Article 7U.K.Survivability exemption for plaice below the minimum conservation reference size
1.The survivability exemption referred to in Article 15(4)(b) of Regulation (EU) No 1380/2013 shall apply in the Union waters of ICES division 2a and ICES subarea 4 and to plaice caught which is below the minimum conservation reference size and caught using 80 to 119 mm beam trawls (BT2) if the plaice is caught:
(a)with gears equipped with the flip-up rope or Benthos release panel (BRP) and caught by vessels with an engine power of more than 221 kW; or
(b)by the vessels of Member States implementing the roadmap for the Fully Documented Fisheries.
2.The exemption referred to in paragraph 1 shall also apply to flatfish caught with beam trawls (BT2) by vessels with an engine power of not more than 221kw or less than 24m in length overall, which are constructed to fish in the twelve miles zone, if the average trawl duration is less than ninety minutes.
3.Member States having a direct management interest shall submit every year, as soon as possible and not later than 1 May, additional scientific information supporting the exemptions laid down in paragraphs 1 and 2. The Scientific, Technical and Economic Committee for Fisheries (‘STECF’) shall assess the provided scientific information by 31 July every year.
4.When discarding plaice caught in the cases referred to in paragraphs 1 and 2, the plaice shall be released immediately.