Annexes II and III to Regulation (EC) No 396/2005 are amended as follows:
in Annex II the column for prochloraz is replaced by the following:
(*) Limit of analytical determination | ||
(a) For the complete list of products of plant and animal origin to which MRLs apply, reference should be made to Annex I. | ||
(F) = Fat soluble | ||
Prochloraz (sum of prochloraz, BTS 44595 (M201-04) and BTS 44596 (M201-03), expressed as prochloraz) (F) | ||
(+) The European Food Safety Authority identified some information on residue trials in relation with the new residue definition as unavailable. When re-viewing the MRL, the Commission will take into account the information referred to in the first sentence, if it is submitted by [Office of Publication: please insert date 2 years after publication], or, if that information is not submitted by that date, the lack of it. | ||
0161040 Kumquats | ||
0162020 Litchis/lychees | ||
0162030 Passionfruits/maracujas | ||
0162040 Prickly pears/cactus fruits | ||
0162050 Star apples/cainitos | ||
0162060 American persimmons/Virginia kaki | ||
0163010 Avocados | ||
0163040 Papayas | ||
0163050 Granate apples/pomegranates | ||
0163060 Cherimoyas | ||
0163070 Guavas | ||
0163090 Breadfruits | ||
0163100 Durians | ||
0163110 Soursops/guanabanas | ||
(+) The European Food Safety Authority identified some information on feeding studies analysing both enforcement and risk assessment residue definitions as unavailable. When re-viewing the MRL, the Commission will take into account the information referred to in the first sentence, if it is submitted by [Office of Publication: please insert date 2 years after publication], or, if that information is not submitted by that date, the lack of it. | ||
1011030 Liver | ||
1011040 Kidney | ||
1012020 Fat | ||
1012030 Liver | ||
1012040 Kidney | ||
1013020 Fat | ||
1013030 Liver | ||
1013040 Kidney | ||
1014020 Fat | ||
1014030 Liver | ||
1014040 Kidney | ||
1015020 Fat | ||
1015030 Liver | ||
1015040 Kidney | ||
1016010 Muscle | ||
1016020 Fat | ||
1016030 Liver | ||
1016040 Kidney | ||
1016050 Edible offals (other than liver and kidney) | ||
1016990 Others (2) | ||
1030010 Chicken | ||
1030020 Duck | ||
1030030 Geese | ||
1030040 Quail | ||
Code number | Groups and examples of individual products to which the MRLs apply (a) | Prochloraz (sum of prochloraz, BTS 44595 (M201-04) and BTS 44596 (M201-03), expressed as prochloraz) (F) |
0110000 | Citrus fruits | 0.03* |
0110010 | Grapefruits | |
0110020 | Oranges | |
0110030 | Lemons | |
0110040 | Limes | |
0110050 | Mandarins | |
0110990 | Others (2) | |
0120000 | Tree nuts | 0.03* |
0120010 | Almonds | |
0120020 | Brazil nuts | |
0120030 | Cashew nuts | |
0120040 | Chestnuts | |
0120050 | Coconuts | |
0120060 | Hazelnuts/cobnuts | |
0120070 | Macadamias | |
0120080 | Pecans | |
0120090 | Pine nut kernels | |
0120100 | Pistachios | |
0120110 | Walnuts | |
0120990 | Others (2) | |
0130000 | Pome fruits | 0.03* |
0130010 | Apples | |
0130020 | Pears | |
0130030 | Quinces | |
0130040 | Medlars | |
0130050 | Loquats/Japanese medlars | |
0130990 | Others (2) | |
0140000 | Stone fruits | 0.03* |
0140010 | Apricots | |
0140020 | Cherries (sweet) | |
0140030 | Peaches | |
0140040 | Plums | |
0140990 | Others (2) | |
0150000 | Berries and small fruits | 0.03* |
0151000 | (a) grapes | |
0151010 | Table grapes | |
0151020 | Wine grapes | |
0152000 | (b) strawberries | |
0153000 | (c) cane fruits | |
0153010 | Blackberries | |
0153020 | Dewberries | |
0153030 | Raspberries (red and yellow) | |
0153990 | Others (2) | |
0154000 | (d) other small fruits and berries | |
0154010 | Blueberries | |
0154020 | Cranberries | |
0154030 | Currants (black, red and white) | |
0154040 | Gooseberries (green, red and yellow) | |
0154050 | Rose hips | |
0154060 | Mulberries (black and white) | |
0154070 | Azaroles/Mediterranean medlars | |
0154080 | Elderberries | |
0154990 | Others (2) | |
0160000 | Miscellaneous fruits with | |
0161000 | (a) edible peel | |
0161010 | Dates | 0.03* |
0161020 | Figs | 0.03* |
0161030 | Table olives | 0.03* |
0161040 | Kumquats | 10 (+) |
0161050 | Carambolas | 0.03* |
0161060 | Kaki/Japanese persimmons | 0.03* |
0161070 | Jambuls/jambolans | 0.03* |
0161990 | Others (2) | 0.03* |
0162000 | (b) inedible peel, small | |
0162010 | Kiwi fruits (green, red, yellow) | 0.03* |
0162020 | Litchis/lychees | 7 (+) |
0162030 | Passionfruits/maracujas | 7 (+) |
0162040 | Prickly pears/cactus fruits | 7 (+) |
0162050 | Star apples/cainitos | 7 (+) |
0162060 | American persimmons/Virginia kaki | 7 (+) |
0162990 | Others (2) | 0.03* |
0163000 | (c) inedible peel, large | |
0163010 | Avocados | 7 (+) |
0163020 | Bananas | 0.03* |
0163030 | Mangoes | 0.03* |
0163040 | Papayas | 7 (+) |
0163050 | Granate apples/pomegranates | 7 (+) |
0163060 | Cherimoyas | 7 (+) |
0163070 | Guavas | 7 (+) |
0163080 | Pineapples | 0.03* |
0163090 | Breadfruits | 7 (+) |
0163100 | Durians | 7 (+) |
0163110 | Soursops/guanabanas | 7 (+) |
0163990 | Others (2) | 0.03* |
0210000 | Root and tuber vegetables | 0.03* |
0211000 | (a) potatoes | |
0212000 | (b) tropical root and tuber vegetables | |
0212010 | Cassava roots/manioc | |
0212020 | Sweet potatoes | |
0212030 | Yams | |
0212040 | Arrowroots | |
0212990 | Others (2) | |
0213000 | (c) other root and tuber vegetables except sugar beets | |
0213010 | Beetroots | |
0213020 | Carrots | |
0213030 | Celeriacs/turnip rooted celeries | |
0213040 | Horseradishes | |
0213050 | Jerusalem artichokes | |
0213060 | Parsnips | |
0213070 | Parsley roots/Hamburg roots parsley | |
0213080 | Radishes | |
0213090 | Salsifies | |
0213100 | Swedes/rutabagas | |
0213110 | Turnips | |
0213990 | Others (2) | |
0220000 | Bulb vegetables | 0.03* |
0220010 | Garlic | |
0220020 | Onions | |
0220030 | Shallots | |
0220040 | Spring onions/green onions and Welsh onions | |
0220990 | Others (2) | |
0230000 | Fruiting vegetables | 0.03* |
0231000 | (a) Solanaceae and Malvaceae | |
0231010 | Tomatoes | |
0231020 | Sweet peppers/bell peppers | |
0231030 | Aubergines/eggplants | |
0231040 | Okra/lady's fingers | |
0231990 | Others (2) | |
0232000 | (b) cucurbits with edible peel | |
0232010 | Cucumbers | |
0232020 | Gherkins | |
0232030 | Courgettes | |
0232990 | Others (2) | |
0233000 | (c) cucurbits with inedible peel | |
0233010 | Melons | |
0233020 | Pumpkins | |
0233030 | Watermelons | |
0233990 | Others (2) | |
0234000 | (d) sweet corn | |
0239000 | (e) other fruiting vegetables | |
0240000 | Brassica vegetables (excluding brassica roots and brassica baby leaf crops) | 0.03* |
0241000 | (a) flowering brassica | |
0241010 | Broccoli | |
0241020 | Cauliflowers | |
0241990 | Others (2) | |
0242000 | (b) head brassica | |
0242010 | Brussels sprouts | |
0242020 | Head cabbages | |
0242990 | Others (2) | |
0243000 | (c) leafy brassica | |
0243010 | Chinese cabbages/pe-tsai | |
0243020 | Kales | |
0243990 | Others (2) | |
0244000 | (d) kohlrabies | |
0250000 | Leaf vegetables, herbs and edible flowers | |
0251000 | (a) lettuces and salad plants | 0.03* |
0251010 | Lamb's lettuces/corn salads | |
0251020 | Lettuces | |
0251030 | Escaroles/broad-leaved endives | |
0251040 | Cresses and other sprouts and shoots | |
0251050 | Land cresses | |
0251060 | Roman rocket/rucola | |
0251070 | Red mustards | |
0251080 | Baby leaf crops (including brassica species) | |
0251990 | Others (2) | |
0252000 | (b) spinaches and similar leaves | 0.03* |
0252010 | Spinaches | |
0252020 | Purslanes | |
0252030 | Chards/beet leaves | |
0252990 | Others (2) | |
0253000 | (c) grape leaves and similar species | 0.03* |
0254000 | (d) watercresses | 0.03* |
0255000 | (e) witloofs/Belgian endives | 0.03* |
0256000 | (f) herbs and edible flowers | 0.06* |
0256010 | Chervil | |
0256020 | Chives | |
0256030 | Celery leaves | |
0256040 | Parsley | |
0256050 | Sage | |
0256060 | Rosemary | |
0256070 | Thyme | |
0256080 | Basil and edible flowers | |
0256090 | Laurel/bay leaves | |
0256100 | Tarragon | |
0256990 | Others (2) | |
0260000 | Legume vegetables | 0.03* |
0260010 | Beans (with pods) | |
0260020 | Beans (without pods) | |
0260030 | Peas (with pods) | |
0260040 | Peas (without pods) | |
0260050 | Lentils | |
0260990 | Others (2) | |
0270000 | Stem vegetables | 0.03* |
0270010 | Asparagus | |
0270020 | Cardoons | |
0270030 | Celeries | |
0270040 | Florence fennels | |
0270050 | Globe artichokes | |
0270060 | Leeks | |
0270070 | Rhubarbs | |
0270080 | Bamboo shoots | |
0270090 | Palm hearts | |
0270990 | Others (2) | |
0280000 | Fungi, mosses and lichens | |
0280010 | Cultivated fungi | 3 |
0280020 | Wild fungi | 0.03* |
0280990 | Mosses and lichens | 0.03* |
0290000 | Algae and prokaryotes organisms | 0.03* |
0300000 | PULSES | 0.03* |
0300010 | Beans | |
0300020 | Lentils | |
0300030 | Peas | |
0300040 | Lupins/lupini beans | |
0300990 | Others (2) | |
0401000 | Oilseeds | |
0401010 | Linseeds | 0.3 |
0401020 | Peanuts/groundnuts | 0.03* |
0401030 | Poppy seeds | 0.3 |
0401040 | Sesame seeds | 0.03* |
0401050 | Sunflower seeds | 0.3 |
0401060 | Rapeseeds/canola seeds | 0.3 |
0401070 | Soyabeans | 0.03* |
0401080 | Mustard seeds | 0.03* |
0401090 | Cotton seeds | 0.03* |
0401100 | Pumpkin seeds | 0.03* |
0401110 | Safflower seeds | 0.03* |
0401120 | Borage seeds | 0.03* |
0401130 | Gold of pleasure seeds | 0.03* |
0401140 | Hemp seeds | 0.03* |
0401150 | Castor beans | 0.03* |
0401990 | Others (2) | 0.03* |
0402000 | Oil fruits | 0.03* |
0402010 | Olives for oil production | |
0402020 | Oil palms kernels | |
0402030 | Oil palms fruits | |
0402040 | Kapok | |
0402990 | Others (2) | |
0500000 | CEREALS | |
0500010 | Barley | 0.03* |
0500020 | Buckwheat and other pseudocereals | 0.03* |
0500030 | Maize/corn | 0.03* |
0500040 | Common millet/proso millet | 0.03* |
0500050 | Oat | 0.03* |
0500060 | Rice | 0.03* |
0500070 | Rye | 0.2 |
0500080 | Sorghum | 0.03* |
0500090 | Wheat | 0.2 |
0500990 | Others (2) | 0.03* |
0610000 | Teas | |
0620000 | Coffee beans | |
0630000 | Herbal infusions from | |
0631000 | (a) flowers | |
0631010 | Chamomile | |
0631020 | Hibiscus/roselle | |
0631030 | Rose | |
0631040 | Jasmine | |
0631050 | Lime/linden | |
0631990 | Others (2) | |
0632000 | (b) leaves and herbs | |
0632010 | Strawberry | |
0632020 | Rooibos | |
0632030 | Mate/maté | |
0632990 | Others (2) | |
0633000 | (c) roots | |
0633010 | Valerian | |
0633020 | Ginseng | |
0633990 | Others (2) | |
0639000 | (d) any other parts of the plant | |
0640000 | Cocoa beans | |
0650000 | Carobs/Saint John's breads | |
0700000 | HOPS | 0.15* |
0800000 | SPICES | |
0810000 | Seed spices | 0.15* |
0810010 | Anise/aniseed | |
0810020 | Black caraway/black cumin | |
0810030 | Celery | |
0810040 | Coriander | |
0810050 | Cumin | |
0810060 | Dill | |
0810070 | Fennel | |
0810080 | Fenugreek | |
0810090 | Nutmeg | |
0810990 | Others (2) | |
0820000 | Fruit spices | 0.15* |
0820010 | Allspice/pimento | |
0820020 | Sichuan pepper | |
0820030 | Caraway | |
0820040 | Cardamom | |
0820050 | Juniper berry | |
0820060 | Peppercorn (black, green and white) | |
0820070 | Vanilla | |
0820080 | Tamarind | |
0820990 | Others (2) | |
0830000 | Bark spices | 0.15* |
0830010 | Cinnamon | |
0830990 | Others (2) | |
0840000 | Root and rhizome spices | |
0840010 | Liquorice | 0.15* |
0840020 | Ginger (10) | 0.15* |
0840030 | Turmeric/curcuma | 0.15* |
0840040 | Horseradish (11) | |
0840990 | Others (2) | 0.15* |
0850000 | Bud spices | 0.15* |
0850010 | Cloves | |
0850020 | Capers | |
0850990 | Others (2) | |
0860000 | Flower pistil spices | 0.15* |
0860010 | Saffron | |
0860990 | Others (2) | |
0870000 | Aril spices | 0.15* |
0870010 | Mace | |
0870990 | Others (2) | |
0900000 | SUGAR PLANTS | 0.03* |
0900010 | Sugar beet roots | |
0900020 | Sugar canes | |
0900030 | Chicory roots | |
0900990 | Others (2) | |
1010000 | Commodities from | |
1011000 | (a) swine | |
1011010 | Muscle | 0.03* |
1011020 | Fat | 0.03* |
1011030 | Liver | 0.3 (+) |
1011040 | Kidney | 0.05 (+) |
1011050 | Edible offals (other than liver and kidney) | 0.03* |
1011990 | Others (2) | 0.03* |
1012000 | (b) bovine | |
1012010 | Muscle | 0.03* |
1012020 | Fat | 0.07 (+) |
1012030 | Liver | 1 (+) |
1012040 | Kidney | 0.2 (+) |
1012050 | Edible offals (other than liver and kidney) | 0.03* |
1012990 | Others (2) | 0.03* |
1013000 | (c) sheep | |
1013010 | Muscle | 0.03* |
1013020 | Fat | 0.15 (+) |
1013030 | Liver | 3 (+) |
1013040 | Kidney | 0.5 (+) |
1013050 | Edible offals (other than liver and kidney) | 0.03* |
1013990 | Others (2) | 0.03* |
1014000 | d) goat | |
1014010 | Muscle | 0.03* |
1014020 | Fat | 0.15 (+) |
1014030 | Liver | 3 (+) |
1014040 | Kidney | 0.5 (+) |
1014050 | Edible offals (other than liver and kidney) | 0.03* |
1014990 | Others (2) | 0.03* |
1015000 | (e) equine | |
1015010 | Muscle | 0.03* |
1015020 | Fat | 0.07 (+) |
1015030 | Liver | 1 (+) |
1015040 | Kidney | 0.2 (+) |
1015050 | Edible offals (other than liver and kidney) | 0.03* |
1015990 | Others (2) | 0.03* |
1016000 | (f) poultry | |
1016010 | Muscle | 0.03* (+) |
1016020 | Fat | 0.03* (+) |
1016030 | Liver | 0.04 (+) |
1016040 | Kidney | 0.03* (+) |
1016050 | Edible offals (other than liver and kidney) | 0.03* (+) |
1016990 | Others (2) | 0.03* (+) |
1017000 | (g) other farmed terrestrial animals | 0.03* |
1017010 | Muscle | |
1017020 | Fat | |
1017030 | Liver | |
1017040 | Kidney | |
1017050 | Edible offals (other than liver and kidney) | |
1017990 | Others (2) | |
1020000 | Milk | 0.03* |
1020010 | Cattle | |
1020020 | Sheep | |
1020030 | Goat | |
1020040 | Horse | |
1020990 | Others (2) | |
1030000 | Birds eggs | 0.1 |
1030010 | Chicken | (+) |
1030020 | Duck | (+) |
1030030 | Geese | (+) |
1030040 | Quail | (+) |
1030990 | Others (2) | |
1040000 | Honey and other apiculture products (7) | 0.15* |
1050000 | Amphibians and Reptiles | 0.03* |
1060000 | Terrestrial invertebrate animals | 0.03* |
1070000 | Wild terrestrial vertebrate animals | 0.03* |
in part B of Annex III the column for prochloraz is deleted.