.)

Analytical TAC

Article 3 of Regulation (EC) No 847/96 shall not apply

Article 4 of Regulation (EC) No 847/96 shall not apply

United Kingdom761
TACNot relevant

Special condition: roundnose grenadier (Coryphaenoides rupestris) (RNG/514GRN) and roughhead grenadier (Macrourus berglax) (RHG/514GRN) shall not be targeted. They shall only be taken as by-catch and shall be reported separately.


The amount below, in tonnes, is allocated to Norway. Special condition for this amount: roundnose grenadier (Coryphaenoides rupestris) (RNG/514GRN) and roughhead grenadier (Macrourus berglax) (RHG/514GRN) shall not be targeted. They shall only be taken as by-catch and shall be reported separately.


Species:GrenadiersMacrourus spp. Zone:Greenland waters of 5 and 14(GRV/514GRN)
Union75 aAnalytical TAC
Article 3 of Regulation (EC) No 847/96 shall not apply
TACNot relevant bArticle 4 of Regulation (EC) No 847/96 shall not apply

Special condition: roundnose grenadier (Coryphaenoides rupestris) (RNG/N1GRN.) and roughhead grenadier (Macrourus berglax) (RHG/N1GRN.) shall not be targeted. They shall only be taken as by-catch and shall be reported separately.


The amount below, in tonnes, is allocated to Norway. Special condition for this amount: roundnose grenadier (Coryphaenoides rupestris) (RNG/N1GRN.) and roughhead grenadier (Macrourus berglax) (RHG/N1GRN.) shall not be targeted. They shall only be taken as by-catch and shall be reported separately.


Species:GrenadiersMacrourus spp. Zone:Greenland waters of NAFO 1(GRV/N1GRN.)
Union60 aAnalytical TAC
Article 3 of Regulation (EC) No 847/96 shall not apply
TACNot relevant bArticle 4 of Regulation (EC) No 847/96 shall not apply
Species:CapelinMallotus villosus Zone:2b(CAP/02B.)
Union0Analytical TAC

Denmark, Germany, Sweden and the United Kingdom may access the ‘All Member States’ quota only once they have exhausted their own quota. However, Member States with more than 10 % of the Union quota shall not access the ‘All Member States’ quota at all.


For a fishing period from 20 June 2019 to 30 April 2020.

Species:CapelinMallotus villosus Zone:Greenland waters of 5 and 14(CAP/514GRN)
Denmark0Analytical TAC
Germany0Article 3 of Regulation (EC) No 847/96 shall not apply
Sweden0Article 4 of Regulation (EC) No 847/96 shall not apply
United Kingdom0
All Member States0 a
Union0 b
Norway0 b
TACNot relevant
Species:HaddockMelanogrammus aeglefinus Zone:Norwegian waters of 1 and 2(HAD/1N2AB.)

Analytical TAC

Article 3 of Regulation (EC) No 847/96 shall not apply

Article 4 of Regulation (EC) No 847/96 shall not apply

United Kingdom722
Union1 100
TACNot relevant

Catches of blue whiting may include unavoidable by-catches of greater silver smelt.

Species:Blue whitingMicromesistius poutassou Zone:Faroese waters(WHB/2A4AXF)
Denmark1 100

Analytical TAC

Article 3 of Regulation (EC) No 847/96 shall not apply

Article 4 of Regulation (EC) No 847/96 shall not apply

The Netherlands105
United Kingdom1 100
Union2 500 a
TACNot relevant

By-catches of roundnose grenadier and black scabbardfish may be counted against this quota, up to the following limit (OTH/*05B-F):


Species:Ling and blue lingMolva molva and molva dypterygia Zone:Faroese waters of 5b(B/L/05B-F.)
Germany552Analytical TAC
France1 225Article 3 of Regulation (EC) No 847/96 shall not apply
United Kingdom108Article 4 of Regulation (EC) No 847/96 shall not apply
Union1 885 a
TACNot relevant
Species:Northern prawnPandalus borealis Zone:Greenland waters of 5 and 14(PRA/514GRN)
Denmark1 000

Analytical TAC

Article 3 of Regulation (EC) No 847/96 shall not apply

Article 4 of Regulation (EC) No 847/96 shall not apply

France1 000
Union2 000
Norway1 200
Faroe Islands1 200
TACNot relevant
Species:Northern prawnPandalus borealis Zone:Greenland waters of NAFO 1(PRA/N1GRN.)
Denmark1 400

Analytical TAC

Article 3 of Regulation (EC) No 847/96 shall not apply

Article 4 of Regulation (EC) No 847/96 shall not apply

France1 400
Union2 800
TACNot relevant
Species:SaithePollachius virens Zone:Norwegian waters of 1 and 2(POK/1N2AB.)
Germany2 040

Analytical TAC

Article 3 of Regulation (EC) No 847/96 shall not apply

Article 4 of Regulation (EC) No 847/96 shall not apply

United Kingdom182
Union2 550
TACNot relevant
Species:SaithePollachius virens Zone:International waters of 1 and 2(POK/1/2INT)
Union0Analytical TAC
TACNot relevant
Species:SaithePollachius virens Zone:Faroese waters of 5b(POK/05B-F.)
Belgium52Analytical TAC
Germany322Article 3 of Regulation (EC) No 847/96 shall not apply
France1 571Article 4 of Regulation (EC) No 847/96 shall not apply
The Netherlands52
United Kingdom603
Union2 600
TACNot relevant

Exclusively for by-catches. No directed fisheries are permitted under this quota.

Species:Greenland halibutReinhardtius hippoglossoides Zone:Norwegian waters of 1 and 2(GHL/1N2AB.)
Germany25 aAnalytical TAC
United Kingdom25 aArticle 3 of Regulation (EC) No 847/96 shall not apply
Union50 aArticle 4 of Regulation (EC) No 847/96 shall not apply
TACNot relevant

Exclusively for by-catches. No directed fisheries are permitted under this quota.

Species:Greenland halibutReinhardtius hippoglossoides Zone:International waters of 1 and 2(GHL/1/2INT)
Union1 800 aPrecautionary TAC
TACNot relevant

To be fished south of 68° N.

Species:Greenland halibutReinhardtius hippoglossoides Zone:Greenland waters of NAFO 1(GHL/N1GRN.)
Germany1 925 aAnalytical TAC
Union1 925 aArticle 3 of Regulation (EC) No 847/96 shall not apply
Norway575 aArticle 4 of Regulation (EC) No 847/96 shall not apply
TACNot relevant

To be fished by no more than 6 vessels at the same time.

Species:Greenland halibutReinhardtius hippoglossoides Zone:Greenland waters of 5, 12 and 14(GHL/5-14GL)
Germany4 289Analytical TAC
United Kingdom226Article 3 of Regulation (EC) No 847/96 shall not apply
Union4 515 aArticle 4 of Regulation (EC) No 847/96 shall not apply
Faroe Islands110
TACNot relevant
Species:Redfish (shallow pelagic)Sebastes spp. Zone:Union and international waters of 5; international waters of 12 and 14(RED/51214S)
Estonia0Analytical TAC
Germany0Article 3 of Regulation (EC) No 847/96 shall not apply
Spain0Article 4 of Regulation (EC) No 847/96 shall not apply
The Netherlands0
United Kingdom0

May only be taken within the area bounded by the lines joining the following coordinates:

164° 45' N28° 30' W
262° 50' N25° 45' W
361° 55' N26° 45' W
461° 00' N26° 30' W
559° 00' N30° 00' W
659° 00' N34° 00' W
761° 30' N34° 00' W
862° 50' N36° 00' W
964° 45' N28° 30' W

May only be taken from 10 May to 31 December.

Species:Redfish (deep pelagic)Sebastes spp. Zone:Union and international waters of 5; international waters of 12 and 14(RED/51214D)
Estonia26 a bAnalytical TAC
Germany519 a bArticle 3 of Regulation (EC) No 847/96 shall not apply
Spain91 a bArticle 4 of Regulation (EC) No 847/96 shall not apply
France48 a b
Ireland0 a b
Latvia9 a b
The Netherlands0 a b
Poland47 a b
Portugal109 a b
United Kingdom1 a b
Union850 a b
TAC5 500 a b
Species:RedfishSebastes mentella Zone:Norwegian waters of 1 and 2(REB/1N2AB.)
Germany766Analytical TAC
Spain95Article 3 of Regulation (EC) No 847/96 shall not apply
France84Article 4 of Regulation (EC) No 847/96 shall not apply
United Kingdom150
Union1 500
TACNot relevant

The fishery will be closed when the TAC is fully used by NEAFC Contracting Parties. From the closure date, Member States shall prohibit directed fishery for redfish by vessels flying their flag.


Vessels shall limit their by-catches of redfish in other fisheries to a maximum of 1 % of the total catch retained on board.


Provisional catch limit to cover catches of all NEAFC contracting parties.

Species:RedfishSebastes spp. Zone:International waters of 1 and 2(RED/1/2INT)
Unionto be established a bAnalytical TAC
Article 3 of Regulation (EC) No 847/96 shall not apply
TAC13 686 cArticle 4 of Regulation (EC) No 847/96 shall not apply

May only be fished from 10 May to 31 December.


May only be fished in Greenland waters within the Redfish Conservation Area bounded by the lines joining the following coordinates:

164° 45' N28° 30' W
262° 50' N25° 45' W
361° 55' N26° 45' W
461° 00' N26° 30' W
559° 00' N30° 00' W
659° 00' N34° 00' W
761° 30' N34° 00' W
862° 50' N36° 00' W
964° 45' N28° 30' W

Special condition: this quota may also be fished in international waters of the Redfish Conservation Area mentioned above (RED/*5-14P).


May only be fished in Greenland Waters of 5 and 14 (RED/*514GN).

Species:Redfish (pelagic)Sebastes spp. Zone:Greenland waters of NAFO 1F and Greenland waters of 5, 12 and 14(RED/N1G14P)
Germany655 a b cAnalytical TAC
France3 a b cArticle 3 of Regulation (EC) No 847/96 shall not apply
United Kingdom5 a b cArticle 4 of Regulation (EC) No 847/96 shall not apply
Union663 a b c
Norway561 a b
Faroe Islands0 a b d
TACNot relevant

May only be fished by trawl, and only North and West of the line defined by the following coordinates:

159° 15' N54° 26' W
259° 15' N44° 00' W
359° 30' N42° 45' W
460° 00' N42° 00' W
562° 00' N40° 30' W
662° 00' N40° 00' W
762° 40' N40° 15' W
863° 09' N39° 40' W
963° 30' N37° 15' W
1064° 20' N35° 00' W
1165° 15' N32° 30' W
1265° 15' N29° 50' W
Species:Redfish (demersal)Sebastes spp. Zone:Greenland waters of NAFO 1F and Greenland waters of 5 and 14(RED/N1G14D)
Germany1 976 aAnalytical TAC
France10 aArticle 3 of Regulation (EC) No 847/96 shall not apply
United Kingdom14 aArticle 4 of Regulation (EC) No 847/96 shall not apply
Union2 000 a
TACNot relevant
Species:RedfishSebastes spp. Zone:Faroese waters of 5b(RED/05B-F.)
Belgium1Analytical TAC
Germany92Article 3 of Regulation (EC) No 847/96 shall not apply
France6Article 4 of Regulation (EC) No 847/96 shall not apply
United Kingdom1
TACNot relevant

Exclusively for by-catches. No directed fisheries are permitted under this quota.

Species:Other species Zone:Norwegian waters of 1 and 2(OTH/1N2AB.)
Germany117 aAnalytical TAC
France47 aArticle 3 of Regulation (EC) No 847/96 shall not apply
United Kingdom186 aArticle 4 of Regulation (EC) No 847/96 shall not apply
Union350 a
TACNot relevant

Excluding fish species of no commercial value.

Species:Other speciesa Zone:Faroese waters of 5b(OTH/05B-F.)
Germany281Analytical TAC
France253Article 3 of Regulation (EC) No 847/96 shall not apply
United Kingdom166Article 4 of Regulation (EC) No 847/96 shall not apply
TACNot relevant
Species:Flatfish Zone:Faroese waters of 5b(FLX/05B-F.)
Germany9Analytical TAC
France7Article 3 of Regulation (EC) No 847/96 shall not apply
United Kingdom34Article 4 of Regulation (EC) No 847/96 shall not apply
TACNot relevant

By-catches of grenadiers (Macrourus spp.) shall be reported in line with the following fishing opportunities tables: grenadiers in Greenland waters of 5 and 14 (GRV/514GRN) and grenadiers in Greenland waters of NAFO 1 (GRV/N1GRN.)

Species:By-catchesa Zone:Greenland waters(B-C/GRL)
Union800Precautionary TAC
Article 3 of Regulation (EC) No 847/96 shall not apply
TACNot relevantArticle 4 of Regulation (EC) No 847/96 shall not apply



No directed fisheries are permitted under this quota. This species shall only be taken as by-catch within the following limits: a maximum of 1 250 kg or 5 %, whichever is greater.

Species:CodGadus morhua Zone:NAFO 2J3KL(COD/N2J3KL)
Union0 a

Analytical TAC

Article 3 of Regulation (EC) No 847/96 shall not apply

Article 4 of Regulation (EC) No 847/96 shall not apply

TAC0 a

No directed fisheries are permitted under this quota. This species shall only be taken as by-catch within the limits of a maximum of 1 000 kg or 4 %, whichever is greater.

Species:CodGadus morhua Zone:NAFO 3NO(COD/N3NO.)
Union0 a

Analytical TAC

Article 3 of Regulation (EC) No 847/96 shall not apply

Article 4 of Regulation (EC) No 847/96 shall not apply

TAC0 a
Species:CodGadus morhua Zone:NAFO 3M(COD/N3M.)

Analytical TAC

Article 3 of Regulation (EC) No 847/96 shall not apply

Article 4 of Regulation (EC) No 847/96 shall not apply

Spain1 221
Portugal1 673
United Kingdom795
Union4 865
TAC8 531

No directed fisheries are permitted under this quota. This species shall only be taken as by-catch within the following limits: a maximum of 1 250 kg or 5 %, whichever is greater.

Species:Witch flounderGlyptocephalus cynoglossus Zone:NAFO 3L(WIT/N3L.)
Union0 a

Analytical TAC

Article 3 of Regulation (EC) No 847/96 shall not apply

Article 4 of Regulation (EC) No 847/96 shall not apply

TAC0 a
Species:Witch flounderGlyptocephalus cynoglossus Zone:NAFO 3NO(WIT/N3NO.)

Analytical TAC

Article 3 of Regulation (EC) No 847/96 shall not apply

Article 4 of Regulation (EC) No 847/96 shall not apply

TAC1 175

No directed fisheries are permitted under this quota. This species shall only be taken as by-catch within the following limits: a maximum of 1 250 kg or 5 %, whichever is greater.

Species:American plaiceHippoglossoides platessoides Zone:NAFO 3M(PLA/N3M.)
Union0 a

Analytical TAC

Article 3 of Regulation (EC) No 847/96 shall not apply

Article 4 of Regulation (EC) No 847/96 shall not apply

TAC0 a

No directed fisheries are permitted under this quota. This species shall only be taken as by-catch within the following limits: a maximum of 1 250 kg or 5 %, whichever is greater.

Species:American plaiceHippoglossoides platessoides Zone:NAFO 3LNO(PLA/N3LNO.)
Union0 a

Analytical TAC

Article 3 of Regulation (EC) No 847/96 shall not apply

Article 4 of Regulation (EC) No 847/96 shall not apply

TAC0 a

To be fished between 1 July and 31 December 2020.


No specified Union’s share. The amount specified below, in tonnes, is available to Canada and the Member States of the Union except Estonia, Latvia, Lithuania and Poland:

29 467

Species:Shortfin squidIllex illecebrosus Zone:NAFO Subareas 3 and 4(SQI/N34.)
Estonia128 a

Analytical TAC

Article 3 of Regulation (EC) No 847/96 shall not apply

Article 4 of Regulation (EC) No 847/96 shall not apply

Latvia128 a
Lithuania128 a
Poland227 a
UnionNot relevant a b
TAC34 000

No directed fisheries are permitted under this quota. This species shall only be taken as by-catch within the following limits: a maximum of 2 500 kg or 10 %, whichever is greater. However, when the yellowtail flounder quota assigned by NAFO to Contracting Parties without a specific share of the stock is exhausted, by-catch limits shall be: a maximum of 1 250 kg or 5 %, whichever is greater.

Species:Yellowtail flounderLimanda ferruginea Zone:NAFO 3LNO(YEL/N3LNO.)
Union0 a

Analytical TAC

Article 3 of Regulation (EC) No 847/96 shall not apply

Article 4 of Regulation (EC) No 847/96 shall not apply

TAC17 000

No directed fisheries are permitted under this quota. This species shall only be taken as by-catch within the following limits: a maximum of 1 250 kg or 5 %, whichever is greater.

Species:CapelinMallotus villosus Zone:NAFO 3NO(CAP/N3NO.)
Union0 a

Analytical TAC

Article 3 of Regulation (EC) No 847/96 shall not apply

Article 4 of Regulation (EC) No 847/96 shall not apply

TAC0 a

Not including the box bounded by the following coordinates:

Point NoLatitude NLongitude W
147° 20' 046° 40' 0
247° 20' 046° 30' 0
346° 00' 046° 30' 0
446° 00' 046° 40' 0

Fishing is prohibited at a depth less than 200 metres in the area West of a line bound by the following coordinates:

Point NoLatitude NLongitude W
146° 00' 047° 49' 0
246° 25' 047° 27' 0
346 °42' 047° 25' 0
446° 48' 047° 25' 50
547° 16' 5047° 43' 50

No directed fisheries are permitted under this quota. This species shall only be taken as by-catch within the following limits: a maximum of 1 250 kg or 5 %, whichever is greater.

Species:Northern prawnPandalus borealis Zone:NAFO 3LNOa b(PRA/N3LNO.)
Estonia0 c

Analytical TAC

Article 3 of Regulation (EC) No 847/96 shall not apply

Article 4 of Regulation (EC) No 847/96 shall not apply

Latvia0 c
Lithuania0 c
Poland0 c
Spain0 c
Portugal0 c
Union0 c
TAC0 c

Vessels may also fish this stock in Division 3L in the box bounded by the following coordinates:

Point NoLatitude NLongitude W
147° 20' 046° 40' 0
247° 20' 046° 30' 0
346° 00' 046° 30' 0
446° 00' 046° 40' 0

Moreover, fishing for shrimp is prohibited from 1 June to 31 December in the area bounded by the following coordinates:

Point NoLatitude NLongitude W
147° 55' 045° 00' 0
247° 30' 044° 15' 0
346° 55' 044° 15' 0
446° 35' 044° 30' 0
546° 35' 045° 40' 0
647° 30' 045° 40' 0
747° 55' 045° 00' 0

Not relevant. Fishery managed by limitations in fishing effort (EFF/*N3M.). The Member States concerned shall issue fishing authorisations for their fishing vessels engaging in this fishery and shall notify those authorisations to the Commission prior to the commencement of the vessel’s activity, in accordance with Regulation (EC) No 1224/2009.


The NAFO Commission agreed at its 2019 Annual Meeting that the European Union (Estonia) will transfer 25 fishing days of its fishing days allocation for 2020 to France, in respect of St Pierre et Miquelon. Those 25 fishing days have been deducted from Estonia’s number of fishing days, which would otherwise have been 416 days, under this interim regime for 2020 that will not create any catch history.

Member StateMaximum number of fishing days
Estonia391 a
Species:Northern prawnPandalus borealis Zone:NAFO 3Ma(PRA/*N3M.)
TACNot relevant bAnalytical TAC
Species:Greenland halibutReinhardtius hippoglossoides Zone:NAFO 3LMNO(GHL/N3LMNO)

Analytical TAC

Article 3 of Regulation (EC) No 847/96 shall not apply

Article 4 of Regulation (EC) No 847/96 shall not apply

Spain4 650
Portugal1 944
Union7 353
TAC12 542
Species:SkateRajidae Zone:NAFO 3LNO(SKA/N3LNO.)

Analytical TAC

Article 3 of Regulation (EC) No 847/96 shall not apply

Article 4 of Regulation (EC) No 847/96 shall not apply

Spain3 403
Union4 408
TAC7 000
Species:RedfishSebastes spp. Zone:NAFO 3LN(RED/N3LN.)

Analytical TAC

Article 3 of Regulation (EC) No 847/96 shall not apply

Article 4 of Regulation (EC) No 847/96 shall not apply

Union3 300
TAC18 100

This quota is subject to compliance with the TAC as shown, which is established for this stock for all NAFO Contracting Parties. Within that TAC, no more than the following mid-term limit may be fished before 1 July 2020: 4 295

Species:RedfishSebastes spp. Zone:NAFO 3M(RED/N3M.)
Estonia1 571 a

Analytical TAC

Article 3 of Regulation (EC) No 847/96 shall not apply

Article 4 of Regulation (EC) No 847/96 shall not apply

Germany513 a
Latvia1 571 a
Lithuania1 571 a
Spain233 a
Portugal2 354 a
Union7 813 a
TAC8 590 a
Species:RedfishSebastes spp. Zone:NAFO 3O(RED/N3O.)
Spain1 771

Analytical TAC

Article 3 of Regulation (EC) No 847/96 shall not apply

Article 4 of Regulation (EC) No 847/96 shall not apply

Portugal5 229
Union7 000
TAC20 000

No directed fisheries are permitted under this quota. This species shall only be taken as by-catch within the following limits: a maximum of 1 250 kg or 5 %, whichever is greater.

Species:RedfishSebastes spp. Zone:NAFO Subarea 2, Divisions 1F and 3K(RED/N1F3K.)
Latvia0 a

Analytical TAC

Article 3 of Regulation (EC) No 847/96 shall not apply

Article 4 of Regulation (EC) No 847/96 shall not apply

Lithuania0 a
Union0 a
TAC0 a

Where, in accordance with Annex IA of the NAFO Conservation and Enforcement Measures, a positive vote by the Contracting Parties confirms the TAC to be 2 000 tonnes, the corresponding Union and Member State quotas shall be deemed to be as below:






1 176

Species:White hakeUrophycis tenuis Zone:NAFO 3NO(HKW/N3NO.)

Analytical TAC

Article 3 of Regulation (EC) No 847/96 shall not apply

Article 4 of Regulation (EC) No 847/96 shall not apply

Union588 a
TAC1 000



Except Cyprus, Greece, Spain, France, Croatia, Italy, Malta and Portugal, and exclusively as by-catch.


Special condition: within this TAC, the following catch limits and allocation between Member States shall apply to catches of bluefin tuna between 8 kg/75 cm and 30 kg/115 cm by the vessels referred to in point 1 of Annex VI (BFT/*8301):






1 355,2


Special condition: within this TAC, the following catch limits and allocation between Member States shall apply to catches of bluefin tuna weighing no less than 6,4 kg or measuring no less than 70 cm by the vessels referred to in point 1 of Annex VI (BFT/*641):






Special condition: within this TAC, the following catch limits and allocations between Member States shall apply to catches of bluefin tuna between 8 kg/75 cm and 30 kg/115 cm by the vessels referred to in point 2 of Annex VI (BFT/*8302):














Special condition: within this TAC, the following catch limits and allocations between Member States shall apply to catches of bluefin tuna between 8 kg/75 cm and 30 kg/115 cm by the vessels referred to in point 3 of Annex VI (BFT/*643):






Special Condition: within this TAC, the following catch limits and allocations between Member States shall apply to catches of bluefin tuna between 8 kg/75 cm and 30 kg/115 cm by the vessels referred to in point 3 of Annex VI for farming purposes (BFT/*8303F):






As agreed during the 2018 ICCAT Annual Meeting, in 2020 the European Union will receive, in addition to the allocated quota of 19 360 tonnes, an extra allocation of 100 tonnes, exclusively for artisanal vessels from specific archipelagos in Greece (Ionian Islands), Spain (Canary Islands) and Portugal (Azores and Madeira). The specific allocation of this additional quantity to the Member States concerned shall be as follows (BFT/AVARCH):









Species:Bluefin tunaThunnus thynnus Zone:Atlantic Ocean, east of 45° W, and Mediterranean(BFT/AE45WM)
Cyprus169,35 d

Analytical TAC

Article 3 of Regulation (EC) No 847/96 shall not apply

Article 4 of Regulation (EC) No 847/96 shall not apply

Greece314,77 g
Spain6 107,6 b d g
France6 026,6 b c d
Croatia952,53 f
Italy4 756,49 d e
Malta390,24 d
Portugal574,31 g
Other Member States68,11 a
Union19 360 b c d e
Special additional allocation100 g
TAC36 000

Except Spain and Portugal, and exclusively as by-catch.


Special condition: up to 2,39 % of this amount may be fished in the Atlantic Ocean, South of 5° N (SWO/*AS05N).


36,34 tonnes have been allocated to Portugal to compensate a double deduction in 2018.


After transfer of 40 tonnes to Saint-Pierre et Miquelon (ICCAT Rec. 17-02).

Species:SwordfishXiphias gladius Zone:Atlantic Ocean, North of 5° N(SWO/AN05N)
Spain6 509,07 b

Analytical TAC

Article 3 of Regulation (EC) No 847/96 shall not apply

Article 4 of Regulation (EC) No 847/96 shall not apply

Portugal1 047,82 b c
Other Member States128,81 a b
Union7 685,7 d
TAC13 200

Special condition: up to 3,51 % of this amount may be fished in the Atlantic Ocean, North of 5° N (SWO/*AN05N).

Species:SwordfishXiphias gladius Zone:Atlantic Ocean, South of 5° N(SWO/AS05N)
Spain4 712,18 a

Analytical TAC

Article 3 of Regulation (EC) No 847/96 shall not apply

Article 4 of Regulation (EC) No 847/96 shall not apply

Portugal299,03 a
Union5 011,21
TAC14 000

This quota may only be fished from 1 April to 31 December.

Species:SwordfishXiphias gladius Zone:Mediterranian Sea(SWO/MED)
Croatia14,64 a

Analytical TAC

Article 3 of Regulation (EC) No 847/96 shall not apply.

Article 4 of Regulation (EC) No 847/96 shall not apply.

Cyprus53,99 a
Spain1 667,58 a
France123,77 a
Greece1 103,91 a
Italy3 418,68 a
Malta405,58 a
Union6 780,6 a
TAC9 583,07

The number of Union fishing vessels fishing for northern albacore as a target species, in accordance with Article 12 of Regulation (EC) No 520/2007, shall be as follows:

1 253.

Species:Northern albacoreThunnus alalunga Zone:Atlantic Ocean, north of 5° N(ALB/AN05N)
Ireland2 891,01

Analytical TAC

Article 3 of Regulation (EC) No 847/96 shall not apply

Article 4 of Regulation (EC) No 847/96 shall not apply

Spain16 312,85
France5 203,15
United Kingdom188,45
Portugal2 273,97
Union26 869,43 a
TAC33 600
Species:Southern albacoreThunnus alalunga Zone:Atlantic Ocean, south of 5° N(ALB/AS05N)

Analytical TAC

Article 3 of Regulation (EC) No 847/96 shall not apply

Article 4 of Regulation (EC) No 847/96 shall not apply

Union1 837,5
TAC24 000
Species:Bigeye tunaThunnus obesus Zone:Atlantic Ocean(BET/ATLANT)
Spain8 055,73

Analytical TAC

Article 3 of Regulation (EC) No 847/96 shall not apply

Article 4 of Regulation (EC) No 847/96 shall not apply

France4 428,6
Portugal3 058,33
Union15 542,66
TAC62 500

After transfer of 2 tonnes to Trinidad & Tobago (ICCAT Rec. 19-05).

Species:Blue marlinMakaira nigricans Zone:Atlantic Ocean(BUM/ATLANT)

Analytical TAC

Article 3 of Regulation (EC) No 847/96 shall not apply

Article 4 of Regulation (EC) No 847/96 shall not apply

Union449,8 a
TAC1 670
Species:White marlinTetrapturus albidus Zone:Atlantic Ocean(WHM/ATLANT)

Analytical TAC

Article 3 of Regulation (EC) No 847/96 shall not apply

Article 4 of Regulation (EC) No 847/96 shall not apply

Species:Yellowfin tunaThunnus albacares Zone:Atlantic Ocean(YFT/ATLANT)
TAC110 000

Analytical TAC

Article 3 of Regulation (EC) No 847/96 shall not apply

Article 4 of Regulation (EC) No 847/96 shall not apply

Species:SailfishIstiophorus albicans Zone:Atlantic Ocean, east of 45° W(SAI/AE45W)
TAC1 271

Analytical TAC

Article 3 of Regulation (EC) No 847/96 shall not apply

Article 4 of Regulation (EC) No 847/96 shall not apply

Species:SailfishIstiophorus albicans Zone:Atlantic Ocean, west of 45° W(SAI/AW45W)
TAC1 030

Analytical TAC

Article 3 of Regulation (EC) No 847/96 shall not apply

Article 4 of Regulation (EC) No 847/96 shall not apply


The time period and the calculation method used by ICCAT to set the catch limit for North Atlantic blue shark shall not prejudge the time period and the calculation method used to define any future allocation key at Union level.

Species:Blue sharkPrionace glauca Zone:Atlantic Ocean, north of 5° N(BSH/AN05N)

Analytical TAC

Article 3 of Regulation (EC) No 847/96 shall not apply

Article 4 of Regulation (EC) No 847/96 shall not apply

Spain27 062
Portugal5 363 a
Union32 578
TAC39 102

The time period and the calculation method used by ICCAT to set the catch limit for North Atlantic blue shark shall not prejudge the time period and the calculation method used to define any future allocation key at Union level.

Species:Blue sharkPrionace glauca Zone:Atlantic Ocean, south of 5° N(BSH/AS05N)
TAC28 923 a

Analytical TAC

Article 3 of Regulation (EC) No 847/96 shall not apply

Article 4 of Regulation (EC) No 847/96 shall not apply


The TACs set out below are not allocated to the members of SEAFO and hence the Union’s share is undetermined. Catches are monitored by the SEAFO Secretariat which will communicate to the Contracting Parties when fishing is to be ceased due to a TAC exhaustion


No more than 132 tonnes may be taken in Division B1 (ALF/*F47NA).

Species:AlfonsinosBeryx spp. Zone:SEAFO(ALF/SEAFO)
TACpm aPrecautionary TAC

For the purpose of this TAC, the area open to the fishery is defined as having:

  • its western boundary on the longitude 0° E;

  • its northern boundary on the latitude 20° S;

  • its southern boundary on the latitude 28° S, and

  • the eastern boundary outer limits of the Namibian EEZ.

Species:Deep-sea red crabChaceon spp. Zone:SEAFO Subdivision B1a(GER/F47NAM)
TACpm aPrecautionary TAC
Species:Deep-sea red crabChaceon spp. Zone:SEAFO, excluding Subdivision B1(GER/F47X)
TACpmPrecautionary TAC
Species:Patagonian toothfish Dissostichus eleginoides Zone:SEAFO Subarea D(TOP/F47D)
TACpmPrecautionary TAC
Species:Patagonian toothfishDissostichus eleginoides Zone:SEAFO, excluding Suarea D(TOP/F47-D)
TACpmPrecautionary TAC

For the purpose of this Annex, the area open to the fishery is defined as having:

  • its western boundary on the longitude 0° E;

  • its northern boundary on the latitude 20° S;

  • its southern boundary on the latitude 28° S, and

  • the eastern boundary outer limits of the Namibian EEZ.


Except for a by-catch allowance of 4 tonnes (ORY/*F47NA).

Species:Orange roughyHoplostethus atlanticus Zone:SEAFO Subdivision B1a(ORY/F47NAM)
TACpm aPrecautionary TAC
Species:Orange roughyHoplostethus atlanticus Zone:SEAFO, excluding Subdivision B1(ORY/F47X)
TACpmPrecautionary TAC
Species:Pelagic armourheadPseudopentaceros spp. Zone:SEAFO(EDW/SEAFO)
TACpmPrecautionary TAC



Exclusively for by-catches. No directed fisheries are permitted under this quota.

Species:Southern bluefin tunaThunnus maccoyii Zone:All areas of distribution (SBF/F41-81)
Union11 a

Analytical TAC

Article 3 of Regulation (EC) No 847/96 shall not apply

Article 4 of Regulation (EC) No 847/96 shall not apply

TAC17 647



This quota may only be fished by vessels using longlines

Species:Bigeye tunaThunnus obesus Zone:WCPFC Convention Area south of 20° S(BET/F7120S)
Union2 000 aPrecautionary TAC
TACNot relevant a
Species:SwordfishXiphias gladius Zone:WCPFC Convention Area south of 20° S(SWO/F7120S)
Union3 170,36Precautionary TAC
TACNot relevant


Species:Jack mackerelTrachurus murphyi Zone:SPRFMO Convention Area(CJM/SPRFMO)
Germanyto be established

Analytical TAC

Article 3 of Regulation (EC) No 847/96 shall not apply

Article 4 of Regulation (EC) No 847/96 shall not apply

The Netherlandsto be established
Lithuaniato be established
Polandto be established
Unionto be established
TACNot relevant

This TAC is for exploratory fisheries only. Fishing shall only take place within the following research blocks (A-E):

  • Research block A: area bounded by latitudes 47° 15' S and 48° 15' S and by longitudes 146° 30' E and 147° 30' E,

  • Research block B: area bounded by latitudes 47° 15' S and 48° 15' S and by longitudes 147° 30' E and 148° 30' E,

  • Research block C: area bounded by latitudes 47° 15' S and 48° 15' S and by longitudes 148° 30' E and 150° 00' E,

  • Research block D: area bounded by latitudes 48° 15' S and 49° 15' S and by longitudes 149° 00' E and 150° 00' E,

  • Research block E: area bounded by latitudes 48° 15' S and 49° 30' S and by longitudes 150° 00' E and 151° 00' E.

Species:ToothfishDissostichus spp. Zone:SPRFMO Convention Area(TOT/SPR-AE)
TACto be established aPrecautionary TAC


Catches of yellowfin tuna by Union purse seiners shall not exceed the catch limits set out in this Annex.

Species:Yellowfin tunaThunnus albacares Zone:IOTC Area of Competence(YFT/IOTC)
France29 501

Analytical TAC

Article 3 of Regulation (EC) No 847/96 shall not apply

Article 4 of Regulation (EC) No 847/96 shall not apply

Italy2 515
Spain45 682
Union77 698
TACNot relevant



International waters in FAO Subarea 51.7 bounded between -44° S and -45° S latitude, and the adjacent exclusive economic zones to the east and west.


May only be fished by vessels with observers on board and using longlines during the fishing season from 1 December 2019 to 30 November 2020. Longlines shall not exceed 3 000 hooks per line and shall be set at minimum 3 nautical miles from each other.

Catches of vessels not targeting this species may not exceed 0,5 tonnes per fishing season. When a vessel reaches this limit, it may no longer fish in Del Cano Area.

Species:ToothfishDissostichus spp. Zone:Del Cano Areaa(TOT/F517DC)
Union18,33 bPrecautionary TAC
TAC55 b

Area of FAO Subarea 57.4 bounded by the following coordinates:

152° 30' 00" S80° 00' 00" E
255° 00' 00" S80° 00' 00" E
355° 00' 00" S85° 00' 00" E
452° 30' 00" S85° 00' 00" E

May only be fished by vessels with observers on board during the fishing season from 1 December 2019 to 30 November 2020. No more than two longlines not exceeding 6 250 hooks are set per grid cell established by SIOFA and an interval of at least 30 days is applied between fishing trips according to the access conditions established by SIOFA.

Catches of vessels not targeting this species may not exceed 0,5 tonnes per fishing season. When a vessel reaches this limit, it may no longer fish in Williams Ridge.

Species:ToothfishDissostichus spp. Zone:Williams Ridgea(TOT/F574WR)
Unionto be established bPrecautionary TAC
TAC140 b



This quota may only be fished by vessels using longlines.

Species:Bigeye tunaThunnus obesus Zone:IATTC Convention Area(BET/IATTC)
Union500 aPrecautionary TAC
TACNot relevant


CHAPTER IU.K. General provisions


1.1.This Annex shall apply to Union fishing vessels of 10 metres length overall or more carrying on board or deploying beam trawls of mesh size equal to or greater than 80 mm and static nets, including gillnets, trammel-nets and tangle-nets, with mesh size equal to or less than 220 mm in accordance with Regulation (EC) No 509/2007, and present in ICES division 7e.U.K.
1.2.Vessels fishing with static nets with mesh size equal to or larger than 120 mm and with track records of less than 300 kg live weight of sole per year during the three previous years, according to their fishing records, shall be exempt from the application of this Annex subject to the following conditions:U.K.

such vessels caught less than 300 kg live weight of sole during the 2018 management period;


such vessels do not tranship any fish at sea to another vessel;


by 31 July 2020 and 31 January 2021 each Member State concerned makes a report to the Commission on those vessels' catch records for sole in the three previous years as well as on catches of sole in 2020.

Where any of those conditions is not met, the vessels concerned shall cease to be exempt from the application of this Annex, with immediate effect.


For the purposes of this Annex, the following definitions apply:


‘gear grouping’ means the grouping consisting of the following two gear categories:


beam trawls of mesh size equal to or greater than 80 mm, and


static nets, including gillnets, trammel nets and tangle-nets, with mesh size equal to or less than 220 mm;


‘regulated gear’ means any of the two gear categories belonging to the gear grouping;


‘area’ means ICES division 7e;


‘current management period’ means the period from 1 February 2020 to 31 January 2021.


Without prejudice to Article 29 of Regulation (EC) No 1224/2009, each Member State shall ensure that, when carrying on board any regulated gear, Union fishing vessels flying its flag and registered in the Union shall be present within the area for no more than the number of days set out in Chapter III of this Annex.

CHAPTER IIU.K. Authorisations


4.1A Member State shall not authorise fishing with regulated gear in the area by any vessel flying its flag which has no record of such fishing activity in the area in the period from 2002 to 2018, excluding the record of fishing activities as a result of transfer of days between fishing vessels, unless it ensures that equivalent capacity, measured in kilowatts, is prevented from fishing in the area.U.K.
4.2However, a vessel with a track record of using a regulated gear may be authorised to use a different fishing gear, provided that the number of days allocated to this latter gear is greater than or equal to the number of days allocated to the regulated gear.U.K.
4.3A vessel flying the flag of a Member State having no quotas in the area shall not be authorised to fish in the area with regulated gear, unless the vessel is allocated a quota after a transfer as permitted in accordance with Article 16(8) of Regulation (EU) No 1380/2013 and is allocated days at sea in accordance with point 10 or 11 of this Annex.U.K.

CHAPTER IIIU.K. Number of days present within the area allocated to Union fishing vessels


During the current management period, the maximum number of days at sea for which a Member State may authorise a vessel flying its flag to be present within the area carrying on board any regulated gear is shown in Table I.

Table I

Maximum number of days a vessel may be present within the area by category of regulated gear per year

Regulated gearMaximum number of days
Beam trawls of mesh size ≥ 80 mmBelgium176
United Kingdom222
Static nets with mesh size ≤ 220 mmBelgium176
United Kingdom176


6.1.During the current management period, a Member State may manage its fishing effort allocations in accordance with a kilowatt days system. Through that system it may authorise any vessel concerned by any regulated gear as set out in Table I to be present within the area for a maximum number of days which is different from that set out in that Table, provided that the overall amount of kilowatt days corresponding to the regulated gear is respected.U.K.
6.2.This overall amount of kilowatt days shall be the sum of all individual fishing efforts allocated to the vessels flying the flag of that Member State and qualified for the regulated gear. Such individual fishing efforts shall be calculated in kilowatt days by multiplying the engine power of each vessel by the number of days at sea it would benefit from, according to Table I, if point 6.1 were not applied.U.K.
6.3.A Member State wishing to benefit from the system referred to in point 6.1 shall submit a request to the Commission, for the regulated gear as laid down in Table I, with reports in electronic format containing the details of the calculation based on:U.K.

the list of vessels authorised to fish by indicating their Union fishing fleet register number (CFR) and their engine power;


the number of days at sea for which each vessel would have initially been authorised to fish according to Table I and the number of days at sea which each vessel would benefit from in application of point 6.1.

6.4.On the basis of that request, the Commission shall assess whether the conditions referred to in point 6 are complied with and, where applicable, may authorise that Member State to benefit from the system referred to in point 6.1.U.K.


7.1.An additional number of days at sea on which a vessel may be authorised by its flag Member State to be present within the area when carrying on board any regulated gear may be allocated to a Member State by the Commission on the basis of permanent cessations of fishing activities that have taken place during the preceding management period either in accordance with Article 23 of Regulation (EC) No 1198/2006 or with Regulation (EC) No 744/2008. Permanent cessations resulting from any other circumstances may be considered by the Commission on a case-by-case basis, following a written and duly motivated request from the Member State concerned. Such written request shall identify the vessels concerned and confirm, for each of them, that they shall never return to fishing activities.U.K.
7.2.The effort expended in 2003 measured in kilowatt days of the withdrawn vessels using a given gear grouping shall be divided by the effort expended by all vessels using that gear grouping during 2003. The additional number of days at sea shall be then calculated by multiplying the ratio so obtained by the number of days that would have been allocated according to Table I. Any part of a day resulting from that calculation shall be rounded to the nearest whole day.U.K.
7.3.Points 7.1 and 7.2 shall not apply where a vessel has been replaced in accordance with point 4.2, or when the withdrawal has already been used in previous years to obtain additional days at sea.U.K.
7.4.A Member State wishing to benefit from the allocations referred to in point 7.1 shall submit a request to the Commission, by 15 June of the current management period, with reports in electronic format containing for the gear grouping as laid down in Table I, the details of the calculation based on:U.K.

lists of withdrawn vessels with their Union fishing fleet register number (CFR) and their engine power;


the fishing activity deployed by such vessels in 2003 calculated in days at sea according to the grouping of fishing gear.

7.5.During the current management period, a Member State may re-allocate any additionally granted days at sea to all or part of the vessels remaining in fleet and qualified for the regulated gear.U.K.
7.6.When the Commission allocates additional days at sea due to a permanent cessation of fishing activities during the preceding management period the maximum number of days per Member State and gear shown in Table I shall be adjusted accordingly for the current management period.U.K.


8.1.Three additional days on which a vessel may be present within the area when carrying on board any regulated gear may be allocated between 1 February 2020 and 31 January 2021 to a Member State by the Commission on the basis of an enhanced programme of scientific observer coverage in partnership between scientists and the fishing industry. Such a programme shall focus in particular on levels of discarding and on catch composition and go beyond the requirements on data collection, as laid down in Regulation (EC) No 199/2008 and its implementing rules for national programmes.U.K.
8.2.Scientific observers shall be independent from the owner, the master of the fishing vessel and any crew member.U.K.
8.3.A Member State wishing to benefit from the allocations referred to in point 8.1 shall submit a description of its enhanced scientific observer coverage programme to the Commission for approval.U.K.
8.4.If an enhanced scientific observer coverage programme submitted by a Member State has been approved by the Commission in the past and the Member State concerned wishes to continue its application without changes, it shall inform the Commission of the continuation of that programme four weeks before the beginning of the period for which the programme applies.U.K.

CHAPTER IVU.K. Management


Member States shall manage the maximum allowable effort in accordance with Articles 26 to 35 of Regulation (EC) No 1224/2009.


10.1.A Member State may divide the days present within the area set out in Table I into management periods of durations of one or more calendar months.U.K.
10.2.The number of days or hours for which a vessel may be present within the area during a management period shall be fixed by the Member State concerned.U.K.
10.3.Where a Member State authorises vessels flying its flag to be present within the area by hours, the Member State shall continue measuring the consumption of days as specified in point 9. Upon request by the Commission, the Member State shall demonstrate its precautionary measures taken to avoid an excessive consumption of days within the area due to a vessel terminating presences in the area before the end of a 24-hour period.U.K.

CHAPTER VU.K. Exchanges of fishing effort allocations


11.1.A Member State may permit any fishing vessel flying its flag to transfer days present within the area for which it has been authorised to another vessel flying its flag within the area, provided that the product of the number of days received by a vessel and its engine power in kilowatts (kilowatt days) is equal to or less than the product of the number of days transferred by the donor vessel and its engine power in kilowatts. The engine power in kilowatts of the vessels shall be that recorded for each vessel in the Union fishing fleet register.U.K.
11.2.The total number of days present within the area transferred in accordance with point 11.1, multiplied by the engine power in kilowatts of the donor vessel, shall not be higher than the donor vessel's average annual days track record in the area as verified by the fishing logbook in the years 2001, 2002, 2003, 2004 and 2005 multiplied by the engine power in kilowatts of that vessel.U.K.
11.3.The transfer of days in accordance with point 11.1 shall be permitted between vessels operating with any regulated gear and during the same management period.U.K.
11.4.On request from the Commission, Member States shall provide information on the transfers that have taken place. Formats of spreadsheet for the collection and transmission of that information may be established by the Commission, by means of implementing acts. Those implementing acts shall be adopted in accordance with the examination procedure referred to in Article 53(2).U.K.


Member States may permit transfer of days present within the area for the same management period and within the area between any fishing vessels flying their flags provided that points 4.2, 4.4, 5, 6 and 10 apply mutatis mutandis. Where Member States decide to authorise such a transfer, they shall notify, before the transfer takes place, the Commission of the details of the transfer, including the number of days to be transferred, the fishing effort and, where applicable, the fishing quotas relating thereto.

CHAPTER VIU.K. Reporting obligations


Article 28 of Regulation (EC) No 1224/2009 shall apply to vessels falling under the scope of this Annex. The geographical area referred to in that Article shall be understood as the area specified in point 2 of this Annex.


Member States shall collect on a quarterly basis the information about total fishing effort deployed within the area for towed gear and static gear, effort deployed by vessels using different types of gear in the area, and the engine power of those vessels in kilowatt days, on the basis of information used for the management of fishing days present within the area as set out in this Annex.


Upon request from the Commission, Member States shall make available to the Commission a spreadsheet with data specified in point 14 in the format specified in Tables II and III by sending it to the appropriate electronic mailbox address, which shall be communicated to the Member States by the Commission. Member States shall, upon the Commission's request, send detailed information to the Commission on effort allocated and consumed covering all or parts of the 2018 and 2019 management periods, using the data format specified in Tables IV and V.

Table II

Reporting format kW-day information by management period

Member StateGearManagement periodCumulative effort declaration
Table III

Data format kW-day information by management period


Information relevant for transmission of data by fixed-length formatting.

Name of fieldMaximum number of characters/digitsAlignmenta L(eft)/R(ight)Definition and comments
(1)Member State
3Member State (Alpha-3 ISO code) in which the vessel is registered

One of the following gear types:

BT = beam trawls ≥ 80 mm

GN = gillnet < 220 mm

TN = trammel net or entangling net < 220 mm

(3)Management period
4One year in the period from the 2006 management period to the current management period
(4)Cumulative effort declaration
7RCumulative amount of fishing effort expressed in kilowatt days deployed from 1 February until 31 January of the relevant management period
Table IV

Reporting format for vessel-related information

Member StateCFRExternal markingLength of management periodGear notifiedDays eligible using notified gear(s)Days spent with notified gear(s)Transfer of days
No 1No 2No 3No 1No 2No 3No 1No 2No 3
Table V

Data format for vessel-related information


Information relevant for transmission of data by fixed-length formatting.

Name of fieldMaximum number of characters/digitsAlignmenta L(eft)/R(ight)Definition and comments
(1)Member State
3Member State (Alpha-3 ISO code) in which vessel is registered

Union fishing fleet register number (CFR)

Unique identification number of a fishing vessel

Member State (Alpha-3 ISO code) followed by an identifying series (9 characters). Where a series has fewer than 9 characters, additional zeros shall be inserted on the left hand side

(3)External marking
14LUnder Implementing Regulation (EU) No 404/2011
(4)Length of management period
2LLength of the management period measured in months
(5)Gear notified

One of the following gear types:

BT = beam trawls ≥ 80 mm

GN = gillnet < 220 mm

TN = trammel net or entangling net < 220 mm

(6)Special condition applying to notified gear(s)
3LNumber of days for which the vessel is eligible under Annex II for the choice of gear and length of management period notified
(7)Days spent with notified gear(s)
3LNumber of days the vessel actually spent present within the area and using a gear corresponding to gear notified during the notified management period
(8)Transfers of days
4LFor days transferred indicate ‘– number of days transferred’ and for days received indicate ‘+ number of days transferred’


For the purposes of the management of the fishing opportunities of sandeel in ICES divisions 2a, 3a and ICES subarea 4 fixed in Annex IA, the management areas within which specific catch limits apply are defined as shown below and in the Appendix to this Annex:

Sandeel management areaICES statistical rectangles
1r31–33 E9–F4; 33 F5; 34–37 E9–F6; 38–40 F0–F5; 41 F4–F5
2r35 F7–F8; 36 F7–F9; 37 F7–F8; 38-41 F6–F8; 42 F6–F9; 43 F7–F9; 44 F9–G0; 45 G0–G1; 46 G1
3r41–46 F1–F3; 42–46 F4–F5; 43–46 F6; 44–46 F7–F8; 45–46 F9; 46–47 G0; 47 G1 and 48 G0
438–40 E7–E9 and 41–46 E6–F0
5r47–52 F1–F5
641–43 G0–G3; 44 G1
7r47–52 E6–F0

AppendixSandeel management areas


The areas set out in the table below shall be closed for all gear, except pelagic gear (purse seines and trawls), during the identified period:

Time-limited closures
NoArea nameCoordinatesPeriodAdditional comment
1Stanhope ground

60° 10' N - 01° 45' E

60° 10' N - 02° 00' E

60° 25' N - 01° 45' E

60° 25' N - 02° 00' E

1 January to 30 April
2Long Hole

59° 07,35' N - 0° 31,04' W

59° 03,60' N - 0° 22,25' W

58° 59,35' N - 0° 17,85' W

58° 56,00' N - 0° 11,01' W

58° 56,60' N - 0° 08,85' W

58° 59,86' N - 0° 15,65' W

59° 03,50' N - 0° 20,00' W

59° 08,15' N - 0° 29,07' W

1 January to 31 March
3Coral edge

58° 51,70' N - 03° 26,70' E

58° 40,66' N - 03° 34,60' E

58° 24,00' N - 03° 12,40' E

58° 24,00' N - 02° 55,00' E

58° 35,65' N - 02° 56,30' E

1 January to 28 February
4Papa Bank

59° 56' N - 03° 08' W

59° 56' N - 02° 45' W

59° 35' N - 03° 15' W

59° 35' N - 03° 35' W

1 January to 15 March
5Foula Deeps

60° 17,50' N - 01° 45' W

60° 11,00' N - 01° 45' W

60° 11,00' N - 02° 10' W

60° 20,00' N - 02° 00' W

60° 20,00' N - 01° 50' W

1 November to 31 December
6Egersund Bank

58° 07,40' N - 04° 33,00' E

57° 53,00' N - 05° 12,00' E

57° 40,00' N - 05° 10,90' E

57° 57,90' N - 04° 31,90' E

1 January to 31 March(10 × 25 nautical miles)
7East of Fair Isle

59° 40' N - 01° 23' W

59° 40' N - 01° 13' W

59° 30' N - 01° 20' W

59° 10' N - 01° 20' W

59° 30' N - 01° 28' W

59° 10' N - 01° 28' W

1 January to 15 March
8West Bank

57° 15' N - 05° 01' E

56° 56' N - 05° 00' E

56° 56' N - 06° 20' E

57° 15' N - 06° 20' E

1 February to 15 March(18 × 4 nautical miles)

57° 28,43' N - 08° 05,66' E

57° 27,44' N - 08° 07,20' E

57° 51,77' N - 09° 26,33' E

57° 52,88' N - 09° 25,00' E

1 February 15 March(1,5 × 49 nautical miles)

57° 47,00' N - 11° 04,00' E

57° 43,00' N - 11° 04,00' E

57° 43,00' N - 11° 09,00' E

57° 47,00' N - 11° 09,00' E

1 February – 15 March

East of Skagen

(2,7 × 4 nautical miles)




Without prejudice to additional licences granted to Sweden by Norway in accordance with established practice.


Those figures are included in the figures for all trawl fisheries with vessels of not more than 180 feet in the zone between 12 and 21 miles from the Faroese baselines.


Those figures refer to the maximum number of vessels present at any time.


Those figures are included in the figures for ‘Trawl fisheries outside 21 miles from the Faroese baselines’.


The allocation of fishing opportunities available to the Union in the zone of Svalbard is without prejudice to the rights and obligations deriving from the Treaty of Paris of 1920.

Area of fishingFisheryNumber of fishing authorisationsAllocation of fishing authorisations amongst Member StatesMaximum number of vessels present at any time
Norwegian waters and fishery zone around Jan MayenHerring, north of 62° 00' N77DK2557
Demersal species, north of 62° 00' N80DE1650
MackerelaNot relevantNot relevant70
Industrial species, south of 62° 00' N480DK450150
Faroese watersAll trawl fisheries with vessels of not more than 180 feet in the zone between 12 and 21 miles from the Faroese baselines26BE013
Directed fisheries for cod and haddock with a minimum mesh of 135 mm, restricted to the area south of 62° 28′ N and east of 6° 30′ W8bNot relevant4
Trawl fisheries outside 21 miles from the Faroese baseline. In the periods from 1 March to 31 May and from 1 October to 31 December, those vessels may operate in the area between 61° 20′ N and 62° 00′ N and between 12 and 21 miles from the baselines70BE026
Trawl fisheries for blue ling with a minimum mesh of 100 mm in the area south of 61° 30′ N and west of 9° 00′ W and in the area between 7° 00′ W and 9° 00′ W south of 60° 30′ N and in the area south-west of a line between 60° 30′ N, 7° 00′ W and 60°00′ N, 6°00′ W70DEc820d
Directed trawl fisheries for saithe with a minimum mesh size of 120 mm and with the possibility to use round-straps around the cod-end70Not relevant22d
Fisheries for blue whiting. The total number of fishing authorisations may be increased by four vessels to form pairs, should the Faroese authorities introduce special rules of access to an area called ‘main fishing area of blue whiting’34DE220
Line fisheries10UK106
Herring, north of 62° 00' N20DK520
1, 2beFishery for snow crab with pots20EE1Not applicable



To issue those fishing authorisations, proof must be produced that a valid contract exists between the vessel owner applying for the fishing authorisation and a processing undertaking situated in the Department of French Guiana, and that it includes an obligation to land at least 75 % of all snapper catches from the vessel concerned in that department so that they may be processed in that undertaking’s plant. Such a contract must be endorsed by the French authorities, which shall ensure that it is consistent both with the actual capacity of the contracting processing undertaking and with the objectives for the development of the Guianese economy. A copy of the duly endorsed contract shall be appended to the fishing authorisation application. Where such an endorsement is refused, the French authorities shall give notification of this refusal and state their reasons for it to the party concerned and to the Commission.

Flag StateFisheryNumber of fishing authorisationsMaximum number of vessels present at any time
NorwayHerring, north of 62° 00' NTo be establishedTo be established
Faroe Islands

Mackerel, 6a (north of 56° 30' N), 2a, 4a (north of 59° N)

Horse mackerel, 4, 6a (north of 56° 30' N), 7e, 7f, 7h

Herring, north of 62° 00' N20To be established
Herring, 3a44
Industrial fishing for Norway pout, 4, 6a (north of 56° 30' N) (including unavoidable by-catches of blue whiting)1414
Ling and tusk2010
Blue whiting, 2, 4a, 5, 6a (north of 56° 30' N), 6b, 7 (west of 12° 00' W)2020
Blue ling1616
VenezuelaaSnappers (French Guiana waters)4545


1.Maximum number of Union bait boats and trolling boats authorised to fish actively for bluefin tuna between 8 kg/75 cm and 30 kg/115 cm in the Eastern AtlanticU.K.


2.Maximum number of Union coastal artisanal fishing vessels authorised to fish actively for bluefin tuna between 8 kg/75 cm and 30 kg/115 cm in the MediterraneanU.K.


This number may increase if a purse seiner is replaced by 10 longline vessels in accordance with footnote 4 or footnote 6 of table A in point 4 of this Annex.


3.Maximum number of Union fishing vessels authorised to fish actively for bluefin tuna between 8 kg/75 cm and 30 kg/115 cm in the Adriatic Sea for farming purposesU.K.


4.Maximum number of fishing vessels of each Member State that may be authorised to fish for, retain on board, tranship, transport, or land bluefin tuna in the eastern Atlantic and MediterraneanU.K.

Table A a

The numbers in table A should be adapted in light of fishing plans submitted by Member states by 31 January 2020.


The numbers in this Table A of section 4 may be further increased, provided that the international obligations of the Union are complied with.


One medium-size purse seiner may be replaced by no more than 10 longline vessels or one small purse seiner and no more than three longline vessels.


One medium-size purse seiner may be replaced by no more than 10 longline vessels or one small-size purse seiner and three other artisanal vessels.


One medium-size purse seiner may be replaced by no more than 10 longline vessels.


Polyvalent vessels, using multi-gear equipment.


Baitboats of the outermost regions of Azores and Madeira.


Line vessels operating in the Atlantic.


Polyvalent vessels, using multi-gear equipment (longline, handline, trolling line).

Number of fishing vesselsb
Purse seiners11161922610
Other artisanali042000000

5.Maximum number of traps engaged in the eastern Atlantic and Mediterranean bluefin tuna fishery authorised by each Member State(2) U.K.


This number may be further increased, provided that the international obligations of the Union are complied with.

Member StateNumber of trapsa

6.Maximum bluefin tuna farming capacity and fattening capacity for each Member State and maximum input of wild caught bluefin tuna that each Member State may allocate to its farms in the eastern Atlantic and MediterraneanU.K.

Table A

Maximum tuna farming capacity and fattening capacity
Number of farmsCapacity (in tonnes)
Spain1011 852
Italy1312 600
Greece22 100
Cyprus33 000
Croatia77 880
Malta612 300

Table B a


The total farming capacity of Portugal of 500 tonnes (corresponding to 350 tonnes of input farming capacity) is covered by the unused capacity of the Union set out in table A.


The figures in table B in section 6 must be adapted in light of the farming plans submitted by Member states by 31 January 2020.

Maximum input of wild caught bluefin tuna (in tonnes)b
Spain6 300
Italy3 764
Cyprus2 195
Croatia2 947
Malta8 786

7.The distribution between the Member States of the maximum number of fishing vessels flying the flag of a Member State authorised to fish for northern albacore as a target species in accordance with Article 12 of Regulation (EC) No 520/2007 shall be as follows:U.K.

Member StateMaximum number of vessels
United Kingdom12

8.Maximum number of Union fishing vessels of at least 20 meters length that fish for bigeye tuna in the ICCAT Convention Area shall be as follows:U.K.

Member StateMaximum number of vessels with purse seinesMaximum number of vessels with longlines


Exploratory fishing for toothfish in the CCAMLR Convention Area in 2019/2020 shall be limited to the following:

Table A Authorised Member States, subareas and maximum number of vessels U.K.

Member StateAreaMaximum number of vessels

Table B TACs and by-catch limits U.K.

The TACs set out below, which are adopted by CCAMLR, are not allocated to CCAMLR members and hence the Union’s share is undetermined. Catches are monitored by the CCAMLR Secretariat which will communicate to the Contracting Parties when fishing is to be ceased due to TAC exhaustion


In area 88.1, where the catch of Macrourus spp. taken by a single vessel in any two 10-day periods (i.e. from day 1 to day 10, day 11 to day 20, or day 21 to the last day of the month) in any SSRU exceeds 1 500 kg in each 10-day period and exceeds 16 % of the catch of Dissostichus spp. by that vessel in that SSRU, the vessel shall cease fishing in that SSRU for the remainder of the season.


All areas outside the Ross Sea region marine protected area and north of 70° S.


The target species is Dissostichus mawsoni. Any Dissostichus eleginoides caught shall be counted towards the overall catch limit for Dissostichus mawsoni.


All areas outside the Ross Sea region marine protected area and south of 70° S.

SubareaRegionSeasonSSRUs (48.6) or research blocks (88.1) Dissostichus mawsoni catch limit (in tonnes)/SSRUs (48.6) or research blocks (88.1) Dissostichus mawsoni catch limit (in tonnes)/whole subareaBy-catch limit (in tonnes)/SSRUs (48.6) or research blocks (88.1)
Skates and rays Macrourus spp.aOther species
48.6Whole subarea1 December 2019 to 30 November 202048.6_214067072222
88.1.Whole subarea1 December 2019 to 31 August 2020A, B, C, Gb5973 140c309630
G, H, I, J, Kd2 072104317104
Special Research Zone of the Ross Sea Region marine protected area426237223



Research blocks 48.6 coordinates U.K.

Research block 48.6_2 coordinates

  • 54° 00' S 01° 00' E

  • 55° 00' S 01° 00' E

  • 55° 00' S 02° 00' E

  • 55° 30' S 02° 00' E

  • 55° 30' S 04° 00' E

  • 56° 30' S 04° 00' E

  • 56° 30' S 07° 00' E

  • 56° 00' S 07° 00' E

  • 56° 00' S 08° 00' E

  • 54° 00' S 08° 00' E

  • 54° 00' S 09° 00' E

  • 53° 00' S 09° 00' E

  • 53° 00' S 03° 00' E

  • 53° 30' S 03° 00' E

  • 53° 30' S 02° 00' E

  • 54° 00' S 02° 00' E

Research block 48.6_3 coordinates

  • 64° 30' S 01° 00' E

  • 66° 00' S 01° 00' E

  • 66° 00' S 04° 00' E

  • 65° 00' S 04° 00' E

  • 65° 00' S 07° 00' E

  • 64° 30' S 07° 00' E

Research block 48.6_4 coordinates

  • 68° 20' S 10° 00' E

  • 68° 20' S 13° 00' E

  • 69° 30' S 13° 00' E

  • 69° 30' S 10° 00' E

  • 69° 45' S 10° 00' E

  • 69° 45' S 06° 00' E

  • 69° 00' S 06° 00' E

  • 69° 00' S 10° 00' E

Research block 48.6_5 coordinates

  • 71° 00' S 15° 00' W

  • 71° 00' S 13° 00' W

  • 70° 30' S 13° 00' W

  • 70° 30' S 11° 00' W

  • 70° 30' S 10° 00' W

  • 69° 30' S 10° 00' W

  • 69° 30' S 09° 00' W

  • 70° 00' S 09° 00' W

  • 70° 00' S 08° 00' W

  • 69° 30' S 08° 00' W

  • 69° 30' S 07° 00' W

  • 70° 30' S 07° 00' W

  • 70° 30' S 10° 00' W

  • 71° 00' S 10° 00' W

  • 71° 00' S 11° 00' W

  • 71° 30' S 11° 00' W

  • 71° 30' S 15° 00' W

List of small-scale research units (SSRUs) U.K.

RegionSSRUBoundary line
88.1AFrom 60° S 150° E, due east to 170° E, due south to 65° S, due west to 150° E, due north to 60° S.
BFrom 60° S 170° E, due east to 179° E, due south to 66°40' S, due west to 170° E, due north to 60° S.
CFrom 60° S 179° E, due east to 170° W, due south to 70° S, due west to 178° W, due north to 66°40' S, due west to 179° E, due north to 60° S.
DFrom 65° S 150° E, due east to 160° E, due south to coast, westward along coast to 150° E, due north to 65° S.
EFrom 65° S 160° E, due east to 170° E, due south to 68° 30' S, due west to 160° E, due north to 65° S.
FFrom 68° 30' S 160° E, due east to 170° E, due south to coast, westward along coast to 160° E, due north to 68° 30' S.
GFrom 66° 40' S 170° E, due east to 178° W, due south to 70° S, due west to 178° 50' E, due south to 70° 50' S, due west to 170° E, due north to 66°40' S.
HFrom 70° 50' S 170° E, due east to 178° 50' E, due south to 73° S, due west to coast, northward along coast to 170° E, due north to 70° 50' S.
IFrom 70° S 178° 50' E, due east to 170° W, due south to 73° S, due west to 178° 50' E, due north to 70° S.
JFrom 73° S at coast near 170° E, due east to 178° 50' E, due south to 80° S, due west to 170° E, northward along coast to 73° S.
KFrom 73° S 178° 50' E, due east to 170° W, due south to 76° S, due west to 178° 50' E, due north to 73° S.
LFrom 76° S 178° 50' E, due east to 170° W, due south to 80° S, due west to 178° 50' E, due north to 76° S.
MFrom 73° S at coast near 169° 30' E, due east to 170° E, due south to 80° S, due west to coast, northward along coast to 73° S.



General information

Member: …

Fishing season: …

Name of vessel: …

Expected level of catch (tonnes): …

Vessel’s daily processing capacity (tonnes in green weight): …

Intended fishing subareas and divisions

This conservation measure applies to notifications of intentions to fish for krill in Subareas 48.1, 48.2, 48.3 and 48.4 and Divisions 58.4.1 and 58.4.2. Intentions to fish for krill in other subareas and divisions must be notified under Conservation Measure 21-02.

Subarea/divisionTick the appropriate boxes
Fishing technique


Tick the appropriate boxes

□ Conventional trawl

□ Continuous fishing system

□ Pumping to clear cod-end

□ Other method (please specify)

Product types and methods for direct estimation of green weight of krill caught


If the method is not listed in Annex 21-03/B, then please describe in detail.

Product typeMethod for direct estimation of green weight of krill caught, where relevant (refer to Annex 21-03/B)a
Whole frozen
Other product (please specify)

Net configuration


Expected in operational conditions.


Size of outer mesh, and inner mesh where a liner is used.


Inside measurement of stretched mesh based on the procedure in Conservation Measure 22-01.

Net measurementsNet 1Net 2Other net(s)
Net opening (mouth)
Maximum vertical opening (m)
Maximum horizontal opening (m)
Net circumference at moutha (m)
Mouth area (m2)
Panel average mesh sizec (mm)OuterbInnerbOuterbInnerbOuterbInnerb
1st panel
2nd panel
3rd panel
Final panel (cod-end)

Net diagram(s): …

For each net used, or any change in net configuration, refer to the relevant net diagram in the CCAMLR fishing gear library if available (, or submit a detailed diagram and description to the forthcoming meeting of WG-EMM. Net diagram(s) must include:


Length and width of each trawl panel (in sufficient detail to allow calculation of the angle of each panel with respect to water flow).


Mesh size (inside measurement of stretched mesh based on the procedure in Conservation Measure 22-01), shape (e.g. diamond shape) and material (e.g. polypropylene).


Mesh construction (e.g. knotted, fused).


Details of streamers used inside the trawl (design, location on panels, indicate ‘nil’ if streamers are not in use); streamers prevent krill fouling the mesh or escaping.

Marine mammal exclusion device

Device diagram(s): …

For each type of device used, or any change in device configuration, refer to the relevant diagram in the CCAMLR fishing gear library if available (, or submit a detailed diagram and description to the forthcoming meeting of WG-EMM.

Collection of acoustic data

Provide information on the echosounders and sonars used by the vessel

Type (e.g. echosounder, sonar)
Transducer frequencies (kHz)

Collection of acoustic data (detailed description): …

Outline steps which will be taken to collect acoustic data to provide information on the distribution and abundance of Euphausia superba and other pelagic species such as myctophids and salps (SC-CAMLR-XXX, paragraph 2.10).



Individual haul when using a conventional trawl, or integrated over a six-hour period when using the continuous fishing system.


Individual haul when using a conventional trawl, or a two-hour period when using the continuous fishing system.

MethodEquation (kg)Parameter
DescriptionTypeEstimation methodUnit
Holding tank volumeW*L*H*ρ*1 000W = tank widthConstantMeasure at the start of fishingm
L = tank lengthConstantMeasure at the start of fishingm
ρ = volume-to-mass conversion factorVariableVolume-to-mass conversionkg/litre
H = depth of krill in tankHaul-specificDirect observationm
Flow meteraV*FkrillV = volume of krill and water combinedHaula-specificDirect observationlitre
Fkrill = fraction of krill in the sampleHaula-specificFlow meter volume correction
ρ = volume-to-mass conversion factorVariableVolume-to-mass conversionkg/litre
Flow meterb(V*ρ)–MV = volume of krill pasteHaula-specificDirect observationlitre
M = amount of water added to the process, converted to massHaula-specificDirect observationkg
ρ = density of krill pasteVariableDirect observationkg/litre
Flow scaleM*(1–F)M = mass of krill and water combinedHaulb-specificDirect observationkg
F = fraction of water in the sampleVariableFlow scale mass correction
Plate tray(M–Mtray)*NMtray = mass of empty trayConstantDirect observation prior to fishingkg
M = mean mass of krill and tray combinedVariableDirect observation, prior to freezing with water drainedkg
N = number of traysHaul-specificDirect observation
Meal conversionMmeal*MCFMmeal = mass of meal producedHaul-specificDirect observationkg
MCF = meal conversion factorVariableMeal to whole krill conversion
Cod-end volumeW*H*L*ρ*π/4*1 000W = cod-end widthConstantMeasure at the start of fishingm
H = cod-end heightConstantMeasure at the start of fishingm
ρ = volume-to-mass conversion factorVariableVolume-to-mass conversionkg/litre
L = cod-end lengthHaul-specificDirect observationm
OtherPlease specify

Observation steps and frequency


A new period will commence when the vessel moves to a new subarea or division.


Individual haul when using a conventional trawl, or integrated over a six-hour period when using the continuous fishing system.

Holding tank volume
At the start of fishingMeasure the width and length of the holding tank (if the tank is not rectangular in shape, then additional measurements may be required; precision ±0,05 m)
Every monthaEstimate the volume-to-mass conversion derived from the drained mass of krill in a known volume (e.g. 10 litres) taken from the holding tank
Every haulMeasure the depth of krill in the tank (if krill are held in the tank between hauls, then measure the difference in depth; precision ±0,1 m)
Estimate the green weight of krill caught (using equation)
Flow metera
Prior to fishingEnsure that the flow meter is measuring whole krill (i.e. prior to processing)
More than once per monthaEstimate the volume-to-mass conversion (ρ) derived from the drained mass of krill in a known volume (e.g. 10 litres) taken from the flow meter
Every haulbObtain a sample from the flow meter and:
measure the volume (e.g. 10 litres) of krill and water combined
estimate the flow meter volume correction derived from the drained volume of krill
Estimate the green weight of krill caught (using equation)
Flow meterb
Prior to fishingEnsure that both flow meters (one for the krill product and one for the water added) are calibrated (i.e. show the same, correct reading)
Every weekaEstimate the density (ρ) of the krill product (ground krill paste) by measuring the mass of a known volume of krill product (e.g. 10 litres) taken from the corresponding flow meter
Every haulbRead both flow meters, and calculate the total volumes of the krill product (ground krill paste) and that of the water added; density of the water is assumed to be 1 kg/litre
Estimate the green weight of krill caught (using equation)
Flow scale
Prior to fishingEnsure that the flow scale is measuring whole krill (i.e. prior to processing)
Every haulbObtain a sample from the flow scale and:
measure the mass of krill and water combined
estimate the flow scale mass correction derived from the drained mass of krill
Estimate the green weight of krill caught (using equation)
Plate tray
Prior to fishingMeasure the mass of the tray (if trays vary in design, then measure the mass of each type; precision ±0,1 kg)
Every haulMeasure the mass of krill and tray combined (precision ±0,1 kg)
Count the number of trays used (if trays vary in design, then count the number of trays of each type)
Estimate the green weight of krill caught (using equation)
Meal conversion
Every monthaEstimate the meal to whole krill conversion by processing 1 000 to 5 000 kg (drained mass) of whole krill
Every haulMeasure the mass of meal produced
Estimate the green weight of krill caught (using equation)
Cod-end volume
At the start of fishingMeasure the width and height of the cod-end (precision ±0,1 m)
Every monthaEstimate the volume-to-mass conversion derived from the drained mass of krill in a known volume (e.g. 10 litres) taken from the cod-end
Every haulMeasure the length of cod-end containing krill (precision ±0,1 m)
Estimate the green weight of krill caught (using equation)


1.Maximum number of Union fishing vessels authorised to fish for tropical tunas in the IOTC Area of CompetenceU.K.

Member StateMaximum number of vesselsCapacity (gross tonnage)
Spain2261 364
France2745 383
Portugal51 627
Italy12 137
Union55110 511

2.Maximum number of Union fishing vessels authorised to fish for swordfish and albacore in the IOTC Area of CompetenceU.K.


This figure does not include vessels registered in Mayotte; it may be increased in the future in accordance with Mayotte’s fleet development plan.

Member StateMaximum number of vesselsCapacity (gross tonnage)
Spain2711 590
France41a7 882
Portugal156 925
United Kingdom41 400
Union8727 797

3.The vessels referred to in point 1 shall also be authorised to fish for swordfish and albacore in the IOTC Area of Competence.U.K.

4.The vessels referred to in point 2 shall also be authorised to fish for tropical tunas in the IOTC Area of Competence.U.K.


Maximum number of Union fishing vessels authorised to fish for swordfish in areas south of 20°S of the WCPFC Convention Area


Maximum number of Union purse seiners authorised to fish for tropical tuna in areas south of 20°S of the WCPFC Convention Area


The numbers shown in sections 1, 2 and 3 may decrease in order to comply with international obligations of the Union.


The numbers in section 5 must be adapted in light of fishing plans submitted by Member states by 31 January 2020 for endorsement by Panel 2 of ICCAT on 6 March 2020.