
ANNEX IData collection periods

Part A: Data collection periods for the domains with one periodicity


July 2022-March 2023.


July 2028-March 2029.


Expected to take place in 2025, but postponed to 2026 in accordance with item 8 of the Annex IV of Regulation (EU) 2019/1700. For the first implementation of the consumption domain data collection, Member States may deviate for no more than one year from the year of data collection defined in this delegated act.


According to item 8 of the Annex II of Regulation (EU) 2019/1700, the precision requirement for the consumption domain may be reached by combining microdata concerning a maximum of three successive years of observations. In this case, the last year of observation shall be 2026.

DomainsYears of data collection
Education and trainingXaXb
Use of information and communication technologiesXXXXXXXX
Time use
ConsumptionXc, d

Part B: Data collection periods for the domains having several periodicities

DomainsGroups (acronyms)Years of data collection
Labour ForceQuarterly (LFQ)Every quarterEvery quarterEvery quarterEvery quarterEvery quarterEvery quarterEvery quarterEvery quarter
‘Reasons for migration’ and ‘working time arrangements’ (LF2YA)XXXX
‘Participation in formal and non-formal education and training (12 months)’, ‘disability and other elements of Minimum European Health Module’ and ‘elements of the Minimum European Health Module’ (LF2YB)XXXX
Labour market situation of migrants and their immediate descendants (LF8YA)X
Pensions and labour market participation (LF8YB)X
‘Young people on the labour market’ and ‘educational attainment – details, including education interrupted or abandoned’ (LF8YC)X
Reconciliation of work and family life (LF8YD)X
Work organisation and working time arrangements (LF8YE)X
Accidents at work and work-related health problems (LF8YF)X
Ad hoc Subject on job skillsX
Ad hoc Subject (to be defined at a later stage)X
Income and Living ConditionsYearly (ILCY)XXXXXXXX
Children (ILC3YA)XXX
Health (ILC3YB)XXX
Labour Market and Housing (ILC3YC)XX
Quality of life (ILC6YA)XX
Intergenerational transmission of disadvantages & Housing difficulties (ILC6YB)X
Access to services (ILC6YC)X
Over-indebtedness, consumption and wealth (ILC6YD)X
Ad hoc Subject on Living arrangements and conditions of children within separated or blended familiesX
Ad hoc Subject (to be defined at a later stage)X
Ad hoc Subject (to be defined at a later stage)X
Ad hoc Subject (to be defined at a later stage)X


Grouping of the detailed topics for the data collection having several periodicities

DomainsDetailed topicsGroups (acronyms)
Labour ForceData collection informationQuarterly (LFQ)
IdentificationQuarterly (LFQ)
WeightsYearly (LFY) and Quarterly (LFQ)
Interview characteristicsQuarterly (LFQ)
LocalisationQuarterly (LFQ)
DemographyQuarterly (LFQ)
Citizenship and migrant backgroundQuarterly (LFQ)
Household compositionYearly (LFY)
Household composition – additional specific detailsYearly (LFY)
Stay in the countryQuarterly (LFQ)
Reason for migrationEvery 2 years (LF2YA)
Elements of the Minimum European Health ModuleEvery 2 years (LF2YB)
Disability and other elements of Minimum European Health ModuleEvery 2 years (LF2YB)
Accidents at work and other work-related health problemsEvery 8 years (LF8YF)
Main activity status (self-defined)Quarterly (LFQ)
Elementary job characteristicsQuarterly (LFQ)
Employment statusQuarterly (LFQ)
Duration of contractQuarterly (LFQ)
Details of contractYearly (LFY)
Full- or part-time status — reasonQuarterly (LFQ)
Dependent self-employmentYearly (LFY)
Supervisory responsibilitiesYearly (LFY)
Establishment sizeYearly (LFY)
WorkplaceQuarterly (LFQ)
Working at homeYearly (LFY)
Search for employmentQuarterly (LFQ)
Willingness to workQuarterly (LFQ)
AvailabilityQuarterly (LFQ)
Second or multiple job(s)Quarterly (LFQ)
Search for another jobYearly (LFY)
UnderemploymentQuarterly (LFQ)
Reconciliation of work and family lifeEvery 8 years (LF8YD)
Young people on the labour marketEvery 8 years (LF8YC)
Labour market situation of migrants and their immediate descendantsEvery 8 years (LF8YA)
Pension and labour market participationEvery 8 years (LF8YB)
Care needsYearly (LFY)
Start of jobQuarterly (LFQ)
Way job foundYearly (LFY)
Career continuity and breaksQuarterly (LFQ)
Elementary characteristics of the last jobYearly (LFY)
Working hoursQuarterly (LFQ)
Working time arrangementsEvery 2 years (LF2YA)
Work organisation and working time arrangementsEvery 8 years (LF8YE)
Income from workYearly (LFY)
Income from unemployment allowancesQuarterly (LFQ)
Educational attainment levelQuarterly (LFQ)
Educational attainment – details, including education interrupted or abandonedYearly (LFY) and every 8 years (LF8YC)
Participation in formal and non-formal education and training (4 weeks)Quarterly (LFQ)
Participation in formal and non-formal education and training (12 months)Every 2 years (LF2YB)
Income and living conditionsData collection informationYearly(ILCY)
Interview characteristicsYearly(ILCY)
DemographyYearly (ILCY)
Citizenship and migrant backgroundYearly (ILCY)
Household compositionYearly (ILCY)
Household composition — additional specific detailsYearly (ILCY)
Duration of stay in the countryYearly (ILCY)
Disability and Minimum European Health ModuleYearly (ILCY)
Details on health status and disabilityEvery 3 years (ILC3YB)
Children healthEvery 3 years (ILC3YA)
Access to health careYearly (ILCY)
Health careEvery 3 years (ILC3YB)
Access to health care (children)Every 3 years (ILC3YA)
Health determinantsEvery 3 years (ILC3YB)
Main activity status (self-defined)Yearly (ILCY)
Elementary job characteristicsYearly (ILCY)
Characteristics of the workplaceEvery 3 years (ILC3YB)
Duration of contractYearly (ILCY)
Employment statusEvery 3 years (ILC3YC)
Detailed labour market situationYearly (ILCY)
Supervisory responsibilitiesYearly (ILCY)
Previous work experienceYearly (ILCY)
Calendar of activitiesYearly (ILCY)
Working hoursYearly (ILCY)
Educational attainment levelYearly (ILCY)
Educational attainment — details, including education interrupted or abandonedEvery 3 years (ILC3YC)
Participation in formal education activities (current)Yearly (ILCY)
Quality of lifeYearly (ILCY)
Social and cultural participationEvery 6 years (ILC6YA)
Well-beingEvery 6 years (ILC6YA)
Material deprivationYearly (ILCY)
Children-specific deprivationEvery 3 years (ILC3YA)
Main housing characteristicsYearly (ILCY)
Housing conditions details, incl. deprivation and imputed rentEvery 3 years (ILC3YC)
Housing costs including reduced utility costsYearly (ILCY)
Living environmentEvery 3 years (ILC3YC)
Housing difficulties (including renting difficulties) and reasonsEvery 6 years (ILC6YB)
Use of services, including care services and services for independent livingEvery 6 years (ILC6YC)
Affordability of servicesEvery 6 years (ILC6YC)
Unmet needs and reasonsEvery 6 years (ILC6YC)
ChildcareYearly (ILCY)
Income from workYearly (ILCY)
Income from social transfersYearly (ILCY)
Income from pensionsYearly (ILCY)
Other incomes, including income from property and capital and inter-household transfersYearly (ILCY)
Taxes and contributions actually paid after reductionsYearly (ILCY)
Total annual income at the level of persons and householdsYearly (ILCY)
Over-indebtedness, including reasonsEvery 6 years (ILC6YD)
ArrearsYearly (ILCY)
Elements of wealth, including dwelling ownershipEvery 6 years (ILC6YD)
Elements of consumptionEvery 6 years (ILC6YD)
Intergenerational transmission of advantages and disadvantagesEvery 6 years (ILC6YB)
Assessment of own needsEvery 6 years (ILC6YB)