Article 1Subject matter and scope

This Regulation lays down rules concerning:


category E diseases relevant to the Union notification of outbreaks and the information to be provided by Member States for Union notification and Union reporting as regards the detection of category E diseases;


the deadlines and frequencies of Union notification and Union reporting of diseases;


the format and procedure for reporting to the Commission the results of Union surveillance programmes and the information, format and procedure for reporting to the Commission and other Member States on the results of eradication programmes;


the format and structure of the data referred to in points 1 and 3 to be entered into the computerised information system for Union notification and Union reporting of diseases;


the listing of notification and reporting regions;


the format and procedure for the submission for information of Union surveillance programmes to the Commission and other Member States;


the information, format and procedural requirements as regards the submission of draft compulsory and draft optional eradication programmes to the Commission for approval and as regards performance indicators necessary to evaluate the effectiveness of the application of those programmes, as well as the formats and procedures for applications for recognition of disease-free status of the entire territory of Member States, or zones and compartments thereof and for exchanges of information between the Member States and the Commission on disease-free Member States, or zones and compartments thereof;


procedures for the establishment and use of the Animal Disease Information System (ADIS).