Terrestrial animals (by species) except honeybees and bumble bees:
number of susceptible animals, including wild animals where applicable;
estimated number of clinically or subclinically infected or infested animals including wild animals, where applicable;
estimated number of animals that have died or, in the case of wild animals, that have been found dead;
number of animals killed;
number of animals slaughtered;
Honeybees and bumble bees:
number of susceptible colonies;
number of clinically or subclinically infected or infested colonies;
number of dead colonies;
number of destroyed colonies;
Aquatic animals (by species):
estimated number or biomass of susceptible animals, including wild animals where applicable;
estimated number or biomass of clinically or subclinically infected animals, including wild animals where applicable;
estimated number or biomass of animals that have died or in the case of wild animals, that have been found dead;
estimated number or biomass of animals killed;
estimated number or biomass of animals slaughtered.