Topic | Detailed topic | Variable identifier | Variable name |
01.Technical Items - 23 technical variables (19 quarterly; 4 yearly) - 1 derived variable | Data collection information | REFYEAR | Year of survey |
REFWEEK | Reference week |
REFMONTH | Reference month |
INTWEEK | Interview week |
HHTYPE | Living in a private household or an institution |
STRATUM | Stratum |
PSU | Primary sampling unit |
FSU | Final (or ultimate) sampling unit |
DEWEIGHT | Design weight |
Identification | IDENT | Unique identifier |
HHNUM | Serial number of the household |
HHSEQNUM | Sequence number in the household |
Weights | COEFFQ | Quarterly weighting factor |
COEFFY | Yearly weighting factor |
COEFF2Y | Weighting factor for the two-yearly variables |
COEFFMOD | Yearly weighting factor — module |
COEFFHH | Yearly household weighting factor |
Interview characteristics | INTWAVE | Sequence number of the survey wave |
INTQUEST | Questionnaire used |
MODE | Interviewing mode used |
PROXY | Nature of participation in the survey |
Localisation | COUNTRY | Country of residence |
REGION | Region of residence |
DEGURBA | Degree of urbanisation |
02.Person and household characteristics - 14 collected variables (9 quarterly; 4 yearly; 1 biennially) - 1 derived variable | Demography | SEX | Sex |
YEARBIR | Year of birth |
PASSBIR | Passing of birthday |
AGE | Age in completed years |
Citizenship and migrant background | CITIZENSHIP | Country of main citizenship |
COUNTRYB | Country of birth |
COBFATH | Country of birth of the father |
COBMOTH | Country of birth of the mother |
Reasons for migration | MIGREAS | Main reason for migrating |
Household composition | HHLINK | Relationship to the reference person in the household |
Household composition — additional specific details | HHSPOU | Sequence number of partner |
HHFATH | Sequence number of father |
HHMOTH | Sequence number of mother |
Stay in the country | YEARESID | Duration of stay in the country of residence in completed years |
COUNTRPR | Country of previous residence |
03.Labour market participation - 35 collected variables (25 quarterly; 10 yearly) - 2 derived variables | Employment status | WKSTAT | Working in the reference week |
ABSREAS | Main reason for absence from work during the entire reference week |
JATTACH | Job attachment |
EMPSTAT | Being in employment |
ILOSTAT | ILO employment status |
Second or multiple job(s) | NUMJOB | Number of jobs |
STAPRO2J | Status in employment in second job |
NACE2J2D | Economic activity of the local unit for second job |
Search for employment | SEEKWORK | Searching for employment during the 4 weeks ending in the reference week |
SEEKREAS | Main reason for not searching for employment |
ACTMETNE | Having used an active search method to find a job (for not employed people) |
SEEKDUR | Duration of search for employment |
Willingness to work | WANTWORK | Willingness to work even if not searching for employment |
WANTREAS | Main reason for not wanting to work |
Underemployment | WISHMORE | Wish to work more than the current number of usual hours |
Availability | AVAILBLE | Availability to start working immediately or to work more |
AVAIREAS | Main reason for not being available to start working immediately or to work more |
Workplace | COUNTRYW | Country of place of work for main job |
REGIONW | Region of place of work for main job |
Working at home | HOMEWORK | Working at home for the main job |
Elementary job characteristics | STAPRO | Status in employment in main job |
NACE3D | Economic activity of the local unit for main job |
ISCO4D | Occupation in main job |
FTPT | Full- or part-time main job (self-defined) |
Duration of contract | TEMP | Permanency of main job |
TEMPDUR | Total duration of temporary main job |
Details of contract | TEMPREAS | Main reason for having a temporary main job |
TEMPAGCY | Contract with a temporary employment agency for the main job |
Full- or part-time status — reason | FTPTREAS | Main reason for part-time work in the main job |
Dependent self-employment | MAINCLNT | Number and importance of clients in the 12 months ending with the reference week |
VARITIME | Decision on the start and end of working time |
Supervisory responsibilities | SUPVISOR | Supervisory responsibilities in main job |
Establishment size | SIZEFIRM | Size of the local unit for main job |
Search for another job | LOOKOJ | Looking for another job |
HWWISH | Number of hours that the person would like to work in total in a week |
Care needs | NEEDCARE | Main reason why care for children or incapacitated relatives limits labour market participation |
Main activity status (self-defined) | MAINSTAT | Main activity status (self-defined) |
04.Educational attainment and background - 4 collected variables (1 quarterly; 3 yearly) | Educational attainment level | HATLEVEL | Educational attainment level (highest level of education successfully completed) |
Educational attainment – details, including education interrupted or abandoned | HATFIELD | Field of the highest level of education successfully completed |
HATYEAR | Year when the highest level of education was successfully completed |
HATWORK | Work experience at a workplace as part of HATLEVEL |
05.Job tenure, work biography and previous work experience - 11 collected variables (6 quarterly; 5 yearly) | Start of job | YSTARTWK | Year in which person started working for current employer or as self-employed in current main job |
MSTARTWK | Month in which person started working for current employer or as self-employed in current main job |
Way job found | WAYJFOUN | Public employment service helped to find the current main job |
FINDMETH | Most effective method used to find the current main job (for persons in employment) |
Career continuity and breaks | EXISTPR | Existence of previous employment experience |
YEARPR | Year in which person left the last job or business |
MONTHPR | Month in which person left the last job or business |
LEAVREAS | Main reason for leaving last job or business |
Elementary characteristics of the last job | STAPROPR | Status in employment in last job or business |
NACEPR2D | Economic activity of the local unit in which person last worked |
ISCOPR3D | Occupation in the last job |
06.Working conditions including working hours and working time arrangements - 14 collected variables (9 quarterly; 5 biennially) | Working hours | CONTRHRS | Contractual working hours in main job |
HWUSUAL | Number of hours per week usually worked in main job |
ABSHOLID | Days of absence from main job due to holidays and leave |
ABSILLINJ | Days of absence from main job due to own illness, injury or temporary disability |
ABSOTHER | Days of absence from main job due to other reasons |
EXTRAHRS | Overtime or extra hours worked in main job |
HWACTUAL | Number of hours actually worked in main job |
HWUSU2J | Number of hours per week usually worked in second job |
HWACTU2J | Number of hours actually worked in second job |
Working time arrangements | SHIFTWK | Shift work in main job |
EVENWK | Evening work in main job |
NIGHTWK | Night work in main job |
SATWK | Saturday work in main job |
SUNWK | Sunday work in main job |
07.Participation in education and training - 6 collected variables (3 quarterly; 3 biennially) | Participation in formal and non-formal education and training (4 weeks) | EDUCFED4 | Participation in formal education and training (student or apprentice) in the last 4 weeks |
EDUCLEV4 | Level of the most recent formal education or training activity in the last 4 weeks |
EDUCNFE4 | Participation in non-formal education and training in the last 4 weeks |
Participation in formal and non-formal education and training (12 months) | EDUCFED12 | Participation in formal education and training (student or apprentice) in the last 12 months |
EDUCLEV12 | Level of the most recent formal education or training activity in the last 12 months |
EDUCNFE12 | Participation in non-formal education and training in the last 12 months |
08.Health: status and disability, access to, availability and use of health care and health determinants - 2 collected variables (2 biennially) | Disability and other elements of Minimum European Health Module | GENHEALTH | Self-perceived general health |
Elements of the Minimum European Health Module | GALI | Limitation in activities because of health problems |
09.Income, consumption and elements of wealth, including debts - 2 collected variables (1 quarterly; 1 yearly) - 1 technical variable | Income from work | INCGROSS | Gross monthly pay from the main job |
INCGROSS_F | Flag on gross monthly pay from main job |
Income from unemployment allowances | REGISTER | Registration at a public employment service (PES) |
03b.Labour market participation - 11 collected variables (11 eight-yearly) | Labour market situation of migrants and their immediate descendants | HATPAR | Educational attainment level of the respondent’s parents |
HATCNTR | Country where the highest level of education was successfully completed |
JOBSATISF | Job satisfaction |
DISCRIMI | Feeling of being discriminated against at work in the current job |
JOBOBSTA | Main obstacle to getting a suitable job |
PRKNLANG | Skills in the main host country language before migrating |
LANGHOST | Current skills in the main host country language |
SKILLEQ | Skill equivalence new main and old main job |
LANGCOUR | Participation in course for the main host country language |
DURFIJOB | Time required to find the first paid job in the host country |
ESTQUAL | Recognition of formal qualifications obtained abroad |