
ANNEXNumber and title of the variables for the dataset in the labour force domain

Topic Detailed topic Variable identifier Variable name

01.Technical Items - 23 technical variables (19 quarterly; 4 yearly) - 1 derived variable

Data collection informationREFYEARYear of survey
REFWEEKReference week
REFMONTHReference month
INTWEEKInterview week
HHTYPELiving in a private household or an institution
PSUPrimary sampling unit
FSUFinal (or ultimate) sampling unit
DEWEIGHTDesign weight
IdentificationIDENTUnique identifier
HHNUMSerial number of the household
HHSEQNUMSequence number in the household
WeightsCOEFFQQuarterly weighting factor
COEFFYYearly weighting factor
COEFF2YWeighting factor for the two-yearly variables
COEFFMODYearly weighting factor — module
COEFFHHYearly household weighting factor
Interview characteristicsINTWAVESequence number of the survey wave
INTQUESTQuestionnaire used
MODEInterviewing mode used
PROXYNature of participation in the survey
LocalisationCOUNTRYCountry of residence
REGIONRegion of residence
DEGURBADegree of urbanisation

02.Person and household characteristics - 14 collected variables (9 quarterly; 4 yearly; 1 biennially) - 1 derived variable

YEARBIRYear of birth
PASSBIRPassing of birthday
AGEAge in completed years
Citizenship and migrant backgroundCITIZENSHIPCountry of main citizenship
COUNTRYBCountry of birth
COBFATHCountry of birth of the father
COBMOTHCountry of birth of the mother
Reasons for migrationMIGREASMain reason for migrating
Household compositionHHLINKRelationship to the reference person in the household
Household composition — additional specific detailsHHSPOUSequence number of partner
HHFATHSequence number of father
HHMOTHSequence number of mother
Stay in the countryYEARESIDDuration of stay in the country of residence in completed years
COUNTRPRCountry of previous residence

03.Labour market participation - 35 collected variables (25 quarterly; 10 yearly) - 2 derived variables

Employment statusWKSTATWorking in the reference week
ABSREASMain reason for absence from work during the entire reference week
JATTACHJob attachment
EMPSTATBeing in employment
ILOSTATILO employment status
Second or multiple job(s)NUMJOBNumber of jobs
STAPRO2JStatus in employment in second job
NACE2J2DEconomic activity of the local unit for second job
Search for employmentSEEKWORKSearching for employment during the 4 weeks ending in the reference week
SEEKREASMain reason for not searching for employment
ACTMETNEHaving used an active search method to find a job (for not employed people)
SEEKDURDuration of search for employment
Willingness to workWANTWORKWillingness to work even if not searching for employment
WANTREASMain reason for not wanting to work
UnderemploymentWISHMOREWish to work more than the current number of usual hours
AvailabilityAVAILBLEAvailability to start working immediately or to work more
AVAIREASMain reason for not being available to start working immediately or to work more
WorkplaceCOUNTRYWCountry of place of work for main job
REGIONWRegion of place of work for main job
Working at homeHOMEWORKWorking at home for the main job
Elementary job characteristicsSTAPROStatus in employment in main job
NACE3DEconomic activity of the local unit for main job
ISCO4DOccupation in main job
FTPTFull- or part-time main job (self-defined)
Duration of contractTEMPPermanency of main job
TEMPDURTotal duration of temporary main job
Details of contractTEMPREASMain reason for having a temporary main job
TEMPAGCYContract with a temporary employment agency for the main job
Full- or part-time status — reasonFTPTREASMain reason for part-time work in the main job
Dependent self-employmentMAINCLNTNumber and importance of clients in the 12 months ending with the reference week
VARITIMEDecision on the start and end of working time
Supervisory responsibilitiesSUPVISORSupervisory responsibilities in main job
Establishment sizeSIZEFIRMSize of the local unit for main job
Search for another jobLOOKOJLooking for another job
HWWISHNumber of hours that the person would like to work in total in a week
Care needsNEEDCAREMain reason why care for children or incapacitated relatives limits labour market participation
Main activity status (self-defined)MAINSTATMain activity status (self-defined)

04.Educational attainment and background - 4 collected variables (1 quarterly; 3 yearly)

Educational attainment levelHATLEVELEducational attainment level (highest level of education successfully completed)
Educational attainment – details, including education interrupted or abandonedHATFIELDField of the highest level of education successfully completed
HATYEARYear when the highest level of education was successfully completed
HATWORKWork experience at a workplace as part of HATLEVEL

05.Job tenure, work biography and previous work experience - 11 collected variables (6 quarterly; 5 yearly)

Start of jobYSTARTWKYear in which person started working for current employer or as self-employed in current main job
MSTARTWKMonth in which person started working for current employer or as self-employed in current main job
Way job foundWAYJFOUNPublic employment service helped to find the current main job
FINDMETHMost effective method used to find the current main job (for persons in employment)
Career continuity and breaksEXISTPRExistence of previous employment experience
YEARPRYear in which person left the last job or business
MONTHPRMonth in which person left the last job or business
LEAVREASMain reason for leaving last job or business
Elementary characteristics of the last jobSTAPROPRStatus in employment in last job or business
NACEPR2DEconomic activity of the local unit in which person last worked
ISCOPR3DOccupation in the last job

06.Working conditions including working hours and working time arrangements - 14 collected variables (9 quarterly; 5 biennially)

Working hoursCONTRHRSContractual working hours in main job
HWUSUALNumber of hours per week usually worked in main job
ABSHOLIDDays of absence from main job due to holidays and leave
ABSILLINJDays of absence from main job due to own illness, injury or temporary disability
ABSOTHERDays of absence from main job due to other reasons
EXTRAHRSOvertime or extra hours worked in main job
HWACTUALNumber of hours actually worked in main job
HWUSU2JNumber of hours per week usually worked in second job
HWACTU2JNumber of hours actually worked in second job
Working time arrangementsSHIFTWKShift work in main job
EVENWKEvening work in main job
NIGHTWKNight work in main job
SATWKSaturday work in main job
SUNWKSunday work in main job

07.Participation in education and training - 6 collected variables (3 quarterly; 3 biennially)

Participation in formal and non-formal education and training (4 weeks)EDUCFED4Participation in formal education and training (student or apprentice) in the last 4 weeks
EDUCLEV4Level of the most recent formal education or training activity in the last 4 weeks
EDUCNFE4Participation in non-formal education and training in the last 4 weeks
Participation in formal and non-formal education and training (12 months)EDUCFED12Participation in formal education and training (student or apprentice) in the last 12 months
EDUCLEV12Level of the most recent formal education or training activity in the last 12 months
EDUCNFE12Participation in non-formal education and training in the last 12 months

08.Health: status and disability, access to, availability and use of health care and health determinants - 2 collected variables (2 biennially)

Disability and other elements of Minimum European Health ModuleGENHEALTHSelf-perceived general health
Elements of the Minimum European Health ModuleGALILimitation in activities because of health problems

09.Income, consumption and elements of wealth, including debts - 2 collected variables (1 quarterly; 1 yearly) - 1 technical variable

Income from workINCGROSSGross monthly pay from the main job
INCGROSS_FFlag on gross monthly pay from main job
Income from unemployment allowancesREGISTERRegistration at a public employment service (PES)

03b.Labour market participation - 11 collected variables (11 eight-yearly)

Labour market situation of migrants and their immediate descendantsHATPAREducational attainment level of the respondent’s parents
HATCNTRCountry where the highest level of education was successfully completed
JOBSATISFJob satisfaction
DISCRIMIFeeling of being discriminated against at work in the current job
JOBOBSTAMain obstacle to getting a suitable job
PRKNLANGSkills in the main host country language before migrating
LANGHOSTCurrent skills in the main host country language
SKILLEQSkill equivalence new main and old main job
LANGCOURParticipation in course for the main host country language
DURFIJOBTime required to find the first paid job in the host country
ESTQUALRecognition of formal qualifications obtained abroad