(EUR million – 2018 prices)
Commitment appropriations 2021 2022 2023 2024 2025 2026 2027 Total 2021-2027

1. Single Market, Innovation and Digital

19 712 19 666 19 133 18 633 18 518 18 646 18 473 132 781

2. Cohesion, Resilience and Values

49 741 51 101 52 194 53 954 55 182 56 787 58 809 377 768

Economic, social and territorial cohesion

45 41145 95146 49347 13047 77048 41449 066330 235

Resilience and values

4 3305 1505 7016 8247 4128 3739 74347 533

3. Natural Resources and Environment

55 242 52 214 51 489 50 617 49 719 48 932 48 161 356 374
of which: Market related expenditure and direct payments38 56438 11537 60436 98336 37335 77235 183258 594

4. Migration and Border Management

2 324 2 811 3 164 3 282 3 672 3 682 3 736 22 671

5. Security and Defence

1 700 1 725 1 737 1 754 1 928 2 078 2 263 13 185

6. Neighbourhood and the World

15 309 15 522 14 789 14 056 13 323 12 592 12 828 98 419

7. European Public Administration

10 021 10 215 10 342 10 454 10 554 10 673 10 843 73 102
of which: Administrative expenditure of the institutions7 7427 8787 9457 9978 0258 0778 18855 852
TOTAL COMMITMENT APPROPRIATIONS 154 049 153 254 152 848 152 750 152 896 153 390 155 113 1 074 300
TOTAL PAYMENT APPROPRIATIONS 156 557 154 822 149 936 149 936 149 936 149 936 149 936 1 061 058